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A Soul in Torment

Page 47

by D. J Marteeny

  “Evaaaa.” A strange high-pitched voice whispered her name. “Wolf Mother,” the voice called again, the words reaching her sensitive ears then fading off into the distance.

  “Eva—what is it—what do you hear?” Julian whispered, coming up behind her.

  “A voice—someone’s calling to me,” she said in confusion since she still hadn’t pinpointed the source of the sound. “Wolf Mother…” the voice came again, “…kill the intruders and we will re-unite you with the mother who gifted you with a duel life. You will bask in the love you were denied as a child but you must—kill—the—intruders.”

  “Who are you?” Eva shouted, spinning around as she searched for the owner of the strange voice, “Did you hear it—did you hear them call out to me?” she asked Christoff, looking for some confirmation that she wasn’t just imagining it. “Shit!” she said in frustration when Christoff shook his head indicating that his vampire hearing hadn’t picked up a thing.

  “Christoff…” Julian said as his hand clasped the vampire’s shoulder. He motioned with his head for both the vampire and Eva to look to at something off to the left. Three sets of eyes stared at the macabre sight not three feet away from them— a wall of living rock—and a sea of human forms writhing within it. A strange hissing sound could be heard emanating from some of the figures as they twisted and turned in an attempt to break free from their stone prison.

  “Are those what I think they are?”

  “Harpies,” Julian said indicating the female forms. “I never thought they really existed. Guess I was wrong. Obviously, they’re not happy we’re here. What did they say to you, Evangeline?”

  “They know who—and what—I am. They told me if I killed you all I’d be re-united with the mother I never knew.”

  “Sounds about right—they play on your weaknesses—the things we regret most in our lives. In your case, Eva— never knowing the love of a mother. They’ve singled you out as the weak link in our group. I’d better take the lead.” Christoff told her.

  “No…” Eva said, stopping him, “…I’m fine. I can do this.” And turning her back on the living portrait, she moved closer to the gaping pit.

  A keening wail was then heard, shattering the silence around them as they all turned back to the living wall. A chill ran through Eva as she watched the figures transform before her eyes. The once perfect bodies of the women became thin and gaunt, their soft flesh taking on reptilian scales. Their beautiful faces melted away to reveal the skeletal frame beneath as long serpentine tongues flicked in and out over razor sharp teeth.

  They screeched and hissed like vipers as their bodies pulled away from the rock. Wings covered in a thin, tattered membrane sprouted from their backs as they hovered above the trio like vultures waiting to devour a meal. “Continue onnnn, Wolf Motherrrr—and you will die along with the otherssss,” they hissed.

  “Come on!” Christoff shouted, raising the shamshir above his head. Eva and Julian aimed their weapons as they hit the floor running in the direction of the pit.

  “I’ll cover you from here!” Simon shouted from the top of the stairs as he withdrew his own weapon.

  The harpies began diving at them like birds of prey, their hands morphing into claws with long sharp talons. Julian stopped and turned. Aiming his gun, he shot one of them at point blank range but the silver bullet just ricocheted off the boney skull, burrowing into the floor in a puff of dust and smoke.

  “Our guns are useless against them!” he shouted. Pulling a vile of holy water from his coat pocket, Julian hurled it at the charging demon, hitting it directly in the face. The creature screamed in pain as bone and sinew began to sizzle and burn, the putrid stench of brimstone permeating the air. The holy water ate quickly through the skull leaving only the neck bone as the harpy crashed to the ground in a crumbled heap, the rest of the mangled body erupting in flames.

  A series of shrieks echoed throughout the room as the rest of the demons retreated. Climbing higher and higher they latched onto the stalactites protruding from the ceiling of the cave, hissing and shouting profanities at the three figures standing below them.

  “They’re too high up. We can’t reach them. Let’s go!” Eva shouted.

  At the sight of Eva and the others moving further into the room, the harpies overcame their fear and attacked again. Screaming with rage, they dove at the intruders. “Julian, don’t waste any more time—just throw the damned water. Eva, move—now!” Christoff shouted as he shoved Evangeline towards the mouth of the pit, the blade of the shamshir covered with blood and gore as it cut into the flying demons. Julian’s aim was impeccable as he took down the winged creatures—one—two—three—but the harpies just kept coming.

