Forbidden Seduction (Lee County Wolves Series) Book #2

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Forbidden Seduction (Lee County Wolves Series) Book #2 Page 9

by Teresa Gabelman

  “Get out of here.” Hunter turned toward Marcus, Steve, and then Garrett. “Leave.”

  Garrett gave him one warning look before nodding for Steve and Marcus to follow him. Once they were gone, Hunter turned toward Dell.

  “I don’t want to fight with you anymore, but Emily is my mate.” Hunter wished to hell his mouth would stop bleeding as he spat more blood. “I understand your concern, but I’m different. I’ve changed, and the only person I need to prove that to is Emily, not you or anyone else.”

  “I won’t see her hurt, and you have a track record of doing that,” Dell replied, wiping blood from his nose.

  “The last thing I want to do is hurt Emily any more than I already have.” Hunter sighed, getting sick of this conversation. He had been a real bastard and understood the mistrust, but dammit, they needed to give him a fucking chance. No one seemed to be willing to do that. “I’ve known for a long time that Emily was my mate, but I’ve fought it and not because it was Emily.”

  Dell stood still, listening. “You are not your parents,” Dell replied, understanding in his tone, but his stare remained strong.

  “After seeing Garrett and Janna, I know how it can really be,” Hunter finally admitted. “And seeing the VC Warriors with their mates showed me that what we grew up with wasn’t the norm.”

  “As I said before, I know she is not my mate, so she will never know my feelings,” Dell stated, his stare unwavering. “I will not even chance hurting her if I do happen to find my mate as I’ve said before, but heed this warning, Hunter. If you hurt her again, I will kill you.”

  Hunter tilted his head and really looked at Dell, understanding hitting him in the gut, hard. “If I hurt her again, I will personally find you to do that deed because it’s the last damn thing I ever want to do again.”

  Dell waited for a few minutes, studying Hunter before he finally moved. Sticking out his hand, he clasped Hunter’s in a strong grip. “I’ll back off.”

  Nodding his appreciation, Hunter turned back toward the house, but not before spitting out more blood. “Son of a bitch, are your fists made of fucking bricks?”

  “I think you broke my damn nose.” Dell touched it then grimaced. “Does it look broken?”

  Hunter looked over. “Damn, I think it’s straighter.”

  “Really?” Dell felt his nose again. “It hurts like a bitch.”

  They both walked in the kitchen laughing, Hunter’s eyes going directly to Emily.

  “See, I told you.” Jill chuckled, nudging Emily. “Just like the Warriors. They fight and then all is good.”

  Chapter 13

  Emily had been coerced into staying and eating. She remained quiet around the large table. Slade had allowed Janna to come down to sit with them to eat. Garrett had fired up the grill making hamburgers and hot dogs. Everything tasted bland to her, but she forced it down knowing that Slade was also watching her closely, as was Hunter. Every time she looked his way, his eyes were fixed on her.

  “So, you got a boyfriend?” Steve asked Leda, who was sitting next to him.

  Before Leda could answer, three loud nos were fiercely growled directly at Steve.

  “What?” Steve spread his arms wide. “I was just asking.”

  “Sloan didn’t send you down here to flirt.” Leaning back in his chair, Slade eyed Steve.

  Emily saw Leda blush while she sneaked a look at Steve and smiled. It appeared Leda had a little crush going on with the young vampire. How sweet.

  “Why did Sloan agree to send you? With all the shit going on, I forgot to ask.” Hunter frowned. “I thought he was sending Dillon.”

  “Don’t know and didn’t ask. You kind of learn to do that with Sloan.” Steve shrugged. “Guess he wanted to send the best man for the job.”

  Emily chuckled when Steve gave Leda a sneaky wink. It wasn’t sneaky enough.

  “Dude, you better watch yourself,” Marcus growled the words, pointing his fork at him.

  “Are you guys staying tonight?” Emily asked Jill, hoping to save Steve.

  Jill glanced at Slade, who nodded. “Looks like we are.” Jill grinned. “We needed a mini-vacation.”

