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Discovering Lucy

Page 14

by Laura Dunaway

  “Megs,” I choked. “Can’t. Breathe.”

  She pulled back, and started laughing. “Sorry! I’m just so happy for you, Lucy. I want all of the details.”

  I sat back on the couch and got comfortable, then filled her in on my night, and morning, with Knox. I didn’t go into every detail, but enough that she was satisfied. When I finished there were tears in her eyes. “What’s wrong?” I asked, alarmed.

  She smiled. “Nothing’s wrong. I’m just so happy. I’ve known for a while now how perfect he is for you.”

  That made me smile. He made me feel so good, inside and out. I never thought I deserved a guy like him, but now that I had him, I couldn’t let him go.

  “I love him,” I blurted out to Megan.

  Her eyes grew wide, and her hand went over her mouth. “What?” she asked quietly.

  I pushed her on the arm. “You heard me, I’m in love with him.” I grinned.

  She stood up shrieking and did a little dance. I sat back laughing as I watched, amused that she was acting more excited than I was. Once she finally calmed down, she sat by me and pulled me into a huge hug, rocking me back and forth.

  “Ahhh, Lucy,” she sighed. “I wasn’t expecting that. I’m so, so happy for you guys. Wait, did you tell him?”

  I flashed back to that morning in the shower, and a slow smile appeared over my face. “He was the one who said it first actually. He said he’s in love with me, and that he couldn’t hold it back anymore.”

  Megan flung herself in my arms, once again rocking me back and forth. “Ohhh, Lucy, that could not be more perfect. I’m dying!” Her eyes shined as she brushed out my hair with her fingers. “You know I love you too. May I ask you something?”

  “Of course.”

  “Have you told him about your mom, about Drake?”

  I closed my eyes. “Yeah, I did the other night.”

  She leaned her head back on the couch as she settled into the couch. “That’s good, I’m glad you did. I know he can help you.”

  He already has, I thought to myself as my phone vibrated in my pocket. I moved so I could get it out.


  I felt tingles run down my body at seeing his name. Megan peeked over my shoulder and grinned when she saw who it was. She stood and stretched.

  “I’m going to take a shower. I love you, and girl, I am over the moon about you and Knox.” She bent over and gave me a quick kiss on my cheek, then walked to the bathroom and shut the door.

  I looked at his text.

  I miss you

  I smiled as I ran my finger over his words. It hadn’t been an hour since he’d dropped me off, but I missed him too, so much. All I wanted was to feel him next to me.

  I miss you too

  I stood up to get a glass of water. As I was filling the glass, my phone vibrated again.

  I want you

  I grinned then set my glass down. Walking to my room, I sat on my bed and read it over and over. I was never going to erase this text.

  I want you too

  I want to see you tonight

  My heart fluttered. I wanted to see him too. Like, right then. I wanted him with me on my bed, holding me, kissing me.

  What time?

  There was a knock at the door. I could still hear the shower going, so that meant I had to get up and see who it was. Groaning, I got up and walked to the door. When I looked through the peephole, tingles ran through me. I quickly opened it.

  “Is now okay?” Knox asked, holding his phone in his hand.

  I squealed and grabbed him, pulling him inside, and dropping my phone on the kitchen table. I led him into my bedroom and shut the door.

  “Why, Lucy Simmons, you don’t waste any time.” His grin was the sexiest thing I’d ever seen…

  his face…

  his body…

  his hair…

  I pulled him onto the bed, loving it when he wrapped his arms around me. “I figured the person who kept me up most of the night might want to take a nap too?” I asked, looking up at him.

  He stared at me with such intensity that it made my heart stop. “I’d do anything with you Lucy,” he whispered softly as he pulled me closer to him.

  We fell asleep like that, and I couldn’t remember ever taking a better nap. When I woke up, his arms were still wrapped around me, and I could hear him snoring lightly above me. Smiling, I reached behind me and ran my hand through his hair. He sighed then tightened his grip around me. I wanted to turn to look at him, but I didn’t want to wake him up, so I stayed put, enjoying being in the moment.

