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Bad Rules_Wild Minds Novel

Page 9

by Charlotte West

  He turned so he faced me. Eyes flicked up over my shoulder. “I know how to turn that frown upside down,” he murmured, hand coming to rest on my cheek.

  Then he kissed me, and all hell broke loose.


  “You’re really not going to go through with this, are you?” I asked, fingering a row of necklaces.

  “He makes me happy,” Addy replied through a flimsy dressing room curtain. The open-air market in Ibiza had been the perfect place to find a wedding dress.

  “Yeah, but marriage. That’s so permanent.” Pause. “I’m just saying marriage is like a video game. It starts off easy, then gets harder, and eventually you go online and find a way to cheat.”

  “Are you saying Warren is going to cheat on me?” There was amusement in her voice.

  “Of course not, silly. He’d be crazy to.” The curtain drew back and Addy stepped out. “My god, Addy. You look stunning.” She did. She’d gone the traditional route, finding a white dress that was scalloped at the neck and hemline. Her brown hair hung in waves over her shoulders. She looked like the embodiment of summer, perfect for a beach wedding. “You should definitely wear flowers in your hair.”

  “I really look okay?” She smoothed down the skirt.

  “You do. I would tell you if you didn’t.”

  “No, you wouldn’t.” Addy fished around in her purse for some cash. She produced a wad of bills and placed them in the shopkeeper’s palm. “I’m going to wear it out,” she explained.

  Back in the market, I hooked my arm through hers. “You’re right. I wouldn’t.”

  She stopped and turned toward me. “I’m making the right decision, Lily. Warren is the one for me. I know you don’t believe in marriage, and I respect that, but I do.”

  I wouldn’t be much of a feminist if I didn’t believe in a woman’s right to choose. I patted Addy’s arm. “I’m happy for you.” And it was the truth. My friend practically radiated joy. Sigh. I guess love does that to you. We resumed our leisurely pace.

  “You and Asher seem to be getting serious,” Addy said in a casual tone. We exited the market.

  “Oh, these are perfect.” I dodged Addy’s statement by darting from her side to pluck a cache of hibiscus flowers from a bush. Returning, Addy dutifully bent her head and I wove them through her hair. I smiled at my handiwork. “Like Persephone herself.” Then I frowned at my analogy. Persephone was trapped in hell with a god she despised.

  We arrived at the beach. Waves lapped gently against the sand. The sun shone, and it was just beginning to dip below the horizon. All in all, a pretty romantic scene.

  “You and Asher?” Addy prompted. Ugh, she was like a dog with a bone. We stepped onto the sand. For Addy’s wedding, I’d chosen a drapey skirt and crop top paired with gold sandals.

  I hummed a little. My stomach growled. I wished we’d had some time to stop and eat. Paella sounded so good. Fingers snapped in front of my face. Addy’s eyes were wide and expectant. She’d paused on the sand. I knew what the set of her chin meant. She was giving me the I’m-not-budging-until-you-spill-your-guts look. I tugged on my shirt collar. My cheeks heated. “We’re going to be late for your wedding.”

  “Asher seems to be looking less and less unhappy lately,” she said. “In fact, yesterday Warren cracked a joke, and he downright half smiled.”

  Asher smiled with me all the time. Okay, his smile was more of a grimace—picture a bulldog chewing on wasps—but I found it charming. I bit the inside of my lip. “No comment.”

  Addy sighed. “I’m enjoying his new temperament. Hell, he’s walking on sunshine.”

  I smothered a smile.

  “Ha!” Addy pointed a finger at me. “I saw that. You like him.”

  I knocked her super-annoying digit away from my face. “I’m considering making him my exclusive man friend.” I’d been careful to make no promises, but my heart hadn’t. I was falling for him.

  Addy squealed. I put my hands over my ears to ward off the sharp sound. “Simmer down, lady. And I use the term ‘lady’ loosely.”

  She clapped her hands together, reminding me of an overexcited seal. “Tell me everything.”

  “I’m not sure how it happened. I started off using him for sex,” I confessed. Addy gave me a sly grin. “I couldn’t help myself. You should see this thing he does with his tongue. And his cock—”

  Addy’s face screwed up into a frown. “Earmuffs.” Copying my earlier move, she placed her hands over her ears. “Ew. Don’t say any more, that’s my future brother-in-law. I do not want to know about his bits and pieces.”


