Wings of Love

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Wings of Love Page 14

by Scotty Cade

  “Mac, we can’t stay locked away in this cabin the rest of our lives. If this is going to work, we need to be honest with ourselves and the people we love. How do you think my friends are going to react to this? Jeff’s been dead just over six months, and I’m already involved with someone else. Hell, it sounds awful hearing the words when I say them, and I think I know how we got here.”

  “Okay,” Mac said. “Why don’t we just see how this next week goes and take it from there. How hard can it be to behave ourselves in front of Jack?”

  Brad looked up and smiled, and Mac kissed him.

  “That’s a pretty tall order,” Brad said. “But I’ll do my best.”

  “That’s all I could ever ask of you, Bradford,” Mac said as he buried his face in Brad’s neck.

  “Let’s turn in,” Mac said. “We have an early morning.”

  “Okay by me,” Brad said.

  They brushed their teeth and slid beneath the warmth of the blankets on their bed. Mac rolled on top of Brad and looked deeply into his eyes with a strange look.

  “You have something to say, Mac?” Brad said.

  “More like something to ask,” Mac replied.

  “Go for it,” Brad said.

  Mac looked a little embarrassed and was starting to blush.

  “Come on, Mac,” Brad said. “You can ask me anything.”

  “I want you to do to me what I’ve been doing to you this entire week,” he shyly choked out.

  “Mac, you want me to fuck you?” Brad asked, as Mac’s face turned a deeper shade of red. “Oh man, why didn’t you say so?”

  “I didn’t know I wanted you to. I mean, I knew it would probably happen sooner or later, but you seem to enjoy it so much, I want to see what it feels like.”

  “My pleasure,” Brad said with a sly grin. “But let me just say, it’s not always great the first time. Your body needs time to adjust to the sensation, but I’ll be very slow and gentle, and hopefully you’ll enjoy it.”

  Mac slid to Brad’s side, and Brad rolled over on top of Mac.

  Brad looked down into Mac’s eyes. “It’s really important to me that you enjoy this, so I’m really going to take my time and get you relaxed and ready.”

  Mac gave Brad a trusting look and closed his eyes as Brad started nibbling on his earlobe. Brad was rewarded with a shiver, which encouraged him to go further. He kissed his way down to Mac’s neck and caressed the same spot that Mac loved so much on him. From there, he slowly licked his way to Mac’s left nipple. Mac shivered again as Brad lightly bit down on it and circled his tongue around and around. He slowly moved to Mac’s right nipple and flicked his tongue over it until it became as hard as Mac’s growing erection.

  Brad felt Mac’s cock growing against his stomach as he worked his way down Mac’s muscular chest and washboard stomach. Mac gasped when Brad encircled his enlarged cock with his warm lips. He held on tight, a handful of bed linens in each hand, as Brad started to move up and down in a slow, steady motion. When Brad thought Mac was getting close to shooting his load, he released his hold on Mac’s dick and focused his attention on his balls. He lightly ran his tongue over Mac’s scrotum and slowly lifted Mac’s legs and pushed them back until Mac’s knees were up against his chest.

  Finally, he got a glimpse of what he’d been working his way down toward. Mac’s pucker was as beautiful and perfect as he remembered. He started by teasing it with the tip of his tongue. Mac’s sweet taste had Brad’s own cock swelling at an amazing rate. He rubbed his tongue over the sensitive area repeatedly, until he heard Mac begin to purr. He felt Mac’s tight hole begin to loosen to his touch as Mac relaxed and went with the feeling. Mac started to squirm under Brad’s assault on his ass, moving his hips and thrusting forward into Brad’s intrusion. Brad started fucking Mac with his tongue while he pulled Mac’s cheeks apart. Brad reached for the lotion on the bedside table and squirted some on his index finger. He rubbed a little on Mac’s hole and gently massaged the area. Brad slowly pushed his finger into Mac’s tight little ass bit by bit until he was up to the first knuckle. He looked at Mac’s face to try and read his expression and was surprised to see a relaxed look and slight smile on Mac’s lips. He took this as a sign that he should proceed. He slid his finger farther into Mac’s ass until it was in as far as it would go. He lowered his head and again took Mac into his mouth. He slid his mouth all the way down until Mac’s dick was resting at the back of his throat. He then turned his finger and found the sweet spot he was looking for.

