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Hot Sugar

Page 37

by Cassandra Dee

  But I didn’t say any of that.

  “I apologize,” came my rough words. “What happened is because of me.”

  She held up one small hand.

  “It is, but I wanted to work out some details. The police did an investigation after the assault. They pulled the tapes from your boys’ club meeting. Did you know that?”

  I was stunned. Shit, those meetings were taped? What the hell?

  “Are you shitting me?” I asked on a low growl.

  Beth nodded slowly.

  “Yeah, your friends aren’t really friends. They taped everything, probably all the way back to your first meeting. But what’s important is that I saw the recording of your most recent one. I saw how you talked about me.”

  My voice deserted me for a moment.

  “How did I talk about you?” I rasped, heart in my throat.

  She was quiet for a second too.

  “Like you love me,” Beth said slowly. “You spoke about me like you were in love, and never showed the pictures we took.”

  My heart pounded. Holy shit, I thought I’d never have a chance with my girl again. I was so sure that the fuck book thing completely ruined my relationship with her. But with these tapes in the mix? Maybe I’d been given a second chance.

  “So now that you’ve seen the video, what next?” I asked roughly, chest tight from lack of air. “It should have been clear how I feel about you. Will you forgive me?”

  Her thick hair fell around her face as she dipped her head and looked away for a moment. But taking a deep breath, those caramel eyes met mine then.

  “I don’t know because what you did was really messed up. The whole fuck book thing is a messed-up concept. But,” she said, taking another deep breath, “I saw how you spoke about me on that tape, so we’ll look for a way forwards.”

  And I was on my knees next to her in a second, cradling that beautiful face with big palms.

  “Everything you saw on that tape is true,” I growled, overcome with emotion. I couldn’t believe my luck. My sweet girl was forgiving me for my sins, the incredible series of horrific mistakes. “I spoke like that because I love you, Beth White.”

  Tears of happiness fell down her cheeks and over my fingers like cleansing rain.

  “I love you too, Mason Carlton. I love you so much.”

  She threw her arms around me and held on tight, then squeaked when I grabbed her closer, giggling and pressing her wet face into my neck. I laughed with her, the sound of it rolling through the living room. God, I’d just been granted a second chance at life, and the air had never been so sweet, the world so welcoming.

  Because she’s my Beth. My sweet thing. The female is all mine and I was going to make it up to her for as long as I lived, for as long as she let me.

  I didn’t deserve this. Not at all. But the heavens had intervened, and here she was now.

  Suddenly, the brunette grew serious.

  “Mason,” she warned, drawing back slightly. “I want you to know that this isn’t a get of jail free card. This doesn’t mean that suddenly, we go back to being the way it was before.”

  I nodded.

  “Of course not,” were my growled words. “I wouldn’t expect that, not after what happened.”

  Beth was silent for a moment.

  “I guess I shouldn’t have promised so much,” she said slowly. Oh shit! Was she backing out? Was my chance at redemption gone already?

  But the girl must have seen the look on my face because immediately, she smiled again.

  “No, not that. It’s just that we have to take it one day at a time now, okay? After all that’s happened, I can’t just jump in with my eyes closed. That’s not fair to me. It’s not fair to who I am and who I want to be.”

  And immediately, I nodded, grabbing her small hands between my big ones.

  “Sweetheart, I’ll spend the rest of my life making it up to you. I’ll show you that I’m trustworthy. That I care. That I love you, and you’re the most important thing in the world to a poor bastard on his knees begging you for forgiveness.”

  Beth softened then.

  “I know,” she said, caressing my cheek with one tiny palm. “I know. But one day at a time, okay? Because the fuck book doesn’t disappear just like that. It’s an on-going process, and we need to repair the damage. We need time to rebuild and re-group, to find ourselves once more. So will you do it, Mason? Will you go to therapy with me? Will you spend quality time working on this?”

  Her words rang through my soul. Because I fucked up before, but damn if I’m gonna make the same mistake twice.

