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Discovering Lucy

Page 2

by Laura Dunaway

  “What’s your name?”

  “Lucy. Is there something I can help you find, sir?”

  He put his arms down on the counter and leaned over, sending out a completely subtle yet intoxicating scent that reminded me a bit of pine and cedar. He smelled delicious, but his closeness was overwhelming, so I took a step back, trying to keep some distance between us.

  “Actually, yes,” he replied, answering my question.

  I twisted my hands in front of me as I waited for him to continue, but he didn’t. “What is it I can help you find?”

  He stood back and bent over a bit, looking inside the case. “What do you recommend for an aftershave lotion? Between you and me, I don’t like to shave every day, I have very sensitive skin and it hurts if I do. It’s a problem.” He grinned.

  I bent down to look in the case with our aftershave products. I finally chose three, setting them on the counter between us. “These are our best sellers. I’m thinking this one may be your best option because it’s for extra sensitive skin.” I held up the box for him to see.

  He took it from my hand, sending a jolt down my spine when his fingers lightly brushed against my skin. “This one does sound good, but tell me about the others as well.” He didn’t take his eyes off of me.

  His intensity was starting to get to me, so I shook my head and focused on the products, explaining how the other two worked. “So as you can see, any of them would work for you, but I still think this first one is your best bet. It has a really fresh scent too, not overpowering.”

  He smiled, then leaned against the counter again, the gold flecks in his eyes gleaming. “You’ve convinced me, Lucy,” he said, picking up the box I recommended. “How much?”

  “Forty-two fifty.”

  “I’ll take it,” He handed me his Armstrong’s credit card. I gave him a polite smile and turned to run it through the register. I snuck a peek at his name on the credit card.

  Knox Taylor

  Wow, even his name was sexy.

  Once the transaction was complete, I handed him the receipt to sign. “Would you like the receipt with you or in the bag, Mr. Taylor?” I asked.

  He finished signing and put the receipt in his suit pocket. “With me,” he said with a wink.

  I handed him the bag. “Here you go. I hope the aftershave helps you.”

  “I’m sure it will, Lucy,” he replied, his voice deep and smooth. “Thank you for your help. By the way, I was very impressed with how you handled Mrs. Bresden. She can be quite picky.”

  I raised a brow. “Oh…well, thanks.” How would he know that about Mrs. Bresden?

  “It was obvious she liked you,” he continued, “and that’s a good thing. I’ll try this aftershave tomorrow morning. I’ll let you know how it goes.”

  I watched him walk away. A few seconds after he left, a girl named Mindy who works in the perfume and cologne department, rushed over and wrapped her arms around him.

  “Holy cow, Lucy, do you know who that was?” I heard Kathy say from behind me. She was in her late forties and was very genuine and sweet—nothing like the stereotypical New Yorker who always seemed in a hurry and had no interest in getting to know someone.

  Tearing my gaze away from him, I answered. “No, who is he?”

  Her mouth dropped open, showing her silver fillings. “He’s Knox Taylor, owner and CEO of Taylor Business Consulting. He seems to have every business in New York City for a client. He’s on Armstrong’s Board of Directors and is one of the city’s most eligible bachelors. Look at how Mindy just draped herself all over him.”

  I looked back, but they were gone. “Well, I’ve never heard of him before today. Plus, I don’t read the gossip columns or websites. I’m not surprised women make fools of themselves over him, though. I could tell right away he was expecting me to fall at his feet.”

  She put her cosmetic apron on, then tightened her dark-brown ponytail. “I don’t know him personally, but from what I gather, he’s a pretty decent guy. I’m sure he’s just so used to it, you know?”

  “Yeah, maybe.”

  Looks can be deceiving. In fact, everything about a man can be deceiving. That was one path I would not walk on ever again.

  WHEN I GOT HOME FROM work that night, my roommate Megan was spread out on the couch watching TV with her boyfriend. I really liked her and her highly energetic personality, but sometimes it was a little too much for me.

  Her head popped up when she heard me come in. “Lucy!” she shouted, sitting up. I could hear her boyfriend Sean grumble. “Oh shush,” she said playfully, hitting him in the arm. “How was your day, Luce?” she asked, her eyes shining.

