Fate's Intentions

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Fate's Intentions Page 13

by Stevens, Dawn Nicole

  Adam laughed and she slapped him again. "Okay. I'll talk to Ben about it."

  "Why do you need to talk to Ben about it?" She was was a little angry that Adam felt like Ben had a part in this decision.

  "We are a pack Ashlynn. We talk about everything."

  Ashlynn huffed. "Well in that case, Scarlett's vote should count now too!"

  Adam was surprised at her argument. "I suppose you're right."

  That was when the thought hit her. There wasn't any need to argue with Adam over this. She would wait to see what he and Ben's discussion over it lead to, but if all else failed, she had Scarlett. Scarlett could make her a wolf if Adam wouldn't. She grinned to herself at the scheme she was hatching. "Okay baby, you talk to Ben and you and I will discuss it some more too."

  Adam laid back relaxed with her in his arms. He thought they had temporarily resolved the matter. He had no idea Ashlynn had other plans.

  Chapter 19

  Scarlett stretched as the sun shone through the window into her face. The blanket fell off of her as she sat up and she gripped it tight realizing she was naked. She looked down at herself and then around the room. Now she remembered. When she had came in this morning she laid on the floor. But where was everyone else? She tugged the blanket around her and ran up the steps to her room. She put on some sweat pants and a tank top and then opened her door making her way back down stairs. It was 1pm. She walked to the kitchen and grabbed some eggs and ham from the fridge. She heard a door open and shut then footsteps on the stairs. She looked around the corner and saw Ben coming downstairs as well. "Good afternoon Ben. I'm starving so I thought I'd fix some late breakfast. Are you hungry?"

  "Yes. I'm always hungry when I wake up." He laughed knowing her new appetite was because of the werewolf in her. "Do you need any help?"

  "Um, I think I got it under control. But thanks." She smiled at him as he sat down on one of the bar stools.

  Ben talked to her as she sliced the ham. "So did you have a good time last night? What did you think?" Ben couldn't understand why he was so eager for her to enjoy her new life as a wolf.

  "It was awesome! I've never felt more alive! I can't wait to do it again!" Scarlett could hardly contain her excitement. The way she felt in her wolf form out running in the wild was indescribable.

  "I'm glad you are happy. We'll have to go out hunting soon. I was really surprised when you scooped up that rabbit last night!"

  "I kind of surprised myself. And we should do it tonight!"

  Ben smiled and nodded. "Okay. Not like I have anywhere to be."

  Adam and Ashlynn appeared out of the hallway and Ashlynn smiled at the sight of Scarlett looking so happy. Having caught the tail end of the conversation she questioned them, "Do what tonight?" She wiggled her eyebrows at Scarlett who gave her a dirty look.

  "We were talking about going out hunting tonight." Scarlett was smiling again.

  "Oh, I see. I take it you had fun last night?" Ashlynn giggled.

  "Ashlynn, I can't even begin to describe it!"

  Ashlynn held her hand up and grinned. "No need to. Adam is going to make me a werewolf too!" She turned and smiled at Adam who had a worried look on his face when he saw the expression Ben had from the statement.

  He ignored the two girls standing in the kitchen and looked only at Ben as he tried to explain. "She asked me about it, I told her I'd talk to you!"

  Ben thought for a moment before he spoke. After a minute or so he said, "Let's all take some time to think about this and we'll sit down later and discuss it."

  Scarlett was speechless as she stared at Ashlynn. When she regained use of her tongue she blurted, "You want to be a wolf too?"

  Ashlynn shrugged. "Well yea, my man is a wolf. I want to be able to chase him through the bushes, not just around the bedroom! And now my best friend is a wolf too! That's just the tip of the burg!"

  Scarlett giggled at Adam's blush but then squealed and hugged Ashlynn. "This will be so awesome!"

  Ben looked at Adam. "We need to go to town to pick up a newspaper. We need to find out if there are any happenings around the campground if you know what I mean."

  Adam nodded in understanding. "When do you want to go?"

  "Soon." Ben spoke. "Maybe when we are finished breakfast."

