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Midnight in Chernobyl

Page 66

by Adam Higginbotham

  Petty, Dwayne Keith. “Inside Dawson Forest: A History of the Georgia Nuclear Aircraft Laboratory.” Pickens County Progress, January 2, 2007, online at

  Polad-Zade, P. A. “Too Bad It Took a Tragedy” [Жаль, что для этого нужна трагедия]. In Semenov, ed., Chernobyl. Ten Years On, 195–200.

  Poroshenko, Petro. “The President’s address at the ceremony marking the 30th anniversary of the Chernobyl catastrophe” [Виступ Президента під час заходів у зв’язку з 30-ми роковинами Чорнобильської катастрофи]. Speech on the New Safe Confinement site, April 26, 2016, online at:

  Potter, William C. “Soviet Decision-Making for Chernobyl: An Analysis of System Performance and Policy Change.” Report to the National Council for Soviet and East European Research, March 1990.

  Prushinsky, B. Y. “This Can’t Be—But It Happened” [Этого не может быть—но это случилось]. In Semenov, ed., Chernobyl. Ten Years On, 308–24.

  Remnick, David. “Chernobyl’s Coffin Bonus.” Washington Post, November 24, 1989.

  ———. “Echo in the Dark.” New Yorker, September 22, 2008.

  Reuters. “Chernobyl Costs Reach $3.9 Billion.” Globe and Mail (Canada), September 20, 1986.

  ———. “New Town Opens to Workers from Chernobyl Power Plant.” New York Times, April 19, 1988.

  ———. “Wild Boars Roam Czech Forests—and Some of Them Are Radioactive.” February 22, 2017.

  Reva, V. M. Testimony at the 46th session of the Supreme Rada, December 11, 1991. Kiev, Ukraine. Transcript online at

  Rogovin, Mitchell, and George T. Frampton Jr. (NRC Special Inquiry Group). Three Mile Island: A Report to the Commissioners and to the Public. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1980.

  Rybinskaya, Irina. Interview with Vladimir Trinos. “Fireman Vladimir Trinos, one of the first to arrive at Chernobyl after the explosion: ‘It was inconvenient to wear gloves, so the guys worked with their bare hands, crawling on their knees through radioactive water . . .’ ” [Пожарный Владимир Тринос, одним из первых попавший на ЧАЭС после взрыва: «в рукавицах было неудобно, поэтому ребята работали голыми руками, ползая на коленях по радиоактивной воде . . . »]. Fakty i kommentarii, April 26, 2001,

  Rylskii, Maksim. Interview with Vitali Sklyarov. “The Nuclear Power Industry in the Ukraine.” Soviet Life 353, no. 2.

  Samarin, Anton. Interview with Viktor Brukhanov. “Chernobyl hasn’t taught anyone anything” [Чернобыль никого и ничему не научил]. Odnako, April 26, 2010,

  Samodelova, Svetlana. “The private catastrophe of Chernobyl’s director” [Личная катастрофа директора Чернобыля]. Moskovsky Komsomolets, April 22, 2011,

  Sazhneva, Ekaterina. “The living hero of a dead city” [Живой герой мертвого города]. Kultura, February 2, 2016,

  Schmemann, Serge. “Chernobyl and the Europeans: Radiation and Doubts Linger.” New York Times, June 12, 1988.

  ———. “Kremlin Asserts ‘Danger Is Over.’ ” New York Times, May 12, 1986.

  ———. “Soviet Announces Nuclear Accident at Electric Plant.” New York Times, April 29, 1986.

  ———. “The Talk of Kiev.” New York Times, May 31, 1986.

  Semenov, A. N. “For the 10th Anniversary of the Chernobyl Catastrophe.” In Semenov, ed., Chernobyl: Ten Years On, 7–74.

  Shanker, Thom. “As Reactors Hum, ‘Life Goes On’ at Mammoth Tomb.” Chicago Tribune, June 15, 1987.

  ———. “Life Resumes at Chernobyl as Trials Begin.” Chicago Tribune, June 16, 1987.

  ———. “2 Graves Lift Chernobyl Toll to 30.” Chicago Tribune, August 3, 1986.