  “Yes, sweetheart. I’ll do anything to help you trust me again. I’ll take classes, go to Alcoholics Anonymous, whatever’s necessary. You’re my first priority.”

  And Beth threw her head back then and laughed, the peals ringing through the apartment.

  “Mason, you’re not an alcoholic. What do you mean, Alcoholics Anonymous?”

  My grin flashed.

  “Just sayin’ honey. Whatever you need me to do, I’ll do it. You’re my number one, and I’m going to prove it to you with everything I’ve got.”

  She was still for a moment, those caramel eyes swallowing me whole.

  “Thank you,” was her simple reply. “Thank you, I appreciate it.”

  And with that, I gathered the brunette in my arms, pulling that curvy body close. Because I’ve been given a second chance, and who am I to squander it? After everything we’ve been through, that fucking fuck book, the lies, the misrepresentations, the assault even, I didn’t deserve this woman. I didn’t deserve another bite at the apple.

  But she was here now.

  Beth wanted to try again.

  And I was going to make it worth her time.

  Because I love this female so much … and I’ll do whatever it takes to keep her close, always.



  One year later …

  The dinner was the best I’ve ever had.

  Maybe it was because I was with my family. Maybe it was the warm Florida evening. And maybe it was because Mason had his hand resting on my thigh under the table. Nothing crazy, totally appropriate given that we were with our parents.

  Because Rhonda had invited us to her Florida condo, but it wasn’t just Mason and me. George and Lynne were here as well, our parents meeting for the first time.

  “Ma, this pierogi is the best ever,” Mason complimented, chowing down with big bites. The man was in heaven literally. Already, the plate was nearly empty, dumplings gone, just a few scraps left. My man can eat, and it’s my job to keep him fed.

  Rhonda looked up drfrom the conversation she was having with my dad and shook her fork at Mason.

  “Credit where credit is due, sweetheart. Because Beth was the one who made them today. Her recipe came out even better than mine, I can’t believe it,” she smiled. “What did you do different?”

  I blushed hotly, but pleasure ran through my frame. Rhonda and I have bonded over the book of family recipes, cherishing the heirloom.

  “Nothing different,” I said with a warm smile. “Except I drizzled melted butter over the dish. That’s probably what you’re tasting.”

  Mason nodded.

  “Oh yeah, more butter sweetheart,” he growled, squeezing my knee under the table. “More buttah makes it bettah,” he added lasciviously, making me sizzle.

  But my dad jumped in before it got too crazy.

  “Absolutely. Lynne and I are vegans, but these are just too good to pass up, butter or no butter. Mmm, great job honey.”

  And I blushed again, so happy in this circle of love. Because after the shocking events bringing Mason and I together, we’ve come to this. We’re now an established couple, close to both sets of parents, basking in the warm glow of security and contentment.

  Lynne piped up then.

  “I’m so happy for you,” she said, looking at us. “Both of you have done so well.”

  And it’s true. In the last year,
Mason started a new business and became some sort of tech entrepreneur, running electronic payments and whatnot. Although the subject matter was obscure, my man has a golden touch and the business was already flourishing, rounds of investors ponying up.

  In addition, my dad and Lynne moved back to New York and started their strange yoga slash tantric sex studio. Weird right? But it was a success. People book classes so fast they actually crashed the website more than once.

  Plus, Lynne is just awesome, overall. Most people don’t love their stepmoms, but maybe it’s because I’m an adult already. Maybe it’s because she brought my dad and I back together, so I feel like I have two moms now: Rhonda and Lynne. And both were giving me marriage advice even though Mason hasn’t asked yet.

  “It’s only a matter of time, my girl,” Lynne smiled when the topic came up.

  “It’ll happen,” added Rhonda with a happy chortle. “I know my son, it’ll happen, trust me.”

  I blushed. I hoped so. And yet even without the question, I was deliriously happy because I already have the perfect life.

  Mason loves me.

  My pleasure is paramount, and the alpha makes sure I know it every day.

