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Mine to Save

Page 5

by Megs Pritchard

  Now, those plans were well and truly fucked up. He had someone else to think of and his mate came above all others.

  He cleaned himself carefully, taking the time to ensure he scrubbed everywhere, and when his skin had turned pink, he switched the shower off and stepped out. Grabbing a towel from a pile by the sink, he roughly dried himself before wrapping it around his waist.

  Stepping back into the bedroom once more, he paused as he spotted Jensen sat on the bed, his head in his hands. He looked up when he heard him come in and stood. They both looked at each other from across the room, the silence seeming to last forever.

  Brayden didn’t know how long they looked at each other for, but eventually Jensen pointed towards a pile of clothes sat on the bed. “Silas brought these in for you. Thinks they should fit.”

  Brayden nodded and dropped the towel, ignoring the faint groan he heard. He couldn’t deal with the attraction between them right now. He wanted to, god, did he want to. He wanted to have his mate naked on the bed while he drove his dick into his ass time and time again, making him scream in mindless pleasure, but they had some much to talk about first, they couldn’t let their lust for each other take over.

  Sometimes being an adult truly sucked.

  He turned around and got dressed, conscious of Jensen watching. He wasn’t trying to hide his desire from Brayden.

  As he pulled up the joggers, Jensen asked, “Do you need any blood to help with your injuries?”

  “I’ll be fine. I know you’re not ready for that.”

  Jensen nodded. “They have some here in case of injuries. I can go and get you some.”

  Brayden faced Jensen and saw the sincerity on his face. Smiling, he shook his head. “Thank you, but no. Please sit down, Jensen. We need to talk.”

  Jensen rubbed his face with his hands and Brayden became aware of how tired he must be feeling. He had dark circles under his eyes and he didn’t stand as tall and straight as he had earlier. His mate needed to sleep.

  “Have a shower and get changed for bed. We can talk in the morning.”

  Jensen smiled. “Thanks. It’s been a long day... and night.”

  “Go and shower. I’ll be here when you come out.”

  Jensen left the bedroom and minutes later, Brayden heard the shower come on and a groan coming from the bathroom. Smiling, he cleared off the bed and pulled the covers back. Lying down, he suddenly yawned, the action catching him by surprise. When was the last time he’s slept for more than two or three hours? It felt like years ago.

  The bed was firm and the pillow soft, just how he liked it. It was only when Jensen was getting in next to him that Brayden realized he’d dozed off. The feeling of Jensen pulling the covers over him left a warm feeling in his chest. His mate was taking care of him.

  “Sleep, Brayden.” He felt cool lips touch his cheek and a small smile graced his lips. So soft and barely a whisper of air against his skin, but the brief contact had a lasting effect on him, one that stayed with him as he drifted back to sleep.


  Jensen watched Brayden sleep. He was still shaken about how things had played out. He couldn’t get over the fact he had a mate, let alone one that worked for the other side. Well, maybe not. He was still a little sketchy about the details. He said he was protecting his brother, Lincoln, and that was why he did what he did.

  Protecting his family was one thing, but what about his mate?

  Jensen slipped from the bed and dressed quickly before texting Chester to come and let him out. He used the bathroom, and by the time he was ready, Chester stood in the open doorway, watching Brayden.

  He walked past him and waited for Chester to lock the door as they both made their way to the kitchen. Silas and Ale were already there, sat around the table drinking.

  Troy was sat next to Ale, rolling his eyes at Silas. “Pops, come on. Move on, get over it. Seriously, we’ve been mated for a couple of years now.”

  Silas narrowed his eyes at Troy. “Not long enough for me to forget.”

  “Morning,” Ale said to Jensen. “There’s coffee in the pot.”

  He went over and poured himself a cup, listening to Troy and Silas bicker. He heard both Chester and Ale sigh and shook his head. He thought Silas kept griping about it because he enjoyed winding Ale up and not because he was still upset about how Troy and Ale became mated.

  “For fu--”

  “Stop right there.”

  “Let’s move on, yeah. Jensen, did he say anything to you last night?” Ale asked.

  “No, he went to sleep pretty quickly. I’ve left him in bed now.”

  “So, you two didn’t...”

  “No. He wants to talk and so do I. I don’t want to mate with someone who will betray us further down the line. There are too many lives depending on us and I won’t be mated to someone who would just let them and us die.”

  Silas nodded. “Good call. Shit situation though.”

  Shrugging, Jensen sipped his coffee before answering. “Not much I can do to change it. He said he did it to protect his brother. The same thing happened to Carter. He was forced to work for them in order to keep his family safe. Then there’s Wyatt. He would be dead if it wasn’t for Brayden. But still, there’s this doubt in my mind.”

  “I understand. He’s spent many years on the inside, but his reasons were the same as Carter’s—protecting someone he cared about. He may have been involved in acts he didn’t agree with but had no choice. We won’t know until we talk to him.”

  “You can question me now, if you like.”

  All eyes turned to Brayden who was stood at the kitchen door. Jensen hadn’t heard him approach. Chester coughed and stood up walking over to the coffee pot.

  “Coffee, Brayden?”