  Mac came up off of the bed as he said, “Oh my God, Brad. What are you doing to me?”

  Brad smiled at the question, but he didn’t lose his concentration. He continued to move his finger over Mac’s prostate while he moved his mouth up and down his huge erection. Mac said, “Brad, I’m so close.”

  Brad slowly slid his finger out of Mac’s ass and released his cock.

  “Are you okay, Mac?” he asked.

  “Oh yeah,” Mac said. “Everything you’re doing feels so incredible. I’m so relaxed, I feel like a limp noodle.”

  Brad scooted up to Mac’s ass and squeezed some lotion into his hand and spread it all over himself and again around Mac’s waiting hole. He positioned himself against Mac’s opening and applied a little pressure. Mac released the bed linens and placed his hand on Brad’s thigh, as if to control the intrusion. Brad pushed a little farther until the head of his dick breached Mac’s hole.

  Mac said, “Wow, give me a minute.”

  As difficult as it was not to move, Brad stilled himself until Mac gave him the okay. As Mac relaxed and opened up to Brad, he gave him the signal to proceed. Brad slowly applied a little more pressure until Mac finally opened up and accepted him. Brad began to move very slowly. He gently pulled almost all the way out and slowly slid back in. Brad watched the tension leave Mac’s body as he gave in to the sensation.

  “How are you doing, flyboy?” Brad asked.

  “Not bad… such a strange feeling of fullness,” he said.

  Brad kept moving, very slowly, and finally hit the magic button again. Mac again came off of the bed and said, “There, that feels so good, Brad.”

  Mac’s dick was dripping with precum, and Brad knew he wasn’t far from shooting. He reapplied lotion to his hand and began to stroke Mac’s dick as he was fucking him.

  “Oh Jesus,” Mac said.

  Brad continued to stroke Mac’s cock while Mac guided Brad’s dick and controlled the rhythm. Mac pulled Brad up against him as tightly as he could and held him there. “Brad, I’m about to shoot.”

  He released Brad, and Brad again started to move. Building slowly, he plowed harder and harder into Mac until he felt Mac’s ass tighten around his dick. Mac arched his back as Brad continued to stroke Mac’s dick through his orgasm. Brad’s own balls began to draw up, and he knew he was about to unload into Mac. He felt his own orgasm build as he exploded into Mac.

  Mac continued to shoot his load onto his chest as Brad filled his ass. When they were both spent, Brad stopped and held himself tightly against Mac’s ass.

  Mac lowered his legs and positioned them on both sides of Brad, as Brad withdrew and slid out of him. Mac suddenly felt very empty and wanted Brad back in him, but Brad fell on the bed next to Mac and tried to catch his breath.

  Mac was the first one to move. He turned to face Brad and said, “Thank you.”

  “You’re thanking me?” Brad said. “Thank you.”

  Mac smiled and kissed Brad very gently.

  “It was amazing and strange all at the same time,” Mac said. “That spot you kept rubbing against, man, I thought I was going to crawl out of my skin.”

  “The amazing prostate,” Brad said. “Does it every time.”

  They laughed for a second, and Mac said, “Seriously, Brad, you are introducing me to so many pleasures I never knew existed. It’s like I just crawled out from under a rock.”

  “Mac, there’s so much more I want to show you, and I plan on taking my time doing i
t,” Brad said as he walked to the bathroom to get a wet cloth. He returned and cleaned himself and Mac and dropped the wet towel on the floor. Brad nestled into Mac, and Mac tightened his grip on Brad as they both closed their eyes. Mac felt a sudden flash of fear. Oh shit, Jack’s coming tomorrow, he thought. Why do I have this sinking feeling that this little world Brad and I have created for ourselves is about to be blown wide open?

  Chapter 25

  THE morning came very early. Mac had set the alarm for five o’clock, but he didn’t really need it. He hadn’t slept for more than two hours off and on and had been up since three o’clock. He kissed Brad’s neck as he slid out of bed to get some coffee going. He stood at the foot of the bed, watching Brad sleep.

