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Looks Like Trouble to Me - UNCUT (Bad Boys Need Love, Too Book 1)

Page 14

by Calinda B

  “I feel so damn needy and horny,” she mumbled, flipping on the turn signal. “Where does he have to keep going?” She shook her head. “Boy and his mysteries. Damn!”

  Her phone chirped. She glanced down, fiddling with the phone to view the text. Want to be inside you, she read. Fuck all night.

  “The feeling’s more than mutual, stud,” she muttered. She thumbed, when? She sent the text and stepped on the gas. When the answering blip came, she picked up the phone, and read, Tomorrow. Get ready. She pulled into the parking lot and typed, Lucky you. No work. Time? The response came immediately. 9am. All day. All night. Exclusive rights.

  “Possessive boy,” she said. Still, the thought of exclusivity made her feel safe. Wanted.

  All day? All night? She liked the thought of that. She tossed the phone on the seat and scrambled out of the Jeep.

  Tanya stood outside, near her truck. She lifted her hand in greeting.

  “Hey, Tanya,” she said as she closed the gap.

  “Hey.” Tanya studied her. “You look happy. Mr. Lover Boy responsible?”

  “More like sexually frustrated. And yes. But, we keep getting interrupted.”

  “Huh,” Tanya said, non-committedly. “I want to show you these. Come over here.”

  Zoé sauntered to where Tanya stood between the rows and rows of wooden tables filled with plants. She studied the stunning dark purple flowers Tanya held out to her. “What are these? Hellebores?”

  “Yes. The staff here said I could purchase some of these for the garden I’m designing. What do you think?”

  They discussed the various plants and their potential placement in Tanya’s latest client’s landscape design. After a few minutes of back and forth, Tanya said, “You’re good at this, you know.”

  “Good at what?” Zoé asked.

  “Landscape design. You’ve got an eye for it. And a mind for the sustainability. I could hire you in a heartbeat.”

  Zoé felt a surge of pride. “Are you kidding?”

  “Not at all. Tony and I have talked this over quite a bit. We get big jobs, honey. The wealthiest of the wealthy.”

  Zoé thought of her comment to Jace the other day about being a “fucking landscape designer.” Her mouth worked back and forth at the idea of working for some privileged fuck like Billy. “It’s an amazing offer, Tanya. Really. Let me think about it.”

  “Have you given any thought to what I said the other day?” Tanya asked over her shoulder.

  “Which part?”

  “The playing it safe part.”

  Zoé said nothing.

  “I take that as a no.”

  Zoé sighed. “I like him. He makes me laugh. He makes me feel happy. Why are you being such a killjoy about this? Be happy for me.”

  “I don’t want you to get hurt like you did with Billy.”

  “That was stupid.”

  “And this isn’t?” Tanya dropped the tray of plants in the bed of the truck.

  “Jeez, you’re acting like you’re my mother, Tanya,” Zoé hissed. “Stop it. I like him. He likes me. End of story.”

  “Okay, okay, I’ll let you live your life the way you see fit.”

  “Thank you,” Zoé said, as she plunked her tray next to the other one.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Apology accepted.”


  “Don’t, Tanya. It’s my business.”

  “Okay,” Tanya said, turning to walk back to the greenhouse.

  “Okay,” Zoé said, following her. “Listen to this, though.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “Jace thinks Billy is up to something.”

  “How does he know Billy?” Tanya’s face wound tight.

  “They were at the bar together. That’s how I met him. They work together.”

  “And that wasn’t a clue? Girlfriend, you’re doing nothing to reassure me, that’s for certain.”

  “Just because you work together doesn’t mean you’re from the same stupid gene pool,” Zoé said, growing hot under the collar.

  “Maybe, but you said they were hanging out together. That’s different than showing up at the same place of employment.”

  Zoé grew silent. The words worked their way into her mind like a virus before she had a chance to refute them. “He’s…he’s different, Tanya. He can’t stand Billy.”

  The argument sounded lame, even to her.

  “Then why hang out with him? Why not say, at the end of the day, no thanks, I’ve got better things to do? Use your brain, Zoé. Your kitty cat’s in the driver’s seat here.”

