Book Read Free

Mine to Save

Page 9

by Megs Pritchard

“I will soon.” Brayden kissed the top of Jensen’s head.

  “Why am I dreaming of scenarios, outcomes, and weapons?” Jensen asked as he lifted his head and looked at Brayden.

  Brayden gave him a small smile. “I need to know I’ve thought of everything. This is too important to fuck up.”

  “I know how important this is. I also know how much you love your brother.”

  Brayden sighed. “I can’t leave him there.”

  “I know, and we won’t. Trust us, my mate. I’ve done this too many times to remember. We won’t fuck up. So many people depend on us. Even if they don’t know it.”

  “You think it’ll come out at some point?”

  “It might.”

  “It would cause problems if it did.”

  Nodding, Jensen said, “It could unless we controlled the narrative. Yes, vampires tried to take over, but it was humans and vampires that stopped them. If we control how the situation is explained, then it would lessen the impact. Not all vampires are bad and not all humans are good. We all have our weaknesses, our desires. Reminding people of that will help.”

  Brayden nodded. “It’s... worrying.”

  “So much is happening right now. Once we start, we can’t go back. Everything has to go to plan, or they’ll find out and we will have lost our chance.”

  “Yes. Every part of this needs to be planned to the last detail. All scenarios thought--”

  Jensen lifted his hand and covered Brayden’s mouth. “Stop.”

  Brayden licked the palm covering him and Jensen jerked it away. “I’ll sleep soon. I need less than you. Don’t forget I’m feeding from you now. You need to keep your strength up.”

  “You don’t take that much.”

  “No, I don’t, but I won’t risk making you ill either. You’re too important to me.”

  “Does it always happen this quickly?”

  Brayden nodded. “It tends to. It’s to keep the mated couple together. Intense, deep emotions.”

  “Kiss me.”

  Jensen lowered his head and Brayden opened his mouth, letting his tongue in. His hands ran up and down Jensen’s back, feeling the warm skin slide under his palms. The kiss was slow and sensual, their earlier passion spent. Brayden needed this in that moment, the slow building arousal that would lead to a deeper connection when he finally sank into Jensen’s willing body.

  He felt pebbles break out over Jensen’s skin, his hard dick moving against his hip, the scent of his arousal grow stronger in the air.

  He rolled Jensen onto his back and Jensen lifted his legs, wrapping them round his waist. They continued to kiss as he moved his hips and then suddenly, he was sliding into Jensen’s warm body.

  He moved slowly, his dick sliding in and out. There was no need to rush, no burning desire to fuck. Brayden wanted to enjoy and savor this connection, the deepening of their emotions and the bond they shared.

  When they eventually came it was still intense, but now Brayden was certain. He loved his mate. So quickly he’d fallen, but he didn’t regret it. They still lay kissing and Brayden let his emotions pour from him.

  “I love you too,” Jensen whispered against his lips and finally Brayden knew he was truly where he was meant to be.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Everything was in place. They had everything they needed and were getting ready to roll out and rescue the slaves. Once they’d done that, they had a week at most before someone, somewhere realized those houses had gone silent.

  The ten people Euan had brought on board were six men and four women and Jensen wasn’t in the least bit embarrassed to say that he wouldn’t want to face any of them. They weren’t big, or bulging with muscles, well, a couple were, but it was the aura they possessed, and he wasn’t the only one to notice.

  What is it about them? Brayden asked. Through their connection, Jensen could feel Brayden’s puzzlement and curiosity, the feelings he echoed. What was it? He’d never experienced it before?

  I don’t know. It’s like there is a... Jensen stopped. He couldn’t find the word to describe what his senses were picking up.


  Yes, it’s like there’s a cloak or an aura draped over them.

  They aren’t human.

  Jensen’s eyes snapped to his mate. What? How can you tell?

  Like I can tell humans and vampires apart. Look at all the vampires around us. We can all sense it.

