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Discovering Lucy

Page 12

by Laura Dunaway

  That did it. I was sick of hearing her whine about him. “I’m sorry, but c’mon, Mindy. He was yours? From what he’s told me, you guys went out on a few dates. How does that constitute a relationship? You need to do yourself a favor and move on because he’s not thinking about you one bit.”

  That may have been a little harsh, but I’d had enough. I had put up with her sneers and jabs for too long. She needed to know she couldn’t push me around any longer.

  She put the flowers down, leaned over the counter, and got in my face. “He may tell you that, but how do you really know? How do you know he’s not calling me at night after he drops you off? How do you know he’s not texting me when he’s with you, telling me how bored he is and that he wishes he were with me? Hmm, how do you really know?”

  She moved away from the counter, flipped her hair behind her shoulder, and walked away. I knew she was lying. He’d never liked her in the first place. She just wanted to hurt me, and I wasn’t going to allow her to.

  I shook my head and looked back at the bouquet. Smiling, I pulled the card out and opened it.

  I miss you

  I had nothing to worry about. He wanted me, not her. He had not done anything to make me question him. Mindy was playing dirty, and I wouldn’t give in to it.

  “Seriously, Lucy,” she said as she came back, her voice now plain and not filled with spite. “You have no idea about me and what I’ve been through. Knox was the first decent guy to pay attention to me in ages, and having you suddenly appear and ruin it pisses me off. I felt the connection we had, but once he saw you, it vanished. You must know how that’s got to upset me.”

  I folded my arms across my chest and leaned against the counter. “Listen, I’m sorry for whatever it is you’ve been through, but you do realize we can’t control other people’s emotions, right? If Knox really had strong feelings for you, he never would have looked at me. I’m sorry you’re hurting, that was not my intention, but you need to let it go. You really are a beautiful girl, Mindy. Focus on that and finding the right guy for you.”

  For a moment, I thought she was really listening to me, but when her glare returned, I knew I’d wasted my breath. “Knox is the right guy for me, he just doesn’t know it yet. Once he’s had his fun with you, he’ll come back. Enjoy him while you can.”

  I watched as she walked away, and shook my head. I actually felt sorry for her.

  “Hey, Lucy,” I heard her again.

  Sighing, I turned to look at her. She had two perfume bottles in her hand and sprayed one in front of me, then the other. “Which scent do you think he’ll like best on me when he comes crawling back?”

  Before I could respond, Kathy came back from her break. “You have a customer at your counter Mindy, go back to work.”

  Mindy looked toward her area, and sure enough, there was an elderly woman looking around. Mindy shot me an evil grin, then walked away.

  “Don’t listen to her, Lucy,” Kathy told me. “She’s always been strange, and it’s getting worse. You have nothing to worry about with Knox.”

  I let out a breath, then nodded. “I know, I just hate being around her.”

  Kathy put her arm around me. “Maybe one day Priscilla will realize what a mistake she made in hiring her and get rid of her.”

  I burst out laughing. Mindy kissed Priscilla’s ass, so that wouldn’t happen anytime soon.

  “I wish,” I sighed as we got back to work.

  KNOX WAS PICKING ME UP from work soon and taking me to his place for the first time. I’d been reluctant to go there until now, until I was more secure with him. Plus, he said he loved hanging out at my place with Megan and Sean, but wanted me to himself for a while. I didn’t argue.

  I was checking my makeup in the mirror on the counter a few minutes before he was supposed to arrive. Kathy smiled at me as she walked by. “You look beautiful,” she told me.

  I looked one more time, and was pleased to see my hair was still in its bun, and that my eyes were still made up nicely with the light-brown eye shadow. I added some more dark-black mascara and was set.

  “Thank you,” I replied. “He’s making dinner for me at his place tonight. I’m kind of nervous.”

  She was stuffing gift bags with our latest powders and rolled her eyes at me, then softened her response with a smile. “You’ve been dating exclusively for a few weeks now. Quite frankly, I’m surprised tonight’s the first time you’re going over to his place. You have nothing to be nervous about.”

