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Absolute Valor (Southern Justice #3)

Page 27

by Cayce Poponea

  “Can you believe he’s really getting married?” Austin asked as he took a long pull from his beer.

  “Actually, yes I can.” I responded pointing the top of my beer bottle in his direction. “Claire isn’t like the girls in his past. She turned her nose up at his charm and good looks, refusing to be a number he called when he needed a release. She challenged him at every turn, giving him exactly what he needed all along.”

  “I’m just shocked it wasn’t you first, I mean you’ve wanted a wife since you were in kindergarten.” I wouldn’t try and deny it, at one point I wanted to marry momma, cause she was so pretty.

  “I still do, just waiting until the right moment to ask her.”

  “Any words of advice for your brother?” Daddy had nursed quite a hangover yesterday. He sent momma to a spa in town so he could have the house quiet as he died a slow death.

  “Yeah,” I chuckled, “don’t get too drunk later and miss your wedding night.” During daddy’s speech of how to keep a woman happy, he let it slip he partook in too much libation, resulting in him passing out on the floor of the honeymoon suite, and nearly missing their flight due to his visit with the toilet.

  “Of all the things I’ve taught you, this is what you remember the most.” Tossing up his hands, a smile on his face. “When I learned I was going to have not one, but three sons in the same day, I questioned your granddaddy whether I could handle this. He told me to remember who was in charge—your job as father and husband is to make her happy. Children learn the most from what they see and hear. I did my best to keep her happy and I know you will do the same with Claire.” They shared a back slapping hug and a few hidden tears. He’s proud of us, each in our own special way. Dylan, for his courage to do what he wants. Austin, for seeing the beauty within, and not the blemishes we try to hide. And my sense of valor, doing what is right even when it isn’t popular or beneficial to just me.

  “I think you were eight…no, nine, you were nine the summer our neighbor got married in Myrtle Beach.” He was looking up and to the left, as if searching hard for the memory he wanted to share. “Your Granddaddy had taken the three of you out to watch the sailboats before the ceremony started. Dylan, you swore that when you grew up, you were gonna buy a boat just like the ones in the water. You stomped your foot and vowed there would be no women allowed on this boat, because girls ruined everything. See, the bride had an accident as she was coming in the building and had to fix her dress. It was hot in the church and the three of you had started fidgeting because you hated the suits your momma had put you in.” Daddy’s arms joined in the story, adding animation to convey the picture in his head. “The two of you decided this was the best idea, except, Chase, you wanted your momma to come since she was so pretty. And Austin wanted Nana VanBuren to come because she always had butterscotch candy in her purse. And if you were going to be fishing all day, you would certainly need some candy.” I didn’t remember the boats or the scratchy suit, but I will always remember the story he shared with us as the wedding coordinator gave us the five-minute warning.

  “When I married your momma, my father took me to the side and handed me this coin.” Daddy placed an aged, flat coin in the center of Dylan’s open hand. “He told me to get an old Mason jar and put it on my night stand, and for the first year of marriage, place a penny alongside this coin inside the jar every time you have sex. Then, for the second year, remove a coin every time you have sex and see which year goes faster.” Dylan closed his hand, shoving the coin in the pocket of his tux. “Dylan, if you’re really my son, you’ll need to borrow some money toward the end of that second year.”

  I knew the moment I walked into the room, exactly where she was. Yesterday, when momma went to the spa, she took Audrey and Grace with her. Lainie talked her into letting the stylist cut four inches off her length, explaining to her it was all dead and needed to come off.

  There she stood in the dress I’d laid on her bed, momma had noticed her fondling it between her fingers as they’d shopped in the afternoon. Her hair cut turned her once thinning ends into the now flowing waves against her back.

  As the music began and Claire took her final steps as a single woman, I couldn’t help but to imagine the day when Audrey did the same. Where Claire was lace and pearls, fine satin and high heels, Audrey was boots and daisies, summer rain, and a quiet place to read a book.

  Audrey wanted to become an author, igniting the imagination of the children of the world. I’d been in contact with a few people, getting an idea of how to make her dream come true.