  With the men occupied, Eva inched her way towards the edge of the pit, looking down into the black abyss. From within its depths came another earth shattering bellow, shaking her to the core. A sense of overwhelming panic flowed through her as images of Rick, trapped within the endless blackness, filled her mind. She peered into the darkness, her sharp eyes picking out an infinite number of steps, roughly hewn out of molten rock, flowing down the side of the giant crater. She hesitated for only a second before heading in their direction.

  Suddenly her ears picked up another sound, a muffled cry coming from somewhere behind her. Turning she saw a series of boulders piled high against the far wall, the tip of a woman’s shoe protruding from behind the largest one. Eva took off running, with Julian close behind.

  The harpies continued to dive at them as Christoff took the bitches down one by one. Reaching the rocks, Eva inched her way behind them. There in the shadows she found the captives. Thomas and Kate were bound and gagged and Rick—bile rose up in Eva’s throat as she stared at the man she loved. “Oh my god—what have they done to you?” she said aloud as she covered her mouth with her hands.

  Rage filled her as she fell to her knees beside Rick. He was bound once again with the ‘Heretic’s Key’, the sharp prongs digging into his chest and chin. His hands and feet were bound with silver, the long, thick chain scorching his flesh wherever it made contact. His mouth was gagged as well but not with cloth. Evangeline screamed in fury as she carefully removed the pronged forks from Rick’s body. Ignoring her own pain, she grabbed the silver chain and broke it. After removing it, she tossed it aside in disgust. “I’m going to kill that filthy bitch!” she said to no-one in particular as she removed a large chunk of human flesh from the wounded vampire’s mouth.

  As Eva worked on Rick, Julian moved to free the others. “First things first, Eva—we get them out of here then I’ll help you take those bastards down.” As soon as the gag was removed from Thomas’ mouth he screamed, “Julian—it’s a trap!” But the warning came too late. From behind, Julian heard the growl of a wolf. Turning his head slightly to one side he could just make out the feral eyes of a mangy grey beast. Its putrid breath assaulted his senses as saliva dripped from the drooling mouth onto Julian’s cheek. The beast snarled, exposing a mouth full of sharp, yellowed teeth before it leaned back then lunged at the man crouching before it.

  Julian spun on his heels catching the beast as it leaped into his arms. Falling back towards the yawning pit, Julian used the wolf’s own momentum—and his muscular legs—to hurl the beast’s body into the air. It hovered for a moment before disappearing into the darkness and the bottomless recesses of the massive cavity. From somewhere else in the cave Julian heard Christoff yelling, “Julian—we have company!”

  Lying on his back, Julian glanced upward. As far as the eye could see, in every nook and crack around the cavernous room, an army of werewolves stood howling and snarling, their emaciated bodies driven mad by the scent of fresh meat. “Get the others out of here!” Christoff screamed as a hungry beast flew at him only to be struck down by the sharp blade of the shamshir.

  The smell of fresh blood drove the other wolves into a frenzy as they c
harged down the walls of the cavern, never taking their eyes off the newcomers. Christoff positioned the shamshir in one hand while pulling one of Sonya’s Japanese sai’s from beneath his coat. He began to taunt the pack of werewolves as they jumped to the ground and slowly moved in his direction.

  “These blades have tasted the worthless flesh of your kind before, you filthy pack of mongrels. Tonight they will feast upon the rest of you!”

  “Damn it— what’s he think he’s doing?” asked Eva as she helped to untie Thomas, then Kate.

  “He’s being Christoff,” replied Thomas with the ghost of a smile.

  “Someday you’ll have to explain to me why that’s a good thing.” Eva replied as she ripped the bonds from Kate’s wrist, shoving her towards Julian.

  Julian grabbed Kate by the arm, “We need to get you out of here. Head for the stairs—Simon and Lucian are there.”

  “Thomas is hurt—we can’t move very fast.”