  I shrugged. “I know, but it feels like a big step for some reason.”

  She came over to me and put a hand on my shoulder. “It’s only as big as you want it to be, Lucy.”

  I felt a warmth flow over my body, and I knew he was behind me. When I saw Kathy grin, it only confirmed it. I turned around, and almost gasped at the sight.

  Knox was on the other side of the counter, holding a huge bouquet of yellow roses. I put my hand to my mouth, shocked that he was giving me more. I also couldn’t stop staring at how good he looked in light-blue jeans and a gray, button-down shirt, with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, showing off his tan and toned arms.

  “Hey,” I greeted him.

  He leaned over the counter, giving me a wink. “Hey yourself, beautiful. Are you ready to go?”

  I grabbed my purse and walked out. “Yep, all ready,” I answered. He handed me the bouquet. “I can’t believe you got me more,” I said, putting the roses to my nose.

  He looked confused. “More?”

  I started to laugh. “Yes, more. Did you forget you already sent me some earlier this afternoon?”

  His eyes darkened. “I didn’t send you flowers earlier today, Lucy.”

  Chills ran down my spine. I went behind the counter and fetched the flowers and the note. I couldn’t believe I’d almost forgotten to take them with me. When I reached him again, I handed him the note.

  “You didn’t send these?” I asked, nodding toward the other flowers and the paper.

  He read the short note, then looked at me and shook his head. “No, I didn’t.”

  I felt the color drain from my face. If Knox didn’t send them…I started shaking as the realization that Drake knew where I was hit me. Knox caught me as I started to teeter.

  “Hey, it’s okay. I’m here with you. You’re always safe with me.”

  I didn’t say anything as we walked, still in shock that Drake had reached out to me. We reached Knox’s car, and he helped me in. He placed both bouquets of flowers on the back seat, along with the note. When he got inside, he pulled me to him in a crushing embrace, running his hand down my back. “Lucy, I know what you’re thinking, but we don’t know it was him.”

  I pulled my head back to look at him. “Who else would it be, Knox?” I cried, the fear settling in my bones.

  He placed his hands on my cheeks. “I don’t know. It could be him, but it could be some random creep sending you something. I’m going to find out.”

  “They came from the same shop you order from, Knox. It was the same delivery guy who brings the flowers you send me.”

  He released my face and took out his phone, then held up a finger to tell me one minute. “Maxwell,” he started. “I need you to find out something for me. Please call Hudson Floral and ask about a delivery to Lucy that came this afternoon with a note that only said, ‘I miss you.’ There was no signature. See if you can find out who sent them and let me know as soon as you can. Thank you.”

  He pressed END on his phone and put it back in his pocket. “Maxwell will find out, baby. If it was Drake, we’ll know soon enough.” He rubbed circles on the back of my hand with his thumb, doing his best to help me relax.

  I rested my head back on the headrest and nodded. “Okay.” I watched the buildings and people go by as he drove us to his apartment. He’d told me where he lived, but I paid no attention to how we got there. My mind wouldn’t stop thinking about the damn flowers and knowing it had to have been Drake who sent them.

We pulled into an underground parking garage and into a reserved space. When he opened my door, I took his hand, and he put his arm around me as we walked to the elevator, the flowers in the car forgotten.

  “Lucy,” he said softly. “I promise you everything will be all right. I won’t let him hurt you ever again.”

  He kept his arm around me as we rode the elevator to his floor. I loved how safe I felt with him, even while worrying that Drake was somehow sneaking back into my life. Tears sprung in my eyes at the thought, and I tried to hide them from Knox, but as usual, he noticed.

  He pulled me into his embrace, circling his arms around my waist. “I can’t imagine what you’re going through right now, wondering if he sent them, but he’s never going to hurt you again, I can’t promise you that enough.”

  I let out a ragged breath, doing my best not to let the tears turn into sobs. “I know,” I whispered. “I’m sorry I’m overreacting. I just…I don’t know. I just can’t kick the feeling that it was him who sent them.”

