Mine to Save

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Mine to Save Page 2

by Megs Pritchard

  “Fuck!” he screamed in the car.

  He’d literally just met the fucker and now his body was demanding he was in there protecting him. He knew the mate bond was strong, had heard it told multiple times, but to experience it? Words didn’t come close to describing it.

  Somehow, he managed to drive away but the entire time he was fighting. The need to return was so powerful it was almost overwhelming, but he had to go, he was no use to his colleagues like this. They needed to question the prisoner and he couldn’t be there for that. The need to fight and protect would derail everything they had worked so long and hard for. He couldn’t be the reason that their mission failed, he couldn’t be the downfall of the human race, no matter how much his mate called to him.

  He arrived home and practically ran inside his house, slamming the door shut behind him. He leaned back on it and closed his eyes, breathing deeply. He shouldn’t feel this way so soon. He’d only just come into contact with him and he’d been unconscious the whole time!

  He pushed from the door and jogged up the stairs, going through his bedroom and straight into the attached bathroom. Stripping quickly, he jumped in the shower and hissed as the cold water drenched him.

  He stood shivering under the spray waiting for it to warm up, and when it eventually did, he scrubbed himself clean before shutting off the shower and stepping out. He stood naked in his bedroom, staring blankly at the wall in front of him. His hands clenched into fists, breathing deeply, fighting the urge to leave, to run back to HQ and stand before his mate, protecting him.

  But his mate was one of the very people he was trying to stop. Life couldn’t get more turned on its head than it was right then.

  Once he’d finished dressing, he glanced at his watch. He’d been gone thirty minutes, but it felt like thirty hours. He stood in the kitchen staring at the contents of the open fridge and couldn’t find anything to eat even though it was full of food. He slammed the door shut and stood staring at it. His mind was strangely blank, even if his body wasn’t.

  He spun on his heel and strode to the front door and stopped when his hand gripped the handle. He swallowed hard, closing his eyes. He shouldn’t go, he knew this, but it was getting harder and harder to stay away.

  He let go of the handle and stomped away, growling under his breath and pulling at his hair. He paced across the floor, each step eating up the distance before he had to turn around.

  No, he had to go, even if it was to hear who the vampire truly was. Hear how he wanted to kill all humans. He needed to know what kind of man he was mated to.

  Grabbing his keys and jacket, he left his house and got in his car. Starting the engine, he pulled away and drove back to the one place he should really avoid. He had no choice though; his body was in control and he was going along with it.

  Chapter Three

  Brayden Simmons hung stony-faced, swinging from the ceiling in the middle of a barn. His eyes scanned the surrounding area, noting everything he could potentially use as a means of escape, and as a weapon. He wouldn’t be a prisoner for long.

  A barn was a stupid place to hold him. A wooden structure that he could easily break free from. Even if it was in the middle of nowhere, he had the knowledge and inner strength to find a way out. A way to freedom, and then he would report in.

  His hands were shackled above his head and he hung impassively as another vampire, a doctor, examined him. He made no sudden movements, kept his heart rate steady and his breathing even. He knew how to respond in these types of situations.

  He listened to the quiet hum of voices, picking up every word the people surrounding said. A mix of human and vampire, he knew some were mated by the way they spoke to each other, the looks they gave, and the small touches Brayden had seen. A weakness he would exploit.

  “All clear. No concussion and no other injuries.”

  This is what he got for helping a human. His mate. Shit. A human was his mate. He didn’t despise humans, far from it, but he was in a position where he had no choice but to go along with the wishes of his king. He agreed humans caused unnecessary suffering to other species and caused irreversible damage to the planet. He had friends who were human, and he would be sad to see them die, but his king commands and he must obey.

  Brayden watched the doctor pack his equipment away and walk towards a human. They leaned close together, and the human touched the doctor’s cheek. They never said a word, but it was obvious they were talking. Mates. The doctor then left the barn, leaving Brayden with the others.