  Jensen scanned the area, seeing how all the vampires gathered reacted. They all had similar expressions of confusion, frowns on their faces. Yes, I can see it now.

  You’ve picked it up because we’re mated now.

  Jensen nodded. As long as they can help us free the blood slaves, they could come from Mars for all I care.

  Mars? Should I dress up as an alien?

  When this is all over, we can explore that part of our relationship more fully.


  They grinned at each other and Chester coughed, gaining everyone’s attention. They stood next to each other waiting for Chester to speak.

  “We all have the plans, we all know where we need to be and when.” When everyone nodded, he continued, “These people are depending on us to free them. They don’t know who we are, but we know they need us. Don’t let them down. Be careful, be strong, rely on your team mates. Roll out.”

  “Short and to the point. I like it.”

  “Chester’s not one to waste words and he knows we’ve been trained to handle these situations.” Jensen paused then added, “Most of us have been in these situations.”

  “Yeah, we have.”

  They walked out with everyone else and split up into their designated teams. They were on the same team and jumped in the van along with several others who were joining them. Another man got into a bus that would be traveling behind them to take the slaves to the warehouse once they were free. Two six-man teams for the larger two properties, and two four-man teams for the other two. Small, but well trained. Enough to evade detection, get in, free the slaves, and get out.

  Over the past few days, the warehouse they’d discussed had been cleaned and furnished, and at that moment, most of the mates were making sure they had all the equipment they needed. Niles was in charge and had made sure everyone had basic first aid skills.

  They were ready and waiting for them.

  Jensen stared at the other people in the Jeep with him. Tank was driving the bus behind them which left him with Brayden and the two men. They came when Euan had called, shared similar looks and Jensen assumed they were related. Brothers? The scent was again similar, and it surprised him that he was able to pick up on it.

  He listened as they talked with Brayden. Discussing the plans and making sure everyone knew what they were doing. When he heard his name, he tuned in and nodded in agreement, then got down to business.

  “I’m entering though the rear of the property and Brayden through the front. Teal’s with me and, you, Indigo, with Brayden. That leaves Tank outside keeping watch.”

  “Everyone got their earpieces?” Brayden asked. “Weapons ready?”

  “We know the plan, have gone over it, numerous times. Once we get the slaves, Tank is driving the bus out of here. That will leave us four to clean the place up and burn it to the ground.”

  Everyone nodded, and Jensen checked his ear piece and weapons again. There could be no mistakes, and no one left alive. Did he feel guilty that he was going on this mission knowing he would kill people? He’d asked himself that question numerous times and each time the answer was no. He was there to stop the slavery, free those innocent men and women and take out the trash.

  He looked and saw one of the brothers watching him. Clearing his throat, he asked, “Brothers?” He nodded his head towards the other man.

  The man he asked grinned and answered. “Yes. At least he got Indigo as a name. Teal?” He shook his head. “Mom has a thing for the color blue and all its wondrous shades.”

  “At least we got off lightly,” Indigo
added. “Our other two brothers are called Cyan and Viridian.”

  “Ouch,” Jensen grimaced.

  “Yeah, and Dad let her. Said she did all the hard work, so she got to choose our names.”

  “He did say he winced when Viridian was named but he just nodded his head in agreement.”

  “He’s not stupid, that’s why.”

  “Your mom rules the house?” Brayden asked.

  “Totally in charge. She has this look, you now the one I mean, don’t you, Indy. Where her eyes find you first, then she turns her head to look at you. Every single time she did that to me growing up, I shit myself.”

  “Growing up?” Indigo muttered. “I still shit myself when she looks at me like that.”

  They both grinned and Teal said, “She’s the best mom.”

  “So, there’s four of you?”

  “Nope. Six in total. Four boys and two girls. Would have been more but when mom was having Sky, something tore, and she was hemorrhaging pretty bad. Dad had to make the decision for her hysterectomy.”