  “My kitty cat?” Zoé spluttered.

  “Well?” Tanya said, lifting another tray.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Zoé said, following suit.

  “Uh huh.”

  They exited the greenhouse, Hellebores in hand.

  After depositing them beside the others in the truck bed, Tanya turned and leaned against the pickup. “Look, girl. I know how good a sexual connection can be. You get convinced the energy running through your system is the end all, be all and everything your lover says makes sense…. blah, blah, blah. When you come off the high, though, and look at the world through sober eyes, you usually find you might have missed something along the way. That’s all I’m saying. Check him out, that’s all. Maybe he’s going to be important in your life. But maybe he’s going to be nothing but trouble. It looks like trouble to me but I could be wrong.”

  Zoé clasped her arms around her chest. “That’s what I’m afraid of. That all my good sense is being vanquished by his…” She clamped her mouth shut. “I’ve never felt this way about anyone —ever! The connection we have is amazing! Stop being such a downer!”

  “Oh, I’m sorry, honey. I can be too direct sometimes.” Tanya walked toward the greenhouse for the last load of plants. “Have fun. I’m being a spoilsport.”

  “I’ll say,” Zoé said. “But you’re bringing out these niggling thoughts I keep having in the back of my mind. Maybe he isn’t real. Maybe when I really get to know him I’ll find out I’ve been lied to the whole time, like Billy did. How do I know what to trust inside? Billy was such a big mistake. But the last time I listened to you I ended up turning into the Frost Queen when I saw Jace next. He doesn’t get a lot of time with me. I’d rather not deep freeze him again when he shows up tomorrow.”

  “No, I wouldn’t freeze him out. That’s not the way to winnow information out of a man. Kill him with kindness, I say.” Tanya winked.

  “Yeah, I’ll try that approach.”

  Tanya paused, skewering Zoé with her gaze. “So, tell me. You barely know the guy. Why the need to get information from him?”

  “I don’t know. I just have a feeling he’s not telling me things. Withholding. And you know how well that worked for my brother.” Her eyes moistened. She blinked the tears away.

  Tanya gave her a sympathetic look before picking up another plant.

  Zoé dropped the last tray into the truck. “Now what else do we have to do? I’ve got about an hour before I have to head to work.”

  An hour and half later, she stood in the bar bathroom dabbing at her arm pits. She’d arrived a bit sweaty from moving pots, trays, and five gallon containers of trees into Tanya’s truck. She sidled from the bathroom, grabbed her bar apron and her order pad, and made her way onto the floor. She stopped, stunned, staring at her section.


  Her legs, obviously missing the message her brain broadcast, propelled her across the room. “Get out of my section, Billy. I don’t want to serve you.” She glanced around for the other waitress who usually worked this shift.

  He flashed a charming smile —the same one he used to seduce her in the first place. “Aren’t you going to ask me what I want to eat?”

  Grinding her teeth, she tapped her pen on her order pad. “What do you want to eat, Billy?” she said, her jaw tight.

  She held her order form up and waved it. “You’re not th
e only person in the universe. What do you want?”

  Billy’s eyelids lowered slightly. “I was thinking I’d start with your cunt. I’d make you scream.”

  Zoé’s mouth fell open and she glanced around the room to see if anyone was listening. Satisfied all were absorbed in their own conversations, she said, “In horror, maybe.” She leaned closer to his nasty mouth. “I don’t have a cunt, asshole. What I do have is off-limits.”

  Billy laughed. “That’s not what you told me the night I ate you. You said it was the best you’d ever had. You were so grateful you put me in your mouth to re-pay me.”

  “Yeah, but I remember spitting you out. You tasted foul.” She pulled her arms closer, wrapping them around her belly.

  Billy’s fingernails dug into the wooden table. “I’d watch what you say to me, bitch.”

  Sharon zipped by, tray in hand.

  “Everything all right here?” she asked.

  “Yes, Sharon. He’s debating what he wants or whether he wants to leave.”

  Sharon’s lips pressed together as she eyed Billy. “Okay, then. I’ll leave you to it.”