  Watching Dylan as Claire glides down the aisle, you can tell there is no one else in the room, as he adjusts his feet, waiting for her. Daddy walked her down the aisle, since her father is a current guest of the state of Kentucky. We doubted he would be out anytime soon, as he beat the heck out of a federal agent for dismantling his still. Momma held Miss Georgia’s hands, a combination of pride and sadness in her eyes.

  Dylan swore to love, honor, and obey, a vow most of the four hundred guests found quite amusing. Ignoring them all, he took the hand of the girl who saw the real him, placed a ring on her finger, and his word in her heart.

  The guests cheered as he dipped her back, kissing his new bride as if they were the only ones in the room, and then running back down the aisle with his new bride tossed over his shoulder. Grace stood in the middle of the aisle, imitating the clapping she noticed all around her, her blue eyes shining with excitement. As she turned to grab her momma’s hand, she caught sight of me, escorting one of Claire’s bridesmaids back down the aisle, one of the nurses she worked with. Grace stood proud and straight, her front teeth gleaming in the light of the room, her chubby finger pointed at me. “Da da.” Her voice high pitched as she squealed with laughter and came running toward me.

  Bending low, I snatched her off the ground as the guests around us laughed and clapped. Audrey looked pale, scared to death of what I would say about Grace’s decision about me. She held out her hands offering to take the baby from my arms, but neither one of us wanted to give the other up, so she remained safe in my grasp.

  “If you’re waiting for me to freak out, you’re gonna be waiting a long time.”

  Grace found the flower on my lapel more interesting than the conversation her momma and I were about to have. Removing the sharp pin from the stem, I handed it to her and set her on the floor; Nana Morgan now discovered behind me, and who doesn’t want to cuddle with Nana?

  “Sweetness, that little girl is a package deal. Her momma is the most incredible, beautiful woman I know. She’s smart and kind, and those are just a few of the reasons I love you.” Her eyes filled with tears, as they shifted back and forth between mine.

  “You love me?”

  “I’m telling you, in the middle of my church, with God and my family watching, so you know it has to be the truth. I love you, Sweetness. Have for a long time. I’ve got plans for you, and right now, they involve a number of slow dances and a bottle of something cold.”

  One day someone will walk into your life and you will understand why it didn’t work out with anyone else.

  White wisteria covered every solid surface with tiny LED lights adding just a shimmer of romance to the delicate petals. Organza covered tents, sheer enough to let in a cool breeze, yet thick enough to keep the bugs out. A kaleidoscope of feminine colors of orange, pink, and soft green flowers, were attached to every pillar, tent stand and tabletop. Glasses of champagne greeted each guest as they passed through the arched entry, a photographer on each side to snap a quick photo, a gift from the bride and groom.

  No expense had been spared to celebrate the oldest Morgan’s nuptials. Everything was classic, yet far from simple. “Okay, I have to go and do my groomsman duties.” Chase pulled me into his arms before he had to dash off and do his duties. “The second the dance is over, this Marine is all yours.” He sealed his promise with a kiss. “I love you.” He added as he began walking away, holding on to the tips of my fingers until the
last second.

  “I love you, too.”

  Claire had asked me if I would be willing to sit with her family during the reception. I was honored to be invited in the first place, so I didn’t mind. Yesterday, as we were shopping, Claire was finally able to get her family on the phone. Dylan had sent them money for travel and a hotel, but as the time grew closer, and no word as to when they would arrive came, Claire knew something was up. Ginger called to let her know her daddy was in jail and wouldn’t be walking her down the aisle. Claire had laughed and hung up the phone when her momma told her she gave the money to an Evangelist who had been traveling through town. Ginger wanted to find religion and be worthy to walk into church, but all she found was an empty parking lot when she went back for baptism.

  She didn’t believe her for a second, tossing up her arms and swearing she more than likely bought a tanning bed with the money. Dean called her once he got word and let her know it would be an honor if she would allow him to give her away.

