Mine to Save

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Mine to Save Page 1

by Megs Pritchard


  Title Page



  Come and Join Me!

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen


  Thank You

  About the Author

  Books by Megs Pritchard

  Contact Information

  Mine to Save

  A Rescue Inc Novel



  Megs Pritchard

  Mine to Save

  A Rescue Inc Novel

  Copyright © 2018 Megs Pritchard


  Edited by Jessica McKenna - www.liteditor.com

  Cover design by JC Clarke at The Graphics Shed

  All rights reserved. This book is licensed to the original purchaser only.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods. It is illegal and a violation of international copyright law, subject to prosecution and upon conviction, fines and/or imprisonment. Any eBook format cannot legally be loaned or given to others. For permission requests, write to the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblances to the actual person, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


  This book contains explicit M/M sexual scenes and strong language. It has an interrogation scene and descriptions of captive conditions


  To my amazing family - love you all so much.

  To Pauline - an amazing friend. There are no words to express how grateful I am to know you.

  To Sam - can’t wait to start our new adventure!

  Come and Join Me!

  Thanks for your support and if you want more information or sneak peeks, join my Facebook group and sign up for my newsletter.





  Chapter One


  They watched from afar, waiting for the shift change to occur. They’d planned this raid down to the last detail, gathered all intel, and then, when the time was right, had chosen to execute their plan.

  The rain hammered down around them, but the three men ignored it. They were well trained, and nothing would deter them from their objective.

  When the shift change occurred, they waited a few precious minutes, then two of the three left their places and moved.

  Jensen Lamb crawled through the bushes, ignoring the dirt and rain. His eyes were trained on the other two members of Rescue Inc as they disposed of the guards, quickly, quietly. The vampires moved stealthily approaching each man from behind, dealing with them efficiently.

  Once the area was clear, Jensen jogged over to them, scanning the surrounding area constantly. They were all on high alert, in case any stragglers appeared. Donnie nodded to him and Hunter before they separated to their designated areas.

  They were here to destroy the food storage unit and grain silos. By removing their food sources, they would severely set back the Corporation’s plans. They couldn’t allow them to put their plans into motion. Too many lives were at risk and it was down to them to stop it.

  As they had performed their recon, they’d noticed a fuel tanker near the stores and that was what they were going to use. It would look like an accident, that the tanker had developed a fault and had exploded, taking the food stores with it.

  Jensen worked his way over to the closest building and peered around the corner, his eyes moving constantly over the area in front of him. Twenty feet of open land stood between him and the tanker. This was the most dangerous part of their mission. If he was spotted, it was game over.

  “All clear.” Hunter’s voice came over the earpiece.

  “Same,” Donnie muttered.

  “Moving out,” Jensen whispered, knowing the two vampires would hear him.

  With a final glance around the clearing, Jensen ran over to the tanker, ducking down, out of sight. He paused, catching his breath, waiting for Hunter to give him the all clear again, so he could move around the side he needed to be on.

  Jensen followed the procedure for unloading a fuel tanker and went through the process, letting the fuel spill onto the ground. As it fell, Jensen moved several steps away and squatted down to quickly dig a hole in the ground in which to build a small fire. This would be used to ignite the fuel and he stood there for a few minutes waiting for it to take hold. Once it had, he turned to leave and managed to take several steps before he heard Hunter’s voice over the comms.

  “Move. One closing in on your location.”


  Jensen ran but he wasn’t quick enough and suddenly he was airborne, flying through the air as the tanker suddenly exploded. He landed in a heap, grunting as the air whooshed from his body. He lay stunned for a few brief seconds. He could hear muted shouting through his earpiece, but the pounding of his heart was far louder.

  He rolled onto his front and pushed up onto his hands and knees, shaking his head to dispel the lingering effects of the explosion. His ears rang, his chest heaved, and he groaned from the various aches and pains he was suffering. He heard a loud creaking sound from his right and turned his head to see a large beam heading towards him.

  Eyes widening in shock, he pushed up and ran, trying to move out of its way, and luckily it missed him. He heard its thud as it hit the ground and then another grunt from behind. He turned and saw Hunter stood over a prone body which lay crumpled on the ground.

  Their eyes locked and Hunter bent down, picking the unconscious man up and throwing him over his shoulder. His eyes blazed red in the night sky and Jensen stared behind him at the devastation the explosion had caused.

  “Move,” Hunter shouted, grabbing his arm as he ran past.

  Jensen turned and followed, a little unsteady on his feet. Donnie appeared, grabbing his arm and helping him make the last few steps into the bushes. They continued to move forward, only slowing when they hit the tree line.

  Donnie spun Jensen around and grabbed his jaw, tilting his head up. “Looks like a scratch.”

  Jensen lifted his hand and touched his eyebrow, only now becoming aware of the pain. “What happened?”

