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Discovering Lucy

Page 7

by Laura Dunaway

  “Oh no, mister. You wanted to get me out of here, so that’s what we’re doing, come on. Don’t think you’re off the hook either, Lucy. Bye, Knox.” They were out the door before either of us could respond.

  Knox and I looked at each other and burst out laughing again. I had laughed more with Knox in the past few weeks than I had my whole life. It was weird, but definitely something I could get used to. I still couldn’t believe a guy like him existed, and that he was sitting right next to me.

  “What are you thinking about?” he asked, breaking me out of my thoughts.

  I started to twist my hands in my lap. “Not much.” What would he think of me if he knew I had stayed with a man who beat me for three years?

  “Lucy…” He tipped my chin to look at him.

  “What? Hey, are you hungry? Let’s order that pizza.” I tried to stand up to get the phone number for the pizza place, but he tugged on my hand, pulling me right back down.

  “Knox,” I grumbled.

  “Don’t go there, Lucy,” he said. “What do I have to do to show you that nothing you tell me will change how I see you?”

  His eyes were intense, not wavering from mine, his full lips open just a little. He looked hotter than ever.

  “Keep looking at my mouth, and you’ll soon be feeling my lips on yours, angel,” he said huskily.

  My eyes dashed to his. “Whatever, Knox. You’ve been saying stuff like that all day, but haven’t done anything. I’m beginning to think you’re all talk and no action.”

  I went to stand again, when his hands shot out and grabbed me, pulling me to him. I had no time to comprehend what was happening as his lips came crushing down on mine.

  I was stunned.

  I didn’t move at first, frozen at the realization that he was really kissing me, but he didn't relent. The ugly memories of Drake’s lips attacking mine, the brutality, and the force he would use when I didn't want his touch, it all started to seep into my mind. I closed my eyes and fought with those memories, propelling them back to the furthest part of my mind. The last thing I wanted to do was freak out. I wanted to feel like a normal woman again, and I wouldn’t let my brain ruin this.

  His mouth slanted over mine, moving so seductively…I wrapped my arms around his neck on instinct and returned his kiss, making him groan and pull me closer. His tongue ran between the seam of my lips, begging for entrance. Once I let him in, I felt my world tilt as he pulled me further onto the couch, and turned us so that he was over me. His hands framed my face as he balanced on his elbows, his tongue invading every inch of my mouth. I ran my fingers through his hair on the back of his head, loving how luxurious it felt.

  When I felt him start to suck on my tongue, I gasped. No one had ever done that to me before, and I loved it. I felt him smile against my mouth at my reaction, and then he sucked on it some more. I moaned as the fire he started shot right to my core. I pulled his head closer, trying to let him know I never wanted him to stop.

  He eventually tore his mouth away, making me whimper at the loss. He chuckled as he pressed his forehead to mine, running his knuckles down the side of my face.

  “How was that for action?”

  I stuck my tongue out a bit, trying to decide how to answer that. I was still in shock that he’d kissed me, and I hadn’t lost my mind. I had pushed back Drake’s ugly memories and lived in the moment.

  “Hmm…I’d give it a six. No, maybe a seven,” I answered.

  His eyes widened in surprise, obviously taking me seriously. I almost felt bad. Almost.

  “A seven, huh?” he asked, wiping a hand down his face. “Uh, okay.”

  I continued to pretend I was disappointed. “Yeah, I mean don’t get me wrong. It was good, I guess. I was just expecting more.”

  He turned completely on the couch to look at me, resting his arm on the top of it. “Interesting. What do you suggest I do?”

  I tapped my finger on my chin, pretending to think it over. “I have no idea, Knox. Maybe when you go home you can practice kissing on your hand?”

  He threw his head back and roared with laughter. I grinned at him as he laughed. He snatched me in his arms and hugged me tight. I winced at the tenderness I could still feel in my ribs at times, but luckily, he didn’t notice.

