Forbidden Seduction (Lee County Wolves Series) Book #2

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Forbidden Seduction (Lee County Wolves Series) Book #2 Page 11

by Teresa Gabelman

  “Yeah, it does, but it’s part of the shifter way.” Garrett sounded tired, looked tired.

  “Slade, if you and Jill can hang around for a few more days, that would be great.” Garrett accepted Slade’s offer. “I feel much better having someone staying with Janna when I can’t and obviously, I trust Jill to do the job. I wouldn’t mind you going out on a few hunts with us to see if you find something we’re missing. I know the bastards are out there waiting, and I want to find them before they strike again. Now that I know Janna is going to be okay, I can focus more on taking care of business.”

  “Hey, what is the news on Janna?” Hunter asked, anxious to go and see Emily. Damn, he was acting like a fucking teenager with a hard-on. A month ago he would have made himself sick.

  “Let’s go out there and we’ll tell you together.” Garrett grinned, leading the way out to the backyard where Jill and Leda had set up a nice lunch by the lake for everyone.


  Emily sighed, watching Hunter walk her way with purpose. Leaning down, he kissed her in front of everyone. She wasn’t embarrassed. Instead, surprise sat heavily in her heart that one day he’d wanted nothing to do with her to then him walking straight up to her and kissing her. It was a lot to get used to, but she was willing to get used to being kissed by Hunter Foster.

  “Hey.” He sat down behind her on the bench, pulling her up against him.

  “Hey.” She leaned back into him. Her stomach pitched excitedly and her body warmed from his touch. She was ready to say more, but Garrett started talking.

  “We have some exciting news.” Garrett grinned down at Janna.

  “Scary news, but yes, exciting news,” Janna added. “We are having twins.”

  Emily smiled as everyone stood to congratulate them. Emily hugged Janna and was surprised when Garrett pulled her into a hug.

  “So everything is okay?” Hunter asked Slade, who stood back with a smile. “Janna is going to be fine?”

  “As long as she follows my orders.” Slade cocked his eyebrow at Janna as he answered Hunter. “She and the babies will be fine.”

  “So now I know why I’m getting so fat so fast.” Janna rolled her eyes with a laugh, rubbing her swollen belly. “I was really getting worried.”

  “You’re beautiful.” Garrett nuzzled her neck, making her laugh.

  “Do you know if they’re boys, girls, or one of each?” Leda asked excitedly.

  “I hope it ain’t n-no girl.” Sam made a gagging face. “Girls stink.”

  “Yeah, tell me that in ten years.” Marcus grinned at Sam.

  Sam ignored him as he and Pepper took off running. Emily’s body relaxed; she was content, and it was a great feeling. Reaching into her bag, she grabbed her shot. Discretely, she lifted her shirt and did the deed.

  “I hate that you have to do that.” Hunter watched her with a frown.

  “It’s nothing.” Emily shrugged before placing food on her plate. “I’ve been doing it for so long it doesn’t even bother me.”

  “Does it hurt?” Hunter didn’t go for food, his gaze intent on her.

  “No, not really,” she replied, but at his look, she sighed. “It’s not the most comfortable or convenient thing to do, but I manage just fine.”

  In truth, she hated being diabetic. It was a scary disease to get a handle on. Something that had worked for years could change in a heartbeat. What worked for one person may not work for another. It was different for everyone, but it could be worse, and she knew that. So far she had been able to treat it with the help of a decent doctor.

  “Aren’t you going to eat?” Emily held a chicken leg to his lips and laughed when he took a big bite.

  “Hey, that was my leg.” Emily gave a fake pout. She laughed when Hunter tried to get the rest. “Get your own.”

  Before long, it was time for her to go back to the feed mill, and she was dreading it. Hunter was talking to Dell, who Emily had a hard time looking at since Hunter told her that he was in love with her. She still didn’t know if she fully believed that, but it was still uncomfortable. Dell was a gorgeous, quiet man who had been so nice, but there was no spark of interest for him on her part.

  Throwing her paper plate away, she walked back to Hunter. “I have to get back to the store.” She leaned down to tell him.

  Hunter nodded and stood. “I’ll take you back.”

  Emily chuckled. “You don’t have to do that.” She pointed over her shoulder. “You can watch me from here.”