  “Went off quicker than expected and we had a visitor.”

  “I thought everyone was taken care of?”

  “They were. He was a bonus,” Hunter muttered, dropping the man at his feet. “Vampire,” he added.

  Jensen sighed and stood still as Donnie tended his wound. “Any other injuries?”

  “I’ll be fine.”

  Hunter shook his head and looked at Jensen. “Jensen. He said mate.”

  Jensen’s eyes widened. “What?” He pointed at his chest. “Me?”

  Hunter nodded and turned back to the fire that was blazing out of control. Jensen also watched as the buildings burned, the flames shooting high into the night sky. He shook his head at Hunter’s revelation then glanced down at the vampire laying at his feet.

  “You’re sure he said mate?” he asked Hunter.

Hunter nodded. “As soon as he saw you, he said it. He didn’t know I was behind him, he didn’t even see me, he was so focused on getting to you. He was the one that pushed you out of the way when that beam fell. That’s the only reason he’s still alive.”

  Jensen stared at him and sighed. “Not what I need right now.”

  “And him being one of our enemies too,” Donnie muttered. “Shit’s fucked up, that’s for sure.”

  “Yeah,” Jensen agreed.

  “Come on, it’s time to go. Chester said to drop him off at HQ for questioning.”

  Jensen rubbed his face with his hands. “Shit,” he muttered, then in a louder voice said, “Let’s go.”

  Hunter picked up the unconscious vampire and threw him over his shoulder once more. Jensen followed, his eyes on the back of the vampire’s head. Mated to a fucking traitor. Fucking typical. What else could life throw at him? With a scowl on his face, Jensen followed. This wasn’t how he expected the mission to end.

  Chapter Two

  The van moved from side to side over the uneven ground, but Jensen paid it little attention. He was so focused on the vampire who lay at his feet. The one who said Jensen was his mate. He sighed and leaned back in his seat, running a weary hand over his face.

  His body ached, and he wanted to go home and soak the pain away with a bottle or several of beer. He closed his eyes and sighed again.

  “What a mess,” Donnie muttered, shaking his head.

  Opening his eyes, Jensen nodded. “What am I going to do?” he asked quietly as he rolled his head over the seat and looked at Donnie.

  Donnie pursed his lips and shook his head. “No fucking idea. I never thought one of us would mate with the fucking enemy.”

  “Everyone’s at HQ waiting for us. Once Niles has assessed him, he will be questioned.”

  Jensen winced at Hunter’s comment. If the vampire didn’t cooperate, then Hunter would make him. He still didn’t know for sure what Hunter had done when he was enlisted, and Hunter didn’t say.

  “I don’t know how I feel about this.” He pointed to the unconscious vampire.

  “You feel something drawing you to him, maybe a need to protect him?” Hunter said, eyes firmly fixed to the road ahead. He needed to be as he had no lights on. No need to draw unwanted attention to their location.

  “I’m not sure...” Jensen trailed off and stared intently at the vampire.

  He felt something, he just didn’t know what that something was. He found the vampire attractive, and he felt some repulsion to that. This vampire was the enemy and Jensen shouldn’t be attracted to him.

  He was bald, with a thick black beard. It was hard to see him in the dim light of the van as he lay on his front tied up. Jensen turned away and pointedly ignored the attraction he felt. The vampire was his enemy, not his mate. He had information they needed, and Hunter would get it from him, one way or the other.

  They rode the rest of the way in silence which Jensen was glad about. His head was a mess, and he had a headache too. He closed his eyes again and tried to ignore the vampire lying on the floor, but he had questions of his own and they kept churning around in his head.

  Who was he?

  Why was he there?

  Why did he want to kill humans?

  Why did he want to take over?

  Was he really Jensen’s mate?

  Was he really his mate?

  His mate?

  “You’ll get all your questions answered when he wakes up.”

  Jensen looked at Donnie and furrowed his brow. “You a mind reader now?”

  Donnie grunted. “No, but I can tell. If I was in your position, I would have at least a dozen questions. Who is he? What was he doing there?”

  Jensen nodded. “I feel fucked up over this. I want to look at him, but I want to kick him in the face too.”

  Donnie chuckled quietly. “You feel the pull but are repulsed over who he is. He’s the enemy, it is no wonder you feel that way, and yet, he’s your future too.”

  “Why now? Why him?”

  “Our mates are our other half. Maybe he needs you more than you need him. It’ll be harder for him. He’s vampire, he’ll feel the pull more intensely, the need to fuck, bite and mate.”

  “Er, not gonna happen.”

  “You say that now, but if you do end up spending time around him, you’ll feel it more strongly too. You might need to stay away from him, especially if Hunter needs to question him.”

  Jensen winced and rubbed his fingers across his forehead. “Shit.”

  Donnie nodded. “Not great timing.”