  The elevator doors opened, and he led me out. We walked down a well-lit hallway until we reached two massive doors. Knox got his keys out and unlocked one, holding it open and letting me step inside first.

  When I walked in, my jaw dropped. I had never seen anything like it in all my life. Large floor to ceiling windows surrounded us, with the New York City views at our disposal. Tan leather couches and overstuffed chairs greeted me, along with a large oak coffee table and a huge fireplace with an oak mantle. Knox had artwork everywhere, which I was sure cost him more than I could ever dream of. I found myself walking slowly around the room, dragging my finger along the end tables as I looked at his paintings.

  I stopped in front of one of a young girl in a field of daisies. It was beautiful. She had white-blonde ringlets and big, light-blue eyes, surrounded by dark lashes, just like Knox’s lashes, and a full rosy mouth that was smiling brightly at the painter. She wore a yellow and blue floral dress and had bare feet. I leaned into him when I felt his arms go around me.

  “Like this one?” he whispered into my ear, nipping the shell of it with his teeth.

  “Yes, very much. Who is she?”

  He rested his chin on my shoulder, looking at the painting with me. “My niece. Isn’t she beautiful?”

  I turned my head to look at him. “Yes, I didn’t know you have a niece. How old is she?”

  He released me and took my hand, leading me into his massive kitchen. Dark cherry wood cabinets were everywhere. A large stainless steel sink was situated in the middle, and I noticed a wine refrigerator to the left of it. He sat me down on a barstool as he walked behind the island in the center of the room, and put on an apron. I smiled at the sight.

  “She’s seven now. That was done when she was four. I had taken the picture and asked an artist friend of mine to paint it for me. My niece is the apple of the family’s eye as she’s the only grandchild.” He started chopping vegetables as he answered my questions. “I have a brother, Michael. Aubrey is his daughter.”

  “What a beautiful name,” I commented as I watched him chop. “Is Michael older or younger than you?”

  “He’s older,” he replied. “We’re six years apart. He’s been married for about ten years now to a great girl named Shelly.”

  I listened as he continued telling me about his family. His parents lived in the Hamptons, having retired there a few years ago. His father was a neurosurgeon and his mother a pharmacist. He was raised in New York City and had graduated from Columbia with an MBA. His brother was an attorney at a big New York firm and Shelly stayed home with Aubrey. They sounded like a close knit family, something else that was very foreign to me.

  “Mama when will I get a brother or a sister?”

  My mother looked away from the TV for a minute to answer me. “Never, Lucy Jane, I don’t want any more children. But hell, for all I know you already have some as your sperm donor sleeps with everything he sees.” She turned to look back at her TV show, letting me know she was done, but I had one more question.

  “Mama, what’s a sperm donor?”

  A glass of white wine was placed in front of me on the counter. “Your favorite,” he told me, smiling. I picked it up and took a sip, eager to feel the relaxing effect it would bring me, and to forget about memories of my childhood.

  “Thank you,” I smiled back.

  “Dinner’s almost ready.”

  I heard the sizzling of something on the stove. Immediately delicious aromas surrounded us, making my mouth water. “It smells great. What are we having?”

  “Chicken fajitas. I hope you like them.”

  “Mexican food is my favorite.”

  “So I’ve heard.” He winked.

  Megan, of course.

  He set a plate in front of me, and one to the side, then refilled my wine glass. He sat down and leaned over to give me a kiss.

  “Bon appétit.” He smiled against my lips.

  I dug in, moaning as I took the first bite. “This is so good.”

  He laughed. “I’m glad you like it.”

  I took another bite. “I do, I love it. I didn’t realize how hungry I was.”

  By my third bite, I realized he hadn’t taken his first. “Are you not going to eat your own food? Should I be worried?” I teased.

  Laughing, he took a bite of his fajita. “Not at all, I was just enjoying watching you eat.”

  I blushed with embarrassment. “Sorry,” I said quietly. “It’s just so good.”

  “Don’t apologize, Lucy. It’s a good thing. I love watching you enjoy what I’ve prepared for you.”