  He stirred a few minutes later. “What time is it?”

  I looked at the clock on my nightstand. “Almost five.”

  He moved onto his back, taking me with him, so I was sprawled along his warm chest. “Wow, I guess we really did need that nap.” He laughed.

  I grinned down at him. “Told ya.”

  He lifted his head and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. “When I dropped you off, I missed you immediately. I went to the office and tried to do some work, but yeah, that didn’t happen. You’re the only thing I can think about Lucy.”

  He was looking at me with that intensity again, but it didn’t make me nervous, it made me excited. “I told Megan about us,” I blurted out.

  He set his head back on the pillow and laughed. “You say that like I wouldn’t have already guessed.”

  I buried my face in his neck. “Well, I wanted you to know that she knows is all.”

  “Baby, I want to shout it to the world. Telling Megan is just the beginning.”

  Knock, knock, knock.

  Megan opened the door. “Hey Lucy, do you…oh!”

  Knox and I both erupted in laughter.

  She put her hand on her hip, trying not to laugh with us. “I didn’t know you were here, Knox, sorry. I need to remember to wait to be told to come in before just barging in.”

  I threw one of my decorative pillows at her, barely missing. “Yeah, ya do, Megs.”

  Knox sat up and rested his head on my shoulder. “Sorry to startle you, Megan.”

  “I bet you are,” she pouted playfully. “Well, at least you two aren’t naked.” She shut the door.

  He picked up my hand and pulled me off the bed. “Are you hungry?” he asked, running his hand through my hair, then placing it behind my shoulder.

  I put my hand on his belt buckle. “Not for food,” I said softly. I rubbed my hand up and down his crotch, feeling him harden instantly. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes, moaning at my touch. I undid the buckle and released the button at the top of his shorts. As I started to lower the zipper, I fell down to my knees and slowly lifted him out. His hands instantly came over mine, making me look up at him.

  “You don’t have to do that,” he whispered huskily. I grabbed the hem of my shirt and lifted it over my head, tossing it on the floor. “I know I don’t have to,” I replied, bending over and grazing my lips over him gently, making him hiss. “But I want to.”

  I took him deep in my mouth, circling my tongue around the tip. His hands plunged in my hair, holding on to me as he moaned, and I felt in complete control over the moment, powerful as I sucked him deeper.

  “Holy shit baby,” he whispered as his head fell back in ecstasy. I held him in one hand while I cupped his balls with my other, massaging them lightly. His hips jolted a bit, pushing him further in my mouth. I pumped my hand back and forth as I sucked on his tip.

  “Lucy,” he moaned. I felt his balls tighten and thought he would come soon but the next thing I knew, he was pulling himself from my mouth, making me look up at him in confusion. He got down on his knees and grabbed me, kissing me hard.

  “That was amazing,” he whispered when he released my mouth. “but I want to be inside you when I come.”

  He got to his feet and helped me up, lightly pushing me back toward my bed. When my knees hit the edge, I fell back and watched as he lowered himself over me. “Now where were we?” he asked as he lowered h
is head and kissed me passionately.

  I used my feet to start pushing his shorts down his legs. “Right about here,” I replied against his mouth, watching as he quickly got up to finish taking them off, then locked the door to my room.

  “No more surprise guests,” he told me as he lay back on top of me.

  “No more surprise guests,” I repeated, then forgot all about it when Knox started kissing me. We didn’t see Megan for the rest of the afternoon. We didn’t see the outside of my bedroom walls until it was completely dark outside.

  THE NEXT FEW WEEKS FLEW by. Knox and I had only spent a handful of nights away from each other, the rest he was either at my place, or I was at his. Knox and Sean got along great, which made me happy, so we spent a lot of time with them.

  My life had never been better.

  One night at work, Priscilla took me aside. Worried I’d done something wrong, my palms started to sweat. She sat down on the sofa in the corner, indicating for me to sit down next to her.

