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Death Comes in Threes

Page 2

by Marja McGraw

  I sighed softly, not wanting to set my mother off again. My tendency to sigh annoyed her when she was in a mood. “You’re no burden Mother, but I have to earn a living.”

  “I understand. We’ll give you time to sort things out.” She picked her purse up off the floor before giving me a hug. “Will an hour be enough time?”

  “More than enough,” Pete replied. “You just take care of yourself, Livvie.”

  She glanced at him and he took a step back. She appeared to be annoyed again.

  “By the way,” I asked, “where’s Frank?” I hoped she hadn’t beaten him with the broom. I’d seen her take down a mugger with her purse once when she was in a mood.

  “I suggested he call Pete about going camping. He seemed to like the idea a little too much, if you ask me. That’s why I left early to come over to see you.” My mother and stepfather lived in Arizona, which was just enough distance for comfort.

  “I’m sure Pete would enjoy getting away for a few days, but he might not be able to. We’ve got a situation – ” I caught myself before I told her about David escaping. I knew that was information that would really send her over the edge.

  “Yes?” She waited expectantly, probably hoping it was another juicy case.

  “Uh, oh, nothing. We’ve got to take care of a few cases before he can leave.”

  “I guess the man who just left is one of them?”

  “Yes, he’s a client.”

  I glanced past my mother, pleading with Felicity to take my mother for pie. She recognized my eye message and stood up.

  “Come on, Livvie. Stan and I will take you for pie now so Pete and Sandi can take care of business. We’ll come back as soon as we’re done eating.”

  A woman after my own heart, my mother asked, “Can I have chocolate pie?”

  “Of course.” Felicity turned to head for the door and tripped on the chair leg. In the course of catching herself, she jammed her hip into the edge of my desk.

  Stanley scurried over to help her and stumbled, knocking her to the floor.

  My mother watched in fascination.

  “They’re a match made in heaven,” I said, smiling at my mother. These were two of the sweetest, most endearing and clumsiest people I’ve ever known. Stanley and I helped Felicity stand. She brushed herself off and the three of them headed for the diner.

  I hurried to the door and watched them walk down the street. My mother was sort of herding Felicity and Stanley. She was the one in control, and she knew it.

  Stanley had changed so much since we first met him. Since meeting Felicity he’d changed his hair style and didn’t worry that it was thinning, he stood up straighter and he’d started wearing contact lenses in lieu of glasses. The one thing he couldn’t change was his clumsiness. He’d made all the changes for Felicity, even though she’d fallen in love with the old Stanley. She’d never asked him to change a thing.

  Felicity was gorgeous. She had long almost black hair which she generally wore in a French braid, dimples, and she worked as a hand model. Yes, the hands you see modeling jewelry in magazines were probably Felicity’s. She was too short for runway modeling, but she was so pretty that she sometimes posed for cosmetics ads.

  When Felicity and Stanley met, I’m sure all kinds of sirens went off. I happened to be out of town, and by the time I returned they’d settled in as a couple.

  I turned away from the door and back to Pete. “Aren’t they something?”

  “Yeah. I’m just not sure what.”

  “Oh, Pete. You love the three of them as much as I do.”

  “I don’t know if I’d call it love, but I do care about them. Okay, back to business. If Smith is out and looking for you, it might be a good idea to keep them busy somewhere else. We don’t need them wandering into the middle of this mess.”

  “You’re probably right. I could ask Felicity to let my mom stay with her, but considering Mother’s mood, I’m not sure I want to. It wouldn’t be fair to expect Fel to put up with her.”

  “Do it. At least for a couple of nights.”

  “And what do I tell my mother? She’ll want to know why she can’t stay with me.”

  “Tell her the truth. She’s a big girl. She can handle it.”

  “Yeah, right. She’ll want to plant herself by the door with a broom to wait for David. She’ll be very protective. Pete, I don’t think this is going to work.”

  “It’ll work. You get rid of your mother and I’ll plant me by the door with a gun to wait for Smith.”