  I set my purse down with a thud on the tiny kitchen table, then promptly slumped in a chair and put my head on my arms. “It was busy. I’m exhausted.”

  Megan sat down next to me and patted my arm. “Poor Lucy,” she said in a sweet tone. “Did something happen today?”

  I kept my head on my arms. “No,” I mumbled.

  “Sean, baby, will you please bring me my water?”

  I heard him set a glass on the table. “Here you go. Hey, Lucy,” he said as he walked back to the couch.

  “Hey, Sean.” I knew it was rude, but I didn’t even want to lift my head up.

  When I’d first moved to New York, I’d barely had enough money to stay at a cheap motel for a few nights. I’d grabbed every ad I could find for roommates wanted and scoured over them. Megan was the last appointment, and frankly, I’d almost ditched out from being so discouraged from the day I’d had. I’m so grateful I didn’t because I would have cheated myself out of an amazing roommate and a tiny but cute flat.

  I finally lifted my head and moved it around, trying to loosen my tight muscles. “I’m going to take a hot shower.” I scooted my chair back and stood up.

  I smiled when I saw Sean open his arms to Megan as she walked back to him. They made a cute couple. He was tall and skinny with blond hair and blue eyes while Megan was short and tiny with her auburn curls and bright-green eyes. She had a dusting of freckles on her nose and cheeks, which she hated, but I loved—it made her even prettier.

  I took a longer shower than I should have, but the hot water pouring down on my achy shoulders felt too good to give up. As I stood under the spray, thoughts of Drake seeped into my mind. Even though I was under the hot water, the memories of his beatings sent chills through me. It was hard to believe I had actually left him but after his last beating, it finally hit me that he wasn’t going to change, so I left two days later. I had tried to cover my tracks but he still found me. He came barreling onto the porch of the shelter and pounded on the door. One of the girls answered and in a quivering voice, called for me. When he saw me coming down the stairs, his gray eyes turned into slits and shot daggers. I clung to the handrail and started to shake my head. He took two steps in and insisted I go back home with him, telling me how stupid I was for thinking I could escape.

  “Grab your stuff and get in the car, Lucy Jane,” he snarled at me.

  I stepped back and shook my head. “No.”

  His eyes grew dark as he fisted his hands. “I don’t think I heard you correctly,” he hissed. “I’m only going to tell you one more time. Get in the car now.”

  I stood my ground, determined to ignore the voice in my head telling me to go with him. “No, I’m done with your excuses, your apologies, and your empty promises. I’m done with you, Drake, you need to leave.”

  His eyes grew wide with surprise. I had never been so direct with him, and he wasn’t used to it. He started to take a step toward me, making me take a step back. As he opened his mouth to speak, the director of the shelter I was staying at suddenly appeared.

  “Everything okay, Lucy?” she asked, looking at me, then Drake.

  “Yes, Mrs. Abbot. This man was just leaving.” I held my ground, not giving into the fear that was gripping me as I stared at Drake. Mrs. Abbot stayed where she was.

  Drake’s eyes shifted between us. “You can nev
er escape me, Lucy Jane,” he said quietly so that only I could hear him. “No matter where you go, I’ll find you. And that, you stupid bitch, is not an empty promise.”

  I turned off the shower and stepped out, towel drying my long hair. When I was dressed in my tank and sweats, I walked out and joined Megan and Sean to watch TV. Megan had a big tan overstuffed chair that I loved to cozy up in, and I usually got to since they were always on the couch together. Sean got up to microwave some popcorn while Megan asked more about my day.

  “Any hot celebrities show up and hit on you?” she asked with a cheesy grin.

  Knox Taylor immediately came to mind. “No, not really.”

  She jerked up into a sitting position. “Not really? That means something happened. Spill it.”

  I shook my head. “Nothing happened. I didn’t even know who the guy was until Kathy told me.”

  “Who?” she yelled dramatically, then slammed her hand over her mouth.

  “What’s going on?” Sean popped his head out of the kitchen after hearing her.

