Fate's Intentions

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Fate's Intentions Page 12

by Stevens, Dawn Nicole

  Ashlynn was standing in front of the window looking out at the mountains. "The sun is almost down." Scarlett sat on the couch nervously picking at her nails.

  Adam handed her a blanket. "Ben and I will step out of the room for a moment. I think it's best if you take your clothes off and cover yourself with this."

  Scarlett's face was pink from embarrassment as she nodded. "Okay."

  Ben and Adam walked back the hall and Scarlett began to undress. She took everything off and wrapped the blanket around herself and sat back down on the couch. Ashlynn walked over and sat next to her and folded her clothes placing them in a pile on the coffee table. She yelled to Adam and Ben, "She's covered, you can come out!" They emerged from the hall and sat on the couch across from Scarlett and Ashlynn.

  Adam watched as Ashlynn picked up Scarlett's clothes and headed to the bathroom with them. "Are you wearing any jewelery?"

  Scarlett looked down at herself. "Just earrings and a belly ring I think."

  "You'll need to take those out."

  Scarlett walked to the bathroom and passed Ashlynn in the hall. Once in the bathroom she took out her belly ring and her earrings and placed them on top of her clothes on the counter. She made her way back to the living room and took her seat on the sofa next to Ashlynn. "I'm really nervous." She admitted to the three people staring at her. "You guys aren't helping! You're looking at me like I'm a circus freak or something."

  Ashlynn and Ben glanced around the room trying to focus their eyes on something else. Adam dropped his gaze but looked back at Scarlett. "Don't be nervous. It will be the best thing you've ever experienced. Trust me."

  Scarlett rolled her eyes. "I've been experiencing lots of things the last couple weeks and I so hope this isn't going to be as awful as the rest!" She looked out the window. She couldn't see the sun any longer. Only a glow shining from behind the mountain the sun had disappeared behind. "When is it going to happen?"

  Ben answered her. "When the sun no longer shines and the only light is that of the moon."

  They sat there for a while in silence. Everyone was watching Scarlett but trying not to appear as if they were. Scarlett broke the silence when she snapped at them. "Seriously, If you guys are going to stare at me, I'm going outside!" A moment later she hit her knees and screamed.

  "It's happening." Ben spoke low. He and Adam ripped their shirts off and got on the floor next to Scarlett.

  Adam rubbed her back. "Don't fight it Scarlett. Breath deep and relax your body. Let it happen."

  An instant later two wolves sat on the floor and just like Ashlynn, their eyes were pinned to Scarlett. Her body stretched and distorted under the blanket. She sat there on all fours moaning as she grew fur all over her body. She wasn't in pain but it was the strangest feeling she'd ever known. Her entire body felt as if it were being pulled and her skin tingled. Every bit of her was feeling it. Not only her back, arms and legs but also her face, ears, fingers and toes. Suddenly the wiggling form under the blanket was still. After a few moments Ashlynn reached down and tugged on the blanket. She pulled it back enough to see a wolf poke its nose out. She gasped and jerked the blanket the rest of the way off. Scarlett shook like a wet dog. She looked down at her paws and back at the tail wagging behind her. Ashlynn giggled at Scarlett watching her tail. All three of them cocked their heads to the side when Ashlynn laughed and busted out singing Sir Mix Alot "I like big tails and I can not lie, you other brothers can't deny, when a bitch walks in with a little bitty waist and a bushy thing in your face you get.." Scarlett growled and Ashlynn stopped singing. "Girl don't hate! You got to admit that was good! And I wasn't meaning you're a bitch like you act like a bitch, you're a female dog, well wolf. Get it?" She giggled but was quiet when Scarlett growled again.