  He released his hold and leaned back to look at me. “You make me smile, Lucy,” he sighed. “You’ve definitely caught my attention.”

  I folded, then unfolded the hem of my shirt. “For how long?” I had no idea where I found the courage to actually ask that.

  “From the first moment I saw you.”

  I sighed. “I was so determined not to let you in. I don’t trust easily, men especially.”

  He pulled me to him, placing my head against his chest. “Yeah, I’ve noticed.” He rubbed his hand up and down my arm. “There was just something about you that captivated me. I wasn’t giving up, regardless of how hard you tried to push me away.”

  I raised my head to look at him. “We still don’t know each other that well, Knox and I’m really scared. I’ve been through a lot,” I whispered.

  I felt his heart beating faster as he squeezed me tighter to him. “I know,” he whispered back. “I can tell from your eyes. It kills me not knowing what happened to you. I would take it all away if I could.”

  I snuggled in closer to him, enjoying the peace I felt at that moment. I never wanted it to end, but knew it would. They always did.

  “Are you going to order that pizza or not?” he teased, brushing his lips across my hair.

  I laughed as I sat up. “Well, I tried to order it a few minutes ago, but someone wouldn’t let me,” I responded, giving him a knowing look. “What kind do you want?”

  He laid his head back on the top of the sofa and closed his eyes. “I don’t care. Whatever you want is great.” His long, thick eyelashes fanning over his cheeks mesmerized me. Everything about him was perfect.

  “Like what you see?”


  I shrugged. “Meh, I guess,” I teased as I stood up to grab my phone. He leaned over to try to grab me, but I dodged out of the way just in time, sticking my tongue out at him. I laughed when I heard him groan.

  “Remember what I said I’d do the next time you stuck your tongue out at me.” He closed his eyes again.

  I got my phone and sat back down by him as I dialed the pizza place and ordered pepperoni and sausage with a side of breadsticks.

  “Breadsticks?” he asked when I hung up.

  “Yes, breadsticks. Do you have a problem with that, Mr. Taylor?”

  His eyes grew dark. “You know I hate it when you call me that.”

  I pretended to be stunned. “You do? Oh I am so sorry, Mr. Taylor.”

  He tackled me, then pushed me onto my back. His large hands dove for my rib cage and started tickling.

  I shrieked out in laughter, squirming around trying to get free. “Stop!” I giggled over and over, which only made him do it more.

  I writhed back and forth, trying to break free. He was laughing harder than I was, enjoying the torture he was inflicting on me. When my shirt started to rise, I tried to pull it down, but suddenly, he stopped. Dazed, I looked up at him. His eyes were dark.

  “What is that scar on your ribs from?” he asked in monotone, looking at me.

  Fear blazed through me as I realized he’d seen the scar on the right side of my rib cage from the night Drake had kicked me over and over with his rough work boot. How could I have been so careless?

  “Lucy, what happened? It’s too jagged and rough looking to be a surgery scar.” He raised my shirt again to look, then set his index finger on it and traced it back and forth, making me flinch.

  “Get up!” Drake yelled, kicking me again and again. The pain seared through me, making me scream with each kick. He towered over me, the rough edge of his muddy boot brushing against my stomach. “You never learn, do you? DO YOU?” he shouted, kicking me again. I heard it the moment my ribs broke, the pain so agonizing I los
t consciousness.

  “Angel?” Knox asked. “I know you’ve been through something terrible, something I can’t begin to understand, and I know you’re hurting. If you could only see what’s inside my heart…”

  I heard him swear under his breath. He tipped my chin up to face him, then swore again when he saw my tears.

  “You’re killing me,” he whispered, pulling me up and pushing my head against his chest. “I’m so sorry, Lucy. I’m so sorry.”

  The hard knock on the door interrupted us. Knox swore again, then brushed his lips against my ear. “The pizza’s here. I’ll be right back.” He gently placed me on the couch and got up to answer the door.

