Fate's Intentions

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Fate's Intentions Page 11

by Stevens, Dawn Nicole

  Ashlynn nodded. "Sure, anything for Scarlett."

  Adam disappeared back the hall and after a few minutes he was back with a caddy that contained his equipment. He knelt next to Scarlett and pulled her arm from the blanket turning it over to expose the inside of her arm. He pulled a rubber band from the box and wrapped it around her arm. As he prepared the needle he instructed Ashlynn. "I want you to hold tightly to her arm. Be ready to sit on her if she begins to thrash. I don't want her to injure herself if she wakes in the middle of this. There isn't any risk because she's a wolf now and heals remarkably fast, but she may not appreciate me stabbing her." Ashlynn nodded and did as he said. He wiped her arm with an alcohol swab then pricked her with the needle and drew out a tube of blood. When he was finished he didn't bother to put a band aid on it knowing the tiny hole would heal almost instantly. He put everything away and looked to Ashlynn. "You're turn." She made a face at him as she held out her arm. She wasn't fond of needles so she closed her eyes. After about a minute Adam had let go of her arm so she peeked out to see him putting the tube of blood into the caddy. He pulled out a cotton ball and put it over the drop of blood seeping out of her arm. "I'm sorry, I don't have any band aids."

  "Do I look like a three year old to you? You waiting for me to have a tantrum because I want a band aid? In that case make it Scooby Doo or I'm going to start kicking and screaming!"

  "I can picture you doing that." Adam laughed at her. "I'm going down to the lab to examine these. You are welcome to come if you'd like."

  Ashlynn shook her head. "No I think I'll sit here with Scarlett. I might be down later."

  Adam shrugged and leaned down and kissed her cheek. "You know where I'll be if you need me Love."

  She smiled at him loving the nicknames he called her. She watched him disappear down the hall. She sat back into the couch watching Scarlett. She wondered to herself what Scarlett would say when she found out she was a werewolf. Ben had been sitting in the kitchen at the counter. He had a glass of water in his hand and was staring down into it. They sat in silence both of them lost in thought. Both wondering what laid ahead when Scarlett woke up.

  Chapter 16

  Two hours later Ashlynn was still in the same spot looking at Scarlett. She froze as Scarlett began to wiggle under the blanket. Ben came walking into the room, slowly, cautiously, eyes locked on Scarlett. She opened her eyes and looked around the room. She saw Ashlynn's big blue eyes looking at her like that time she bleached her hair and turned it orange. Her face tightened and her eyebrows scrunched together. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

  Ashlynn hadn't even blinked. "How do you feel?"

  "I feel good. Must have been a long nap. Funny, I don't even remember laying down?"

  Ashlynn's eyes got even bigger. Ben, who was now standing behind Scarlett, asked the question Ashlynn couldn't seem to spit out. "What do you remember?"

  Scarlett was startled at first not knowing he was standing there, but sat up and looked at him. She rubbed her eyes and pushed her hair back out of her face. "I remember eating breakfast. I remember Ashlynn and Adam leaving. I remember carrying the dishes to the kitchen. But I can't remember anything else. What happened? Why can't I remember?"

  Ashlynn had been sitting on the edge of the couch and now she stood and walked over to Scarlett. She sat down next to her and held her hand. "Scarlett, if you don't remember, this may be a shock."

  Scarlett looked around to Ben who was still standing with his eyes stuck to her. She turned back to Ashlynn. "Ash, what the hell are you talking about?"

  Ashlynn took a deep breath. "Well, you see, Cody kind of, well, he tried to kill you."

  Scarlett smirked. "I think I would remember that."

  Ben squatted next to Scarlett. "It is true. When we were cleaning up after breakfast he shot you. It happened so fast you were probably unconscious before you had the chance to think about what was happening."

  "I was shot?" Scarlett wasn't believing him.

  Ben nodded. "Look at your stomach."

  Scarlett frowned at him. She leaned back and pulled up her shirt exposing her belly. She saw the mark. It was completely healed. "It looks like a scar! I never had a scar there? How the hell did that get there? What is it?" She was beginning to get frantic.