  The emcee cranked up the music and began introducing the wedding party. I’d never seen a wedding like this in person, only catching a few episodes of a reality television show about horribly spoiled brides. But everything they had pulled together didn’t hold a candle to what was going on here.

  Austin escorted his beautiful wife Lainie, who stood up as Claire’s matron of honor. With graceful steps and bright white smiles, he led her into the tent and over to the head table.

  But Chase was never one to just walk into a room. As his name was called, he picked up the toothpick thin bridesmaid, setting her on his left shoulder. She squealed and slapped at his hand, but then held her flowers up high, simultaneously kicking up her smile. When he put her down beside her chair, he bowed, and kissed her hand while the crowd awed and clapped.

  “You look lonely over here all by yourself.” Jackson’s voice startles me since my attention was on the man who is part of my world now. Chase was shedding his jacket and tie, laying them on the back of his chair.

  “Oh, hello.” I smile slightly, welcoming him to join me.

  “We’ll see how long this lasts before Chase comes over and tosses me out.” Taking his seat, his eyes on the head table, specifically Chase.

  “How have you been?” I inquired, genuinely interested.

  “Slowly recovering from a broken heart.” Dramatizing it by slumping against the back of his chair, his hand on his chest.

  “Oh, stop. We both know Priscilla and Dylan set that whole thing up.”

  “They may have asked, but wanting to take you out to dinner was all me.” Before I could say a word, the music changed and the bride and groom were announced. With a guest list at over four hundred, the roar is louder than the music. Dylan had already removed his jacket and Claire her veil.

  Not letting go of her hand, Dylan spins her in a circle, the edges of her vintage dress flaring around her calves. She’s happy, cheek numbing happy. For the first time since we met, I don’t envy her, I’m rejoicing with her. The rest of the bridal party joined them on the dance floor, spinning around as the eager crowd joins them.

  “Care to dance?” I nodded eagerly, wanting to enjoy every second of this night. I let Jackson wrap an arm around my waist, his hand clasping mine. “A wedding like this is every girl’s dream.”

  I shook my head, “Not mine, nothing like this.”

  He sways me back and forth and I’m thankful he’s such a good leader. “Really?” He sounded surprised, giving me a questioning look.

  “Nope.” I defended.

  “So what do your dreams look like?”

  I chose my words carefully, not wanting to sound simple and plain. “Small, in a barn or field, in the middle of fall surrounded by the autumn colors. Then slipping away to a cabin on a lake, locked away from the world as we discover one another.” I sighed, picturing it perfectly inside my head.

  “Jackson thanks for holding my place.” Chase steps between us, his arms enveloping me to his chest. Jackson walks away gracefully, a chuckle and a spring in his step.

  Chase lowers his head, covering my mouth with his. Soft lips with determined movement, his tongue sliding past my surprised lips. It’s foreign and wonderful, something I’ve experienced only a handful of times. His hands grasp my upper arms, continuing to steer me on the dance floor. He ends the kiss, leaving me breathless and elated. I’ve read about passion like this, between the pages of a steamy novel where the ordinary girl wins the heart of the larger than life walking sex god. Resting his forehead against mine, he shakes his head back and forth slightly. “Thank God Momma wants Grace later,” his voice raspy, sounding as if he just woke up. But as he pulls me impossibly closer, the stiffness of his cock against my stomach tells me the truth. Chase Morgan wants me.

  I had no idea what was served for dinner, if Dylan shoved any cake in Claire’s face, or if Austin’s speech made the bride cry or laugh happy tears. While I was there, for every second of it, my hands, and attention, were wrapped around the man who continuously whispered how much he loved me in my ear. He was kissing my neck, telling me he loved the skin of my ear and how incredible I tasted, wondering if I was this tasty everywhere.

  When the waiters took our still full plates away, he jumped to his feet and pulled me with him. He excuses himself to friends who try to stop him a dozen or so times, all the while pulling me quickly to keep me moving

  We weave through the sea of people and wave goodbye, finally making it to the front entrance. With the size of the wedding, and so few venues available to accommodate, the land the Morgan’s used as eye candy, was transformed into a wedding wonderland. The best part of it being so close to the Morgan’s home, was the vicinity to the converted barn where Chase had been living.