  “We’ve come so far in six months, Brad,” he whispered. “I hope we can hold on to what we have.” I’ve gone from straight widower to gay lover in just over six months. That must be a record or something, he thought.

  He tiptoed to the kitchen to set up the coffee, naked again—something he’d become very accustomed to in the last week. Something he’d never done before, even when he was alone at home. When the coffee was starting to drip, he headed to the bathroom to take a quick shower and get dressed.

  When he came out of the bathroom, Brad was pouring two cups of coffee.

  “What are you doing up?” Mac asked.

  “I’ve grown very accustomed to having you in my bed. When you get up, I get up. I’ve decided I’m taking you down the mountain on the snowmobile.”

  “Are you now?” Mac asked.

  “Yep, it’s a beautiful morning, and it’s the last bit of time we’ll have together for the next week, and I want to enjoy it.”

  “I’d like that,” Mac said.

  Brad handed Mac his coffee and kissed him good morning without stopping as he made his way to the bathroom to get showered and dressed.

  Mac sat down at the kitchen table with both hands around his warm coffee cup. He bowed his head and looked down into the cup as if searching for an answer. He didn’t want Jack to know about him and Brad, not yet, maybe not ever. But he couldn’t ask Brad to be anything other than who he was, and he owed it to Brad to not act any differently toward him in front of Jack. So how could they be themselves around Jack and not have Jack pick up on their romantic relationship? He was in a no-win situation, and he couldn’t shake this feeling that he was about to lose the only person he’d ever wanted since Lindsey died.

  As he was dumping the last of his cold coffee down the drain, Brad stepped out of the bathroom, looking as naturally gorgeous as anyone could look. His wet hair was slicked back, and he was wearing a red plaid flannel shirt and blue jeans. He was simply stunning to look at. Six months ago, I never even noticed another guy, and now it’s all I can do to keep my hands off of him. I’ve got it bad, he thought.

  He met Brad halfway across the room and took him in his arms. He buried his face in Brad’s neck, a spot he realized had become his obsession. He breathed in the familiar scent, mixed with a fresh, soapy smell. He loved to run his tongue over Brad’s skin and savor his taste, and he especially loved the way Brad wiggled when he gently nibbled on the sensitive area.

  Brad sensed the apprehension in Mac and tried to reassure him the only way he knew how. He held on and melted into his embrace.

  Mac looked at his watch and said, “Time to go.”

  “If you’re waiting on me, you’re backing up, flyboy,” Brad said.

  They opened the cabin door to a beautiful, bright, crisp morning. Everything was still white and untouched, with the exception of a few rabbit tracks across the patch.

  Brad hopped on the snowmobile with Mac right behind him. Mac wrapped his arms around Brad’s waist and hung on tightly. With the push of a button, the engine was whining, and they were gone. Brad took the same route down the mountain they had blazed coming up, and the scenery was just as spectacular. They reached the plane in record time.

  “This sure beats hiking,” Brad yelled over the whine of the engine.

  “No shit, huh?” Mac replied.

  Brad pulled up to the little dock and turned off the engine. He sat on the snowmobile and watched Mac as he climbed into the plane and started the engine while he did his checklist.

  Brad could see the hesitation in Mac’s step, something he had never witnessed before, as Mac was always so self-assured. Mac was in distress, and he felt for him, but sooner or later, if this relationship was going to work, Mac needed to come clean to his brother-in-law and daughter. But Brad decided that he would make it as easy on Mac as he could. He would try to not do anything to clue Jack in on their relationship until Mac was ready—if he would ever be ready. He would follow Mac’s lead when it came to Jack.

  When the checklist was finished, Mac joined Brad at the snowmobile.

  Brad was humming a song he hadn’t thought about since his parents died.

  “That about does it,” Mac said. “What’s that you’re humming?”

  “Before I share that, can we talk for a minute before you take off?” Brad asked.

  “Sure,” Mac said.

  Brad looked off into the distance and took in the full beauty of his surroundings. “I know you’re struggling, Mac. I can see it in your every move. And I don’t know what I can do about it.”