  Grabbing her hand, he looked down at her. “You ready?”

  Sighing, Emily nodded, saying her good-byes and thank yous to everyone. As they walked, Hunter all but dragged his feet. “What’s wrong?” Emily looked up at him.

  “Just trying to prolong leaving you.” Hunter winked down at her.

  As they approached the store, Sadie came out of Rocky’s and looked directly at them. Hunter squeezed her hand when Sadie waved to him, but he only gave her a short nod. Yeah, reality hit her hard. How in the hell could she hold on to a man like him when a woman who looked like that was promising him everything most men would die for? Dammit, this was hard. Her confidence was all over the place, and she hated it.

  “Thanks for the walk.” She gave him a hesitant smile before releasing his hand and turning to go up the steps to the store. She didn’t get far. Hunter grasped her hand again pulling her to him.

  “You really think I’m going to let you go without a kiss?” Hunter tilted her head up.

  Her eyes went to where she knew Sadie was. “But I thought—”

  Hunter clipped her chin bringing her eyes back to him. “You thought wrong.” He leaned down and kissed her, tugging her body flush against his. The kiss was deep and had her head spinning. When he pulled away, she had to really work to focus her eyes. “I will not hide the fact you are my mate, no matter who is around. I thought I made that clear last night. The faster some get the message, the better, and I will kiss you anywhere, anytime I damn well please.”

  “Wow,” was all Emily could manage.

  “And you just boosted my ego to the highest level.” He kissed her again and then led her up the steps. “I’ll see you after work.”

  Emily watched him head down the steps and back toward Garrett’s. His head never even swiveled toward where she knew Sadie must be glaring. Turning, she averted her eyes from that area also mouthing the word “Wow” and walked in the door.

  “What in the hell do you think you’re doing?” Deb stood in the middle of the store, her face a mask of rage. “Don’t you think you embarrassed yourself and me enough the last time?”

  “What are you talking about?” Emily glared at her sister, sick of her always trying to make her feel like shit.

  “What am I talking about?” Deb threw her hands toward the door. “You throwing yourself at Hunter again. That’s what I’m talking about. What in the world would he see in you when Sadie—”

  Emily threw up her hand, secretly wishing she had Jill’s power to plaster her sister to a wall. “You know what, Deb. You can shut the hell up right now.” Emily slammed her bag on the counter. She heard the bell above the door ring but ignored it. “I am sick and tired of your snide comments and Sadie can take a hike off a cliff for all I care.”

  “Excuse me?” Deb actually did the head bop thing with those words.

  “I’ve never believed the words, ‘there is no excuse for you,’ more than I do at this moment.” Emily glanced over at old Mr. Seibert, who watched them from between two racks, and instantly felt bad for being unprofessional. “I’m happy. Can’t you even be happy for me… your own sister?”

  “How dare you!” Deb slammed her hand down on the counter. “I have done everything for you, everything, and this is how you treat me? I even stood up for you when you were fat.”

  “Ah, give me a break. You and Sadie started most of the rumors about me, Deb. Honestly, I’d rather be heavy instead of a dried-up bitter bitch, which you have become.” Emily instantly forgot abo
ut Mr. Seibert. “You are the most selfish person I have ever known, and you have done nothing for me. My name is on this building just as your name is. You are no better than me and never have been. So stick all your self-righteous bullshit up your ass.”

  Emily was shocked at herself, but damn proud. She even looked over at Mr. Seibert with wide eyes. He gave her a thumbs-up between the bug repellants. Damn, she kind of wished Sadie was there; she was on a roll.

  “You will regret talking to me like that.” Deb jabbed her finger at Emily.

  “Yeah, I’m sure I will, but it felt damn good,” Emily called before Deb slammed the door.

  Emily sighed, shaking her head. Her and her sister’s moments took it out of her. She would love to be close to her sister—her only living relative—but Deb made it so damn hard. Hearing someone clearing their throat, she looked to see Mr. Seibert standing in front of her at the counter.

  “Hi, Mr. Seibert.” Emily snapped to her professional mode. “How can I help you today?”

  “Well, Emily, I wanted to see if you could order me some more of that salve for Lucy.” Mr. Seibert tipped his hat back.

  “Well, of course I can.” Emily grabbed her order book. “How is Lucy feeling?”