  “So what’s it like to be a VC Warrior?” Emily enjoyed talking to Jill. She was so pretty with her short spiked hair that was tipped in dark blue. She could also tell that the doctor Warrior was totally in love with his mate. That thought made her sigh. Hunter had said she was his mate, but she really couldn’t understand how that could be. She watched Janna and Garrett together, as well as Jill and Slade, and her relationship with Hunter was far from what they shared. Her heart felt heavy at that thought.

  “I love it. Though, being the only woman can be a pain in the ass.” Jill cocked an eyebrow. “I wouldn’t want to be doing anything else.”

  “She’s a kick-ass chick,” Steve added. “I wouldn’t mess with her.”

  Marcus snorted, as did the other males other than Hunter. Steve and Slade just smirked.

  Steve laughed, shaking his head. “You guys don’t even know.”

  “She’s five feet tall.” Marcus rolled his eyes before quickly glancing at Jill. “No offense.”

  Emily watched Jill’s eyes narrow slightly.

  “None taken.” Jill dropped her napkin on the table. “Though I’ve never backed down from a challenge.”

  “That wasn’t a challenge.” Marcus gave her a sideways glance as if she were crazy.

  “Oh, shit.” Steve pushed back from the table, obviously enjoying the turn of conversation. “You’ve gone and woken the beast.”

  “She’d kick your ass, bro.” Hunter leaned back in his chair rubbing his stomach.

  “You’re that good?” Emily glanced at Jill, who looked damn confident.

  “She’s that good,” Steve answered for Jill.

  “Well, I’ve never laid a hand on a woman, and I’m not starting today.” Marcus found an out to what he started, or so he thought.

  “You’d never get close enough.” Jill snorted, cracking her neck back and forth like a prizefighter ready for the ring.

  “I put a hundred on Jill.” Hunter laid that on the table, so to speak.

  “I think I got a hundred.” Steve grinned, digging in his pocket.

  “What about you, Doc?” Steve cocked his eyebrow. “You gonna bet on your sweetie pie.”

  Slade smiled but didn’t say anything, though Jill did.

  “Steve, call me sweetie pie again and I’ll shove that hundred up your ass.” Jill stood, looking at Slade. “Can you spot me a hundred? Momma needs a new pair of shoes, baby.”

  “You’re betting on yourself?” Marcus’s eyes opened wide.

  “I always bet on a sure thing,” Jill shot back. “Come on, big guy. No way you can lose this bet, right?”

  “Now, wait a minute.” Marcus pushed away from the table.

  “My money’s on Marcus.” Dell dug into his pocket.

  Soon there was money flying everywhere. Even Garrett put up a hundred with a big grin.

  “What about you, Emily?” Steve asked excitedly. He was the bookie for this little bet.

  “Oh, I don’t have that kind of money.” She laughed, shaking her head.

  “Who are you for?” Hunter winked at her, pulling out another hundred. “Come on, who?”

  Glancing down at Marcus, who was just staring at her, she bit her lip. “Jill.”

  “Damn, Emily.” Marcus shook his head, but a small smile curved one corner of his mouth. “That hurt.”

  Emily shrugged. “We women need to stick together.”

  Hunter gave Steve her hundred and then glanced down at her with a wink.

  “You are seriously going to let your woman fight me?” Marcus glared at Slade.

  Slade stood, towering over everyone at the table. He had pulled out a hundred for Jill but hadn’t bet for himself. He pulled out another hundred and handed it to Steve.

  “And I take it this is for Jill.” Steve snorted, glancing at Marcus. “Guess you got your answer.”
  “Ah, thanks, babe.” Jill wrapped her arms around Slade before heading outside. “You coming?” she teased Marcus with a cocked eyebrow.

  “This is fucking insane.” Marcus frowned. “I just said she was five feet tall. That wasn’t a fucking challenge.”

  “The betting is closing.” Steve waved the money at Marcus. “You want to place your bet?”

  Growling at Steve, Marcus followed Jill outside.

  As everyone headed to the backyard, Emily’s stomach dipped nervously. It had all seemed like fun and games, but it was really going to happen. She wasn’t sure this was a good idea. Jill only came to Marcus’s chest.

  “I’ve seen her in action.” Hunter came up beside her, taking her hand and leading her to the backyard. “Marcus won’t get anywhere near her.”

  Emily and Hunter stood next to a nervous-looking Janna. “This could go really badly,” Janna whispered to Emily.