  “I’ve got him.” Julian lifted Thomas up between himself and Kate. He wrapped his arm around the young man’s waist while Kate tossed Thomas’ arm across her shoulders. Turning back, Julian looked at Eva.

  “Go…” she told him, “…I’ll get Rick and follow.”

  “Move—now!” Julian ordered.

  As they limped across the floor, Julian handed Thomas a vile of holy water. Eva watched them go for a few seconds before turning back to Rick. She carefully removed the last few remnants of the silver chain which had embedded itself in the skin of his wrists. Her eyes darted back and forth as she worked, keeping watch on what was happening around her.

  Finally, when he was free, she extended her hand to help Rick stand. He was weak, his red eyes almost feral from lack of blood but he knew it was her. Flashing a weak smile, he whispered, “You came—for me.”

  “Of course I did. Did you think I wouldn’t?” she asked as she gently pushed the tangled hair away from his face.

  “It was supposed—to be—the other way around. I—thought I was—rescuing you.”

  “Well, it’s not going to matter who rescued who if we don’t get out of here soon,” she said as she wrapped her arms around him and started to lead him away. The vampire took one step then stumbled but he forced himself to move on. “This is no good…” Eva told him, “Rick, you’re too weak,” she stopped for a moment to access the situation.

  She saw Christoff off in the distance. The vampire moved like lightening, silver blades flashing as he slashed through flesh and bone taking down every wolf in his path. Behind him a young werewolf watched the vampire, waiting for its chance to strike. As Christoff turned his back, the beast charged, leaping into the air. The vampire pivoted to the right, shoving the sai directly into the chest of the wolf. The beast slammed into the floor, blood flowing from the open wound. Christoff ran at the wolf, shamshir held high and with one quick swipe decapitated the beast. “Come on you mangy dogs…” he screamed as he spun around, “…is that the best you can do?”

  Assuring herself that Christoff could take care of himself, Eva turned her full attention back to the problem at hand—Rick. “Rick, listen to me…”she said as she released him and reached inside her coat. Withdrawing a small dagger, she placed the sharp blade against her wrist and pulled.

  “Eva—no—what are you doing?” Rick asked but her intention was clear.

  “Look…”Eva told him, “…you need blood or you and I aren’t going to make it out of here alive and I haven’t come this far to lose you now. Since there are no other willing donors around, all you’ve got is me—so drink, vampire, and don’t give me a hard time about it,” she ordered. She could see the conflict in Rick’s eyes. He was hungry—he needed blood—but he didn’t want it to be hers. “Rick please—we have no other choice and you know it. Just take what you need to get your strength back. We’ll find you more when we get out of here.”

  Rick knew she was right but he didn’t want to take her blood—not here—not like this—but there was no other way. And the smell of the ruby liquid flowing down her arm was becoming too much for him to resist. So when she lifted her arm to his mouth—he took it.

  His mouth clasped onto her wrist and he swallowed, drawing in the life giving fluid. Her blood was rich—ancient and powerful—and he could feel his strength returning. A little was all he needed for the weakness to leave his tired limbs. Power coursed through him and he drank a moment longer—that was enough. He released his grip on her arm, lifting his head to stare at her. Their eyes met as he bent down to lick the wound on her wrist, stemming the flow of blood but before either of them could say a word, Julian shouted a warning, “Eva—behind you!”

  A huge wolf, teeth bared, eyes blazing, sprung off the wall directly at the couple. Julian released his hold on Thomas and, with un-natural speed, turned and fired the barretta, a silver bullet striking the wolf directly in the eye. The animal’s head exploded as the body flew through the air towards Evangeline.

  Rick grabbed Eva, pulling her against him as he spun around to deflect the carcass with his shoulder. The mutilated body of the wolf slammed into Rick’s back and slid to the floor in a bloody heap.

  “Eva—Rick—stop wasting time and move—they’re everywhere!” Julian shouted as one of the harpies swooped down, slashing at him with exposed talons. He swung his arm, his fist connecting with the boney face, stunning the creature—but only for a second. But that brief moment was all Julian needed. He grabbed the bird-like wings and pulled. The harpy struggled, digging its claws into Julian’s chest in a desperate attempt to break free of its captor. Julian screamed in pain as blood soaked through the front of his shirt from the wounds caused by the demon.