  Mac turned Brad’s face toward his and said, “Look at me, Brad. I can’t ask you to do anything about it. It wouldn’t be fair to you, and being fair to you is really important to me. I promised you that I would never ask you to be anyone but yourself, and I’ll keep that promise. I—”

  Brad interrupted as he turned his head away again. “I know right now that you would like nothing better than for the two of us to spend the rest of our lives tucked away in our little paradise, but that’s not reality, Mac. There’s a huge world out there, and now that I have a second chance at happiness, I feel like I want to experience it all… with you.”

  Mac looked out to where Brad was staring.

  Still staring in the distance, Brad said, “The song I was humming is a song that was sung at my parents’ funeral. It’s called ‘I’m Gonna Live Till I Die’, and they did. I hadn’t thought about that song in so many years, but sitting here, watching you prepare to leave, brought them back to me. The words say a lot about how I’m feeling right now.”

  Brad started to sing the song. “‘Ain’t gonna miss a thing, I’m gonna have my fling. I’m gonna live, live, live till I die.’”

  Brad stopped singing and finally turned to look Mac in the eyes. Tears were running down his cheeks, and Mac was heartbroken. He reached up and brushed the tears away with his thumb, and Brad took his hand in his.

  “When I walked into that airport,” he said. “I was emotionally dead. I was simply going through the motions of life, and you pulled me through. And now, because of you, I want it all. I want you, Mac, and I want to live because of you.”

  Now tears were falling down Mac’s cheeks as well, and it was Brad’s turn to wipe them away.

  Brad continued. “Mac, I will be on my best behavior. You mean too much to me to lose you now. I won’t do anything to jeopardize your relationship with Jack, or Zoe-Grace, for that matter. What and when you tell them will be your decision.”

  Mac launched toward Brad so hard they both fell off the other side of the snowmobile into a pile of snow.

  “Thank you, Brad,” he said. “I just need a little time to adjust, and I will tell them, I promise you.”

  Brad put his arms around Mac’s neck and kissed him.

  “Hurry back, flyboy,” he said. “I’ll be waiting.”

  Mac nodded and stood. He helped Brad to his feet, and together, hand in hand, they walked to the plane. Mac climbed into the cockpit while Brad released the lines. Mac waved as Brad watched the little plane holding his future take to the sky. He watched until the plane was out of sight. He decided to hike back up the mountain and leave the snowmobile for Mac and Jack when they returned.

  Chapter 26

BRAD got back to the cabin after a breathtaking hike and immediately turned on the VHF radio. Eventually, he heard a static-fused Mac request permission to land, and knew Mac had made it safely to Anchorage. He was carrying in the last load of firewood as he again heard Mac’s familiar voice requesting permission to take off.

  Well, he thought. They’ll be here in an hour or so, and this should be very interesting.

  Brad continued to do chores around the cabin to busy himself until they arrived. He was on his hands and knees, scrubbing the shower, when he heard, “November 4649 Delta calling Wing Mansion, Wing Mansion, do you copy?”

  Brad dropped the sponge and ran for the radio.

  “This is Wing Mansion. Over.”

  “Hey, Brad, switch to channel one eight. Over.”

  “Wing Mansion switching to one eight.”

  “Wing Mansion to November 4649 Delta. Over.”

  “Hey, Brad, how’s it going? Over.”

  “It’s going great here. Did you pick up your passengers? Over.”

  “All three are on board and whiny as hell. They keep asking for peanuts. Over.”

  “Don’t they know that no reputable airline will serve peanuts anymore? Over.”

  “I don’t think they saw the memo. Brad, once we land, I’ll walk over to the lodge and get another snowmobile, and we’ll see you shortly. Over.”

  “No need, Mac, I hiked up so you boys could have the snowmobile. I knew you’d have luggage. Over.”

  “Good man. Over.”

  “Yeah, I know. What’s your ETA, Mac? Over.”

  “We’ll be on the ground in about twenty, so we’ll see you in just under an hour. Over.”

  Knowing Mac had headphones on and the passengers couldn’t hear him, he said, “Be careful, Mac. Over.”

  “Roger that, see you in a little while. Over. November 4649 Delta switching back to channel one six.”


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