Book Read Free

Uncivil liberties pc-2

Page 28

by Gordon Ryan

  “These are not the circumstances that I envisioned for us to become friends, Rachel. I’m truly sorry for this loss and the memories it fosters.”

  Rachel raised her hand to her shoulder, covering Pug’s hand. “The circumstances are not important, Pug. I’m grateful you were with me. Uncle Bill was like a father to me and I know he was fond of you, trusted you, and that his feelings were reciprocated. It’s your loss, too. I feel numb, actually. I might-”

  Suddenly, Rachel leaned to the right, scanning the passengers coming down the escalator. “There she is,” she said, quickly walking forward and embracing her mother as she stepped away from the moving throng of people. Pug remained quietly behind. After a few moments of tears and hugging, they approached him together.

  “Mom, this is General Pug Connor. Pug worked with Uncle Bill for the past several years. They became very close.”

  Mrs. Thompson extended her hand and showed the briefest hint of a smile. “I’m pleased to meet you, General. Thank you for meeting me.”

  “My pleasure, ma’am. Your luggage will be on carousel eight. I already have a trolley.”

  “I only brought one bag. I have some of my things at Rachel’s home.” She turned to Rachel as they walked toward the luggage carousel. “Do you know when the funeral will be held?”

  “Yes, Mom. Friday morning at Arlington. Christine did not want any public ceremony, but agreed to the president’s request that Bill be buried in the national cemetery. I have us both booked back to Kansas City on Friday night.”

  Mrs. Thompson nodded. “That’s my bag, General,” she said, pointing to a light gray case which Pug retrieved.

  Thirty minutes later, Pug placed the suitcase just inside the front door of Rachel’s home.

  “Rachel, if I can be of any assistance over the next several days, please phone. I’ve called a meeting of my team tomorrow morning to discuss several items, but mostly to deal with our new reporting line to the president’s office. Please, do call if I can help.”

  Rachel looked up at Pug for several seconds, then stepped close to him, placing her hands on his shoulders. She then kissed him lightly on the cheek, pulled back, and looked into his eyes. “You’ve already been helpful, Pug, perhaps more than you know. Thank you.”

  “If I don’t see you beforehand, I hope to see you at the funeral on Friday,” Pug said.

  “I’ll arrange it, Pug. My staff will organize seats for us.”

  “Good night, Rachel.”

  Chapter 30

  Office of Strategic Initiatives

  Washington D.C.


  Wednesday morning, Devlin Hegarty sat in John Harford’s office, discussing the latest turn of events and the final plans for the Saturday events in San Antonio and Kansas City.

  “Who could have envisioned that Homeland Security would lose their secretary so quickly? General Austin was one of the staunchest opponents of Domestic Tranquility, or so my inside sources tell me. We’re well-rid of the bastard,” Harford said.

  Hegarty wondered silently whether Harford had other teams working on such events, or if it was truly a coincidence and Al Qaida was behind the attack.

  “One more thing, Devlin. It’s come to my attention that Senator McKenzie of Kansas will be at the Marriott on Saturday morning, giving an address to the city managers who are holding a convention. That’s actually a stroke of luck.”

  “Do you want the explosion timed to her address?” Hegarty asked.

  “Absolutely not. That’s what I’m saying. She’ll speak at 11:00 AM, giving the keynote. I want the explosion no earlier than 2:00 PM. She sits on Culpepper’s intelligence committee and I think she can be swayed in favor of Domestic Tranquility. A close brush with death will help convince her. I need her vote.”

  “They reconvene at 1:30 after lunch, so 2:00 PM it will be,” Hegarty replied. “The Overland Park mall will be hit earlier in the morning, followed by the Marriott. San Antonio will take place about 4:00 PM. Texas is in the same time zone, so about two hours after the Marriott explosion. Saturday will be a busy day for Fox News and CNN, not to mention emergency services.”

  “Yes, well, if this doesn’t wake up America, I don’t know what will. Are you sure the San Antonio SI security team is prepared to intervene successfully?”