  Nothing could have prepared me for the sight I met when he pushed the sliding door open and climbed the stairs with me tossed over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry. When he sets me down, I finally get to take a peek. I’m surrounded by wooden walls, aged to a medium gray, with deep veins of black telling their age. Photos of the boys and an older man covered every inch of the wood.

  Chase stood behind me, his lips attached to my neck, reminding me of the reason this place had been built. A potbelly stove sat in the corner, and I pictured the three of them sitting around in their socks warming themselves by a fire. “I swear to give you a tour in the morning,” he spins me around, claiming my mouth once again.

  Pulling me against him, with labored breath he murmurs, “Tell me to stop, and I swear to fuck I will try.” His hand is at the base of my neck while his tongue explores my mouth, claiming my tongue and teeth. He nips at my lips when he changes the position of his head.

  I don’t answer him, a need in my body taking over, and not wanting to stop. I’ve never given a shit about sex, but here, with my body craving him, there’s no way in hell I’m saying a word.

  My back finds something hard as he has backed me into, what I assume is, a corner. His right hand is above my head and I know this because I can feel his fingers touch the top of my head. With lips leaving mine, he finds the part of my neck where my hidden button of desire is installed, turning the knob to ten, as he nips and sucks from my ear all the way to my mouth.

  His tongue is salty from my skin, and the essence of it sets me on fire. I’ve never done more than kiss a man back during sex, so when I reach out to open his shirt, I do so with shaking hands. Chase pulls away from me, his eyes black and viril. “Don’t be afraid, take what you need.” Something in me snaps as I tuck my fingers inside of his half open shirt, pulling with all I have, the ripping sound of his shirt fills the air, buttons bouncing off the floor. “Just like that, Sweetness. I’ve got plenty of shirts.” He unzips my dress until it pools on the floor, no regard for the garment staying intact. Claire had pointed out the soft blue dress and commented on how she would have worn it if she were a guest at her wedding.

  Having Grace gave me a number of stretch marks, and the thought of Chase seeing them had me pushing him
away and covering my naked stomach. Pulling my hands away, he shakes his head and lowers himself to his knees. Placing his hands on either side of my stomach, he looks up me with his blue eyes shining with lust and love. “These,” he runs his index finger over the longest one I have, “are how my Grace is able to be as beautiful as she is.” Sticking out his tongue, he licks a trail behind the path his finger took. “These aren’t imperfections, they are bands of courage, proof of the miracle you created for me.” Tucking his pinkies in the edges of my panties, he slid the lace down as he held my gaze. Taking his left hand, he places it just behind my knee and lifts my leg over his shoulder. I’m open, and exposed, and feel so incredibly sexy.

  “Oh…” I moan as he licks from the center of my folds to the tip of my clit. I’ve no control of my hands as they slap against the wall behind me. His tongue is swirling around and around, and then he slides a single finger inside me.

  It’s been years since anything other than a tampon has been inside me. Lucas was never interested in being with me after I became pregnant. Where Lucas fumbled around trying to stick his dick in, Chase was learning every inch of me, taking his time as he claims my body.

  Considering the size and grandeur of the living room, the massive bed he lays me down on fits rights into the picture. He doesn’t stop kissing or pulling his clothing off as we lie in the cloud of his bed. I’m surrounded by the scent of him; his cologne, masculine and clean, combined with the sweat he’s worked up between dancing and climbing the steps. He always smells so good, even when he is covered in gear oil. I’m ready to bust from all his attention, his touch full of strength and love.

  His words are sweet and full of honesty. “Audrey, you need to know I never had sex with Virginia, but we did other things and I need you to be protected.” He’s completely naked and my eyes immediately look at his erection. He pulls a sleeve of condoms from his nightstand, ripping open the seal of the top one. In a quick and skilled motion, he sheathes himself in the latex, then falls back into place between my legs. “I’m going to love you until you understand exactly how important you are to me.”


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