  It didn't take long for them to eat. Ben and Adam ate fast and Ashlynn wondered if Scarlett wasn't part pig too the way she gulped down the food on her plate. Ashlynn took it that she should hurry also. After breakfast Ashlynn and Scarlett gathered all the dirty dishes as Ben and Adam put everything else away. Scarlett turned the faucet on and began running some dish water but Ben stopped her. "Don't worry about those right now. If you girls want to ride to town with us, do you mind getting ready so we can leave soon?"

  "Give us five minutes." Scarlett smiled at Ben and went up the stairs. Ashlynn gave Adam a kiss and then she followed.

  In five minutes both girls reappeared down the stairs. Adam and Ben escorted them to the truck and the girls climbed in the backseat together. As they started out the long driveway Ashlynn waved her cell phone to Scarlett and grinned. Scarlett heard her own phone vibrate and looked down to see that she had a new message from Ashlynn. She gave Ashlynn a confused look as she opened the message.

  Ashlynn: U wolf! Me Dracula!

  Scarlett smiled as she replied: Me Tarzan U Jane!

  Ashlynn: lolz. Let me drink ur blood

  Scarlett: Huh?

  Ashlynn: If Adam don't let me! Make me wolf!

  Scarlett: Don't think he will?

  Ashlynn: Idk. He told me no rush

  Scarlett: There's not!

  Ashlynn: Yes!

  Scarlett: Y?

  Ashlynn: I need more stamina for the smokin sex

  Scarlett: O_O

  Ashlynn: !!!

  Scarlett: Tmi!

  Ashlynn: You'd want to brag to the world too!

  Scarlett: That awesome?

  Ashlynn: Theres no words!

  Scarlett: O my!

  Ashlynn: If Adam says no ttyl bout it. Delete the evidence

  Scarlett: Done

  And with that both girls deleted the messages from their phones. The girls laughed and joked on the way to town trying to lighten the mood. They could tell Ben and Adam were both worried what they would find when they read the local paper. They weren't very successful, mainly because they too were worried about what they would read. They pulled in to a gas station and everyone waited in the car while Adam went inside to buy a paper. He exited the store and got back into the truck. He unfolded the paper and the four of them crowded around to read the article on the front page. 'Local Man Brutalized by Wolves'. According to the paper the police believed it to be a wolf attack, although, the matter had not yet been closed, and this worried Ben. "I think we are in the clear." Adam spoke turning to Ben.

  Ben shook his head. "It's not over till it's over."

  The girls sat back in their seats deep in thought about the situation. They hoped that Adam was right and that they didn't have anything to worry about but in the back of their minds they thought of Ben's words. Ashlynn tried to distract everyone from what was weighing on their minds. She talked about random things and questioned everyone's opinions. She was surprised to learn that Ben was irritable about the subject of the gun ban. "Do you even own a gun?" She asked apprehensively.

  "Of course I do!" Ben sounded a little offended.

  Adam turned and smiled at her. "He doesn't own a gun. He owns a collection!"

  Ben continued ranting about it the rest of the way home. "It makes no sense to unarm good citizens! Criminals will still get their hands on guns! It could be the start of another civil war if they continue with it!"

  Ashlynn smiled to herself. Heated subject, yes! But nobody is talking about Cody at the moment! Her phone vibrated and she looked down to see another text from Scarlett.

  Scarlett: Y r men so upset bout the gun thing?

  Ashlynn: Guns r a representation of their manliness!

  Scarlett: Lmao! rmmbr how Aaron acted about it?

  Ashlynn: Yes! I rmmbr us leaving to escape the conversation!

  Scarlett: Lol. Never again did i bring up guns around him!

  Ashlynn: I wouldn't have either! That was like an hour lecture!

  Scarlett: N it would have been longer had we not left!

  Ashlynn: It was long enough while it lasted!

  Scarlett: True dat! Thanks 4 the distraction tho!

  Ashlynn: U know me 2 well! ;)

  When they got back to the cabin everyone entered and found a seat in the living room. Adam was looking very eager. "Okay, so I think I've waited long enough. I have to test out my new formula!"

  Ben nodded. "You can try it on me."

  "Are you sure?" Adam asked.

  "Yes. Not like I've never been your guinea pig before. It's best this way because if anything goes wrong, you are able to help me. You just have to take Scarlett out hunting later if I'm unable to. I told her we would."