  I smiled at Pete. I knew he’d do anything he could to protect me. “What’re we going to do about Larry Larkin? Do you really have a plan?”

  “Yeah. I’ll take Stan with me and we’ll set up the stalker. Me inside and Stan outside, and I’ll have Larkin make a production of leaving the house with a suitcase, like he’s going out of town. My gut tells me this guy wants to get his hands on Larkin’s coins. If he thinks Larkin is leaving town, he’ll make his move whether it’s the coins or something else.”

  “Not a bad plan, even if I didn’t think of it first.”

  “I just hope it’s as easy to take down Smith as this one’s going to be.”

  Pete called Larry Larkin and filled him in on the plan. Larry told Pete the stalker had just left, so Pete grabbed the things he’d need and said he’d head to the diner to pick up Stan. He said he’d explain the plan on the way, and he’d send my mother and Felicity back to the office. He didn’t want me to be alone.

  “I can take care of myself, Pete, and you know it.” This was an ongoing argument between us. He was overly protective and I’d shown him over and over that I could take care of myself. “And you know you could be at Larkin’s place until late tonight. That guy might not break in right away.”

  “I know you can take care of yourself, but there’s safety in numbers. Have your mother and Felicity stay at your house until I get there. Better yet, you go with your mother and stay at Felicity’s.”

  I shook my head. “I’ve got to go home and take care of Bubba. Dolly is going out with her granddaughter this afternoon.” Dolly is my elderly neighbor and she usually takes care of Bubba if I’m going to be late. Bubba is, well, Bubba. He’s a half wolf/half Golden retriever dog, he’s huge, and he gets awfully hungry. I smiled. “Besides, we’ll have Bubba there if David shows up. He doesn’t know about the big lug, so this could be interesting if they cross paths.”

  “As long as he’s got you for a food source, Bubba won’t ever let you down.” Pete kissed me and hurried out the door.

  “I’m more than a food source,” I called after his back.

  The phone rang and I answered, but the caller hung up. Of course, my first thought was David might be trying to find out if I was in the office. I glanced at the Caller ID, but the call had been blocked. The phone rang again, and again it said the call was blocked.


  “Ms. Webster, this is Larry Larkin. I just wanted to know if your partner left yet.”

  “Yes, he’s on his way. Is there a problem?”

  “No, but I know that guy is gonna be back and I want your partner to get here while he’s gone.”

  “Don’t worry. That’s what Pete’s shooting for. He wants to be all set up before the stalker comes back.”

  We hung up and I sat down at my desk, planning to catch up on some paperwork. I couldn’t concentrate. Between David being on the loose and my mother’s visit, I was wired. The night David tried to kill me was still front and center in my mind. It went beyond him dealing in stolen antiquities – he was evil. And he was devious. He’d killed before and I doubted he’d have any qualms about killing again.

  “It’s time to get serious,” I said to no one. I picked up the phone to call Rick to ask if they’d had any sightings or heard any reports yet. After all, it had been at least an hour and a half since he’s called with the bad news. At the moment I was the poster girl for “Anxious”.

  The office door opened and my mother stomped ac
ross the threshold. I could tell by her expression that she already knew what I didn’t want her to know.

  “David Smith escaped from prison and you didn’t tell me.”

  Felicity, running to keep up with my mother, rolled her eyes and smiled apologetically. Stanley looked sheepish.

  Chapter Three

  My mother wanted to know why I hadn’t told her about David escaping. Her mood swings were all over the place and I was already upset. How could I handle her and a killer on the loose, too?

  “Mother, I figured you had enough on your mind already. You didn’t need me to add to your problems. Besides, how did you find out about David? I didn’t tell Stanley or Felicity.”

  She looked like she was going to cry as she shoved a Styrofoam cup toward me, but stopped and shook herself out of it. “Pete told Stanley. Sandra, when you need me I’m here. It’s as simple as that. I’m not leaving your side until this monster is back in prison, or dead, whichever comes first.”