  Scarlett pranced around the room trying to get used to her new body. She felt wonderful. She was full of energy and thought her emotions must have changed also. She wasn't down and unhappy like she had been the last couple weeks. She was calm and happy. She walked to the front door and whined. Ashlynn rolled her eyes. "Are you serious? You are really going to stand at the door and whine? I swear if you pee on the floor I'm going to smack your nose with a rolled up newspaper!" Scarlett growled but Ashlynn giggled when she heard the other two wolves snort and assumed it was a wolf version of a laugh. She stared at Scarlett as she walked to the door. "Scarlett you are beautiful! Wait! I gotta take a picture of you!" Ashlynn ran and got her phone. She snapped a couple pictures as she admired Scarlett's beautiful fur. It was light gray and had dark gray on the tips of her ears and tail. Her eyes were the same shade of green with the dark gray circling them.

  Ashlynn opened the door and Scarlett sprang out. Ben was right behind her but Adam stopped at the door next to Ashlynn. She leaned down and he jumped up licked her face then darted out the door. Ashlynn smiled as she wiped her face. These canine kisses really should creep me out!

  Scarlett ran through the woods with Ben by her side. She had never felt so alive. The moon shone down through the trees and lit the forest floor. Scarlett realized that she wouldn't have needed the light of the full moon. She wasn't straining to see at all, not even in the areas that were dark. She was shocked that she wasn't tired or out of breath considering the distance she had ran. The wind blew through her fur and it seemed to blow new life into her and she ran faster. Ben kept her pace sticking with her as she ran. They heard leaves rustling behind them and Adam came running up on her other side. They galloped up the mountain and Ben and Adam couldn't believe their eyes as they saw a rabbit run out in front of Scarlett and she scooped it up in her mouth. She gripped it with her jaws as she came to a stop. She shook it a few times and when she heard its neck snap she dropped it. She laid down and held the rabbit against the ground with her paws as she ripped the hide off of it with her teeth. Once the meat was exposed she bit into it and swallowed it hardly chewing. Adam and Ben walked up to watch her but stepped back when she began growling. She devoured the creature in moments, then sprinted off and the guys followed her once again running on each side of her.

  They spent the entire night exploring the mountain, running through the brush and eating small game they scared out of the bushes. It was almost dawn and Adam growled at Scarlett and Ben as he turned back toward the cabin. Scarlett knew he was telling them it was time to go but she growled back. She wasn't ready to go. Ben nudged her with his nose and she gave him a little growl but obliged them and followed Adam. They ran down the mountain through the trees and the brush.

  When they made it to the cabin Scarlett and Ben followed Adam up the steps and he scratched at the door. The door didn't open so Adam walked to the window. He could see Ashlynn inside asleep on the couch. He ran down the steps and around to the back of the house. The window to his room was open. He howled loud enough for Ben and Scarlett to hear. They came bounding around the side of the cabin. He stuck his nose in the window and pushed it up. He squeezed inside then Scarlett and Ben followed. He saw that his bedroom door was shut. Shit! He pushed against it and it popped open. Luckily it hadn't been latched. They walked out the hall and Adam got up on the couch next to Ashlynn. He snuggled next to her and before he knew it he was asleep. Ben walked up the stairs and laid down in front of his bedroom door. Scarlett looked around and decided on the blanket she had earlier which still laid on the floor. She curled up in a ball on top of the blanket and drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter 18

  Ashlynn's eyes opened and she looked around realizing she had fallen asleep on the sofa. She sat up abruptly and saw Scarlett on the floor wrapped in a blanket. She turned to the lump behind her. It was Adam and he was completely naked. She giggled to herself at the idea of a free peek. She wasn't disappointed. He was devastatingly perfect! Everything about his body was her exact idea of perfection. She slid down on the couch and rolled over so that her face was level with his. She rubbed her nose side to side across his and smiled at him when he opened his eyes. His eyes lit up and he smiled back as he whispered
, "Good morning beautiful!"

  "Good morning to you!" She said as she kissed his cheek. "Food for thought Prince Charming, you may want to grab some armor before Scarlett down there wakes up and sees your sword."

  Adam sat up and his face turned a deep shade of red immediately as he grabbed a pillow to hide himself. "I didn't realize I had fallen asleep here in my wolf form. I'm sorry Ashlynn!"

  "No need to apologize wolfy! I was more than happy for the free show!" Her grin stretched from ear to ear and got even bigger as Adam's face somehow got even redder.