  “Absolutely. The team leader of the SI defense squad is ready. I’ve worked with him before. Sean Kilpatrick. A good man. His great-grandfather trained my father in Belfast in the old days.”

  Harford gave a quick chuckle. “No matter the cause, there always seems to be work for enterprising young men, eh? How are things in Ireland these days?”

  “Too peaceful,” Hegarty replied.

  “Well, we can thank our lucky stars for Al Qaida then, right? Catholic or Protestant, Muslim or Christian. Some religious group always wants to kill another religious group. It’s a good thing we have all these men of faith, or there might not be any wars to prosecute.”

  Hegarty nodded assent. “And some financial wolf is always ready to help them through the process with no religious compunctions.”

  “I’m sure you’ve noticed that your Swiss account has increased substantially. Be certain you share some of those proceeds with your key players. I don’t want any disgruntled employees complaining and drawing attention because they weren’t paid.”

  “Not to worry. Everyone is taken care of. Everyone who will live to spend it, that is,” Hegarty replied.

  Chapter 31

  Marriott Hotel

  Kansas City, Missouri


  Senator Rachel McKenzie, Republican, Kansas, finished her address to the International City amp; County Manager’s Association gathered at the Marriott Hotel in Kansas City about ten minutes to noon. 377 municipal administrators had gathered for the annual conference and were just breaking for lunch prior to the welcoming speech by the mayor of Kansas City, scheduled for 1:30 PM.

  At her invitation, Rachel’s mother had attended her speech. She met Rachel in the foyer as they made their way toward the front entrance, but were stopped by several police officers who asked her to wait just a moment.

  “What’s the problem, Officer?” Rachel asked.

  “Ma’am, there’s no danger at the moment, but there has been a shooting at the mall in Overland Park. Quite a large shooting, with multiple injuries. Your staff director, Mr. Halversen, asked us to assure your safe arrival at the airport, so we’ve arranged for alternate transportation with a police escort.”

  Rachel and her mother took seats in the foyer for a moment while they waited. “Do you want to come back to Virginia with me, Mom? Just while they sort this out?”

  “No, of course not, dear. I can take a taxi home. Don’t worry about me.”

  “No way, Mom. Ted will see that you get home safely.” Ted Halversen was director of Senator McKenzie’s Kansas City office. “Are you sure you wouldn’t rather that I stay for a few days?”

  “Rachel, as terrible as these events are becoming, we need to carry on with our lives. You have work to do, I have a Sunday school lesson to teach tomorrow, and I refuse to let these people disrupt my life or make me live in fear.”

  Rachel smiled momentarily as her mom bristled at the intrusion into her life. The police officer stepped in to the seating area and said, “It will be just a few minutes, Senator. They’re bringing up an unmarked van to transport you. Why don’t you step into the lounge while you wait? The news is broadcasting the shooting on TV and you can watch what’s happening.”

  Indeed, Fox News had a live feed from an overhead helicopter, and the parking lot near the main entrance to the mall was crowded with police vehicles, including the SWAT van. Heavily armed officers were located at every position outside the mall entrance, and some were already on the roof of the building. As Rachel watched, she thought about how many times she had entered through that same revolving door into the Overland Park Mall, how often her mother had used the entrance, and she wondered whether any of t
heir friends were there this morning.

  Sheppard Smith, a Fox News commentator, was voicing over the camera shot from the helicopter, conversing in a split-screen shot with Megyn Kelly, who was on the scene having quickly departed another assignment she was covering across the Missouri River.

  “It’s our understanding, Megyn, that an alert security officer assigned to the mall, but unarmed, notified police of the first shooting before he himself was shot and presumably killed. His body is just inside the doorway and emergency rescue has been unable to reach him to ascertain his condition. At least two of the perpetrators have also been shot, along with a wounded police officer who has been taken to the hospital. We don’t know yet how many people inside the mall, if any, have also been shot, but we have to assume that injuries have taken place. This is not the usual shooting we’ve come to expect, or to learn about after the fact, with one or two shooters killing silently and then disappearing. It’s also the first attack we’ve been able to see live, where police were on the scene before the shooters departed. By first reports, there are at least four, perhaps five armed men who entered the mall and began shooting at random, starting with the security guard.”