  Shasharin, G. “Chernobyl Tragedy” [Чернобыльская трагедия]. Novy Mir 797, no. 9 (1991): 164–79. Republished with the same title in Semenov, ed., Chernobyl: Ten Years On, 75–132.

  Shcherbak, Iurii. “Chernobyl: A Documentary Tale” [Чернобыль: Документальная повесть]. Yunost, nos. 6–7 (1987). Translated by JPRS Soviet Union Political Affairs as “Fictionalized Report on First Anniversary of Chernobyl Accident” (Report no. JPRS-UPA-87-029, September 15, 1987).

  Sheremeta, Yelena. Interview with Rada Scherbitskaya. “After Chernobyl, Gorbachev told Vladimir Vasiliyevich, ‘If you don’t hold the parade, say good-bye to the party.’ ” [После Чернобыля Горбачев сказал Владимиру Васильевичу: «Если не проведешь первомайскую демонстрацию, то можешь распрощаться с партией»]. Fakty i kommentarii, February 17, 2006,

  ———. Interview with Vitali Masol. “Vitali Masol: ‘We were quietly preparing to evacuate Kiev’ ” [Виталий Масол: «Мы тихонечко готовились к эвакуации Киева»]. Fakty i kommentarii, April 26, 2006,

  Shunevich, Vladimir. “Former ChNPP Director Brukhanov: ‘When after the accident my mother learned that I’d been expelled from the party, her heart broke . . .’ ” [Бывший директор ЧАЭС Виктор Брюханов: «Когда после взрыва реактора моя мама узнала, что меня исключили из партии, у нее разорвалось сердце . . . »]. Fakty i kommentarii, December 1, 2010,

  ———. Interview with Viktor Brukhanov. “Former director of the Chernobyl Atomic Power Station Viktor Brukhanov: ‘At night, driving by Unit Four, I saw that the structure above the reactor is . . . Gone!’ ” [Бывший директор Чернобыльской Атомной Электростанции Виктор Брюханов: «Ночью, проезжая мимо четвертого блока, увидел, что верхнего строения над реактором . . . Нету!»]. Fakty i kommentarii, April 28, 2006,

  Sich, Alexander. “Truth Was an Early Casualty.” Bulletin of Atomic Scientists 52, no. 3 (May–June 1996).

  Sidorchik, Andrei. “Deadly experiment. Chronology of the Chernobyl NPP catastrophe” [Смертельный эксперимент. Хронология катастрофы на Чернобыльской АЭС]. Argumenty i fakty, April 26, 2016,

  Skaletsky, Yuriy, and Oleg Nasvit (National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine). “Military liquidators in liquidation of the consequences of Chornobyl NPP accident: myths and realities.” In T. Imanaka, ed., Multi-side Approach to the Realities of the Chernobyl NPP Accident (Kyoto: Kyoto University, 2008).

  “Slavsky Efim Pavlovich” [Славс
кий Ефим Павлович]. Family history,

  Sparks, Justin. “Russia Diverted Chernobyl Rain, Says Scientist.” Sunday Times, August 8, 2004. “Soccer in Pripyat: The History of the ‘Builder’ Soccer Club” [Футбол в Припяти. История футбольного клуба «Строитель»]. April 27, 2014,

  Stadnychenko-Cornelison, Tamara. “Military engineer denounces handling of Chernobyl Accident.” The Ukrainian Weekly, April 26, 1992.

  Stastita. “Mortality Rate Worldwide in 2018, by Energy Source (in Deaths Per Terawatt Hours).”,

  Stein, George. “Chernobyl’s Flaws Exposed in March by Ukraine Paper.” Los Angeles Times, May 2, 1986.

  Strasser, Emily. “The Weight of a Butterfly.” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, February 25, 2015,

  Telyatnikov, Leonid. “Firefight at Chernobyl.” Transcript of the address at the Fourth Great American Firehouse Exposition and Muster, Baltimore, MD, September 17, 1987, online at Fire Files Digital Library,

  Tolstikov, V. S., and V. N. Kuznetsov. “The 1957 Radiation Accident in Southern Urals: Truth and Speculation” [Южно-уральская радиационная авария 1957 года: Правда и домыслы]. Vremya 32, no. 8 (August 2017): 13.