  Relaxing again, we finished the meal, and the wine. Knox never ceased to amaze me with how well he treated me, and how at ease I was with him. I couldn’t deny it any longer—I was falling hard.

  As Knox was cleaning up the dishes, his phone rang. He set the dishes back down.

  “Knox Taylor.”

  He listened for a few minutes, turning his back to me to look out the windows. I had a bad feeling, and knew that Drake had something to do with it.

  “That was Maxwell,” he told me when he hung up. “He was able to find out the flowers were sent from a business. Does Clayton Tile ring a bell?”

  I thought about it for a minute but knew it didn’t. I’d never heard of that business before. I shook my head. “No, sorry.”

  “It doesn’t with me either. I told Maxwell to look into the company. We’re not letting this go until we know exactly who sent you the flowers.”

  I let out the breath I didn’t know I was holding and watched him as he walked over. He took my hand in his, and brushed his lips over my knuckles as he spoke. “Ready for dessert?”

  I laughed at the sudden change in subject, and nodded, letting him know that indeed I was.

  KNOX MADE CHOCOLATE DECADENCE FOR dessert. The first bite melted in my mouth, and I didn’t stop until the last. I didn’t care if he thought I was a glutton—nothing was more important than that dessert getting in my mouth right then.

  As Knox was clearing the plates, he leaned over me. “Did you enjoy it?” he teased.

  I blotted my mouth with the napkin and shrugged. “It was all right.”

  He threw his head back as he laughed, then walked into the kitchen. I stood and followed him, ready to help him clean up. When he saw me grab a dishtowel, he shook his head.

  “No way, Lucy,” he chastised. “You are my guest. Go sit on the couch and I’ll join you in a minute.”

  I pouted. “I don’t mind, Knox. I want to help you. You made an amazing dinner and dessert, and it’s the least I can do.”

  He pushed me out of the kitchen and onto the large sofa. “No way, just sit here and relax. I won’t be long.”

  I folded my arms and frowned, which only made him laugh more. He disappeared back into the kitchen, and I listened to him loading the dishwasher. And he thinks I’m stubborn.

  I looked around the large living room again. I was out of my league with Knox, and I was doubtful I
could ever fit into his world. That thought brought my spirits down, and for the first time in weeks, I asked myself what I was doing with him.

  Knox had travel books and magazines scattered on his coffee table. I picked up a travel magazine and started flipping through it as I waited for him to finish cleaning up. I was so engrossed in an article on the Cayman Islands that I didn’t hear him approach. When I felt his hand on my shoulder, I jumped. He came around me and sat down.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.”

  I put the magazine back on the table. “It’s okay, I just didn’t hear you come in, that’s all.”

  He looked at the magazine I’d set down. “Are you interested in travel?”

  “As much as one can be when they’ve never traveled,” I answered, feeling insecure.

  He looked at me for a minute, then asked, “What article were you reading?”

  I moved my hand in a dismissive gesture. “Oh, something about the Cayman Islands. It looks like a beautiful place.”

  “Mmm, it is. One of the most beautiful islands I’ve ever visited.”

  I nodded, not having anything to contribute to the conversation. He suddenly grabbed me and started to tickle. I shrieked and tried to shove his hands away, but he was relentless.

  I found myself on my back, twisting from side to side, begging him to stop while laughing hysterically. He finally let up, and I gasped for air. When my heart rate slowed down, I looked up at him.

  “Please, don’t do that again,” I begged him.

  He pretended to think about it. “Hmm…well, that depends.”

  I gave him a look. “Depends on what?”

  He lowered his face so that his lips were just above mine. “Whether you’ll let me kiss you senseless.”

  My heart rate accelerated as I stared into his gorgeous eyes. “Okay,” I whispered, wanting that more than anything.

  He slanted his lips over mine in a slow but sweet kiss. He started out gently, almost as if he were nervous he’d break me. When I growled and pulled him closer to me, his tongue dove into my mouth, and his hand snuck behind my neck, fisting my hair. He moved my head to the side, deepening the kiss, and I moaned in satisfaction, instinctively wrapping my legs around his waist. He stopped kissing me.


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