  Ashlynn took her hand again and squeezed it. "Scarlett, you were, were," Ashlynn stumbled with her words. Scarlett glared at her unable to believe that Ashlynn Carrey was lost for words.

  "You were bleeding to death." Ben blurted. Both girls whipped their heads in his direction. "You were bleeding to death on the inside. I couldn't do anything else to keep you alive."

  "You're a werewolf Scarlett!" Ashlynn spit the words out like they burned her tongue.

  "I'm a what?" Scarlett laughed.

  "You are a werewolf." Ben spoke again. "You were bleeding to death and I gave you my blood to drink. If not you would have died. But I gave you my blood and now you are also a werewolf. That is why there is no wound from the bullet, only a scar. We heal much faster than humans."

  Scarlett sat back on the couch and pulled the brace off of her wrist and twisted it around in a circle. "It doesn't hurt!" She tilted her head back, looking up at the ceiling "Oh my god. As much as it seems like you must be playing some weird ass joke on me, what you said is the only thing that makes sense. I can't remember anything, my wrist is miraculously healed and I have this mystery scar on my belly." She looked at Ben. "I'm really a werewolf?" She let out an exasperated breath when he nodded. "I'm a werewolf. I'm a fucking werewolf!"

  Ben sat down on the floor and looked down into his lap. "I couldn't let you die."

  Scarlett jumped to her feet and began to pace. "I was a normal girl, with a normal life and with one mistake I'm dumped, thrown out, come half way across the country to get away and get sexually assaulted, find out that the wolf, a wolf that saved me, is not a wolf but a werewolf, then after being stalked and almost attacked a second time, I'm once again saved by a wolf man, brought here in the mountains and get shot, and now turned into a werewolf to save my life!"

  Ben looked up at her and was at a loss for words. He had no idea what to say. "Is there anything I can do?"

  Scarlett stopped and spun around to look at him. "I think you've done enough Benji."

  Her words were like cold water on his face. Ashlynn however, almost rolled off the couch laughing. "Benji! Why didn't I think of that! Benji!" She swallowed her laughter when she realized Scarlett was staring at her. "I'm sorry Scarlett but that was hilarious!"

  Scarlett sat down and looked at the floor. She ran her fingers through her hair as her mind raced. She looked down at Ben. "I'm sorry for snapping at you Ben. I really shouldn't have. You've saved me like what, three times now? I really should be like kissing your feet or something but this is just a little hard to ingest. I'm a werewolf! Two days ago I didn't even know werewolves existed and now I am one!"

  Ben let out a breath as he looked up at her. "It's okay Scarlett. I know this has to be difficult. I can't imagine how you're feeling."

  "Honestly, besides from the confusion and the million thoughts in my head, I feel great. I feel better than I can ever remember feeling. I am full of energy, almost busting at the seams to do something. I'm hungrier than I've been in a long time. I want a steak so bad! A big ole thick juicy steak cooked just enough that the blood still runs when you cut it!" She made a face like she was disgusted. "Ew! I've never eaten any meat that wasn't well done! Since when do I want bloody steaks?"

  Ashlynn laughed. "You sure you don't want to go hunt down a squirrel or something?"

  Scarlett licked her lips and then when she realized what she'd done she slapped her hands over her face. She spoke through her fingers, "Oh my god!"

  Ashlynn laughed even harder. "That is just too funny!"

  Scarlett gave her a dirty look. "No it's not!"

  "It may be gross, I admit it is! But it's the funniest thing I've ever heard!"

  Scarlett's face was red with embar
rassment and Ashlynn's was almost purple from laughing so hard. Even Ben was trying to hide his snickering. Adam broke up the laughter when he came running into the room. "I think I have it!"

  Everyone stopped and looked at him, wondering what he was shouting about. Ashlynn gave him a funny look. "Have what Babe?"

  "The antidote I've been trying to come up with to stop the transformation under a full moon! I think the key is Scarlett's blood!" He was so excited they were all waiting for him to jump up and down.

  Ben grinned at Adam. "Are you sure?"

  Adam smiled back at him. "Yes. Of course I still have to test it but I'm positive this is it." Adam then walked to Scarlett. "I would have never got it if you wouldn't have came here! But we can discuss it later, I want to talk about you. How are you feeling? Are you sore at all or tired? Anything unusual?"