  “She wasn’t angry with him, though. She said if he hadn’t done that then she wouldn’t be here to raise us, so it was worth it in the end.”

  “And they foster now we’re all grown and are a huge part of our community.”

  “You all come from—”

  “We’re here,” Brayden said and stopped the Jeep.


  The doors opened and Tank got in, closing it behind him. “Right, last run through, then once we get the signal, we go.”

  All of them nodded, and Tank pulled several pieces of paper from his bag. The blueprints, shifts and the number of personnel expected to be on site, including possible location of the slaves and family members who resided there.

  Jensen checked the time and they listened for shift change. It would be happening in five minutes. They wanted the security personnel to be settled before they moved and after watching the location over the last few days, Jensen knew that took all of ten minutes.

  The security here had no reason to expect an imminent attack. They probably didn’t think anyone knew about them or what they were protecting. Those lives they had stolen were now being kept secret, locked away in the basement.

  Jensen’s fingers itched to grab one of the fuckers round the throat and give him or her the beating they deserved. To treat humans and vampires like this was deplorable, and he wanted to punish the lot of them.


  I am calm.

  On the outside maybe, but I can feel your need to exact revenge.

  And you don’t?

  I was inside too, remember. I’ve had years to grow accustomed to their ways.

  They treat humans and vampires they don’t like as food, Brayden. They hold them captive, torture and rape them, and then feed from them. Of course, I’m angry.

  Too angry and you’ll lose you focus and make mistakes. You need to calm down, focus on the job, and make sure we do a thorough job. The only people who make it out alive are the blood slaves and us. All others die. No one can be left alive or they will know, and we’ve lost our chance to stop this madness.

  Jensen gritted his teeth and nodded once. Of course, Brayden was right, but Jensen knew Jacques and had heard what he’d suffered. He didn’t want anyone to have to suffer another second at their hands, subjected to their depravities.

  “Are we good?” Teal asked.

  Jensen nodded. “Yeah. It’s okay.”

  “Your friend was once a blood slave. This is personal for you. We had a friend once who was held captive. The impulse to go rushing in and save him was strong and if it wasn’t for my brothers, I would have. That would have been a mistake. Turns out the place was heavily booby trapped. I would have died.”

  “I know what you’re saying. I’m good. I’m focused. Lost it for a sec, but my mate helped.”

  “Thought I picked up something between the two of you.”

  “And what is it with you two?” Tank asked. “Dodge sat his ass down and didn’t move.”

  “Your dog is great.” Indigo grinned. “Likes his job.”

  “Yeah, he does. Saved plenty of lives, my Dodge.”

  “Back to business,” Brayden muttered. “We know who is going where, we know when to hit, and we know the layout. What we can’t say for certain is numbers inside the house, so we need to be on guard. Use all your senses, scan the area before moving forward. Quiet kills. Floor by floor, section by section. Leave no room unchecked.”

  “Children?” Tank asked.

  That was the one thing all of them were against. No child would be harmed. If any were there, then they would be removed and dealt with at a later date. No one was sure how yet. It depended on how deeply they agreed with the king’s plan.

  “None at this location,” Brayden confirmed. “The satellite images and the Intel we have both confirmed it.”

  “Good. Don’t think I want to run into any. Not while we’re doing this. Don’t want kids to see any of it.”

  “At some point we will, but that’s a discussion for another time. Right, last equipment check, and then we wait.”

  This was the worst part, the waiting. Jensen had been in this position so many times in the past that he’d lost count, but he knew the second they were given the go ahead, his body and mind would be completely focused on the mission. No deviations, no interferences. Pure, one hundred percent focus.

  The mission was different to all his previous ones, but the outcome would be the same. The safe removal of the slaves. Teal was taking care of the house. He’d overheard someone mention he was a firefighter and had an extensive knowledge of that area, so he was given the task once they knew for certain that the place was empty.