  Stanley looked shocked. Felicity appeared to be amused. And at the moment I wasn’t sure who I was more afraid of – my mother or David.

  I took the cup she held out to me. “What’s this?”

  “I thought you might like some iced tea.” She sounded petulant.

  “Now, Mother, things could be worse. David could – ”

  “How could they be worse?” she interrupted. “He wants to get even with you. He wants to murder you for sending him to prison. And don’t forget, he strangled his last victim. Well, the one before the prison guard. Listen, missy, I just want to know how they could be worse.”

  “Well, thanks for putting it in perspective for me, Mother.” I was trying not to think of David, and I knew she wouldn’t let it go.

  She picked up a file off my desk and began fanning herself. “Hot flash.”

  I wasn’t sure if she was talking to herself or us.

  “Mother, I can’t change what’s happened. I can try to deal with it, but you’re not helping at the moment.”

  She continued to fan herself. “Of course I am. He’ll have to come through me to get to you, and you know what a terror I can be.”

  For some reason her words had a calming effect. “Yes, Mother, I know how protective you can be. I’m glad you’re on my side. And Rick Mason said he was sending someone to keep an eye on me.”

  We all turned and glanced out the window, just in time to see a patrol car cruise by, slowing as it passed the office.

  “Well, why didn’t he stop?” Mother was revving up to a rant. I could hear it in her voice. She wanted L.A.P.D. to drop everything and take care of her baby – me. Obviously, that wasn’t going to happen.

  The front door opened and Rick Mason walked in. He was whistling bird calls, a habit he had when he was thinking things over. He stopped abruptly, lips still pursed, recognizing my mother.

  “Rick, my mother’s come for a visit.”

  “I see that. Mrs. Brewster? How are you? Caught any muggers lately?” He smiled, but it looked like it took an effort. Rick had been at the bank when my mother hit the mugger with her purse and knocked him to the ground. Well, there was more to it than that, but…Unwittingly, he lightened the moment.

  My mother smiled.

  “Detective Mason, so good to see you. Muggers keep their distance when I’m around, just like killers. I think the word is getting out about how I handle troublemakers.” She had to look up at Rick, but her tone of voice made them seem about the same size. Of course, my mother had to look up at almost everyone, except Felicity. Anyway, Mother had once been involved in catching a killer. She’d handled herself well and hadn’t forgotten the experience. Neither had any of the rest of us.

  Rick looked around the office. “Where’s Pete?”

  It struck me that Stanley was supposed to be with Pete. “Stanley? What are you doing here?”

  “I wanted to escort the ladies back to the office, so I’m driving my own car.” He checked his watch. “It appears I’d better leave right this moment.” He gave Felicity a quick kiss, shook Rick’s hand and left. He tripped over the threshold at the door but caught himself, never looking back. I remembered the first time I met Stanley. He’d done the same thing, only coming in the door.

  Rick shook his head and Felicity smiled.

  “Sandi, I’m here about David Smith. Officer – ”

  “Well, it’s about time.” Mother crossed her small arms across her chest. “What’re you going to do to keep my daughter safe?”

  “As I was about to say, Officer Hernandez is going to drive by the office every chance he has. I know him well. He’s been helping in the Homicide Division whenever possible, and he’s a good man. But I think Pete ought to hang around the office for the next few days.”

  “He’s out on a case right now, but he’ll be back. You don’t need to worry. I can take care of myself.” How many people would I have to reassure that I knew what I was doing?

  “With my help,” my mother added.

  Rick’s jaws tightened, almost imperceptibly. “There is safety in numbers, but remember, Smith is a killer. You need to watch out for him. They say he’s changed since he’s been in prison, and not for the better. He’s not a…” He subtly turned his eyes toward my mother. “…a nice guy.”

  “No kidding!” Considering Mother’s current demeanor, maybe it would be best if David walked through the front door right now. She was in a mood and probably wouldn’t take prisoners.

  Rick pulled a piece of gum out of his pocket, folded it in fourths and stuck it in his mouth. He chewed before speaking, and I figured he was stalling, trying not to say something to my mother that he might regret later.