  "If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go take a shower. I'm a little dirty from last night." As he stood up and walked toward the hall, he threw the pillow at Ashlynn when she giggled at him.

  Adam entered his room and turned on the radio that was sitting on his dresser. He hated taking a shower without music. He turned it up enough that he could hear it in the bathroom if he left the door open, but hoped it wasn't too loud to disturb Scarlett and Ben as they slept. He pushed the shower curtain back and turned the water on. While the water heated up he brushed his teeth.

  When he had finished brushing he stepped into the shower and pulled the curtain closed. He closed his eyes and let the water run down over his face as he listened to the words coming from the speakers of his radio. It was Chris Young's 'You'. He smiled thinking how the song seemed to explain how he felt about Ashlynn. Although, everything seemed to remind him of her. He stood there letting the water and the words wash over him. 'The bluest skies don't seem so blue and the sky seems to be a little dimmer too, now that you're around you put 'em all to shame, let me break it down 'cuz what I'm trying to say is, no one gets me like you when you kiss me, girl you rock me harder than some downtown band, I thought I knew what love was but I didn't have a clue, I've never found anything that makes me feel like I do about you'. His eyes opened at the sound of the shower curtain being opened. It was Ashlynn. He stared at her naked body in shock as she stepped into the shower with him.

  "I hope you don't mind, I think you got me a little dirty sleeping up against me last night. I didn't see the point in running two showers and wasting hot water." She giggled. "Not like you have anything I haven't seen anyway."

  Adam couldn't seem to find any words in the stupor he found himself in. He was thrown off guard by Ashlynn making advances at him. He was usually confident and full of himself but he wasn't sure how to handle being on the other end. "Uh, um, I um, I haven't seen you, um. You are beautiful!" She was beautiful. He had never seen a woman as beautiful as the woman standing before him. Her eyes sparkled as she smiled at him. She pressed herself up against him and ran her hands through his hair. He wrapped his arms around her and leaned in and kissed her. His kiss wasn't gentle, it was fierce and passionate. Ashlynn moaned and threw her head back. Adam took the opportunity to kiss her exposed neck. He kissed it up and down from her jaw to her collar bone randomly biting and licking. Ashlynn dug her nails into his back and moaned even louder when he bit her. This excited him. He slid his hands down and gripped her bottom. He squeezed as he lifted her off her feet and spun her around pushing her back up against the shower wall. Ashlynn's mind raced as he thrust up against her. She was really here with this gorgeous man and he seemed to have the same desire for her that she felt for him. The hot water stung their skin and the steam surrounded them almost as if it were pushing them together, a silent motivation to hold onto one another. Adam reached to the side and turned the water off. He swiped the shower curtain open and with Ashlynn still in his arms, he walked to the bed. He turned around and laid back with Ashlynn on top of him. He ran his hands up and down her back and then down across her thighs. He felt like he needed to explore every inch of her skin and memorize it. Nothing in his long life had ever excited him the way she did and he wasn't ever letting her go. She was his for eternity. Wolf or not, he had developed feelings for her that he would never be able to escape from. He moved his hands up and took her face in them. She opened her eyes and he stared into them. "I love you Ashlynn! I've never felt like this before! Never even close! I am head over heels in love with you!"

  Ashlynn closed her eyes and nuzzled into his neck as she whispered back, "I love you too! I've never felt anything like this either and I know that if I ever leave this place I'll never feel anything like it again. I love you! Please don't ever let me go.

  Adam hugged her tight. "Never!" He whispered as he rolled her onto her back and stared down into her eyes. "You are mine forever as I am yours. A lover and a friend." He slid his hands in behind her neck and kissed her. Ashlynn could feel his thumbs pressing into her jaws guiding her mouth to his. He climbed between her legs, never breaking the kiss. His left hand stayed behind her neck, cradling her head as his right hand roamed down her neck, over her chest, onto her breast. Ashlynn's skin felt as if it were tingling at the feel of his fingers on her skin. His hand squeezed her breast and then continued down her side, over her hip and down to her thigh. He pulled her leg tight against him as he squeezed it. Ashlynn moaned into his mouth as he gripped her leg. He let go and moved his hand back up her leg, over hip and up her side. She trembled as his fingers moved over her breast and up her chest. He ran his hand down over her shoulder and down her arm over the inside of her elbow. It moved down until his hand was palm to palm with hers and he placed his fingers between hers and squeezed her hand. She squeezed back and spread her legs a little further. He slid inside of her and could feel her tighten around him as he moaned simultaneously with her. Her body tensed for a moment but then relaxed as he began to thrust inside her. She kissed him harder and squeezed his hand even tighter as they moved opposite one another. Their bodies moved in a perfect rhythm against each other. They felt as if they had melted into one being as they felt each other's hearts beating with one another.

