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A Soul in Torment

Page 43

by D. J Marteeny

  Uh-oh—trouble—coming our way,” Kate said, indicating a wolf who seemed to be the ring leader. It was large and black, its hungry eyes darting a look behind it every now and then to be sure the Minotaur was not in pursuit. It was quickly followed by two more as they inched their way closer to the three captives now huddled together. The black werewolf, larger and stronger than the others, growled fiercely, leaning back on its haunches as it prepared to attack.

  From the darkness near the pit, a loud bellowing was heard as the Minotaur realized what was happening. The ground shook as the mighty bull lunged forward lashing out with the whip, ensnaring the black wolf around the neck with the long, thick cord. The bull yanked on the whip, hauling the black beast over the heads of the pack and across the room until it disappeared down into the crater of the massive pit, its endless howl of terror dissolving into silence in a matter of seconds.

  The rest of the pack cowered in fear as they lay down in submission to the creature that was the guardian of Hell’s Gate but their eyes never left Rick, Thomas and Kate in the hopes that another opportunity would present itself and they might yet have themselves a meal.

  When the wolves had quieted down Kate turned to Thomas, “Thomas…” she whispered as quietly as possible, “…are you okay—can you move?”

  “Don’t worry about me—I’ll keep up.”

  “Sure you will, you can barely stand. Here—can you help me with Rick?” Kate reached behind the vampire and grabbed the leather strap binding his arms. “Hold him still while I break this damn thing.” With one good tug she snapped the leather binding. Then she did the same to the strap tied behind his neck. The minute he felt the weapon go slack, Rick pulled the forked prong first out of his chest then from beneath his chin.

  The scent of fresh blood flowing from his wounds caused the werewolves to start a restless pacing once again, their hungry growls drawing the attention of the Minotaur. The guardian cracked the whip in the air, a warning to any of them that dared to disobey their master’s orders. The wolves began to whine in frustration, circling the trio as they watched the massive bull.

  “You two get ready to move…”Rick said, “…I’ll hold them off as long as I can. If you can get past the pack, the Minotaur shouldn’t be a problem. His size makes him slow…” the vampire stopped for a moment, grabbing his head between his hands as a wave of dizziness washed over him. “…just stay out of the reach of his whip,” he told them as he shook his head to clear it.

  “Rick, you’re too weak. You can’t hold off the entire pack all on your own.” Kate said, “I can’t help Thomas and worry about you, too. You need blood—you need to feed to regain your strength. Here…” she said as she started to roll up her sleeve, “…I’m the only one who can donate to the cause.”

  “No!” Rick said, taking a step back as Kate withdrew the hidden dagger and held the blade above her bare wrist.

  “Rick, bro—it’s the only way.” Thomas told him, “I’d volunteer but I’m pretty much toast.”

  “I made myself a promise when all of this happened to me that I’d never feed off humans.”

  “Well you don’t have a choice right now, my friend and desperate circumstance call for desperate measures. Rick…” she said when she saw the tormented look in his eyes, “…it’s not like I haven’t done this before. I—serviced, for lack of better words—Julian in our battle against Dragone. I don’t have a problem with it and neither should you.” Still sensing the vampire’s hesitation, Kate sliced the blade of the dagger across her wrist.

  As the ruby liquid began to flow, she heard Rick’s gasp of longing as the hunger roared to life inside of him but, unfortunately, the vampire wasn’t the only one affected by the scent of fresh blood. A large wolf, its blood lust overriding any fear it may have had of the Minotaur, broke away from the pack and lunged, going for the weakest link in the trio—Thomas.

  Razor sharp teeth clamped down tightly on the injured man’s thick-soled Doc Martens, saving Thomas’ tender skin from being punctured in the process. But nothing could save him from being dragged off as the wolf hauled his struggling body farther into the room, growling a warning at any other wolf who dared to encroach on the prize it had just captured. The sharp crack of the Minotaur’s whip caught the attention of some of the wolves but the one dragging Thomas would not be stopped—and the Minotaur was too large and cumbersome to catch the wayward beast.