  “Please sit down, Brayden,” Ale said. “How did you get out?”

  Brayden arched a brow but sat down next to Jensen. Jensen gave him a small smile and couldn’t help but breathe in his scent, his alluring aroma. It was a smell he was beginning to know well, having slept next to him all night. It was one he knew he would never forget.

  Glancing at Ale, Brayden muttered, “I’ve been trained.”

  Silas grunted. “We need better locks.”

  Chester handed Brayden his cup of coffee and Jensen watched him take a sip and then sigh. “I feel like that when I have my first coffee.”

  Brayden smiled. “Nothing beats it.”

  “Hunter and Carter have spent the last few hours going over the information you gave them access to. Some of the records go back years. When did you start collating it?”

  “I had most of it on paper, starting before I left the Marines. I knew something was going on back then, Lincoln would get in touch and tell me some of the things he’d overheard or seen. I asked him to keep track and send it to me.” Brayden sat back in his chair, a frown on his face. “I’d say maybe fifteen years ago, but he found records from up to thirty years ago. We know they started planning this decades ago, maybe longer.”

  “Yeah, it looks that way. I’ll be honest with you, Brayden. When we first caught wind of this plan, we thought it was ridiculous and we spent so much time going in the wrong direction, but now--”

  “It’s still ridiculous,” Brayden interrupted Ale. “But they’ve done their research, have watched how technology has progressed. They know our reliance on energy will be our downfall. Our weakness. We’ve lost the skills that kept us alive decades ago. The majority of us have no idea how to hunt, trap, skin food, or live off the land. We’re reliant on medicine and machinery. What would we do if they could no longer be accessed? How would we survive? It’s insidious, but perfect.”

  Jensen sat and listened to Brayden talk. Even after all this time and all the evidence they had gathered, he was still shocked at what the Corporation planned for the humans. Who in their right mind tried to cause the virtual extinction of another sentient species?

  He shook his head and leaned his chin on the palm
of his hand. “What did we do?” he asked quietly. “Why?”

  “Humans are a food source. It’s what vampires believed centuries ago before our two species grew to know one another and form friendships, relationships. Some vampire families, including the king’s, still believe in that.”

  “Need to move with the fucking times,” Troy muttered. “Hey!” He lifted a hand to his head and glared at Silas.

  “Stop swearing.”

  “Pops, seriously, have you heard this shit?” He moved out of the way when Silas went to slap the back of his head again. “Okay, I get it. Your adult son can’t swear.”

  “I’ll call the team in and we can go over what we have and then form a plan. Our objectives haven’t changed. The blood slaves must be freed first before we go after the weapons.”

  “I can deal with the weapons,” Brayden offered. “I can enter the main storage hangar and not be questioned.”

  Chapter Eight

  Everyone turned to look at Brayden, stunned expressions on their faces. Jensen took a deep breath and nodded. “Right. If Brayden and I take care of the weapons, or the locations where the majority are held at least, you can coordinate the rescue mission for the slaves. Hunter or Carter can access systems for any information we might need, then we can formulate a plan with Brayden. That way only two of us are needed and the rest of the team can work on freeing the slaves.”

  “I agree--”

  Again, everyone started asking questions or saying no until Jensen shouted again. “Stop! You know this is a good idea. It requires fewer members, so there’s less chance of us being caught and they know Brayden. If Brayden wants to betray me, then it’s just me affected.”

  “I’d never betray you. You’re my mate.”

  Jensen winced at the insulted look on Brayden’s face, but said, “We don’t know you.”

  “Then get to know me. I’m on the inside, I can get us in. But, I get my brother out.”

  “How the fuck do we get him out?” Chester snapped. “This is insane--”

  “Use the tunnels.” Everyone turned to Wyatt, who had entered the kitchen with Dean. “I gave you the info. Use it.”

  “I can help too,” Spencer added. “One of the tunnel systems enters into the mansion basement.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me this when I was hauling your ass out?” Carter asked, hands on hips.

  “I wasn’t exactly firing on full cylinders, was I? Tortured, remember?”

  Carter rolled his eyes and sat down, placing his laptop on the table. “I know. I found you.”

  “I wish you could take Garrick out. He’s the one who tortured me the most.” Spencer took the cup of coffee from Silas with a murmured thanks. “If we can time it right, someone can enter the mansion while the weapons are being destroyed. Once they know something has happened, Garrick will be rounding everyone up. That’s when we can take him out.”

  “Kill him?” Hunter asked.

  “Yeah. He is not worth saving. He hates humans. When he feeds from a human, he drains them completely or he’ll let them bleed out and die.”

  “We’re talking about a three-pronged attack. Slaves, weapons, and Garrick.”

  Spencer nodded. “Not enough damage to change the plan, but enough to delay and cause confusion. If Lincoln is removed, then that leaves Belinda in charge.”

  “Lovely,” Carter muttered. “Nice bitch.”

  “I can take care of Garrick and pull Lincoln out,” Hunter said. “I’ve been inside once before when I went for Carter and have the blueprints for the mansion.”

  Chester nodded. “Agreed. Carter, Spencer give him everything you have on the mansion. Jensen, are you sure?”