  Time seemed to stop as they wiggled around against each other's flesh. Ashlynn was not the first woman he had ever been with but he was certain she would be the last. He had never had such an intimate moment with any other woman. She seemed to understand him, knowing what he wanted from her before he even thought it. She held him tight, feeling like she was a virgin all over again. This wasn't her first time either, but it was far more intense than any other time. Adam was a better lover than she could ever imagine. The emotions she felt with him inside her only heightened the experience. He could feel her insides flutter as she reached a climax. It pushed him over the edge and his body began to tremble with hers. She could feel him throbbing inside her as he climaxed as well.

  They were still. Both still holding each other and caressing the other's skin. They hadn't paid attention to any of the songs playing on the radio. They were too wrapped up in one another to hear the words. But they both seemed to hear this one. At the same time they both heard the words. It was Faith Hill's 'Breathe'. Adam kissed her lips as the lyrics flowed around them. 'There's no need for words right now, cause I can feel you breath, it's washing over me, suddenly I'm melting into you, there's nothing left to prove, Baby all we need is just to be caught up in the touch, the slow and steady rush, Baby isn't that the way that love's supposed to be, I can feel you breathe'. Neither of them had ever experienced a moment more perfect than this. They laid there in each other's arms and thanked everything holy that they had found each other. And now that they had, neither of them could imagine living one more day without the other.

  The sound of the radio began to fade in the background as they laid together consumed in thoughts of the affection they both felt. They drifted off to sleep only to find each other in their dreams as well.


  Ashlynn opened her eyes and found Adam laying on his side staring into her face. She smiled and whispered to him, "How long have you been watching me sleep?"

  He smiled and whispered back, "Not long enough. I could look at you all day!" He put his arm around her and pulled her closer. "Everything about you intrigues me and now I've been wound even tighter in your web!"

  She couldn't help the giggle that
escaped. "Oh, you are so stuck! You have no idea!"

  "I wouldn't want it any other way."

  Ashlynn laid there in his arms as he brushed his fingertips up and down her back. She had never felt happiness like this before. She leaned back and looked into his face. "Adam, I can't bare to think of this ever changing. I want our lives to be like this every day for the rest of our lives and I want every possible day with you that I can get." Adam leaned up and kissed her forehead. "Adam, I want you to make me a wolf!"

  Adam's expression went blank. He swallowed hard against the lump in his throat but couldn't get it down. "Ashlynn, I would love that, but I can't ask you to give up your human life."

  "But you're not asking me! I want to!" Ashlynn said sounding like she was pouting.

  "I'm not saying no. We have a month until the next full moon and we have many full moons after that. Just think about it because once it's done, it's done, I can't undo it."

  "I don't need to think about it! My best friend is a wolf, the man I love is a wolf, and his Uncle slash best friend is a wolf! I don't want to be the ball and chain when you three want to go do wolf things."

  Adam laughed a little. "What do you mean the ball and chain when we want to go do wolf things?"

  "Say we are watching a movie, all four of us. You guys see some critters run through the yard and decide you need a little more of a snack than popcorn! There you three go chasing the Easter bunny and I'll be sitting all alone, staring at a paused TV waiting for you to get back."

  Adam's brow wrinkled at her. "Are you saying you're jealous because you want to eat a bunny?"

  Ashlynn slapped his arm. "No! Just that I don't want to stop you guys from doing your thing but I don't really want to be alone while you go do it. I want to be included damn it!"


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