  “Forgiven.” Addy’s hands went back to her sides. “Now less talk about Asher in bed and more about true love.”

  I stared off into the water. Pinks and purples from the setting sun reflected off the surface. Beautiful. The variations of color and light reminded me of a Monet painting. Nature was always the first artist. “It’s bad, Addy. I think I have feelings for him. He’s like a fungus, you know? He grew on me.” My shoulders slumped of their own accord. “Ugh, this sucks. How do you deal with all these pesky feelings?”

  “Oh, Lily. It’s not so bad. Loving someone can come with a lot of heartache, but there’s good too.” Addy sucked in a breath.

  I stared up at the darkening sky. A gentle breeze ruffled my hair. “I’ve got a bad case of the feels.”

  “Feels, like love?” she pressed.

  I didn’t want to answer that question. “Can I plead the Fifth?”

  Her mouth flattened.

  “I’m not ready to talk about it.”

  Addy’s head tilted. “There’s no need to rush into anything. You can take it slow.”

  “Says the pot to the kettle,” I oh-so-helpfully pointed out.

  She put up her hands. “Guilty.” She sighed. “I do love Warren. He’s it for me.”

  I mimed zipping my lips shut. Then I unzipped them. “That’s the last thing I’ll say.” Pause. “I’m sorry. You and Warren are great together.” Another pause. “Really.”

  Addy smiled, and all was right with the world again. I don’t know what I’d do without her. She forgave as easily as I held a grudge.

  The band closed in on us. Warren dipped down and laid a smooch on Addy that had me looking away. Once done, attention returned to the too-happy couple. Ash’s eyes narrowed and came to mine; his gaze grew penetrating, searching. I wondered what he thought of my dress.

  “You look fucking awesome.” Warren cupped Addy’s cheek.

  “You ready to do this?” she asked.

  “Is a duck’s ass watertight?” Warren shot back.

  Not the most romantic. But I guess it worked for Addy, by the way her face lit up.

  “Finally, my time to shine,” Lix interjected, rubbing his hands together. “As a duck expert and enthusiast, I can tell you that a duck’s asshole is extremely tight, nearly three hundred foot-pounds. Sounds impossible, but ducks have relatively small feet. Not that I would know what that’s like, amirite?” He nudged Ash.

  Ash’s ever-present frown intensified. “The fuck you talking about, man?”

  “My feet,” Lix pointed at his toes. “They’re huge.”

  Warren buried his face in Addy’s neck, extracting a giggle. “I love you, Addison Wanks.” He swooped her up in his arms and swung her around.

  “You’re going to make her dizzy!” I shouted. Warren put her down.

  Addy wobbled, some of the flowers tumbled from her hair. Ash cleared his throat and the ceremony commenced. He’d spent the morning getting ordained online. I wasn’t even sure the marriage would hold up once we were back on home soil, but Addy assured me it would. This shit was legal and binding.

  Words were said. Vows were spoken. Addy and Warren were pronounced man and wife. Derren popped a bottle of champagne. Glasses had been forgotten, so we chugged from the bottle while giving toasts. Addy and Warren found any excuse to kiss. The guys did an acoustic version of “All You Need is Love” by the B
eatles, followed by “White Wedding” by Billy Idol. Addy and I danced. Ash hugged Addy. Warren bore down on me and before I knew it, I was wrapped up in his gigantic arms. “You’ve been a sister to Addy. So I guess that makes us in-laws now. We’re a family.”

  I choked up, and not because he was squeezing the life out of me. Family. That word. I had to admit, I liked that. A whole lot. The thought of belonging somewhere to some people didn’t seem so bad anymore. Maybe I could fit in with this band. They were weird and unorthodox and marched to the beat of their own drum, no pun intended.

  “Fuck man. Put her down.” This was from Asher. He’d pulled out his phone and begun recording.

  Warren set me back on my feet. I rubbed my sides. A lot of love in that hug. My lungs felt bruised. More congratulations were said. The band slapped Warren’s back and shook his hand in that manly, vigorous way. Ash whispered something in Warren’s ear. The lead singer nodded and began to hum. I noticed the melody right away. “Stairway to Heaven” by Led Zeppelin. The sun had set and the air grew downright chilly. Ash’s hands cupped my waist, the exposed flesh just below the crop top. Gooseflesh rose on my skin. He pulled me close. My body grew pliant, molding itself against his hard length, his heat. I laid my ear on his chest, right over the heartbeat. He hummed the melody and Warren sang.