  "Okay. Let's go get started!" Adam was grinning like a kid at Christmas. They headed to the basement as the girls sat on the couch chattering. Ashlynn wanted Scarlett to fill her in on all the details of what it was like to be a wolf. She pulled out her phone and showed Scarlett the pictures she had taken of her as a wolf. Scarlett couldn't believe the animal in the pictures was her.

  Adam and Ben entered Adam's lab. Ben took a seat in a chair in the corner. Adam banged around with some things in the fridge and went through the cabinets, pulling out things he needed. He walked over to Ben with a needle and a syringe in hand. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

  Ben nodded. "Yes. I trust you!" Adam stuck the needle into his arm and injected his formula into his flesh. "It might burn at first. But you need to tell me what you're experiencing."

  "It burns a little. My entire body feels warm." Ben sat back in the chair trying to sense any changes happening in his body. "I feel slightly tired. I'm lacking my usual energy."

  Adam sat with a notepad in hand scribbling things onto it as Ben spoke. "Try to change. See if you are able."

  Ben stood and pulled his shirt off. Adam stared as nothing happened. "I can't." Ben replied.

  "It's working." Adam tried to calm all the excitement he was feeling. "I'm not sure how long it will last though."

  Ben put his shirt on and shook Adam's hand. "Seeing is believing and in this case, feeling is believing. You've finally done it. Congratulations!"

  Adam smiled and nodded. "I knew I had it when I saw what was happening under the microscope when I mixed this formula with my own cells. But you're right, this has officially confirmed it. I'm just not sure how long the effects will last."

  "I guess we'll find out as the evening goes on."


  A few hours later they sat around the living room discussing Ashlynn becoming a wolf. "I'm sure this is what I want! Why should I have to wait?" Ashlynn was irritated by Ben and Adam telling her there was no need to rush it.

  "I know Love. I'm just saying you can't technically become a werewolf until the next full moon. You have a month to be sure this is really what you want. But I think you should wait longer. What's the hurry?"

  "The hurry is that I am in a house full of wolves. I'm not going to be the one waiting around to open doors and gather everyones clothes! Yes, it might be amusing to break out a laser pointer when you all get furry and watch you climb the walls for it, but still. I'm not going to be the one waiting around when you all go off on your hunts and a spontaneous run through the woods. I want to come too!"

  "Okay Dear. If you still feel this way then I will turn you before the next full moon."

  "I guess I can settle with that." Ashlynn let out a breath and sat back. She was satisfied she had finally got her point across.

  Adam let out a breath as well, happy that they had finally came to an agreement. He looked over to where Ben sat. "Can you transform yet?"

  Ben stood and pulled his shirt over his head. "No. Still can't."

  "The effects are lasting longer than I thought they would." Adam smiled to himself happy with what he had accomplished. He'd worked for years on this and now he finally had it.

  "When are we going hunting?" Scarlett asked, looking very eager.

  "Whenever you like!" Adam replied.

  Ben frowned. "I'm sorry I can't take you after I told you I would."

  Scarlett smiled. "It's okay Ben. This is really important to Adam, I could've waited to go hunting."

  "No need. I'll take you." Adam smiled.

  Scarlett squealed from the excitement. "Okay then. I'm ready when you are!"

  Chapter 20

  Adam kissed Ashlynn goodbye and he and Scarlett stepped out the back door. "If we transform here, our clothes will be here waiting when we get back." He pulled his shirt up over his head and leaped, transforming as he did so. He turned back to Scarlett to see her looking back at him.

  "Geez, give a girl a little privacy! I don't know if I can do it like you just did. Remember, I haven't transformed on my own yet!"

  Adam turned around. He was embarrassed for staring at her. He realized it probably was a little awkward for her to have someone watching while she figured it out. Scarlett looked around to make sure there wasn't anyone out there before she began to take her clothes off. As if there's anyone out here in the woods! She thought to herself. She pulled her shirt up and off, then unhooked her bra. She threw the bra on the ground behind her but held the shirt in front of her. She unbuttoned and unzipped her pants and stood there wondering what to do next. She closed her eyes, trying to concentrate. When she opened them her vision was much sharper. She looked down and saw paws on top of the heap of her clothing. She was so excited she had done it she began to hop up and down. She yipped at Adam and then ran past him. Adam was stunned for a second as she ran by. He didn't think she could do it so quickly. He lunged toward her and they ran into the woods.