  “Actually, I don’t want any of this swill you serve. Or you. I only came here to warn you. You don’t know who you’re screwing.”

  “He’s a hell of a lot better than the likes of you,” Zoé hissed.

  “I’ll ignore that. Ask him the kinds of things he did on my yacht. Ask him what he was involved in. I think you might be surprised. He’s not as squeaky clean as he makes himself out to be.”

  Jace didn’t represent himself as a squeaky-clean individual by any means but Billy seemed to indicate something far more menacing. Zoé’s face creased, her mind racing to think of a retort.

  Coming up empty, she said, “Are you finished? There are people waiting for this table.”

  He glanced up at her, his gray-blue eyes scrutinizing her. “Yeah, I can see I’ve made my point. Serve some other chump. I’ve got two babes to take care of.” He gave her a pointed look. “And you can bet they’ll be screaming for more. The same way you did.” A horrid grin split his face. He slid out of the booth and rapped on the table with his knuckle. “Later, baby.”

  “I’m not your baby,” Zoé said, as he sauntered toward the door.

  He spun around and blew her a kiss.

  She dodged as if it were a bullet.

  He laughed, and sauntered outside.

  Sharon came up behind her, leaning over her shoulder. “Is everything all right, Zoé? What did he do to you? You look white as a ghost.”

  “Nothing. He’s nothing but a prick.”

  “I’ll say. He brings in women by the handful. Didn’t you say you dated him for a while?”

  “We dated briefly, yeah. He’s a total dick. And now he’s trying to mess with a new relationship I’m in.” She sighed, her shoulders slumping. “A few weeks ago, I lived a relatively predictable life. Suddenly, it’s turned upside down.”

  “Maybe you craved something different.”

  “Not this,” Zoé said dejectedly. “But now, I’ve got orders to take.”

  Chapter 16


  Bone tired when he arrived at Zoé’s, Jace spirits lifted as he pulled up to Zoé’s. Marni had kept him up nearly all last night. She cried. She fussed. He picked her up. He rocked her. He gave her bottles. He sang to her. Finally, at four in the morning, she’d fallen asleep. When he dropped her off at Aunt Molly’s, she threw a tantrum, making him feel like a total schmuck. His aunt told him that she probably had separation anxiety. She probably missed her mother, and needed consistency.

  Great, he thought for the millionth time. I’ve got no business starting a new relationship. But I can’t stay away from Zoé.

  As he stood on the concrete step leading to Zoé’s front stoop, he looked at the brooding sky. Clouds hung heavy and dark, bloated with condensation. He’d hoped for another pretty day but hey, it was Seattle. And anyway, they mirrored his mood. He took another step and knocked on the door.

  Zoé opened it, looking as captivating as usual.

  “Hey,” he said, in weary greeting, before sweeping his eyes up and down her beautiful body.

  “Hey,” she said, concern in her pretty eyes. “What’s wrong?”

  This time it was his turn to deflect. “Nothing. It’s nothing.”

  “Sure looks like something.”

  “Can I come in?”

  “Oh! Where are my manners? Yes. Please.” She stepped aside to let him enter. “Do you want to go out to eat breakfast? Are you hungry?”

  “No, not hungry, not for food anyway. I only want you.” He took her in his arms, tightly embracing her. “God, you feel good,” he said into her silky brown hair. “Whenever I’m with you, I feel all right. Like I can make it.”

  Zoé hugged him close, quiet, allowing him space to feel, think, breathe…not rush around in a panicked fury trying to keep it all together. He leaned back, an unexpected grin starting to form. “You make me crazy. I come here, feeling like a train wreck, and look what you do to me.”

  His eyes slid to his hips.

  “Oh,” she said, smiling, gazing at him through a dark fringe of lashes. “We can take care of that, you know.”

  “Yeah?” he said.

  She bit her lip, cocked her head, and nodded slightly.

  “Yes,” she said, her voice silky smooth and tender.

  “God, baby, you melt me,” he said. “You turn me into butter.”

  “I like butter,” she said coyly. “I like to spread it all over my toast in the morning.” She rolled her hips side to side. “Or, turn up the heat, making it sizzle before adding the ingredients for deliciousness.”