  As for the vampires responsible? They’d regret the day they sided with an insane megalomaniac. There was no other word to describe the vampire king. He had to be to go to such lengths to obtain the power he desired.

  Jensen thought about the location. Large but not massive, it had three entrances and exits, one at the front and the others at the back. A basement level, first floor and second floor. Six rooms downstairs and seven upstairs.

  They had to be quick, silent and deadly. The inner anger Jensen carried would serve him well if he came across any of the security personnel or residents. They would know fear.

  They all heard Chester’s voice come over their ear pieces, confirming everyone was to take their places. They left the Jeep, barely making a sound and moved as one to their entrance point. Teal moved slightly away and nodded. He was in place and ready.

  Chester’s voice came over the ear piece again and he muttered one word. “Go.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  As soon as Brayden heard Chester’s voice, he moved, aware that the others were moving too. They sped across the lush green grass, keeping as low as they could. They paused at a pre-agreed point and lay on the ground waiting.

  “Security lights down,” Chester muttered.

  As one, they all stood and took off in two directions towards the front and the back of the house. Brayden slowed and stopped at the edge of the building and listened. He couldn’t hear anything. He closed his eyes and concentrated, trusting in his enhanced senses to pick up any sound. One guard walking away. He signaled to Indigo and carefully stepped out, treading silently until he was only a step behind.

  He grabbed the vampire and snapped his neck, holding the body as it slumped. He shook his head, and muttered, “Sloppy.”

  “He should have known. He’s a vampire.”

  Brayden nodded and shrugged the body over his shoulder. He would dump it in the house and leave it there for the fire to consume. Indigo stepped past him and Brayden followed him, moving towards the front door. He heard a muttered, ‘In position,’ and heard a click. Teal opened the door slowly and stepped in, Brayden right behind him.

  They were lucky this house had a security system installed that allowed them to enter via a code. Carter had been able to hack the system to ope
n the door and let them in. As expected, there was no one in the foyer and Brayden found a hidden spot to dump the body in.

  They both stood and listened and when they heard movement towards the side of the house, they headed in that direction. A security guard sat watching porn and was so engrossed he didn’t hear them approach.

  “Prefer two men fucking,” Indigo whispered as he leaned in close.

  The guard jumped, and Indigo snapped his neck. Shaking his head, he watched the man and woman on the screen fucking. “Yeah, men do it better.”

  Brayden snorted and nodded his head in the direction of the door. Indigo followed, and they stood and listened. They heard the sounds of a brief scuffle, then Teal appeared dragging a body behind him. Brayden pointed to the corner and Teal left it with the body from before.

  “How many?” Teal mouthed. Indigo lifted three fingers. “Three left.”

  Just then, Jensen strolled in with a body slung over his shoulder. He grinned, and Teal pointed to the corner. When he came back, Teal muttered, “Two.”

  Jensen pointed upstairs, and they all nodded, pausing when they heard a creak above them. They dispersed quickly and waited. Whoever it was, was descending the stairs and as soon as they reached the bottom, they paused, sniffing the air.

  Whoever it was, knew they were there.

  Brayden stepped out, lifted his sidearm and pointed at the lone guard who was in the process of pulling out his own. Teal stepped up behind and snapped his neck.

  Indigo lifted one finger and turned towards the stairs. Teal followed, and Brayden searched the area for the door that led to the basement. It was exactly where the plans said it would be.

  He looked at Jensen, seeing the determination on his face.

  Do it. Give them the freedom they deserve.

  Brayden nodded and opened the door and recoiled instantly. The smell was horrendous, and he shared a horrified look with Jensen.

  No, they aren’t dead, Brayden. Too many, in a confined space with no facilities to clean and probably no decent food or water.

  Brayden inhaled and straightened his shoulders before stepping through the door and down the stairs. The smell worsened the further down he got and when he finally reached the bottom, he was breathing through his mouth.


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