  She threw a pillow at him. “Just you never mind. Go make my popcorn.” He rolled his eyes before turning back to the kitchen. “So tell me, Lucy. Who came into Armstrong’s today?”

  I sighed and sunk into the chair more. “Some guy named Knox Taylor,” I mumbled.

  She stood up and screamed, then threw herself onto the chair with me, grabbing my shoulders. “KNOX TAYLOR?” she cried. “Do you know who he is?”

  “I do now.”

  Sean walked in and sat down on the couch, so Megan went back and sat down beside him, grabbing a handful of popcorn.

  “He is so hot. Isn’t he so hot, Lucy?” she asked dreamily.

  “Hotter than me?” Sean pouted, laying his head in her lap. She started to mindlessly run her fingers through his hair.

  “Of course not, baby.” She turned her attention back to me. “Lucy, how are you not dying over Knox Taylor?”

  I shrugged. “Don’t get me wrong, he’s totally hot, but he just came in to buy some aftershave. It’s not like he asked me to marry him, Megan.”

  “Yeah but you’re not reacting at all. I mean, you don’t even have to know who he is to get all hot and flustered by him, and you’re not.”

  “Leave her alone, babe,” Sean said. “Not everyone gets excited like you do.” She flicked his forehead with her thumb and index finger, then went back to running her fingers through his hair.

  “Seriously, Lucy, you’re gorgeous. Did he even hit on you? Tell me he did.”

  I thought back to when he came to the counter. “He didn’t hit on me really. He just asked how he hadn’t seen me there before.”

  She shrieked when she heard that, making Sean sit back up to not get hurt in her excitement. “He so hit on you, Lucy!” she cried.

  “Whatever, Megan. He didn’t, and even if he had, I wouldn’t have responded to it. I’ve told you I don’t want to date let alone be in a relationship right now.”

  “I know, but why? I mean, seriously, if Knox Taylor ever asks you out, you should so go,” she whined.

  I laughed. “It’s a good thing Sean is so secure in your love for him.” I was trying to distract her from the conversation, but unfortunately, it didn’t work.

  “Of course he is, and don’t try to change the subject. Girl, if he comes in again, you better work it. He is amazingly hot, and from what I’ve heard, he’s a pretty nice guy too.”

  I turned my head back to the TV. “Yeah, that’s what Kathy said, but again, not interested.”


  “Seriously, babe, let it go. You can interrogate her later when I’m not here,” Sean said, pulling her onto his lap and giving her a kiss.

  “And there’s my cue to go to bed.” I stood up. “Thanks for distracting her, Sean.” I laughed as I passed them on the way to my room. Sean gave me a feeble wave as they kissed.

  “Good night, Megan,” I chimed, shutting the door to my room.

  “Lucy dear, here comes the shipment for the new men’s line,” Priscilla called out as she walked toward me with a delivery guy pulling boxes behind her.

  I helped him lug the boxes to the top of the counter while Priscilla watched and checked little boxes on her spreadsheet once she had confirmed that each box had made it in. Once the boxes were unloaded, Kathy returned from her break and started helping me display them. Priscilla hung around watching us, making clucking noises and a few suggestions on better places for certain products. She finally left when she was paged from her office, leaving us to finish it up.

  “Wow, she can be annoying,” a deep voice said from above. I was on my knees emptying the last box. Even though I couldn’t see his face, I’d recognize that voice anywhere. Kathy smirked as she magically disappeared to the other side of the counter. I glared at her before standing up to address him.

  “Mr. Taylor, how are you?” I asked in a professional work tone.

  “Please, call me Knox,” he said with his lazy grin, making me feel it to my core, which frustrated me. I wasn’t one of his groupies and never would be. Although he did look amazing in his navy dress pants and white, button-up shirt. He had the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, exposing two very toned arms.

  “Oh no, I couldn’t,” I responded to his request. “We are told to be extremely professional with our customers.”

  “Even if the customer asks?”

  “I’m not comfortable calling you by your first name, Mr. Taylor.”