  Megyn adjusted her microphone and turned to look at the camera. “Shep, police officials on the ground have just informed me that contact with retail shop personnel inside the mall, who have taken shelter in the back of their stores, has alerted them to the fact that at least two men are barricaded inside the front entrance. They have numerous customers seated around the large flower planter you can see through the door. They’re using them as a shield against a police assault. This is a very dangerous situation and far from over. Hold on, Shep, the police spokesman is making a further comment…”

  The live shot of the parking lot continued while Shep contributed a voiceover, reiterating all that had been learned about the opening events in the shooting. Shortly, Megyn returned.

  “Shep, the police spokeswoman just informed us that four alleged terrorists have already made their departure, and the police, assisted by the Kansas Highway Patrol, are involved in a high-speed chase heading west on I-70. It would appear that there were six terrorists in this assault, an usually brazen attack, with, presumably, two men still inside with hostages.”

  At the moment Megyn made her final comment, the picture being broadcast of the mall parking lot and entrance erupted in a large explosion, smoke and flames pouring out of the mall entrance, reaching the closest police vehicles. Megyn was standing about sixty yards away and the picture of the scene skewed violently as the helicopter carrying the camera veered away from the rising blast, steadying several seconds later as the pilot gained control.

  “Are you still with us, Megyn?” Shep said, his voice rising.

  With a shaky picture, the camera again focused on the disheveled reporter, her hair and clothing in disarray. “I’m here, Shep,” she said, regaining control. “There has been an explosion. Someone inside the mall has triggered a bomb and one can only imagine that those closest to the blast have been severely injured. We could see at least a dozen or more people seated around the planter inside the front door. Hold it, Shep,” she said, even more intense. “The police are rushing the front door. SWAT is storming the entrance, Shep.”

  Senator Rachel McKenzie and her mother stood transfixed in the Marriott Hotel as they watched the dramatic scene play out in front of their eyes. Rachel stepped outside into the foyer and motioned to the officer who had spoken to them.

  “Officer, I want to go to my local office. I won’t be returning to Washington today. Can you arrange that?”

  “Yes, ma’am. The van is arriving now. If you would like to come with me, we’ll see that you and your party are transported safely.”

  By 1:30 PM, just under 300 city and county managers had reconvened in the Grand Ballroom where the mayor of Kansas City was to address them. The remaining seventy-seven registered attendees had presumably remained in the lounge or their rooms, watching the horrific event unfold on their televisions. At 1:36, just as the deputy mayor was advising the attendees that the mayor had been called away to deal with the terrible developing disaster in Overland Park, the first explosion erupted in the room, midway through the seated crowd. Over the next four minutes, three other explosions blasted various areas of the Marriott Hotel, including the lounge, the main foyer, and the circular entrance to the hotel, bringing down the overhanging balcony and balustrade. Over 175 people died in what became known as the Kansas City Massacre and made news headlines around the world.

  In Tel Aviv, two cabinet ministers seated in a local cafe watched CNN coverage when one remarked, “I wonder if American politicians will ask themselves to use restraint in their response as they have always asked us to tread lightly.”

  “One thing is for certain,” his companion replied, “they can no longer be neutral.”

  It was 2:54 PM in San Antonio, Texas.

  Rachel’s cell phone rang just as she entered her private office in downtown Kansas City. Her staff was absent, other than a couple of key members who were present during the ICMA speech.

  “Senator McKenzie,” she answered.

  “Rachel, it’s Pug.”

  “Pug, I didn’t recognize the number.”

  “I’m calling from the anteroom outside the Oval Office. I’m about to speak with the president.” He paused. “Rachel, I’m so thankful to hear your voice. I knew you were speaking at the Marriott this morning.”

  “I left about an hour before the explosion.”