  “Fuck,” he said. “Just when I thought I couldn’t get any harder.” He widened his stance and stepped toward her.

  She blinked, putting her hands up to block him. “Uh, wait a minute. Shit. I just remembered something. We have to stop.”

  “What?” he asked, perplexed. “Now?”

  “It will only take a second,” she mumbled into his chest.

  “Later,” he murmured, pushing her backward.

  “Wait,” she said. “We have to talk.”

  Jace stiffened and came to an abrupt halt. “What do you want to talk about?”

  “You. And me.”

  “Not yet,” he said, resuming his push.

  She shook her head.

  He stopped. “Okay. What?”

  “I saw Billy last night.”

  His jaw grew rigid. “Fucking hell.”

  “He said he came to warn me about you. He told me to ask you about what you did on his yacht.”

  Jace tensed. That fucking prick.

  “And this came after my good friend Tanya yammered at me yesterday about how I needed to demand answers from you. She said you and Billy have to be more than work mates.” She rubbed her eyes, wearily. “I’m not in the best mood today either, Jace. I didn’t get much sleep. But I figure the only way I’m getting through it is by you and me sorting things out.”

  Jace considered her, wary. His thoughts pinged between wanting to torpedo Billy and wanting to bury himself inside his woman. “I told you, not until I’m ready.”

  “The door’s right there, stud,” she said, in a cool voice. “Maybe I’ll still be here when you reach that point.”

  His mind whirled in a messed-up panic. “I don’t want to tell you,” he said again.

  “That’s not fair, Jace. I’ll be an open book to you. You haven’t asked me much about my life but I’ll tell you whatever you want to know.”

  “Okay,” he said. He dropped into a nearby chair. “Sit.”

  She made her way to the sofa, sitting opposite him.

  He leaned forward on his thighs and clasped his hands together. “Tell me something.”

  “You first. You told me you don’t have someone at home waiting for you.”

  He fished around in his head, searching for a way to answer without lying. “I have no other lovers. O
nly you.”

  One eyebrow raised on her delicate face. “You’re hiding something. What is it?”

  “It’s complicated.”

  “Are you doing something illegal?”

  “No. Absolutely not.” He ran a hand over his chin. “When I’m not otherwise engaged, I’m thinking of you.”

  “What’s the otherwise engaged part?”

  “That’s the part I’m not ready to talk about. Ask me something else.”

  “Okay.” She looked away from him, thinking, biting her lip.

  He imagined the cogs in her head whirring and stirring. This wasn’t the way he’d hoped the day would go. “Tell you what.”

  Her head whipped back to face him. “What?”

  “You get one question. I’ll answer one more question. I need to be inside you, baby. After that, you get another.”

  “That’s not fair.” She seemed to squirm, conflicted.

  She wanted him, too; he knew it.

  “What’s not fair is you being so far from me,” he said.

  Her nostrils flared slightly. She huffed out a rush of breath. “What did you do on Billy’s yacht?”

  “We partied. A lot. I’d gone through a horrible, painful breakup and I needed to get her out of my head.”

  “That doesn’t sound so bad,” she said, frowning. “Who was she?”

  “That’s two. I told you I’d only answer one.” He rose to standing.

  She leaned back, legs parting ever so slightly.

  Good, he thought.

  “Come on, Jace, who was she?”

  “What does it matter who she was? She’s no longer in my life.” He took a step toward Zoé.

  “What made it a horrible breakup?”

  He took another step. “For someone who’s already used up her one question, you’re awfully persistent.” He crouched before her, spreading her legs wide, placing his hands on her hips. “Mmm, you smell good,” he said, inhaling her lovely scent.

  “Stop, Jace, I need more answers,” she said, threading her fingers into his hair.

  “And I need to get these pants off you.” His hands reached for the zipper.

  She fell back on the couch. “Not fair.”

  “It’s totally fair. We made a deal, baby.” He tugged the pants from her beautiful legs. “Love the sexy lingerie. You have incredible taste.” His fingers pushed under the elastic, skimming along her hips.


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