  “I’ll come to HQ, give my report, then leave. I need to stay away from him.”

  “Smart idea,” Hunter said. “Your close proximity will already be causing the bond to strengthen. I don’t imagine he’ll willingly give us the answers we want. We’ll have to use other methods.”

  “More than likely,” Donnie agreed. “Whoever he is, he wasn’t part of the individuals we’ve witnessed at the location, so I think there’s a chance he’s higher up the chain.”

  “Agreed. I observed him for a minute before the explosion occurred. He had a tablet with him and appeared to be checking data on it.”

  Jensen leaned forward. “Did you get it?”

  “In my bag. It’s locked but it shouldn’t take Carter long to break in.”

  “Someone missing who is higher up would draw attention. They might not think the explosion was an accident,” Jensen muttered.

  “I know, but we couldn’t leave him behind. He’d seen us, saw what we did.” Hunter replied. “I had no choice.”

  “Either way they might look into the explosion more than we’d hoped.”

  “We can discuss this more once we have some answers from him. I’ll get him to talk.”

  “That’ll be fun. Not so much for him though.” Donnie smiled and nudged him with his foot.

  Jensen felt the insane need to shout at Donnie to stop. Then he realized why and groaned. “Shit.”

  “Feeling the pull, the need to protect.”

  “Fuck off, Donnie,” he muttered.

  “As soon as we get back, do what you need to, then go. We can’t have you there when he’s being questioned.”

  “I know. I can feel it, Donnie. I fucking hate the fact that I can feel it. He’s the fucking enemy.”

  No one responded. They didn’t need to. Both were mated, so knew exactly what Jensen was going through, what he would be feeling, the need to protect, to care for the one person meant for him. The fact that the person was the enemy faded into the background.

  “Stop the van now, Hunter, I need to get out.”

  The van pulled over and even before it had stopped, Jensen was jumping out. He paced around the side of the van, running his hands through his hair repeatedly, taking huge breaths, trying to clear his lungs. He needed to get rid of the sensation crawling over him. He was not going to feel anything towards the enemy. That vampire wanted to get rid of all humans, so his species could take over.


  He stopped pacing and looked at Hunter. His shoulders slumped, and he dropped his head. “I’m... confused.”

  “Yeah, you would be. I wish I could do something to make it easier for you.”

  “We can stay here for as long as you need.”

  “No,” Jensen shook his head. “We need to get him back, he needs to give us some answers and quickly. The sooner he’s gone the better.”

  His cell buzzed in his pocket and he pulled it out. Chester. He wasn’t ready to talk to him yet. Pushing it back in his pocket, he got back into the van, slamming the door shut and ignoring the unconscious vampire on the floor. The van pulled away and Jensen closed his eyes. This was so fucked up.


  He finished his report to Chester and stood up to stretch, groaning at the various aches and pains he felt in his body. The hard impact with the ground was going to linger for several days and right now he wanted nothing more than to go home, b
ut his mate was in the barn, unconscious, and Jensen was desperately trying to ignore the need he had to go in there and protect him.

  “Shit,” he muttered, running his fingers through his hair.

  “You need to go, Jensen. This is the last place you should be.”

  Jensen glanced over at Chester and nodded. “I know, but it’s really fucking hard to walk out that door.”

  “It is. One of the hardest things I ever had to do was leave Silas when he was struggling.”

  “At least he isn’t the enemy. God, can this get more fucked up? I see you all, see how you are together, and I wanted that for me too but look what I got. A vampire set on killing the human race, which I’m one of.”

  Jensen paced the small office they were in. It took literally four steps to walk from side to side. He stopped and put his hands on his hips, staring at the floor.

  “Go. If we need you, we’ll call, but here is the last place you should be.”

  Jensen nodded, but didn’t move. It was like his feet were glued to the floor. His mind was telling him to leave, that he should get away as fast as he could, but his body was firmly set in place. Jensen laughed, but there was no humor in it. “I can’t. How messed up is that?”

  “Stay and I’ll lock the door, but I guarantee you’ll be trying to break it down if we have to take the interrogation further.”

  Jensen winced. He knew what Chester meant. Torture. If he didn’t answer their questions willingly, they would resort to torture. Too many lives were at risk because of the vampires’ plan, including theirs. They had to know what he knew. They needed that information and if he didn’t have any, he’d be taken care off. They couldn’t have him going back to the Corporation.

  “I’m going.” He nodded at Chester and walked quickly out of the house. He jumped in his car and started the engine but sat waiting. He gripped the steering wheel but didn’t drive away. He growled and squeezed his eyes shut, ignoring the burning need to run back in and protect a vampire who was a traitor to his kind.

  He broke out into a sweat, his heart hammered in his chest, and his knuckles turned white. He had to drive away, he couldn’t stay, but his body was having none of it.


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