  “Are you staying to see what you can do?”

  “I am. Don’t know when I’ll return.”

  “May I call you again?” Pug asked.

  “I’d be grateful, Pug. And thank you.”

  “I’d better go. The president will be available in a moment. Stay safe, Rachel, and give your mother my regards.”

  “Pug,” Rachel said.


  “I’ll probably be back mid-week, perhaps a few days later. Will you do something for me?”

  “Anything I can, Rachel, you know that.”

  “Will you meet me at the airport? I… I just…”

  “Let me know when. I’ll be there, Rachel, and thank you,” Pug replied.

  As he ended the call, the door to the Oval Office opened and FBI Director Granata exited, nodding to Pug as he left. The president’s secretary stepped toward Pug.

  “General, the president can see you now. He has three minutes before his next meeting.”

  “Hopefully I’ll need less than two. Thank you.” Pug stepped into the office and stood before the president’s desk. President Snow said a few quick words into the phone and hung up. “Pug, this has not been a good day.”

  “No, sir. Mr. President, I just spoke with Senator McKenzie. She delivered an address at the Kansas City Marriott this morning, but was out of the hotel about an hour before the explosion. She is safe and in her local office.”

  The president just nodded. “I’m a bit rushed, Pug. I presume you’re looking for a Troy designation for this event today?”

  “Yes, sir. At the moment, the Kansas Highway Patrol and Kansas City police are still pursuing the terrorists west on I-70. The police are not equipped or trained to deal with this type of emergency or this type of enemy, Mr. President. They will continue to pursue until they can contain the situation. The terrorists will seek additional hostages somewhere and more people will die.”

  “What do you recommend?”

  “Mr. President, I want to get an Army Blackhawk up from Fort Leavenworth, block the interstate in both directions, and take this vehicle out as if it were an enemy troop transport. This is a military enemy, Mr. President. We have ample means to stop them, but we need your approval, or a Troy designation, following which I will issue the authority to fire on the vehicle.”

  The president observed Pug for several seconds and then voiced his approval. “Jennie will have your written Troy designation in hand in five minutes. Just
wait for it by her desk. And Pug, General Austin trained you well. Such situations permit no equivocation. You’re the right man in the right place.”

  “I’ll see to the Army, Mr. President. Thank you, sir.”

  Chapter 32

  Strategic Initiatives

  Washington, D.C.


  John Harford’s office at Strategic Initiatives was busier than usual, with multiple people, including many in uniform, coming and going. It had been like that since Saturday afternoon, after the first episode in Kansas City. By Monday, the bee hive of activity had not settled down.

  “Senator Winchester, thank you for coming to see me this afternoon. I know that your Mondays are very busy, but this is highly important. It’s been a terrible weekend for America,” John Harford said, taking a seat next to the senator from Connecticut.

  For the past forty-eight hours, every major news station had run the endless, repetitive loop of the Kansas City bombing, and with live coverage, the Fox News helicopter had been on scene about seventy-five miles west of Kansas City on I-70 when the Army Blackhawk helicopter had fired a missile at the black van as it raced along the interstate. Only one occupant had survived and he did not last through the trip to the hospital.

  Coverage of the San Antonio intervention was, of course, less dramatic, since only six terrorists and one Strategic Initiatives trooper had been killed. Still, high praise was voiced from all quarters on the successful event, and when SI released the film clip from the Predator drone that had initially spotted the six men outside of San Antonio, preparing their weapons for the attack, the coverage quickly gained acclaim and calls were already forthcoming for extension of the pilot program. Two newscasters and the city council in Kansas City had stated that if only such a program had been in place nationwide, the tragedy at Overland Park Mall could have been prevented. Even traditional liberal groups were clamoring for more protection, while conservative groups screamed that had liberals not stood in the way historically, such events could have been prevented long ago. Some hard-core conservatives even went so far as to indicate that although the death toll was horrendous and unacceptable, liberally supported abortion clinics had killed more people in the past few months than the entire attack had killed. There was no meeting of the minds on philosophy.


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