  “Lucy, dear,” she started. “You’ve been here six months now, and I’ve been very impressed with your performance. You are a hard and dedicated worker. I wanted to let you know that a buyer’s position has come available in our intimate apparel department, and I have put in a good word for you.”

  My jaw hit the floor. I had heard about this opening, but hadn’t applied because I didn’t think I had a chance—I was only a sales rep. I looked at Priscilla, stunned.

  “Don’t look so surprised my dear,” she chirped. “I’ve kept my eye on you. I had a feeling about you during your initial interview, and I knew you were one to watch. You weren’t meant to stay at the cosmetics counter long. I’m going to enjoy seeing you move up in this company.”

  I finally found my voice and smiled. “I don’t know what to say. Thank you so much.”

  She patted my knee. “Well, you don’t have the job yet, but I have a good feeling about it. And you always have your job here if things don’t work out. I’ll keep you posted as things develop.”

  She stood up, indicating we were done. As we walked back to my counter, I stopped and thanked her one more time. “Just knowing you have confidence in me means the world to me, thank you.”

  “Of course I do, dear. Ta ta,” she sang as she walked away.

  When I went behind the counter, Mindy was standing before me. Here we go again.

  “So have you and Knox slept together yet?”

  I was sure I’d misheard her. “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me,” she said, her voice almost a growl. “Has he stuck it in you yet?”

  Fierce anger rose in my chest. “How dare you—”

  “Mindy, it sounds as if I need to have a repeat conversation with you,” Knox called out.

  My head whipped toward the sound of his voice. He was standing across from me in his dark-navy suit and red tie, glaring at Mindy. Even upset, he was hot.

  Mindy’s face blanched when she heard him. “Knox, baby, how are you?” she asked, trying to pretend she hadn’t just been caught.

  “We can talk here, or we can talk somewhere more private, but we are going to talk,” he told her, his eyes filled with anger.

  She stepped a few paces back, her hands opening and closing, and her eyes blinking. “Uh, private is good,” she muttered.

  Knox looked at me, and his eyes softened as he leaned over the counter to give me a quick kiss. “I’ll be right back.”

  I nodded and watched him lead her away. If Mindy had a tail, it definitely would have been between her legs at that moment.

  “I hope he can finally put her in her place,” Kathy said from behind me.

  I smoothed out my dark-gray pencil skirt, giving my best attempt at a smile. “Me too. I just want her to leave me alone. She’s such a nasty person.”

  Kathy laughed as she put an order away. “That she is, Lucy. There are reasons why she’s never been promoted.”

  Bless Kathy for lightening my mood. I helped her put another order away as we talked about trivial things. It was nice to take the focus off Mindy, even though a part of me couldn’t stop thinking about it.

  A few minutes later, I heard her heels clicking on the floor. I assumed she’d continue passing by, but she stopped at my counter, tears in her eyes. She reached over and grabbed a tissue and blotted them.

  “Uh, Lucy,” she said, hesitantly. “I was out of line, and I want to apologize for my behavior. It won’t happen again.”

  I saw Knox approach slowly, watching us. He nodded, letting me know it was okay. I looked back at her, and was surprised that I actually felt a little sorry for her.

  “I’m not going to say it’s okay because it isn’t, but I can move past it if it won’t happen anymore.”

  She wiped her eyes with the tissue again, stepping back. “It won’t, I promise.” She walked back to her department. I hoped that we had just made some sort of truce.

  Knox came and leaned over the counter. I closed my eyes and inhaled his heavenly scent, loving it. “What did you say to her?”

  He raised a brow. “Something she obviously needed to hear again.”

  I rolled my eyes. “She was crying, Knox. What happened?”

  He stood up and walked over to the entrance of the counter. “Come here,” he told me, motioning me with his finger. I walked over and stood in front of him. “I told her that I was not interested, plain and simple. I told that you are my girlfriend, and I won’t put up with anybody treating you poorly.”

  No one had ever defended me before and it brought a blanket of warmth over me—the feeling of being loved.

  “Thank you,” I whispered, overcome with emotions.