  Scarlett made her way down to the river. She assumed there would be creatures near it looking for a drink. They came upon a few deer standing down along the water. Adam closed in on them from one side as she closed in from the other. When the deer spotted them they leaped into the water and bounced through it to the other side. Scarlett briefly glanced over to Adam. His eyes were still locked on the deer. They jumped into the water as well. Luckily it was pretty shallow here and the water was moving slowly.

  Back at the cabin, Ben and Ashlynn sat in the living room discussing Scarlett's new passion for hunting. "I can't believe how she took to it!" Ben laughed thinking about how she devoured the rabbit her first time out.

  Ashlynn giggled. "I would have liked to have seen that!"

  Ben grabbed the newspaper off of the coffee table and flipped through it. Ashlynn sat with her phone in hand, fingers going a mile a minute on the keypad. She looked up when she heard Ben gasp. "What's wrong Ben?"

  He yelled as he ran out the front door. "Don't leave the cabin!"

  Ashlynn scrambled over to the paper he had thrown as he jumped up. She picked up the pieces and skimmed through it. Then she saw what Ben had seen and she gasped as well. It was an article in the back. None of them had realized there was more in the paper about the body that was found near the campground. A group of people from town were going out this evening looking for the wolves who were responsible for Cody's death. Ashlynn ran to the front door and flung it open. Ben was no where to be seen. She thought briefly about how he had told her to stay in the cabin but then shrugged it off and ran down the steps to her car. She climbed inside and honked the horn. She wasn't sure where Scarlett and Adam had went on their hunt but she hoped it wasn't near the campground. She turned the key and started the engine. She slammed the shifter into reverse and then into drive and sped down the driveway honking the horn the entire way.

  Ben dashed through the woods toward the river trying to transform as he ran but it was no use. The formula Adam had injected him with was still at work. He wished he had his wolf senses so he could track Adam a
nd Scarlett but he would have to find them without them.

  Adam and Scarlett heard the horn honking and realized it was a sign they were to turn back. Unfortunately they had been separated while chasing the deer. The herd had split and Scarlett followed half of them one direction while Adam had followed the other half another. Scarlett tried to listen past the honking horn for any indication that Adam was nearby. When she stopped to listen she didn't hear Adam. What she heard instead was a large group of people talking and stomping through the woods. She froze as her mind raced and she tried to determine if she should hide or make a run for it. She bolted in the direction of the river and ran into another group of people. She ducked in underneath a bush looking around for a safe exit. She hoped that Adam had made it somewhere safe. A second after the thought, she heard a wolf howl in the direction of the campground. As the group of people began running towards the sound she bolted in the other direction. She hadn't made it far when she heard someone shout "Over there is the wolf!" She ran as hard as she could then she heard gunshots.

  Bullets wizzed past her as she ran. She didn't think her legs could move so fast but she'd never had adrenaline pumping through her like this either. At least not since she'd became a wolf. I gotta get out of this town! She thought to herself. She hadn't made it far but just when she thought she was getting some distance between them a bullet grazed her right front leg. She howled in pain as she collapsed on the ground. She laid there and wiggled her leg. It wasn't broken but it was bleeding badly. She could hear people getting closer and closer as she laid there in agony. She licked her leg and was amazed that it was already healing. She stood and tried to run but once again she fell. It hadn't healed enough to have all that pressure on it. After a moment she tried another time and again failed. The bullets came at her again this time as she tried to get up. She ducked to the ground hoping she was low enough they couldn't get a good shot.

  As the bullets hit the ground and spit dirt into the air around her, someone jumped on her. Another wave of fear washed over her until she recognized the voice. "Stay low to the ground!" It was Ben. Ben was once again jumping in front of bullets to save her. She cowered underneath him but then she heard him scream. In an instant she was no longer a wolf, she was a naked and vulnerable girl holding onto Ben. He had a bullet wound to the chest. Her arm still bled as well but she paid it no mind. It had healed a lot but not entirely. She placed her hand firmly over the hole in his chest and screamed for Adam. She had no idea where he was but she hoped and prayed he was close.


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