  I sank into the cushions, completely stunned and mortified. I heard Knox talk to the delivery guy and thank him, then the sound of the door shutting. He put the box on the table and came right back over to me, sitting down and lifting my chin to look at him.

  “Are you okay?” His eyes were full of concern.

  I was scared out of my mind. I hadn’t told anyone about Drake since moving to New York.

  “May I hold you?” he asked, his eyes completely sincere.

  Instead of answering, I moved over and wrapped my arms around his neck, resting my head on his shoulder. He sighed and held me close, running his fingers through my hair. We stayed like that for a few minutes as my heartbeat started to return to normal.

  “Lucy?” he asked.

  I cringed. Here it came. “Yeah?”

  “When you’re ready, I’m here to listen, to be there for you. Okay?”

  The tears streamed down my face. He could have any woman he wanted, yet here he was with me. He was the most intoxicating man I had ever met, and deep down I knew he could do so much better.

  He pulled me closer to him and kissed my temple. “Now, how about that pizza?”

  I WAS AT WORK A few days later and extremely busy. Now that the new men’s line was out, everybody was grabbing for it. I was exhausted.

  My break time finally came and I couldn’t leave fast enough. Just as I told Kathy I was going, I heard someone clear their throat.

  “Lucy Simmons?” the man asked.

  My eyes widened in surprise as I looked at him. Having no idea who he was, I suddenly became nervous. What if Drake had found me and sent this guy to get me? My palms started to sweat, and my heartbeat accelerated.

  “Yes?” I replied. I ran my sweaty palms over my navy pencil skirt.

  He smiled and handed me a package. “This is for you. If you’d just sign here…”

  I stood still for a moment, trying to comprehend what he’d just said. Drake hadn’t sent him.

  I set the package down on the counter and signed the paper. The man wrote a few things, then ripped it off and handed it to me. “Have a great day.”

  I turned around to look at the package, but didn’t recognize the sender. Once again, thoughts of Drake filled my mind, and I started to tremble.

  “Lucy?” Kathy asked, putting a hand on my shoulder. “Is everything all right?”

  Taking a deep breath, I smiled. “Yep, everything’s fine. Just confused as to why someone would send me a package at work.” I picked up some scissors and cut through the tape. Inside was a plain white box, and an envelope with my name written on it. I opened the envelope and took out the note.

  A gift for an angel

  I tore the box open and was stunned speechless when I saw the dress I had tried on at the vintage store. I pulled it out of the box and laid it on the counter.

  “Oh my goodness, Lucy, that’s the most gorgeous dress I’ve ever seen,” Kathy exclaimed. “Who’s it from?”

  The card wasn’t signed, but I knew. I wasn’t sure whether to wring his neck or kiss him. I couldn’t believe he bought it for me.

  “Um, it doesn’t say.” I handed her the card, still stunned he had done this.

  “Excuse me, could one of you ladies help me, please?” a female voice asked. Kathy put the card down and went to help her, knowing I was on my break. I started to fold the dress back up to put it in the box when I heard someone approach.

  “Well, well, well,” Mindy said. “Looks like someone got a surprise today.”

  I rolled my eyes as I turned around. “Hello, Mindy. And yes, I did.”

  She stood with her arms crossed, her brown hair styled stick straight and wearing her usual blood-red lipstick. Why did she think that was a good look on her?

  She peeked over my shoulder, her eyes showing shock. “That is gorgeous, Lucy!” she exclaimed, stepping around me to take a closer look. “Who sent it to you?”

  I swallowed and shrugged. “The note wasn’t signed.”

  I blew some hair out of my eyes and went back to closing the lid over the box. It was none of her business.

  Her eyes squinted into a glare. “Knox,” she hissed.

  “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me,” she seethed. Her eyes took on a look of hatred so strong that I actually felt it to my toes.

  “I did hear you, but what about him?” I asked.