  I held on tight to Asher. What I had to give him wasn’t enough. But I couldn’t find it in myself to cut him loose. Because I was needy and selfish. Love was a cruel game.

  A loud ringing.

  I popped open an eye. The clock shone bright red, 2:12 a.m. I groaned and slap-patted Asher until he roused to answer it.

  “Lo?” Ash’s voice was rough with sleep.

  My eyes drifted shut. “Hey, ma.” He paused, listening. Asher and Warren’s mom called on the regular—usually late at night, since she lived in the States. Every time she phoned, I’d make myself scarce, slip away to shower or take in some scenery. Ash made himself comfy in bed, leaning against the headboard, stretching his big, manly body like some luxuriating fat cat. He listened semiattentively, punctuating the conversation with “uh-huhs” or “you don’t say.” This went on for several minutes. Asher’s huge hand came down on my hip and rubbed. I felt the dark tidal wave of sleep threatening to pull me under.

  “What time you arriving?” Asher asked. I half smiled. Sounded like Ash and Warren’s parents were coming for a visit. I was happy for him. Though he feigned disinterest in his mother’s calls, he always answered, always stayed on the phone with her for an appropriate amount of time, always uttered a gruff “love you too” at the end of the conversation. Such a mama’s boy.

  More listening. Excited chatter bled from the phone. “Addy’s great. You’ll like her.” Apparently Mrs. Price was excited about her other son’s nuptials. “Ibiza is beautiful, you’ll love it.” Pause. “You don’t need to pay for dinner.” Pause. “Yes, we’ve been eating just fine.” Another pause. “I don’t fuck—” Much shoutiness emanated from the phone. “Sorry,” Ash ground out. I smothered a smile. He squeezed my hip, eliciting a startled squeal from me. In retaliation, I reached over and pinched his side. This got an immediate reaction. He smacked my ass. I yelped, rubbing my poor, abused backside.

  “Asshole,” I hissed. My butt cheek stung.

  Asher gave me a broody look. “As a matter of fact, I do have someone with me. Yes, a girl.” I drew a finger across my neck, threatening Asher with beheading lest he go any further. “She’s got quite the dirty mouth, too.” Asher eyed me. “Of course you’ll get to meet her.”

  They chatted for a few more minutes, but I didn’t hear any more of the conversation. Asher had just promised his mother she could meet me. What fresh hell was this? Click. The sound of the phone returning to the cradle seemed to echo ominously through the room.

  Asher stretched, got up to use the restroom, and returned to the bed. He yanked my stiff form into his arms.

  “Fuck, you’re tense,” he murmured into my neck.

  “Asher,” I said, voice high and tight. “Tell me you didn’t just promise your mother I’d meet her.”

  “So what if I did?” He was brazenly unapologetic.

  My heart pounded. Asher rested his forehead on my shoulder.

  “Asher… I can’t,” I replied quietly.

  He sighed, breath hot on my neck. I read too much into that little noise. Was he getting tired of me? Of my antics? Of my scaredy-cat act?

  I tried another approach. “You haven’t seen your parents since you started touring. I don’t want to get in your way.”

  In reply, I got a cavemannish grunt. Okay. He tensed. “Lily. I care about you. I want you to meet my parents.” Asher didn’t ask much of me—except that I care about him, be monogamous, and get over years of abandonment by my parents.

  I could do nothing but agree. It was a compelling argument, really. When you were in a relationship, which Ash and I were (I could finally admit that to myself), this was the logical next step, meeting the parents. Time to put on my big-girl panties. Asher Price was my boyfriend. I was Asher Price’s girlfriend.

  Everything would be okay.

  At least I hoped.


  As far as kisses and technique, Lix’s was ace. He covered my mouth with his, tongue moving like a seasoned pro, just the right amount of hard and soft. But like all that came before Ash and after, it didn’t quite compare. Sigh. My hands traveled up Lix’s chest, ready to push him away. This proved unnecessary.

  Lix was jerked from me. “Get your fucking hands off her, Hernandez.” Ash stood above the bassist, fists clenched tightly.