  He leaned his arms on the counter, his eyes penetrating mine, and once again his intoxicating scent hit me, making me weak in my knees. “You’re stubborn, Lucy.”

  I shrugged my shoulders. “No, just professional.” I start stocking the cupboard again. “Did you need something today?” I asked as I put the new shower gel in front, raising my eyes to his. He was looking intently at me again, making me shiver. I really hoped he wouldn’t notice, but when his smile widened, I knew he had.

  “I just stopped by to tell you I tried the aftershave the other day, and you were right, it felt great. You’ve sold me on this product.”

  I gave him a cordial smile. “See? I thought you’d like it.” I finished unloading the shower gels and stood up, rubbing some dust off of my hands. “I’d be happy to sell you another if you’re interested.”

  He threw his head back and laughed. “Ahhh, nice one. Lucy, you are smooth, which is a very good quality for your job. I would, but I doubt I’ll need a new box for quite some time. However, I’ll continue to come by just to see you.”

  Tingles ran up my body. Not wanting him to know the effect he was having on me, I just shrugged, trying to appear indifferent. “Oh…well, it’s up to you.”

  He leaned closer. “Do I make you uncomfortable?”

  I’d never admit it to him.

  “Not at all, Mr. Taylor. I’m just busy unloading our latest shipment. But if you need something, I’d be happy to help you.” I looked at him as I folded my arms over my chest, waiting for an answer. His eyes went directly to my crossed arms, and it was obvious he was staring at my breasts. They weren’t huge, but I was definitely blessed in that department. I cleared my throat, which made him look up at me.

  He ran a hand through his messy waves. “No, I don’t need anything else today, except maybe your phone number?”

  My eyes widened at his forwardness, but before I had a chance to say no, Mindy appeared out of nowhere and latched onto his arm. Again.

  “Knox,” she cooed in a sweet yet sickening flirty tone. “Lucky me getting to see you twice this week. Are you here to see me? I just got back from my break.” She looked at me, and her smile disappeared, replaced with a glare.

  He broke free of her hold and took a step back. “Hey, Mindy,” he said, his eyes still on me. “I was actually here to tell Lucy that her recommendation the other day worked out well for me.”

  Mindy glared at me again, narrowing her eyes, but I turned around and went back to making sure the new products were staged
just right. I heard her whining about how she’d love to see him again if he had the time. When he told her he was busy, she walked off in a huff.

  “Sorry about that,” he apologized, walking toward me.

  I looked up at him. “No apology needed. It’s none of my business.”

  He sighed. “Her timing was bad. Listen, I really would like to have your phone number.” He pulled out his phone, looking at me expectantly.

  I stood up straight, folding my arms across my chest again. “Listen, Mr. Taylor,” I began, and saw him start to frown. “I’m not comfortable giving out my phone number, but thank you. I’m very flattered.” Gentle, but firm.

  He was about to say something when Kathy called out to me. “Sorry to interrupt, but can you help me for a second please, Lucy?”

  Relieved, I excused myself and walked toward her. “What’s up?”

  “I can’t find the last of the cleansing lotion we discontinued. I thought we had at least two boxes left. Did you sell some while I was on break?”

  “No, but I’ll help you look.” I could see Knox watching me—he was persistent, but he’d soon learn it wouldn’t matter. When I finally found the box of lotion, I handed it to Kathy, and she thanked me.

  When I turned around, Knox was right there. I let out a sigh, which made his grin return. I intended to finish arranging the new men’s line, but apparently, Knox had other ideas as he followed me and bent over the counter.

  “Why not?”

  I pretended not to know what he was talking about. “Why not what?”

  “Don’t give me that. Why won’t you give it to me?”

  I pushed my hair behind my shoulder. “Because I barely know you, you’re a customer, and I’m not interested.”

  He looked surprised for a moment, then leaned in closer. I suddenly felt like I couldn’t move, frozen in his intensity. “Hmm,” he said, looking directly at me. “That’s too bad because I think it’s obvious I’m interested in you. When I first saw you behind this counter, your beautiful blonde hair behind your shoulders, your dark-blue eyes looking somewhat lost…you took my breath away.”


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