  He moved his arms, testing his bonds, but they didn’t move. Whoever tied him up had done it efficiently. It would take time and effort to escape, but he would. He’d escaped from far worse situations.

  A tall black vampire approached. He stood in front of him and stared. Neither said a word, simply looking at each other. Brayden could do this all day, every day. He moved slightly getting more comfortable. No doubt he’d be hung here for several hours. He could cope with that too.

  Another vampire with long blond hair walked in with a bag and placed it on the table to the side of Brayden. He watched as he removed items from the bag and blinked slowly. Blades, needles, ropes, matches and many more items. Items used for torture.

  The vampire stood in front let him see the items then leaned forward, hands on his hips. In a quiet voice, he said, “You see how this will play out, don’t you? I’ll ask you questions, and you will answer them. If you don’t, the vampire behind will take over.”

  Brayden said nothing. He didn’t need to. The vampire was right. He knew how this would play out.

  The vampire nodded, then began with his questions. “Who is in charge?”

  Brayden met his eyes and said nothing. All emotions were held in check. His eyes would give him away and he had learned over time how to remain calm in these situations.

  “The king. What’s his name?”

  That question surprised him, but he didn’t betray it. Not many knew about the vampire king, so how did this vampire know about him? What was his name? Carter, the human IT specialist who had recently escaped. He must be the one who had told them about the king. Or Spencer, if he was still alive.

  “Didn’t know we knew about him, did you? We do, and we want to know who he is. Which family is he from?”

  Brayden hung mute, staring at his interrogator, giving absolutely nothing away.

  The vampire smiled and shoved his hands in his pockets. “Why has he hidden himself from us?”

  “When did he decide to kill all humans and most of his own species?”

  “When will he roll out his plan?”

  “Who are his commanders?”

  The vampire pursed his lips then and walked over to the barn doors. “I’ll give you a few minutes.”

  He watched them gather in a corner and stare at him. He did nothing, said nothing. He’d played this game before and he could do it again. He scanned the crowd and noticed the one man who should be there wasn’t. So, his mate wasn’t going to be around while he was tortured. No fucking surprise there. Spineless. Weak. Pathetic. So, of course he was his mate.

  Time slipped away, and Brayden hung waiting. Would they have more questions or move straight onto the torture section of the night’s entertainment? He kept his amusement to himself. They didn’t need to know how ridiculous he found the situation.

  He only hoped nothing happened to Lincoln while he was here. His brother needed him now more than ever. He was in deep, too deep, and there was nothing neither of them could do to change it. Commander Garrick trusted him and even though Lincoln wasn’t one hundred percent on board, he followed the orders of his commander and king.

  He was a loyal servant to the crown. So was Brayden. It was who he had been raised to be.

  The vampire questioning him came over and stood in front of him. Brayden watched, face blank. Now, Brayden recognized him. Chester Monroe, mate of Silas Bailey, the local Sheriff. Part owner of Rescue Inc with Alejandro Martin who was mated to Silas’ son

  Had they been behind the rescue of Graham’s slaves?

  “We have more questions for you. You’ve had a few minutes, so I’d like you to answer the ones I’ve already asked.”

  Brayden said nothing, and Chester smiled like he knew Brayden would remain silent.

  “So be it. Hunter,” he shouted.

  The vampire with the long hair strolled over and stepped up to the table. “Are we ready?” he asked.

  Chester nodded and stood. “Do your thing, Hunter. Make the fucker sing.”


  Jensen drove towards HQ, hoping he wasn’t too late. He had to protect his mate even if he was the one person who didn’t deserve it. He kept hoping and praying his mate was like Carter or Spencer, someone on the inside trying to bring the Corporation down.

  He had to believe in that because believing that the man destined to be his mate wanted him dead was unacceptable. Why would they be mates if the vampire hated him so much? Surely, they wouldn’t be mates if his mate hated all humans?