  At this Lix grinned. The little shit stirrer. As soon as Ash had entered the picture, I’d figured out his motive. I’m going to make him fight for you, Lix had said not so long ago. I hadn’t taken him quite so literally. “Sorry?” Lix pretended he didn’t understand.

  “It’s not funny anymore. Hands off my woman,” Ash ground out.

  “I don’t think it’s funny either. Never did. Why, my love life is at stake here, and my future children.” Lix didn’t know when to stay down. He sat up and reached for me. “C’mon, let’s go somewhere more private. We can watch your favorite movie, Beauty and the Beast.”

  “I actually kind of hate that movie.” The moral of Beauty and the Beast was that looks don’t matter, as long as you’re a man. Plus, don’t get me started on all the implications of domestic violence. No thank you.

  Asher’s arm moved. One minute it was tense and by his side, and the next it was swinging out to punch Lix in the face. I jumped from my seat. “What the hell—”

  Lix cupped his hands over his nose. Glorious, copious amounts of blood flowed through his fingers. Stunning really. “Shit, man. First, you take a swing at War, and now me. You’re on thin ice, buddy.”

  “You have no right!” I jabbed Asher in the chest with an angry finger. He caught hold of my digit, ice-blue eyes spitting fire.

  “I have every right!”

  I tried to yank my arm back. Ash used just enough pressure to hold me without hurting me. “Don’t touch me. I don’t know where your hands have been.”

  “That’s e-fucking-nough.” War and the rest of the band had arrived. “I’m so sick of this bullshit,” he said, rubbing his head like an aggrieved parent. I spied Addy in the doorway, eyes full of concern and sympathy.

  I crossed my arms and sent a scathing look in Ash’s direction. “It’s not my fault. He started—”

  “Not another fucking word,” War warned.

  Like all great women who came before me, I wouldn’t be silenced. “No, I’ve got something to say—”

  War made a frustrated sound. “Lix?”

  “Yeah?” the bassist perked up.

  “Get Lily,” said War.

  Lix rubbed his hands together. They were slick with blood that, combined with the smile on his face, made him quite a sight—like an overjoyed psycho. “Got her, bro.” He lunged in my direction.

  “Don’t you dare!”
I put out an ineffective hand. There was nowhere else to go but up. Onto the couch, I jumped. I towered over the manic bassist. Addy just shook her head in a sad, sad way.

  “Der, I’m going to need your help with Asher,” War said.

  “Got it,” Derren answered.

  Lix snatched me from the couch. He carried me bridal style to a cabin with a king-sized bed. Of course, I went ballistic. My hands swung, my feet kicked. He lifted me high, then dropped me. A fluffy feather comforter encased in a crisp white duvet caught my fall. For a moment I thought I might be drowning in a cloud. I came up kicking and screaming and in just enough time to see Ash thrust through the door by Warren and Derren. They wrestled him inward, making animalistic-sounding noises. Fists and blood flew. One hard shove and Ash was firmly next to the bed. He bared bloody teeth at his twin.

  “We have seven hours before London. Work your shit out.” That said, War slammed the door shut.

  “No!” My cry proved futile. I rushed around Ash to the door and jiggled the handle. Locked. Those motherfuckers had locked us in there. I banged on the door. “Addy!”

  “Lily,” she said, all calm and collected.

  “Don’t let them do this.” I laid both my hands against the door. “Please.”

  Silence. “It was my idea,” Addy said finally. No. Not my bestie from another teste. How could she do this? The betrayal was too much. Bile rose up in my stomach. Perhaps when she went into labor I’d lock her in a room. I’d never do that. And she knew it. My loyalty would never die. And really, I couldn’t bring myself to be angry at her. Begrudgingly, I admired her chutzpah. “I can’t take it anymore. I refuse to spend the next two months with you at each other’s throats. It’s not good for me…” Pause. “Or the baby.” Oh, she decided to use the baby card. Well played, Addy. Well played. “The mini fridge is fully stocked. I’ll see you in London.” Then she was gone.

  “You’re no longer my favorite sister-in-law,” Ash hollered.

  I rested my head against the door. Deep breath in. Deep breath out. My eyes watered, probably from Ash’s cologne. That’s not true. Ash didn’t wear cologne. He actually smelled fantastic. But I wanted to blame him for something. I swiveled. “This is your fault.” I narrowed my eyes at him.


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