  “You know I’d walk through hell and back for you, Lucy.” The gold flecks in his eyes were bright as he looked at me, and I knew it without a doubt.

  All I wanted to do was run my hand across his cheek, to feel his stubble grazing my fingertips, but I was at work, and had to behave professionally. I turned my head and sighed.

  “I want you too, angel,” he whispered as he looked in my eyes.

  He still continued to surprise me with how well he knew me. “I wish we weren’t here at work right now,” I said quietly.

  “When’s your break?” he asked, his voice husky.

  I looked at my watch. “In a few minutes, why?”

  His eyes hooded as he smiled a sexy grin.

  My mouth formed an O when I realized what was on his mind. I turned to Kathy. “Um, do you mind if I take my break now?”

  She was busy looking over some paperwork. “No, hon, go ahead. It’s not busy.”

  “Thank you.”

  Knox grabbed my hand and started walking me toward the elevators. “Where are you taking me?” I asked as he pushed the UP arrow.

  “Somewhere private. Being on the board of directors does have its perks,” he said with a smirk. He tapped his foot and ran a hand through his hair as we waited for the elevator to arrive. We finally heard the ding, indicating its arrival.

  When the doors opened, no one was inside, and Knox pulled me in and slammed me against the wall. As soon as the doors closed, he pressed a button, then crushed his lips to mine.

  “I can’t keep my hands off you,” he breathed into my lips. “What are you doing to me?” He caressed my breast through my blouse, making me utter a quiet moan. When the ding of the elevator sounded, we immediately stood apart, but the doors opened and no one was there. We both laughed as he took my hand and led me down a quiet hallway. I hadn’t been to this floor before, so I had no idea where we were headed. We reached the end of the hall and Knox opened a large mahogany door.

  It was pitch black inside, so Knox flipped on a light. We were in what looked like a clean and organized stock room. Boxes of makeup and supplements were everywhere, but there was also a table surrounded by chairs and a sofa to the side of it.

  “What is this room?” I asked, my mind curious. I walked over to the table and lifted a small box—Women’s Wrinkle Cream. “Is this w
here Armstrong’s keeps the merchandise before it gets delivered to the departments?”

  He walked over to me and took the box out of my hand, setting it back on the table. “This is a room where some of the board meets to discuss the higher quality products, and if we think they’re worth the price the manufacturer suggests we ask. When Mrs. Bresden’s husband was CEO, he thought some of the prices were outrageous, and started having meetings to discuss the cost. His legacy lives on.” I hadn’t heard of any company doing that, and I thought it was really cool.

  Knox walked me backwards to a chair, and my knees hit the edge of it, making me fall. He put his hands on the armrests, trapping me. Electricity coursed through my veins. He looked like a hunter aiming for his prey, and that prey was me.

  He knelt down and pulled my chair closer to him as he moved between my legs. I gasped when he fisted a hand in my hair, bringing my face close to his. Our noses were barely touching, but I had never been more turned on in my life. “We don’t have much time left on your break, baby,” he whispered huskily. “So this is going to be quick, and rough.”

  I groaned at his words as his lips slammed onto mine, his tongue delving inside as he pulled my head back. He moved my head to the side, deepening the kiss as his tongue swept inside my mouth. His hand moved to my breast, massaging it roughly. I jumped a bit at his touch, making my chair push back and hit the table. He slipped his hand up my shirt and inside the cup of my bra, grasping my nipple between his fingers. I broke the kiss and laid my head back, concentrating on the pleasure.

  When his hand left my breast, I opened my eyes and looked down at him. He was looking at me as his hands went to the bottom of my skirt, lifting it to my thighs. He kept his eyes on me as his hand moved between my legs, slipping them inside my panties. I was mesmerized as he watched my reaction to his touch, then he ripped my panties off in one fluid motion. I cried out in surprise, then moaned in ecstasy when I felt the first swipe of his tongue on my sensitive bud. It didn’t take him long to bring me to release, his hand covering my mouth when I started to scream.


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