  "Unusual yes! But I feel great!" Scarlett smiled.

  "That is good!" Adam smiled back at her.

  Scarlett looked a little sheepish. "Now that I'm getting over the shock that I am a wolf, I'm curious, how do I change?"

  Adam laughed. "I'm not sure how to answer that. I've never really had to think about it, it just happened when I wanted it to. Maybe if you close your eyes and concentrate. Envision running through the forest dodging bushes and leaping over logs it'll happen."

  "What if I do and I can't change back?"

  Ashlynn giggled. "Scarlett you would be the only person, I mean new wolf-person, to worry about that!"

  Adam smiled. "Don't worry about it right now, tomorrow is a full moon, it will happen then." Scarlett looked a little frightened by the thought. "I know you girls probably want to talk so we are going to give you some privacy. Ben and I will be downstairs if you need us."

  Scarlett rolled her eyes when Ashlynn blew Adam a kiss before he left the room. Ben gave them a nod and a half smile then turned and followed Adam. Once the guys were out of sight Ashlynn turned to Scarlett. "Girl, you couldn't have waited an hour or two to decide to get shot and be turned into a werewolf?"

  Scarlett snorted at her. "Sorry me almost dying and everything ruined your day!"

  "You know I'd never want anything bad to happen to you but it is fucking awesome that you are a werewolf! Just really bad timing! Benji's phone call to Adam really put a kink in my plans."

  "Exactly what plans did my life changing, near death experience ruin?" Scarlett laughed.

  "I was about to get my freak on with hottie docky!"

  "Nu uh!" Scarlett yelled excitedly.

  "Oh yes! Things were just getting hot and heavy when the phone rang!"

  "Give me all the details but do it while I cook! I'm starving!"

  Ashlynn laughed. "You really do have an appetite don't you?"

  "You have no idea!" Scarlett said as she dug through the fridge.


  Later that evening the girls were piled on the couch while Adam and Ben were preparing to go out into the woods. Ashlynn was a little worried that Scarlett didn't seem to be affected hearing that Cody was dead and the guys were going to move his body. Ashlynn got up and pulled Adam to the side. "Should we be worried about the way she's reacting to all of this? I mean she wasn't shocked or anything to learn that Ben killed Cody."

  Adam kissed her forehead. "Don't worry Love. She may not be expressing it but she is dealing with it. Truth is, this is probably easier for her to handle than all the other things she's been through recently. If anything she may not being showing reaction because she is relieved that he is dead and she's feeling guilty about it."

  Ashlynn hugged him. "I hope you're right."

  "One more thing Love. You can't whisper around wolves. This conversation we are having, Ben can hear us plain as day. If Scarlett's senses have already intensified, she can hear it as well."

  "Well that's a load of crap! How's a girl supposed to get any privacy if everyone else in the house can hear a mouse fart a mile away?"

  Adam laughed. "'We've got to get going, I'll be back as soon as I can. In the event of an emergency go outside to my truck and lay on the horn. We should be able to hear it even down by the campground." He placed a hand on each side of her face and kissed her. Ashlynn wrapped her arms around his waist and squeezed him tight. He broke the kiss and leaned away slightly pressing his forehead to hers. "I'll get back as fast as I can." With that, he let go of her and pulled his shirt off as he opened the door. He leaped out the door and Ashlynn looked down to see his pants and his boots in a heap on the floor.

  Ben stood looking at Scarlett. He wanted to talk to her before he left but wasn't sure what to say. He walked over to where she sat on the couch and leaned down in front of her. "Do you need anything before I go?"

  Scarlett shook her head. She stood as he stood and said, "No. I'm fine. You two be safe."

  Ben turned and stepped toward the door but then spun on his heel and wrapped his arms around her. Ashlynn's jaw fell open as she watched Ben pull Scarlett in tight against him. He smelled her hair and couldn't help but hold her tighter when her scent filled his nose. Again, he wanted to speak but didn't know what to say. He didn't give her the chance to say anything either. When he let go of her he turned and almost ran out the door. Ashlynn was frozen in shock for a moment. When she finally collected herself, she stepped over the second heap of clothing on the floor and closed the door. She walked in towards a stunned Scarlett. When Scarlett regained the use of her mouth she said, "What do you think that was all about?"