  Kate screamed in horror, “Thomas—nooo!” Turning on Rick, she shoved her arm in front of his face. “Drink—now—before there’s nothing left of Thomas to save!”

  The sight of Thomas’ terror-stricken face was enough to make Rick forget his qualms. His scruples meant nothing if his friend had to die so that he, Rick, could live by a certain code of ethics. And there was no arguing the fact that he was weak—and so hungry—and the blood smelled so damn good! He felt his fangs extend as his mouth clamped down onto Kate’s waiting arm. He could feel his strength returning with each swallow he took of the rich, life-giving fluid. He continued to swallow mouthful after mouthful until a voice, barely a whisper, penetrated the bloodlust clouding his mind.

  “Rick—stop—that’s enough. Rick—you’re taking too much. I’ll be too weak to help if you take anymore—please—stop.” Kate pleaded as she gripped his shoulders tightly and pulled.

  The vampire threw his head back, hissing in anger as he was forced to release Kate’s arm. Fists clenching and unclenching, he stood very still, red eyes blazing as the power coursed through him. His head darted from side to side as he took in the scene around him. Wolves, hungry and driven by their own lust for blood, inched their way closer and closer to Rick and Kate as Thomas screamed in the background.

  “Ahhh!” Rick’s angry cry shattered the silence of the cave as he launched himself into the air. Flipping end over end, he landed in a crouch just behind the ragged werewolf so intent upon getting Thomas to a darkened corner where it could enjoy its feast in solitude. In one fluid movement, the vampire lunged forward clasping both arms around the fur covered sides of the wolf. The strength of the beast within him allowed Rick to squeeze—hard. The werewolf howled in pain, releasing Thomas as it tossed its head from side to side in a futile attempt to ravage the arms of its attacker.

  Rick could hear bones splintering as he tossed the wolf to the ground. The creature, struggling to raise itself, was unaware of the man standing over it. Rick raised his foot, stomping down hard on the wolf’s head, crushing its skull with the force of the blow. He then spun around to where Thomas lay on the ground. Scooping his friend up into his arms, Rick ran up the stairs and into the reception area.

  He swept the desk clear of phones and notepads as the golem jumped up from her chair to run screaming from the room. He placed Thomas on top of the desk just as a large red wolf charged him from behind. Rick sidestepped to the left but not before the wolf’s jaw clamped down tightly onto the vampire’s shoulder propelling him backwards as he slammed into the desk.

  Rick grabbed the werewolf by the ear and pulled but the beast wouldn’t relinquish its hold on his shoulder until it was punched in the nose by an angry Thomas. “I—am—so —tired of this bullshit!” he shouted as the wolf’s face took the full brunt of Thomas’ fist. “Let him go you son—of—a—bitch!”

  The wolf released its death grip on Rick’s shoulder, shaking its head in an attempt to rid itself of the stinging pain. When its blurred vision finally cleared, it charged the vampire once again but this time Rick was ready and waiting. With both hands he grabbed the wolf by the mouth as it charged forward, jaws snapping. The beast howled in pain as it fought to free itself from the vampire’s grip of steel but its efforts were useless. Rick pulled on the wolf’s jaw, twisting violently, the physical strain evident on the vampire’s face. The sickening sound of bones cracking and tendons shredding could be heard throughout the reception area as the vampire gave one final tug, spli
tting the wolf’s head in two. The lifeless body fell forward where Rick shoved it away with a grunt of disgust.

  The vampire turned back to Thomas, “You okay?”


  “Yeah,” Rick then ran back through the archway, his eyes searching intently for Kate. He saw her just in time to shout out a warning, “Kate!” as a large werewolf, emaciated and gaunt from near starvation, charged her.

  Kate, knocked off balance as the wolf’s body collided into her, fell backwards hitting the ground with a thump and dropping the dagger in the process. Scurrying to retrieve the weapon, she crawled backwards in an attempt to evade the snapping jaws of the crazed beast. Frustrated the wolf pounced, landing directly on top of Kate as her head was slammed against the cold, hard floor.