  “Don’t play dumb with me, Lucy,” she said, clenching her teeth. “He’s the one who gave you the dress, I know it. He’s stopped calling me and rarely answers my texts.”

  I raised a brow. “And this is my problem how?”

  She took a step closer to me, and actually raised a fist before she lowered her hand by her side. “I’ve told you…I want him, and I’ll do anything to get him. I refuse to let you get in the way.”

  Anger filled my soul. “And I told you never to speak of this to me again. Knox is a grown man and can see whomever he wants. Why would you lower yourself to go after a man who clearly isn’t interested in you?”

  I grabbed the box and my purse, but as I started to walk past her, she clamped her hand around the top of my arm, making me wince. She leaned in to whisper in my ear, her breath reeking of garlic. “Don’t underestimate me, Lucy,” she hissed. “You have no idea what Knox and I shared. He may have forgotten for now, but believe me, when I remind him he’ll forget you ever existed.” She released my arm and stomped back to her counter, a fake, sweet smile plastered on her face as she greeted a customer.

  I stared at her for a minute, astounded she was taking it this far. She was insane.

  I raised my shoulders up and walked off, heading for the cafe. I needed a chocolate chip cookie and a Diet Coke, especially after that little scene. I had taken the box with me, not trusting to leave it under the counter in case Mindy went all scissor crazy and decided to cut it up.

  I chose a table in the corner and sat down, resting my legs on the chair across from me. I was still burning up at Mindy’s behavior. She was definitely obsessed with Knox and wasn’t giving up. I wondered if he knew.

  Taking a sip of my Diet Coke, I felt my phone vibrate in my hand. When I saw who was texting, the irony was not lost.


  Hey how r u?

  If he only knew.

  I’m okay. How r u?

  Just okay?

  Well, I got a package delivered at work. You wldnt know anything about it wld u?

  I might

  I figured

  Did you like it?

  Of course, but it’s 2 much

  I knew you’d say that

  It’s true, Knox

  So what? It’s yours.




  I am being serious. It looked beautiful on you. I want you to have it.

  I didn’t know what to say. Knox had definitely broken through some of my walls…

  My phone buzzed again.


  I’m here. We’ll discuss it ltr.

  No, we won’t. The dress is yours. Enjoy it. Please.

  I sighed. Lord knew I wanted to keep it. The dress was the most beautiful one I’d ever seen. I gave in. I didn’t want to argue anymore, and for once, I was doing something for me.


  “Finally,” a deep voice said from

  Startled, I turned to find Knox standing there, holding his phone and looking extremely sexy. His gray, pinstripe suit and white, button-down hugged all the right places. His light-blue tie sat perfectly on his chest, and his dark-brown locks were styled perfectly in their messy waves.

  “What are you doing?” I asked, surprised to see him.

  He chuckled as he took out the chair next to me and sat down, scooting closer. “Coming to see you, of course. I just had a board meeting here, but all I could think about was escaping to come see you.”

  He spotted the package on the other chair next to me and smiled.

  “So you’re fighting me on it, yet you brought it with you?”


  “Well, I didn’t want to leave it where Mindy could get at it.”

  His brows shot up. “What do you mean?”

  “Um, let’s just say she’s expressed some…concerns to me that justify my reasoning.” I looked away and took a sip of my drink, my gold, dangly earrings hitting my neck as I turned.

  “What kind of things?”

  “Oh, you know, crazy things,” I said, still not looking at him.

  He scooted even closer, placing his hand on my cheek, and gently turning me to face him. “Tell me.”

  I suddenly regretted bringing it up.

  “Tell me Lucy,” he repeated.

  I tried to pull away, but he wouldn’t let me. Sighing in resignation, I started to talk. “I really don’t know what went on between the two of you—”

  Before I could continue, he swore under his breath and sat back. “What did she say?” he asked, folding his arms across his chest.

  “Um, she just said you guys had gone out a few times, and that she was going to make you hers.”


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