  What did he know? He only knew the mated couples in Rescue Inc. He saw how they were with each other, the love they shared so visible. Would he have that too, or would his mate ignore the bond because of what Jensen was?

  It was fucked up and Jensen was too. He pulled over and stopped his car, resting his forehead on the steering wheel. He could feel it in his chest, the pull, the drive to be near his mate, and they’d barely touched. He’d seen him, been near him, and now this.

  Sighing, Jensen lifted his head and stared out of the window. His hands tightened on the steering wheel until they ached, and he winced as he removed them. He shouldn’t go back but there was nowhere else he wanted to be. He needed to hear it from his mate.

  He started the engine and pulled back onto the road, heading back to HQ. He had to go there. It was where he belonged.

  He drove quickly, and when he finally arrived, he threw the car into park, stopped the engine and jumped out. He jogged around the side of the house and over to the barn at the back of the property. As he got closer, he saw Silas stood outside.

  “No, Jensen. You can’t go in. You know this.”

  “I can’t stay away either.”

  Silas nodded. “Come into the house with me. You can wait there.” When Jensen didn’t move, Silas added, “I know you want to be in there. You feel the need to protect, but at the end of the day, he’s the enemy until he can prove otherwise. Remember what Jacques went through, remember Carter’s family and Wyatt.”

  Jensen stared long and hard at the barn, then finally nodded. He turned away but didn’t take a step. Finally, Silas grabbed his arm and pulled him along and Jensen let him. His feet dragged, and he kept glancing over his shoulder back towards the barn.

  “This is a mess,” he muttered when they entered the kitchen.

  Silas nodded. “A difficult place to be.”

  “Yeah.” Jensen pulled out a chair and sat down, leaning on the kitchen table.

  “Here.” Silas handed him a bottle of water.

  “Thanks.” He opened the water and gulped some down. Sighing, he placed the bottle back on the table, watching a drop slowly roll down the side. “Has he answered any questions?”

  Silas pulled out a chair and sat next to him. “Nothing yet. Chester wants to give him plenty of chances to talk. He doesn’t want to have to take the interrogation further.”

  Jensen winced. “He doesn’t want to hand him over to Hunter.”

  “No one wants that. Hunter particularly. You know he doesn’t enjoy doing it. If we can get him to talk without that, Hunter will be happy.”

  Jensen nodded. He knew Hunter would prefer to not be involved. Just because he’d been trained in those techniques didn’t mean he wanted to use those skills. “My mate’s a traitor.”

  “We don’t know that. Carter had no choice, maybe it’s the same with him.”

  Jensen glanced up at Silas. “You really believe that?”

  “From what Hunter said, he saved you. If he hated humans that much, why did he save you?”

  “Maybe he had no choice. I’m his mate. He was compelled to save me.”

  “I felt the pull to Chester, and I ignored it for months. He wanted to save you, Jensen.”

  “I don’t know what to do. I shouldn’t have to deal with this shit.” Jensen pushed back suddenly, the chair screeching across the floor. He paced the kitchen, hands on his hips. “Why him? Why me? Why couldn’t I have a mate who wasn’t involved in all this shit?”

  “I have to think that we have all been brought together to fight the Corporation. That having our mates takes us a step closer to ending this before it begins. Jacques showed us the depraved levels vampires could stoop to, Carter showed they would do anything, hurt anyone to get what they wanted, and Wyatt showed that even a vampire’s family would be thrown aside if they didn’t agree. Now, we have him and he’s your mate? You’re right, Jensen. Why him? Why now? We’re getting closer to achieving our objectives. Maybe the information he has will take us another step closer.”

  Jensen stopped pacing and let his head fall. He closed his eyes and just breathed. “I can’t...”

  He spun and ran from the room, hearing Silas’ chair scrape back behind him. He’d barely made ten feet before he was grabbed and spun around. He tried to shrug Silas off, but his grip on his arm was too strong.

  “Stop, Jensen.”