  “She’s doing fine. That salve helps keep the bugs off her wound.” Mr. Seibert gave a short nod.

  Lucy wasn’t Mrs. Seibert but an old mule who Mr. Seibert had raised. He was an old farmer who came into town a few times to order whatever he needed. He used to ride Lucy into town but hadn’t done that in years. Now he walked or bummed a ride since he didn’t own a car. He owned tractors but said he wouldn’t waste gas for what his feet could do.

  Emily found the order number and wrote it down. “I will order this today and it should be in by the end of the week.”

  Mr. Seibert gave another nod before a toothless grin spread across his face. Then without saying a word, he raised his fist toward her. Not exactly sure what to do, Emily gave him a knuckle bump. He turned and shuffled his way out the door, and she could have sworn she heard him say, “Gave her what for, she did.”

  As soon as the door closed, Emily laughed and couldn’t stop. What in the hell was happening to her life? She wasn’t complaining because she never remembered being this happy. And she couldn’t believe that old Mr. Seibert gave her a knuckle bump.

  Chapter 16

  Hunter headed back to the house, his thoughts on what he was going to do with Emily tonight. He wanted to do something special, but with everything going on, he wasn’t sure what. He didn’t want to go too far out of town in case he was needed. The life of a high-ranking pack member. Hunter rolled his eyes. He heard yelling when he drew closer to the house. Garrett’s voice carried out to the street.

  “What the hell?” Hunter took off. Storming inside, he found Garrett with his hand wrapped around Steve’s throat holding him against the wall. Steve’s eyes were black as midnight, his fangs enlarged. Leda was crying, trying to pry Garrett’s hand off Steve’s throat. Janna was yelling at Garrett to stop. It was a total “what the fuck” fest going on.

  “Hunter, please,” Janna cried, snapping Hunter into action.

  “Garrett, let go of Steve.” Hunter pushed Leda’s hands away and forcibly removed Garrett’s hands.

  Steve slipped down the wall, catching himself, gagging and rubbing his throat.

  “If I ever see you around her again, I will kill you,” Garrett warned with a growl.

  “Well, choking me ain’t going to get the job done,” Steve spat or rather choked out.

  Seeing the anger on Garrett’s face, he knew the lunge was coming and he was ready. “Steve, shut the fuck up.” He pushed Garrett back. “What in the hell happened?”

  “He had his fucking tongue halfway down her throat.” Garrett growled, trying to get around Hunter, who’d positioned himself between them.

  “Oh, my God,” Leda gasped, her embarrassment filling each word. “Janna!”

  “Garrett!” Janna scolded her mate.

  Hunter chuckled. He really tried not to, but damn. “Bro, you need to chill.” Hunter moved into Garrett’s vision. “Seriously.”

  “It was just a kiss. She’s….” Steve glanced at Leda. “How old are you?”

  Leda actually rolled her eyes. “Nineteen.”

  “She’s nineteen.” Steve threw his hand up. “She’s old enough to kiss and—”

  Hunter glared over his shoulder at Steve. “You best shut the fuck up now while you’re ahead or I’m going to let him go.” Steve clamped his mouth shut, so Hunter wouldn’t loosen his grip on Garrett. “Steve is right, in his fucked-up way. Leda is going to start dating and you can’t kill every guy who comes to the damn door.”

  “I don’t like it.” Garrett glared at Leda, then Steve. “This is my house. There is no kissing in my house.”

  “Really?” Janna cocked her eyebrow.

  “I’m not talking to you,” Garrett added gently before turning mean again. “I’m talking to this horny fanged-tooth motherfucker.”

  “Garrett, that is enough.” Janna finally stepped between them. “Steve, you and Leda go outside for a few minutes.”

  “She isn’t going anywhere with him,” Garrett warned, taking a step forward, but this time, it was Janna who stopped him.

  “This is ridiculous.” Leda threw her hands up in the air, storming out of the house. Steve followed, smart enough not to open his mouth.

  Hunter turned to Garrett with a huge grin on his face.

  “What the hell are you smiling at?” Garrett sneered.

  “If you have girls, you’re gonna be fucked.” Hunter laughed loudly as he also left the room, following Steve and Leda outside. Leda had stormed down to the lake and sat throwing pebbles while she fumed.