  “It will be fine,” Emily said, hoping that was true. “I don’t think Slade would let her do something that would put her in danger.”

  Both Emily and Janna looked over at Slade, who stood with his arms crossed, his eyes intently watching his mate. Yeah, no way he was going to let her get hurt.

  The group watched as Jill and Marcus faced off. Jill crouched, her arms out to her sides as she shifted from foot to foot.

  “Okay, big guy,” Jill taunted with a grin. “Let’s see what you’ve got. You can shift if you need to.”

  Marcus snorted, cracking his knuckles. “You got a lot of cocky in that little body of yours, don’t ya.”

  “You don’t even know.” Slade actually rolled his eyes, but the grin on his face said he adored her, cocky or not.

  “Nah, just confident.” Jill grinned and then started hopping around. “Nothing wrong with confidence.”

  “Go on, Marcus,” Hunter called out. “Make a move. Don’t be scared.”

  “Shut the fuck up, Hunter,” Marcus said with a growl, narrowing his eyes at him. “Why don’t you come out here and give it a go?”

  “You’re the one with the big mouth,” Hunter shot back, his smile growing as if he knew a secret. “Plus, I know better than to mess with Jill.”

  “Ah, bullshit.” Marcus huffed. He then made a sudden movement toward Jill. “She’s just a gir—”

  Emily watched amazed as Jill shot her hands out in a blur of movement. Marcus shot up in the air hanging for a second before Jill pulled him toward her, and then with a forceful push, Marcus went flying into the small lake.

  “That did not just happen.” Emily shook her head in amazement.

  “Oh, it did.” Hunter laughed so hard he was bent over.

  “I’ll be damned.” Garrett was also laughing, staring at Jill in awe. “How in the hell did you do that?”

  Marcus came up sputtering and cursing. “That’s cheating.”

  “And that’s what losers always say,” Jill shot back with a proud grin.

  “Well, son of a bitch.” Marcus slipped and clawed his way out of the lake, swiping the hair out of his eyes.

  “Pay up!” Jill threw her hand out toward Steve.

  “Not so fast.” Marcus stood straight, a sly grin on his face. “My wolf wants a turn.”

  “Bring it.” Jill put her hands on her hips, stepping back when Marcus began to shake.

  Emily had seen them shift, and she was still in awe as she watched Marcus the man being replaced before her very eyes as Marcus the wolf. She also noticed that Slade had moved much closer to Jill, his body alert.

  “He’s going to be much stronger, Jill,” Slade said to her, his eyes on the massive wolf standing before his mate. “Don’t lose focus.”

  Jill nodded, once again cracking her neck back and forth. “I got this.”

  The wolf shook the water off his fur before tilting his head staring intently at Jill. Instead of coming straight for her, he paced from side to side. All the time his head hung low, never losing eye contact with her.

  Hunter left her side, and she watched as Garrett and Dell also made their way closer to Marcus. Leda moved closer too.

  “What’s going on?” Emily asked Janna, feeling very nervous for Jill.

  “Sometimes our wolf is a little more competitive than we are as humans,” Janna replied, absently rubbing her stomach. “Marcus would never really hurt her, but his wolf may get a little excited, making it hard for Marcus to totally control it. They are just making sure things stay… predictable.”

  Emily’s eyes followed Hunter and felt chills and tingles play havoc with her skin. He was so damn handsome with his wild multicolored hair. He had that rugged bad-boy look that made her heart flutter every damn time she saw him.

  “What’s he doing?” she heard Jill ask.

  “He’s stalking his prey,” Hunter answered, his tone teasing but his body ready.

  “Oh, well I wish he’d hurry,” Jill said flippantly. “I have to pee.”

  The wolf raised its lip in a snarl and then did a smooth leap before hitting the ground heading straight for Jill. Emily held her breath, almost closing her eyes in fear for Jill. Once again, Jill threw out her hands, but only slowed the wolf down. Emily watched Jill’s feet slide in the grass moving her backward. The wolf slowly headed toward her as if in slow motion.

  “You need to push, Jill,” Slade ordered her, his eyes never leaving the wolf.