  At home, he cooks dinner for us sometimes just to give me the night off. He buys me little gifts, leaving them around the house as surprises. And we have sex all the time. God, it’s so good. Even after a year, he keeps me open and wet constantly, begging for more. I don’t think anyone could have a better time in the bedroom. Plus, he encourages me in so many ways. I don’t work in the library anymore, but I’m well on my way to finishing that degree and maybe even getting a masters. I don’t know, we’ll see.

  But Mason’s still Mason, and the billionaire turned to me with gleaming blue eyes once the last pierogi was gone.

  “You done eating, babe?”

  I looked up in surprise and realized that my parents and Rhonda were off in the kitchen chatting merrily. God, I must have really zoned out. Happiness did that to me.

  “Yes, thank you,” I murmured, leaning back as he grabbed my plate. “Thanks honey.” He kissed me on the cheek and, even though we’ve been together for more than a year, I blushed.

  After dinner, we sat around in the lit fireplace living room and laughed while our parents played a drinking game. I sat in Mason’s lap and drowsed in his arms while George, Lynne and Rhonda got sloppy drunk. I know, old people getting hammered, it’s weird. But hey, I’m glad their lives are full, living each day to the max.

  But when Rhonda, George and Lynne wandered to the back patio to dip their legs in the pool, Mason turned towards me.

  “Ready for bed, sweet thing?” Mason whispered in my ear as splashing sounds started. “Ready?”

  I sighed and looked up at him.

  “Yes,” was my contented reply. “Yes, let’s go.” We weren’t that tired, but it was time for something else. Because once inside the guest bedroom, Mason immediately pushed me against the door, dipping his head for a kiss.

  “Sometimes I forget how hot you make me.” He sucked on my tongue, slow and dirty, like he couldn’t wait to get his mouth on my clit to do the same.

  Every trace of exhaustion evaporated as I clung to that broad frame, panting into his sexy mouth while his big body warmed me all over. That thick rod pushed into my belly, tantalizingly close yet not close enough.

  God, I loved him.

  It’s always so good, so satisfying and hot.

  This man is my everything, and I groaned once more against his lips, twisting my hips sinuously.

  Mason chuckled deep in his chest.

  “It’s coming, baby girl. It’s coming, don’t you worry.”

  I panted again. Because it’s been a long road, for sure. Even this trip was unexpected. When he suggested we come visit his mom and bring my dad and Lynne, I didn’t think I was ready. I thought he was just joking. What? Our parents were gonna meet, like we were serious? Sure, Mason’s met George and Lynne plenty of times but this time it was different.

  Because for a while after I got back with the billionaire, something kept holding me back.

  What was it?



  Lack of trust?

  Even I couldn’t say. Maybe all of that.

  In bed, I was all his. Willing and open anytime he wanted, moaning my pleasure into his ear. My body was totally his to do whatever he liked. Any time. Any place.

  But not my mind. There was an invisible wall around my heart, the bricks solid and built real high, protecting me even as I shrieked his name.

  And Mason could sense it. I could see it in his eyes. But he never pushed. The billionaire was always patient, going slow to bring out that portion of my soul that was kept under wraps.

  And now, he’d finally done it.

  This weekend, when Mason invited me and my folks down to meet Rhonda, a new chapter opened for us.

  The loss of trust that came from the mess with the fuck book was finally something we could put behind us. Because it’s been a year of scorching honesty. A year of therapy, a year of slowly rebuilding bridges. And now, I trust him again. It wasn’t easy but at last, I have full confidence in our future.

  He didn’t just have my body, he had my soul.

  “Mason, I need you so much,” was my panting cry into his mouth. “Please.”

  Those blue eyes gleamed.

  “I know sweetheart. I’m yours.”

  “Then please,” I gasped again, as he helped me out of my clothes. “Please now.”

  And in two seconds flat, we were going sixty miles an hour. I was poised on the bed, hands and knees spread, lifting my giant ass towards him, swaying this way and that.

  The billionaire couldn’t look away, eyes all over that pink slit.