  Steve just stood with his arms crossed staring at Leda. “I like her.” Steve frowned before looking at Hunter. “I mean I really like her.”

  Hunter rubbed his chin. “Just give him a minute to get used to the idea.”

  “He called me a horny fanged-tooth motherfucker.” Steve eyed Hunter with doubt. “I don’t think he’s going to get used to the idea anytime soon.”

  “Hey, man. He took Leda in and sees her as a daughter, a responsibility he takes very seriously.” Hunter sighed, wondering why he was in the middle of this shit and not Marcus.

  “Ah, ya think?” Steve glared at him.

  “Why in the hell, after we all said no, did you go ahead and do it anyway?” Hunter growled at him in irritation. “In his fucking house, right under his nose? Hell, man, sneak around and do that shit. Didn’t you learn anything?”

  “No,” Steve replied, looking uncomfortable as he kicked a nonexistent rock.

  “No, what?” Hunter frowned, his eyes narrowed.

  “I’ve never really dated before,” Steve admitted, following with a curse. “I’m a damn loser. Okay! Fuck!”

  “Well, that explains a lot.” Clapping Steve on the back, Hunter chuckled. “You’re not a loser. You’re a VC Warrior.”

  “I suck at that also,” Steve said in a pitiful voice.

  “Shut the hell up, dude.” Hunter grabbed him and turned him toward Leda. “Stop with this bullshit and go talk to her. I know women pretty damn well, and I know for a fact she is waiting for you to comfort her.”

  Steve snorted, but his eyes returned to Leda. “Really?”

  “Yeah, really.” Hunter pushed him. “Go, I’ll take care of Garrett.”

  “Thanks, man.” Steve headed toward Leda.

  Hunter went back inside where Janna and Garrett were talking. “So, has the crazy left the damn building?” Hunter eyed a sheepish-looking Garrett.

  “I’m a little protective.” Garrett frowned.

  “A little?” Hunter snorted. “You tried to kill a vampire and with all due respect, Steve may not look like much, but vampires will tear your fucking throat out in a heartbeat. But that kid out there would never do anything like that to someone he respects, and he respects the hell out of you. I really
think you owe him an apology.”

  “I owe him an apology?” Garrett’s eyes opened wide. “The little fucker was practically—”

  “He was kissing her, dumbass, and you know it.” Hunter shook his head. “You did worse in girls’ parents’ houses than that. Sorry, Janna, but it’s true.”

  Janna smirked. “I have no doubt about that.” She cocked her eyebrow at Garrett. “I think Hunter’s right.” Janna put her hand on Garrett’s shoulder. “I think you owe Steve an apology.”

  “I’m always right,” Hunter teased.

  “Don’t push your luck,” Janna warned with an evil look.

  “Well, fuck!” Garrett pushed away from them and headed outside.

  Hunter and Janna both looked at each other and laughed. They then hurried to the window to watch. Garrett Foster apologizing to anyone other than his mate was something not to be missed.

  “I need a favor,” Hunter said as they watched the scene outside. He was glad when Steve reached his hand out to Garrett, who took it in a shake. Leda stood and hugged Garrett.

  “What?” Janna smiled as she watched Garrett.

  “I want to do something special for Emily tonight, but I need Steve to stay here.” Hunter grimaced, knowing after what just happened was asking a lot. Slade and Jill had been staying with Marcus so he had no room.

  Janna smiled with a nod. “I’ll take care of it.” She reached up and gave him a hug. “It’s about damn time you settled down.”

  “Thanks, Janna.” Hunter hugged her and placed a kiss on her head. “Now I’m going to go before you break the news that Steve is staying with you guys to Garrett.”

  “Chicken!” Janna called out after him.

  “Smart chicken!” Hunter called back before heading out to set his plans into motion.


  Emily hurried around the counter to close up. Hunter had stopped by saying to be ready by six; he had something special planned for them. Before she could reach the door, the bell rang. Figures when she tried to close up a few minutes early, someone would come. Turning the corner, she sighed. Sadie Johnson stood inside glaring at her.

  “We’re closed.” Emily didn’t want to be rude—okay, yeah, she did. She knew Sadie wasn’t there for anything other than giving her shit. She was probably the first person her sister called after she left today.


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