  United Press International. “Tens of Thousands in March: Nuclear Disaster Ignored at Soviet May Day Parade.” Los Angeles Times, May 1, 1986.

  US Department of the Treasury. “Treasury Sanctions Russian Officials, Members of the Russian Leadership’s Inner Circle, and an Entity for Involvement in the Situation in Ukraine.” March 20, 2014,

  US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. “Operating Nuclear Power Reactors (by Location or Name).” Updated April 4, 2018,

  ———. “Report on the Accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station (NUREG–1250).” US Department of Energy, January 1987.

  USSR State Committee on the Utilization of Atomic Energy. “The Accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant and Its Consequences” [also known as “Vienna report”]. Information compiled for the IAEA Experts’ Meeting, Vienna, 25–29 August, 1986, Parts I and II (August 1986).

  Vasyl, Maria. Interview with Viktor Brukhanov. “Former ChNPP director Brukhanov: ‘Had they found legal grounds to have me shot, they would have done so.’ ” [Бывший директор ЧАЭС Виктор Брюханов: «Если бы нашли для меня расстрельную статью, то, думаю, расстреляли бы.»]. Fakty i kommentarii, October 18, 2000,

  Veklicheva, R. “A Soviet Way of Life: The Test” [Образ жизни—Советский. Испытание]. Vperiod (official newspaper of Obninsk Communist Party Committee), June 17, 1986.

  Voloshko, Vladimir. “The Town That Died at the Age of Sixteen” [Город, погибший в 16 лет].

  Von Hippel, Frank N., and Matthew Bunn. “Saga of the Siberian Plutonium-Production Reactors.” Federation of American Scientists Public Interest Report, 53 (November/December 2000),

  Vorobyev, A. “Chernobyl Catastrophe Five Years On” [Чернобыльская катастрофа пять лет спустя]. Novy Mir 797, no. 9 (1991): 179–83.

  Walker, Martin. “Moscow Play Pans Nuclear Farce: Piece on Chernobyl Accident to Tour Soviet Cities.” Guardian, September 18, 1986.

  Weber, E. T., et al. “Chernobyl Lessons Learned: Review of N Reactor.” Report WHC-SP-0257, prepared for the US Department of Energy Assistant Secretary for Defense Programs. October 1987.

  Wellock, Thomas. “ ‘Too Cheap to Meter’: A History of the Phrase.” United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (blog), June 3, 2016.

  Whittington, Luther. “ ‘2,000 Die’ in Nukemare; Soviets Appeal for Help as N-plant Burns out of Control.” New York Post, April 29, 1986.

  Williams, Carol J. “Chernobyl Victims Buried at Memorial Site.” Associated Press. June 24, 1986.

  World Energy Council. World Energy Scenarios 2016, Executive Summary. World Energy Council report,

  World Health Organization (WHO), Regional Office For Europe. “Chernobyl Reactor Accident: Report of a Consultation.” Report no. ICP/CEH 129, May 6, 1986 (provisional).

  WHO. “Health Effects of the Chernobyl Accident: An Overview.” April 2006,

  ———. “1986–2016: Chernobyl at 30—An update.” Press release, April 25, 2016.

  WHO/IAEA/UNDP. “Chernobyl: The true scale of the accident.” Joint press release, September 5, 2005.

  World Nuclear Association. “Nuclear Power in France.” Updated June 2018,

  ———. “Nuclear Power in China,” World Nuclear Association, updated May 2018,

  Yadrihinsky, A. A. “Atomic Accident at Unit Four of Chernobyl NPP and Nuclear Safety of RBMK Reactors” [Ядерная авария на 4 блоке Чернобыльской АЭС и ядерная безопасность реакторов РБМК]. Gosatomenergonadzor Inspectorate at the Kursk Nuclear Power Station, 1989.