  Kate fought to retain consciousness while holding the wolf off with one hand. With the other she raised the knife, plunging it directly into the heart of the beast. The wolf yelped in pain as its fur shimmered and smoked when the silver blade penetrated its flesh. Kate withdrew the dagger, stabbing the beast again and again before she was satisfied that the lifeless body was truly dead. “Take that you bastard!” she shouted as she tossed the monster aside and was up and running for the stairs just as Rick was about to come to her aid.

  “Yeah,” Thomas hollered to no-one in particular as Kate’s face appeared under the arch. “That’s right—that’s right—my girl’s a badass.”

  Kate ran across the room and into Thomas’ waiting arms. “Are you alright?” she asked as she examined his body for wounds. “That thing didn’t bite you, did it?”

  “No, I’m fine—but my Doc Marten’s will never be the same,” he told her. “And Rick took care of the wolf.”

  She turned to the vampire but before she could utter a “thank you” Rick walked past her with a, “Save it, Kate, we have to get out of here.” He grabbed Thomas’ arm, slinging it over his shoulder as he dragged the man across the desk and onto the floor. He kept a wary eye on the remaining wolves but the bloodied carcasses of their fallen comrades had their full attention now and, like the scavengers they were, they had their first good meal in a long time.

  “Come on…” Rick said, “…we don’t have much time.”

  As they headed for the door a wailing, like the cry of the banshee, echoed throughout the room. Turning simultaneously, they stared in surprise as the golem charged through the archway wielding the Minotaur’s whip, followed closely by the creature itself. But the large beast bellowed in frustration when its massive horns prevented the bull-like head from getting through the archway. Crack! Crack! Snap! The golem spun around as the whip sliced through the air and across Rick’s back, shredding his shirt as it ripped through his flesh.

  The vampire arched his back as he let out a roar of pain all the while trying to retain his hold on Thomas. The crack of the whip was heard again followed by a mournful cry, “You broke my phones. You broke my phones. How will I ever be able to answer them for the master?”

  “Go…” ordered Kate, “…I got this,” she shouted as she streaked past Rick and Thomas, grasping the khurkuri with both hands. She leaped into the air just as the golem drew back its hand to release the whip once more. With a powerful thrust, Kate brought the knife down, shoving it straight through skin and bone, as she buried it deep within the golem’s skull.

  The creature’s eyes crossed as it tried to focus on the weapon jutting out of its forehead. It opened its mouth to scream but the sound was cut short as its entire body exploded in cloud of dust. Kate, a look of confusion on her face, tried to process what had just happened. She stared at the spot where the golem once stood. All that remained of the pert little receptionist was a pile of clay and sand with a whip and the knife lying on top of it.

  Kate retrieved the knife and the whip before turning to go. The Minotaur’s loud bellowing echoed throughout the room once again as he watched his weapon being taken away. His large horns slammed into the archway, cement and stone raining down upon his massive head but the creature couldn’t force his large girth through the entryway.

  “Let’s get out of here!” Kate screamed as she ran back to the others.

  Rick pulled the large door open, shoving Kate and Thomas through it. He quickly followed, slamming the heavy door shut behind them. Looking around, he reached above his head to grab a length of corroded piping that was weaving its way across the ceiling. One good yank and he’d pulled a large section free as steam exploded out in all directions. Jamming one end of the pipe into the door frame Rick wrapped the other tightly around the protruding knob making it impossible to open the door. “That should hold them for a while.”

  Turning back to Thomas, he wrapped his arm around the injured man, moving them both forward as Kate followed close behind. “Do you know the way out, Rick? Thomas and I were both blindfolded until we were standing in front of the door back there,” she told him.

  “I was too but, don’t worry—we’ll figure it out.” Rick guided Thomas past the hot steam still flowing from the broken piping above their heads. The hallway was dark and damp but seeing where he was going had never been a problem for the vampire—or Kate, for that matter. They walked on for a few minutes until they came to a ‘T’ in the passageway. “Well one direction is as good as another so we’ll try this way.” Rick said as he veered to the right.