  “Son of a bitch!” he yelled as he bent the flapping wings backwards, trying to pin the appendages behind the creature. Suddenly there was the shattering of glass as the harpy was splattered with a clear liquid. The creature let out a terrifying screech. The demon’s face was momentarily frozen in shock. Then, as Julian watched in amazement; a thin pillar of smoke streamed forth from the back of the harpy’s head as its skin began to sizzle and melt, peeling itself, layer by layer, away from the skull. Finally, as Julian was thrown back against the wall of the cave, the creature’s body erupted into a ball of flame.

  Julian peered through the smoke and haze as Eva’s face came into view. She moved quickly forward, bending to retrieve the remnants of the broken vile of holy water. Realizing there wasn’t much left to salvage, she tossed the shattered glass aside, turning to face him.

  “Stop wasting time, Reynolds…” she said with a smile, “…and let’s get the hell out of here.

  Julian couldn’t help but return her smile then, as Rick stepped up behind her, Julian’s attention was captured by the vampire. “Rick…” he started to say but Rick raised a hand to stop him.

  “We have a lot to say to each other, Julian, but now is not the time. Thanks for coming for us but you two are right. We need to get out of here.”

  Eva raised her forty five and, grabbing Rick’s hand, headed for the stairs. Julian hurried to follow but stopped when he heard the sound of growling close behind him. Turning on the run, he aimed his weapon at a group of werewolves that had appeared out of nowhere. He took down three of the beasts immediately, their bodies exploding in a splatter of blood and fur as the silver bullets found their mark.

  A fourth wolf, larger than the rest, leaped into the air, sailing over Julian’s head. It landed a few feet in front of him, charging right at Rick just as the vampire turned to see what was keeping his friend. The werewolf slammed into the vampire but Rick somehow managed to keep his footing. He clasped the snapping jaws with both hands, the werewolf twisting and snapping at him as it tried to bury its sharp teeth into the side of Rick’s throat.

  Just when Rick thought the wolf might succeed in its quest for food, the animal was torn from his grasp, its mangy carcass slammed
into the granite floor knocking it unconscious—for the moment. Christoff hovered over the beast ready to finish it off when gunfire erupted. Eva stood a few feet away, the barrel of her forty five smoking as she unloaded the clip into the head of the creature. Her golden eyes searched Christoff’s but before he could say a word she was shouting a warning, “Christoff—behind you!” as she popped another clip into her gun.

  A jet black wolf lunged at the vampire but it was no match for the warrior’s speed. Christoff sidestepped away from the animal, wrapping his strong arms around its fur covered back and chest like a boa constrictor. Bones cracked and the spine shattered as the wolf howled in pain before falling silent, its lifeless body tossed away like so much worthless garbage.

  “You two…” he shouted to Eva and Rick, “…get going” Christoff said. “I’ll keep the rest of them busy then catch up to you.” Eva nodded as she and Rick continued to run towards the staircase, Julian and the others close on their heels.

  “Don’t play the hero, Christoff.” Julian shouted to his friend. “We all need to be out of here before the hounds and their bitch arrive.

  Christoff smiled over his shoulder before turning to face the onslaught of wolves. He charged forward, silver blades cutting down everything in their path as the vampire darted towards a group of boulders off to the right of the giant pit. He let out a warrior’s cry that echoed throughout the cavern. The wolves hesitated for a moment then pushed forward, the scent of blood from their slaughtered brothers driving them mad.

  As the others approached the stairs, Julian turned to see Christoff surrounded by werewolves. He stopped, releasing his hold on Thomas. “Kate—get him up the stairs and out of this place. Lucian’s waiting. He’ll guide you through the tunnel but send Simon down to me. We have to help Christoff before he finds out he really isn’t invincible.”

  “No—listen Jules…” Thomas argued weakly, “…let us stay—I’m good, really. I can help you.”


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