  “You’re baiting me, aren’t you?” he growled. “You’re baiting me with that pretty pussy.”

  There was no way to deny it.

  “Yes,” I mewled sweetly. “Please Mr. Carlton, I need it.”

  And the alpha was behind me in an instant, kneeling in back of that white shelf. But instead of pushing straight in, the billionaire leaned down for a moment, licking my slick crevice.

  “Ummmh!” I moaned, burying my face in the mattress, fingers gripping helplessly at the sheets. “Oh god, yes!”

  “That’s right,” came his muffled words. “That’s right, you’re goddamn wet. But I want something different tonight.”

  Letting out another strangled cry, I moaned once more.

  “Anything,” was my pant, big boobs dragging on the coverlet. “Anything.”

  And quickly, Mason tongued my anal hole, lightly brushing against that brown star.

  “Yes,” I moaned, reaching two hands back to spread the white heft, revealing the darkness within. “Yes, if you want it, it’s yours,” I panted again, pleats already contracting instinctively at the feel of his hot breath blowing against that sensitive spot.

  Because of course, we’ve done anal multiple times. It’s something I’ve grown to love, that thick fuckstick up my back end, making me squirm and mewl. It feels so good to be stretched unbearably, to know that my ass belongs to the billionaire.

  But Mason wanted something different this time.

  “Sweetheart,” he growled. “I want you to sit down on it.”

  My face flushed, body going hot and tingling all over.

  “Wha-what do you mean?” came my gasp, head twisting to gaze at him over one slim shoulder. “How?”

  He growled again, blue eyes hot.

  “Exactly what it sounds like. I want you to sit down on my fuckshaft. You think you can do that, sweetheart? You think you can press that anus down tight on my dong?”

  I mewled again, shaking my head, eyes wild.

  “No. No, I can’t. You’re too big, you know that. It has to be worked in, little by little, it’s the only way.”

  But Mason chuckled deep in his chest then, eyes still gleaming.

  “That’s right honey, I love working m
yself into your butt. I love how tight and rancid it is, that little asshole resisting as I fuck it hard. But this time I want you to do the honors. Just try, okay?” he ground out, leaning down to kiss my shoulder. “Here, I’ll get it wet first.”

  And with that, the big man spread my folds and thrust long and hard into my pussy.

  “Unnnh!” I shrieked, eyes squeezed shut as that fuckpole took charge. Oh god, it felt good, his dicktip reached all the way into my abdomen, pussy gushing uncontrollably. “Oh god!”

  “That’s right,” the billionaire rasped behind me. “That’s right, get that shaft lubed up. Let your pussy go.”

  And after a few more deep, penetrating strokes, Mason withdrew his cock entirely, making me mewl. The ache in my cunt was so painful, empty and begging for fulfillment.

  But Mason growled again, intent on having his way.

  “It’s all greased up now sweetheart. We’re completely lubed, your pussy goo all over my rod. So you ready? You good to go?”

  But the question was rhetorical because the billionaire’s glans was already pressing at my back hole.

  “Unnh!” I squealed, pleats contracting reflexively at the brush of that hot rod. “Oh god!”

  But Mason was relentless.

  “Like I said, sweetheart. Sit on it this time. Show me how much you want Daddy’s big dick in your behind. Show me, give it to me.”

  And slowly, those massive palms helped me up so that I was crouched before him, facing away, dick pointed straight at my behind.

  “Now sweetheart, lower yourself onto my cock,” the billionaire rasped in my ear. “Lower yourself, slow, slow.”

  And like a slut, I obeyed. Every part of me was so hungry for him, utterly ravenous, and the truth was that I needed his heavy rod. I need it in my body every day, multiple times a day, and now was no exception.

  So with another mewl and a squirm, it began. Slowly, I lowered my torso, legs spread, taking him into my behind. Oh god, this was so wrong. My asshole wouldn’t open for a moment, still resisting, but with a cry, I twisted myself this way and that all the while pressing downwards. And with a pop, that cock entered my backdoor.


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