  "Scarlett, it is so obvious that he cares about you!"

  Scarlett didn't reply. Instead she plopped on the couch trying to make sense of Ben's actions.

  Ashlynn sat down next to her. "I just hope they can pull it off without anyone seeing them."

  Chapter 17

  Ben and Adam ran to where Cody's body laid. They both bit onto it and drug it down over the mountain. They moved fast thinking that the less time they were out, the less chance they may be caught. They reached the river and pulled Cody into the water. They bounded through the water with it moving downstream. Adam had said that they should stay in the water for a good stretch so if anyone found the trail where the body had been drug it would lead to a dead end at the river. They moved down through the river a while and once they thought they had been in the water long enough they climbed up over the bank on the opposite side dragging Cody with them. They pulled him through the woods circling back like a small prey animal does to throw off their scent. It took a lot longer to get to the campground than normal because every so often they would double back and circle around.

  Once they neared the campground Adam stopped and let go. He nodded his head as a sign to Ben that this was good enough. Ben had wrapped the sling of Cody's gun over his head and one shoulder so they wouldn't lose it as they drug him. He looked around to be sure that they were alone and when he was positive that they were he transformed to his human self and looked over to Adam. "Do you think I should try to clean my prints off of it?" Adam nodded at him so he used Cody's shirt to wipe it where he had touched it. He didn't want to wipe down the whole gun or it might put up a red flag that there was foul play. When he finished he transformed and he and Adam darted through the woods in the direction they had came circling the whole way to the cabin as they had on the way to the campground.

  They stopped outside the front door of the cabin and transformed. Adam opened the door just enough to look inside. Their clothes were still on the floor. He saw the girls sitting on the couch. "We are coming in. You girls mind turning around while we put our trousers on?" He heard them giggle and turned to motion to Ben to follow him in. They yanked their pants up and Adam told the girls they were decent. He and Ben walked into the room and took a seat on the couch across from where the girls sat. "It is done." Adam said in a serious tone. His expression changed to a more playful one. "Have any luck transforming?" He asked smiling at Scarlett.

  "No! I can't seem to figure it out." Scarlett said seeming irritated.

  "Too bad you guys missed it! She
was concentrating and tensing so hard I thought she was going to shit her pants!" Ashlynn laughed even though Scarlett was giving her a look meaning shut up.

  Adam laughed but Ben tried to hide his snickering. Scarlett's face was bright red. Adam smiled at her again. "Don't worry, tomorrow night you won't need to try. It will happen. Maybe you have to wait for the first full moon before you can transform."

  Ashlynn shrugged her shoulders. "I wondered about that! That is how it works in most of the horror movies."

  Ben and Adam both rolled their eyes. Adam's tone sounded frustrated. "Those movies are so far from the truth! They cast us as vicious monsters!"

  Ashlynn giggled. "I guess I'll find out tomorrow night when I'm surrounded by them!"

  "Instead of hunting, I think we will take a run up on the mountain. Let you get used to your new form."

  Scarlett nodded. "I can't believe this has happened to me!"

  Ashlynn snorted. "Yea me either! It's been crazy since we've got to this town!" Her face grew serious. "What do you think will happen when they find Cody's body?"

  Adam leaned forward and looked down at the floor. "I hope they just assume it was wild wolves. We'll just have to wait and see."


  None of them slept well that night. All tossing and turning wondering what the next few days would bring. Ashlynn wondered what she had stumbled into. Scarlett thought of the life she had imagined for herself and the new life she had just been reborn into. Adam and Ben's thoughts were of them and Ben also pondered his actions, thinking maybe he should have let Cody go. No. He decided that wasn't an option.

  They spent the next day lounging and eating. Adam and Ben had told Scarlett she should eat all she could hoping that she wouldn't have much of an appetite that night and suppress her urge to hunt. She ate until her stomach hurt which wasn't hard because all she wanted to do was eat. Since the moment she opened her eyes no longer a human she was starving and the hunger wouldn't relent.


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