  “I can’t.” He almost sobbed. He had to be there. He had to be in there witnessing what his mate had to say. He couldn’t sit on the side-lines and wouldn’t let him be tortured.

  A sudden scream pierced the night and Jensen threw Silas off of him. He sprinted to the barn and flung open the door and stopped. There was his mate and next to him was Hunter.

  “Stop!” he screamed. Everyone turned to face him, and he looked at the man who was his mate. He saw blood on his face, bruises developing on his skin, and he said, “Wait. Everyone stop, please.”

  No one said a word and suddenly Jensen couldn’t move. Shit. What did he do now?

  Chapter Four

  “Jensen, you shouldn’t be in here.”

  That was his name. His mate. Jensen. Brayden watched his mate pace back and forth across the barn floor. His red hair stuck up at angles and it became obvious why when he ran his fingers through it repeatedly.

  He couldn’t see the color of his eyes. Even with his enhanced vision, it was too dark, and Jensen was too far away. He inhaled deeply, closing his eyes, and attempted to sift through the different scents in the air around them. He could dismiss quite a few of them as the people who had been questioning him or part of the crowd watching. He was trying to find a new one.

  When he couldn’t, he opened his eyes and watched Jensen. He could feel the chaotic energy coming from him, and for a split second wished they could communicate telepathically, but that would never happen. He would never take the human as his mate.

  Their eyes suddenly met, and the distance between them melted away. Brayden had a sudden image of them both naked, rolling over white sheets, kissing and touching. His hands sliding over Jensen’s skin, his scent covering him, telling everyone that Jensen was his. His dick hardened, and he struggled to control his urges.

  He swallowed and closed his eyes, pushing the vision away. He couldn’t allow those thoughts to enter his mind. He was Jensen’s captive, his prisoner. He’d already been repeatedly punched, and he knew if Jensen hadn’t come barging in, the next stage would have begun.

  His eyes moved over to the gleaming instruments of his torture and he dismissed them. It wouldn’t be the first time he’d been captured by enemy forces and tortured. He hadn’t broken then and he wouldn’t break now.

  Too much was at risk. Lincoln would suffer if they thought Brayden had turned and he couldn’t allow that to happen.

  He saw Hunter staring intently at him and he knew he would be picking up traces of his arousal. He chose to ignore the vampire, he was of no consequence to Brayden. The only
one that mattered, whether he liked it or not, was his mate.

  Jensen continued to pace until the vampire named Chester stopped him. Their heads close together, Brayden focused in on their whispered conversation.

  “You need to leave.”

  “I can’t, Chester. I have to be here.”

  “How will you react when Hunter starts? He isn’t giving us any information. We need to make certain all the data we have is correct. Who knows what they’ve done since we pulled Carter out. Those slaves and the weapons are our top priority. We have people coming in to help us with the raid. If he can confirm the information, then we can save those slaves with a minimum loss of life.”

  “I know, I know. I can’t help it. I wish I could. I’ve only just met him. We haven’t even fucking talked, but everything in me is telling me I should be here with him. Do you think I’m impressed that he’s my fucking mate? No, of course I’m not, but I can’t stop.”

  Chester sighed and dropped his head. “I know all about the need to be with your mate. Everyone here does, and yes, you’re in an extremely difficult position, but the slaves need us. It is our duty to set them free from the abuse they’re suffering. We can’t just sit by and do nothing. No one should have to go through that.”

  Jensen nodded as their eyes met. Brayden could almost feel the turmoil he was experiencing, and despite the fact he was the enemy and he was their prisoner, he had the strange urge to comfort him. Growling, he broke contact and stared over at Hunter who was behaving exactly like his name sake. He was watching, ready to pounce on Brayden at the first sign of weakness. Before today, Brayden would have said he didn’t have any weaknesses, but now he did, and that weakness was his mate.

  “I should leave.” The whispered words reached Brayden, and once again he longed to comfort him. His mate shouldn’t feel like this; he was supposed to protect him.


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