  Yatsenko, Natalia. Interview with Vitali Sklyarov. “Vitali Sklyarov, energy advisor to the Ukrainian prime minister: ‘What’s happening in our energy sector is self-suffocation.’ ” [Советник премьер-министра Украины по вопросам энергетики Виталий Скляров: «Самоудушение—вот что происходит с нашей энергетикой»]. Zerkalo nedeli Ukraina, October 7, 1994,

  Yurchenko, Y. Report no. IAEA-CN-48/256: Assessment of the Effectiveness of Mechanical Decontamination Technologies and Technical Devices Used at the Damaged Unit of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant [Оценка эффективности технологий и технических средств механической дезактивации аварийного блока Чернобыльской АЭС.]. In IAEA, Nuclear Power Performance and Safety, 1988.

  Zhilin, A. “No such thing as someone else’s grief” [Чужого горя не бывает]. Aviatsiya i Kosmonavtika no. 8 (August 1986).

  Film and TV

  The Atom Joins the Grid. Documentary film. London: British Pathé, October 1956.

  The Battle of Chernobyl. Documentary film. Directed by Thomas Johnson. France: Play Film, 2006.

  The Bells of Chernobyl (Ten Years Later). Documentary film. Directed by Kurt Langbein et al. NTU/BTRC/TVP/RTL/Tele Images/Strix TV/TV Asahi, 1996.

  Chernobyl: A Warning [Чернобыль: Предупреждение]. Documentary film. Narrated by Lev Nikolayev. Directed by Vladimir Osminin. Moscow: Channel One, 1987.

  Chernobyl: Chronicle of Difficult Weeks. Documentary film. Directed by Vladimir Shevchenko. Kiev: Ukrainian News and Documentary Studio, 1986.

  Chernobyl: Two Colors of Time [Чернобыль: Два цвета времени]. Three-part documentary. Directed by I. Kobrin. Kiev: Ukrtelefim, 1989.

  Chernobyl 1986.04.26 Post Scriptum [Чернобыль. 1986.04.26 Post Scriptum]. Documentary series narrated by Valery Starodumov. Kiev: Telecon, 2016.

; Chernobyl 3828 [Чернобыль 3828]. Documentary film. Narrated by Valery Starodumov. Directed by Sergei Zabolotny. Kiev: Telecon, 2011.

  The Construction of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant [Будівництво Чорнобилсьської АЕС]. Documentary film. Kiev: Ukrainian Studio of Documentary Chronicle Films, 1974. State Film Archive of Ukraine.

  Inside Chernobyl’s Sarcophagus. Documentary film. Directed by Edward Briffa. United Kingdom: BBC Horizon, 1991 (rereleased 1996).

  The Mystery of Academician Legasov’s Death [Тайна смерти академика Легасова]. Documentary film. Directed by Yuliya Shamal and Sergei Marmeladov. Moscow: Afis-TV for Channel Rossiya, 2004.

  Pandora’s Promise. Documentary film. Directed by Robert Stone. Impact Partners, 2013.

  Radioactive Wolves. Documentary film. Directed by Klaus Feichtenberger. Epo-Film, ORF/Universum and Thirteen in association with BBC, NDR, and WNET New York Public Media, 2011.

  The Science of Superstorms. Documentary series. Produced by Michael Mosley. London: BBC, 2007.

  The Second Russian Revolution. Documentary series. Produced by Norma Percy and directed by Mark Anderson. London: BBC, 1991.

  Windscale 1957: Britain’s Biggest Nuclear Disaster. Documentary film. Directed by Sarah Aspinall. BBC, 2007.

  Zero Hour: Disaster at Chernobyl. Documentary and dramatic reconstruction. Directed by Renny Bartlett. Discovery, 2004.


  A note about the index: The pages referenced in this index refer to the page numbers in the print edition. Clicking on a page number will take you to the ebook location that corresponds to the beginning of that page in the print edition. For a comprehensive list of locations of any word or phrase, use your reading system’s search function.

  Aberdeen, 353

  abortion, 208, 327, 454n

  absenteeism, 21

  accidents, nuclear, 36–37, 62–74, 78, 112, 478n

  beyond design-basis, 63, 194

  casualties, 89, 94, 99, 101, 117, 118, 122, 127, 136, 179, 208–9, 220, 229, 232, 235–38, 265, 268, 299–300, 312, 315, 326, 334, 338


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