  Jill bent her arms back and with a loud grunt, pushed with everything she had. The wolf flipped backward rolling toward the lake as Jill flew the opposite way landing on her ass. Both scrambled to their feet, but the wolf was faster and was in front of Jill before she could put her hands up. Slade was ready to reach for the wolf but stopped when the wolf wagged its tail and licked Jill from her chin to her forehead before trotting off.

  “Yuck!” Jill spat, wiping her face. “That’s definitely cheating!” she yelled after Marcus.

  “Dude, I think he just kissed Jill,” Steve told Slade with a grimace.

  Before everyone went inside, Marcus came back wearing only a pair of jeans. He walked straight up to Jill and held out his hand with a smirk on his face.

  “I totally underestimated you.” He grinned down at her as she shook his hand. “You are a certified badass in my book.”

  “Thank you,” Jill replied with a huge grin. “Guess we’ll leave it with a tie.”

  Marcus laughed and nodded. He then shook Slade’s hand. “No hard feelings about the kiss.”

  Slade narrowed his eyes but gave a half grin. “Never do it again because if you think she’s a badass….”

  “He ain’t shitting ya.” Steve nodded toward Slade while returning the bets. “He has the same power but a hundred times stronger.”

  “For now.” Jill winked at Slade with a huge grin.

  Emily sat back watching everyone talking and joking. She stood… alone. She didn’t belong. Even though no one made her feel unwelcome, she knew she didn’t belong. Turning, she headed back inside to clean up so she could go home. It was getting late, and she still didn’t feel quite right. Sam ran up to her in excitement, gave her a quick hug around the legs and then took off with Max… ugh… Pepper. She would never stop calling her Max.

  Opening the door, she grabbed some of the dirtied paper plates and headed toward the kitchen to throw them away. “Oh, I’m sorry.” She stopped when she saw Leda and Steve in a deep kiss.

  They pulled away from each other so fast Leda stumbled backward, both looking guilty.

  “Hey, what’s going on?” Janna and Jill had followed Emily in, but thank God, they were a few seconds later. But that didn’t seem to matter; the guilty looks on Steve and Leda’s faces gave them away.

  “Damn, Steve, you just want your ass kicked.” Jill sighed with a shake of her head.

  “I know.” Steve looked a little freaked out. “What the hell is wrong with me?”

  “Hurry up and get out of here, both of you.” Janna shooed them out of the kitchen toward the front door. “The men will be coming in soon,
and just the looks on your faces are going to give you away. Go take a walk or something.”

  After everything was cleaned up, Emily quietly told Jill and Janna good-bye and let herself out the front door. She passed Leda and Steve heading back. Saying goodnight, Emily waved and smiled. They really did make a cute couple.

  Glancing up at the feed mill, she sighed. It was dark and ominous looking. With one last look behind her at Garrett’s house, she almost turned around and went back. It appeared so welcoming with the lights burning brightly and much less lonely, but with a resigned sigh, she marched forward. Deciding to go in the back, which was less scary because the light switch was right by that door, she headed around the massive building.

  A sound from the woods drew her attention, and she stopped to listen. A low rumble of a growl reached her ears and it sounded close. With keys in hand, she hurried up the steps, fumbling with the lock but dropped her keys. They hit the concrete steps falling into the weeds.

  “Shit!” She bent to pick them up, but the sound of running surrounded her and she took no chance. She jumped from the steps and ran close to the building to the front. Her head turned toward the threat, but her eyes were blind in the darkness. She saw nothing, yet knew the threat was real. With a scream in her throat, she turned to kick her ass into high gear when she hit something solid.

  Chapter 14

  Hunter went into the house after Garrett finished briefing them on what was going to be happening in the next few days with Janna. Slade was going to definitely stay through tomorrow and then would make a decision after the ultrasound. An alpha leaving town when he was being challenged, even for an hour, was risky, but nothing would keep him from Janna’s side.

  The discussion had developed into plans of what their future held. Jonah was going to mutual packs talking about a possible merger with others to make each stronger. It was a long shot, but one they had to take. Slade had been a wealth of information for them, answering all the questions and at one point, even had Sloan on speakerphone.

  Walking in, he found Jill and Janna sitting on the sofa talking quietly while Sam and his pup slept curled up together on the loveseat. Leda and Steve sat in the kitchen talking. Emily was nowhere to be found.


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