  Felicity strolled to Stanley’s desk and sat down with her hands in her lap. She remained quiet, taking everything in.

  “Livvie, we’re going to do all we can to keep Sandi safe, but she’s going to have to take some of her own precautions, too. Why don’t the two of you close up the office and go home. Hernandez can cruise your house as easily as he can watch the office. Smith knows where your office is, but he doesn’t know where you live.”

  I sighed, having already had this conversation with Pete. “I’m in the phone book, Rick.”

  “Oh. Well, then make him work to find you.”

  I chuckled, but not because anything was humorous. “Yeah, that ought to slow him down for about five minutes.”

  Rick’s cell phone rang. He held up his hand and walked outside.

  “Maybe he’s right, sweetie. Let’s go to your house. I can get settled in and we’ll have Bubba there for protection. Pete would be my first choice, but Bubba will have to do.” Mother was already fishing in her purse for her car keys.

  I threw my arms in the air. “I give up. Okay, let me lock up after Rick’s done with us and we’ll go home.”

  Looking out the window, I saw Rick flagging someone down. The patrol car we’d seen earlier pulled up to the curb, and the two men had a short conversation. Rick pointed toward the office and I wondered what was going on. I held my breath figuring it had something to do with David. I took heart in the fact that he was smiling. The patrol car pulled away from the curb and Rick entered the office.

  “It’s all good, Blue Eyes. Smith was caught trying to steal a car and he’s back in custody. They’re going to transport him to prison tomorrow. You can go back to your normal day.”

  My mother and I sighed in unison.

  “I’ll bet they’ll keep a closer eye on that guy from now on.” Mother stood as tall as her little frame would allow.

  “You betcha,” Rick replied. “And he’ll be tried for the murder of the prison guard. He may never see the light of day again. Well, duty calls. I’d better get moving.”

  Rick left and I sat down at my desk, taking a long drink of iced tea. “I feel like I can breathe again.”

  “I knew you were more upset than you were letting on. I know my little girl like the back of my hand.” Mother sat down on the chair in front of my desk.

sp; “Yes, you do. Let me call Pete to see what he and Stanley are going to do and then we’ll head home. It’s been a stressful day and I need to unwind.”

  I called Pete and asked him what the plan was. Larry Larkin would be leaving the house with a suitcase as soon as the watcher showed up. Pete would hide inside Larry’s house, while Stanley watched from outside. They’d taken the walkie-talkies with them and Stanley could tell him what the watcher was doing. They didn’t know how long it would take, so Larry would spend the night at a motel.

  We’d been wrong to think of the guy as a stalker. This was something else. He was more of a watcher. I was sure he wanted to burglarize Larry and get his hands on the coin collection.

  “Well, I have some good news for a change.” I knew Pete could hear the smile in my voice because even I could hear it.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Nothing, and that’s the good news. They caught David when he tried to steal a car. What a dope.” I almost laughed. “So now he’ll be charged with killing the prison guard and Rick says he may never get out of jail.”

  Pete was quiet for a long time. I knew he was processing what I’d just told him. “Okay, that really is a relief. Stan and I were thinking one of us should come back to the office. I was pretty worried, Sandi.”

  “I know you were. But, hey! I’ve got a wedding to plan. I’m not about to let someone like David get in my way now.”

  Pete laughed. “Okay, here’s the deal. I’m going to call Frank back. He wanted me to go camping with him, and I told him I’d have to wait and see how things went. I know one of the reasons your mother came to town is to work on the wedding plans, so with me out of your hair you two can go crazy.”

  This time I laughed. “All you needed was an excuse to get out of working on the plans, and now you’ve got it. What are you and Frank going to do? I know you’re going camping, but where?”

  “I thought I’d take him up to Wolf Creek, if I can find it again. If not, we’ll be in that general area.”

  “Uh huh. Conveniently out of cell phone range.”

  “Now, Sandi, you know I’d like to stay and help with the plans, but – ”


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