  “Yes. Absolutely.”

  “Okay. You and Brayden oversee the destruction of the weapons. Speak to Carter and Hunter if you need any more info. That leaves the slaves. We are looking at hitting four locations. If we have a week’s window before anyone notices, I think we should plan to take the four locations in one night and then two or three days later move on to the others. I know we’re talking council members, but if we time that hit with yours—” Chester glanced around the table—”then we can do some serious damage and significantly derail their plans.”

  “Once they’ve recovered, they’ll strike back.”

  “What can we expect, Brayden?”

  “An all-out assault. Once they have incapacitated you, they’ll put the plan into action.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “Yes. It’s what I would do. So, they lose a few in the process.” Brayden shrugged. “Some vampires are expendable and I’m sure the king will use the security to take what’s needed. Food, slaves. They have their own power and access to water with the wells. They’ll manage.”

  “We do our hit and then wait for them to strike back.”

  “Yes, but they’ll be in for a surprise because you’ll know they’re coming. As soon as it starts. Carter would need a virus to knock out the Alpha program.”

  “Alpha? I never heard of that.” Carter said, leaning forward. “What is it?”

  “The program came on line after you left. It will be the one they use to shut down all power.”

  “These power companies have firewalls in place.”

  “And we have people working in them. The firewalls are nothing because they will be taken care off.”

  “Fuck. I never thought of that,” Chester admitted.

  “We need a virus to target their virus.” Carter glanced over his shoulder at Hunter and then nodded. “We’ll get on that now. We need to have that in place before we do anything else. If we move too soon, we could fuck this up.”

  “We’ll continue with our plans. When you’re ready, then we move.”


  “Right, let’s sort this out. Hunter and Carter are creating a virus and working with Spencer and Brayden on the mansion. Brayden and Jensen are on the weapons, with another team off site to monitor, just in case they need assistance. The rest of us are going for the slaves. Agreed?” Ale glanced around the room. When everyone nodded, he said, “Who wants to be the lead? We have three teams working on separate missions, so we’ll need someone to head up each team.”

  “I’ll head weapons,” Jared suggested.

  “We need the backup too. Jared can stay outside, just in case,” Jensen added.

  “Agreed. We’ll need Tank and Niles ready in a secure location to treat the slaves that need it. Suggestions?”

  “There’s an old warehouse--”

  Chester pointed to Brayden. “You’re talking about the one on Ocean Avenue.”

  “Yes. It’s not in great shape, but it would do for now.”

  “My friends can take the more seriously injured if necessary.” Euan stood by the table, scanning the paper littered on it. “They have the facilities and are willing to help.”

  Chester nodded. “Good. We need to get the barn up and running and then coordinate with your friends, Euan.”

  Euan nodded. “Once we have the final details, we can come up with a plan.”

  “I’ll get to it now. Do you have any more to add, Brayden, anything else that might help us?”

  “No. I gave you the codes to everything I have.”

  “Okay, let’s get to work.”


  How had he gone from the enemy to being a major part of Rescue Inc plans in less than twenty-four hours? Brayden’s head spun with the drastic turn around, but he didn’t show any of it as he sat at the table with Jensen and Jared as they made their plans.

  Jared would be outside with his sniper rifle in case anyone unexpected turned up. They didn’t want to be caught off guard with an unannounced arrival. They needed to be in and out as quickly as possible—time was of the essence.

  He was confident he could get them inside the building with very little problem, but they would need to set the explosive devices with a time delay so they could leave the area before they went off.

  That was where the chal
lenge lay. They couldn’t risk the devices being found before they went off and they couldn’t risk being caught in the explosion either. The timing was critical.

  They could remote detonate, but again that was problematic if they were found and disarmed.

  “Remote detonation is the obvious choice.”

  Brayden nodded. “My concern is being caught before we have the chance to detonate.”

  Jared nodded. “You know explosives, Jensen. What do you think?”

  Brayden hadn’t known his mate was an explosives specialist. But then again, there was a lot he didn’t know about him.

  “I agree remote is the best choice. I can set up the panel and when we’re clear, you can detonate. If it comes down to it, detonate even if we’re still inside. Those weapons need to be destroyed.”


  “No, Brayden. Don’t. You know we need to destroy them and I’m positive you’ll get us out.”

  They stared at each other and Brayden nodded. His mate had such strong conviction in his abilities. “I’ll get us out.”

  “I’ll rig the explosives and panel and Jared can wait until we’re clear and then boom!”

  “How many, Brayden?”

  “Given the size of the building and the proximity to the mansion, ten at the most. If we place them near the missiles, then they’ll go up and take everything with it.”

  “If we choose the places right, we might need less. We need a blueprint of the layout detailing what weapons are where. We can then place our explosives in the optimum locations to cause maximum damage.”

  They sat at the table for hours going through the different types of weapons and where to place their explosives. Brayden was amazed at his mate’s ability to see both the overall picture and the individual components. He knew his explosives, right down to the quantity needed. He sat back and watched him talk as he detailed everything he’d need.

  “I need a break,” Jared muttered, stretching.

  “We’ve done quite a bit today, but we also need to be involved in the first part of the rescue.”


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