  The passage was narrow, forcing Rick to pull Thomas close against him. At one point they had to turn sideways to maneuver, ducking their heads to avoid a canopy of dusty cobwebs.

  “Rick…” Kate whispered, “…have you ever seen, or heard about, anything like those creatures back there—I mean the girl and that monstrous bull thing?”

  She could just make out the outline of his tall form in the darkness as he paused for a moment, turning to face her. “I’ve heard of both of them. I told you both…” he said as his red eyes sought to find their faces, “…that you had no idea what you were dealing with. These creatures—all of them—are creations of Lucifer himself.”

  “Lucifer,” Kate and Thomas shouted simultaneously, “But I thought he promised Michael…”

  “That was the Avenger’s first mistake. Lucifer is the Great Deceiver. He can never be trusted and Michael should’ve known that. There was never any guarantee that we would be safe from that demon.” Rick said, anger and frustration evident in every word. “At least we had a fighting chance against the wolves and the golem but the hellhounds—and the woman—they are unstoppable—at least by our hands. Our only chance is to escape and find some help.”

  Rick jerked Thomas slightly to adjust his weight then continued on down the ever darkening passage. The tunnel was very cold, the walls coated in mold and slime as a small stream of water flowed down the middle of the old concrete floor. A rat the size of a small dog scurried past the small group as Kate gasped in surprise. Suddenly Rick stopped, his head darting from side to side.

  “What?” Kate started to say but he held up a hand to silence her.

  They all listened intently until a crash somewhere off in the distance echoed down the maze of corridors. There was a screech of steel, bending and scraping, followed by a chorus of hungry growls as the werewolves broke free of their prison.

  “They’re coming.” Rick said, “We need to move—fast!” He led the way until, off in the distance, he noticed a corroded sign, the ‘E’ and ‘X’ the only evidence that they’d finally found the exit. “Look…” he said pointing with his free arm, “…the way out is that way.”

  They picked up the pace, Rick literally carrying Thomas in an effort to reach the exit before they were overtaken. Hearing a noise behind her, Kate turned to see three werewolves bearing down on them. She knew they’d be upon them in a matter of seconds. “Move—Move!” she shouted.

  Rick, with Thomas in tow, disappeared in a flash down the passageway knowing that Kate had the strength and spee
d to keep up with him. He glanced back for a split second to make sure she was still behind him. He saw her—along with the dark forms of two wolves bearing down on her.

  Driven by hunger, the beasts singled out Kate as the easiest quarry. Realizing their intent, Thomas screamed in terror, his fear for Kate his only thought. “Come on, Kate—run!”

  He’d barely uttered the words when Kate’s foot hit a patch of wet slime coating the uneven ground. “Ahhh—shit!” she screamed as she pitched forward. Hands extended out in front of her, she fell flat against the rough flooring. But, quick reflexes and an instinct for survival, saved her as she propelled herself up off the ground with a shove, sprinting after the others, the werewolves snapping and clawing at her heels.

  Rick, setting Thomas down, turned back to face what was coming their way. He threw himself back against the wall as he shouted, “Kate—try to go around me!”

  Kate barely made it past him as her athletic form squeezed through the tight space. She hurried to join Thomas as Rick stepped behind them, blocking them from view. Over his shoulder he called out. “Kate—give me the knife.”

  Kate tossed the knife towards Rick who snatched it out of the air without a glance. Instantly his palm began to sizzle, the purity of the silver attacking his flesh even with the protective handle. How did that demon, Lilith, ever handle this thing, he wondered but he didn’t have time to think about it for long. A mangy wolf sprang at him from out of the darkness. Rick, crouching down into a fighting stance, slashed at the underbelly of the animal, spilling its entrails across the corridor. But he had no time to get his bearings before another frenzied beast charged into him.

  The vampire, fangs extended and eyes blazing, caught the wolf in mid air. Sinking his sharp teeth deep into the beast’s neck, Rick jerked hard—ripping a large piece of fur and flesh from the animal’s throat as the werewolf howled in pain. Gripping the animal by the neck, the vampire raised the silver knife but, before he could use the weapon, he was struck on the head from behind.


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