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Mark of Truth (Wicked Kingdoms Book 1)

Page 13

by Graceley Knox

  Dare moves closer to me, his body brushing mine, his heat relaxing the tension from my muscles. I try to shake off the awareness of his powerful body so close to my own and turn my attention to the king.

  “Sorry about that?” My tone’s not quite apologetic, but I’m willing to say the words if they’re needed.

  “Nonsense. She is the one who should be apologizing. You are guests here, and most welcomed guests at that. Now, how about we head inside and get you all settled? From what Dare has told me, you had quite the adventure getting here.”

  My body grows heavy at his words. Each and every scrape and bruise suddenly throbs with each beat of my heart, reminding me that I’ve been dragged, dropped, drugged, and bloodied in the past twenty-four hours. My knees wobble, and I give him a smile. An arm goes around my waist, and I expect it to be Doyle keeping me upright for my own dignity’s sake. Dare meets my gaze with one of steely determination, his lips set in a firm line. He doesn’t remove his warm hand from my side.

  As we start toward the wide stone steps of the castle’s entrance I look around. “Wait, where’s Arela?”

  “Who?” Dare askes.

  “Arela, the girl I was talking with. She should be with us.” Wiggling out of his grasp, I turn and see her sitting by the fountain again, alone and looking lost.


  I stride toward the little girl who reminds me so much of my younger self, and I kneel down. I hold my hand out to her with an encouraging smile on my face. “You coming?”

  “I’m not allowed in the castle.” She keeps her chin to her chest.

  “Well, I’m not going in there without you so, I guess I’m staying out here too.”

  Her eyes go wide as saucers and her entire face lights up with a smile.

  Dare walks over, and I introduce him to Arela. I explain that she was told she isn’t allowed in the castle and that I’m not going in without her.

  A look of understanding dawns and he crouches next to me, addressing her. “Who told you that you aren’t allowed in the castle, little one?”

  “My family who I was given to,” she replies softly.

  “The family you were given to?” He looks at her with an open kindness on his face. The tension written in every other line of his body belies his calm demeanor.

  “Yeah, I was left outside when I was a baby, they told me. And they had to take me so they would look good to the King.” She speaks with a childlike honesty, a stark look of sadness coloring her pixyish features. Her perceptive gaze darts back and forth between Dare’s face and my own.

  Rage tears through me at the way her adoptive parents have treated her. My hands itch to strangle them and outrage on her behalf batters at my insides like a hurricane. The feeling eats me up inside until I’m ready to wage war in her name. She’s only a child. And the people who are supposed to protect her have torn her down and made her feel like she’s not only unwanted, but useless and less than nothing. Dare and I share a knowing look. I nod and crouch down in front of her.

  “How would you feel if you were to come with me and live with me instead?”

  Her eyes go wide once again, quickly followed by a look of guarded hope. She shuffles her feet and looks around.

  Leaning in closer, I make sure to keep my voice low so only she can hear me. “This is not a joke, and the offer will never expire. I would love to have you with me. I know my word doesn’t mean much because you don’t know me yet, but I give you my word that you are wanted, and not for favor, but for who you are.”

  Her jerky nod is all the confirmation I need. Arela slips her small hand into mine. Smiling down at her, I give her hand a squeeze and walk toward my crew. All of them wear welcoming smiles, and I know she’ll be accepted into our little team with no problems at all despite her age. We all needed saving once. Now it’s our turn to save her too.

  I look further up the steps and lock eyes with the King, who’s stopped his ascent. He tilts his head at me, and looks to Dare, who’s still right beside me. I turn back to Arela who’s still clutching at my hand like it’s the only thing keeping her standing.

  Tugging on her hand, I start our group back on the way into the castle. I’ll explain to my crew later, but little explanation will be needed. They will not only agree with my decision but embrace it and her with open arms. Because that’s what family does.



  After being shown to our rooms and ensuring that we’re all within yelling distance to each other, we take the night to rest.

  The next day we gather together in the room they had given me which is massive.

  “You should have seen it, Ev. Dare was pissed. Like vibrating with anger. I’ve never seen a goblin turn that shade of red.” Kirin laughs.

  “He summoned us all like peons and demanded to know where you were.” Axel scoffs. “Like we’re your keepers or something. Doyle tried to calm him down, but Dare wasn’t having it.”

  “Once I was allowed to step farther into your room, I could sense another Fae presence, and I knew they had taken you.” Kirin’s jovial demeanor darkens for a moment, and lines form around his mouth. “They didn’t have everything I needed on site, or we would have been there sooner.”

  I rest my elbows on my knees as I sit cross legged on the bed, happiness buzzing through me. “If you had been earlier, I still would have been inside the Light Elven Kingdom. It all worked out in the end. Let’s put it behind us.”

  Kirin nods, and his usual smile stretches across his face. “You should have heard him, though. He tried to leave us at the manor and go after you himself.” He puffs up his chest and clears his throat. “‘Do not test me, boy. I will rip it from your mind if I must.’”

  “And I just bet you couldn’t let that go.” I laugh.

  “Course not. Told him he couldn’t even if he tried.” Kirin smirks.

  “It was a testosterone-charged situation. Of course I stepped in and told them to knock it off. But as soon as Kirin started giving directions to your location, Dare sifted out and we all just followed.” Eryn twirls a lock of hair around her finger, barely looking up from the book in her lap.

  I look to Doyle sitting in the plush leather chair next to the bed. “What did you get from the goblins? Were they surprised?”

  “Yeah. They couldn’t believe their staff would do something like that. As Dagan put it, ‘they pay their staff well.’”

  “Well, she did, so hopefully they listen to me next time rather than just hearing me.” The memory of telling Dagan that he can’t buy loyalty dances across my mind, and I bite my nail. Some people never listen.

  “Exactly what I said.” Eryn pipes in as she flips another page.

  The flutter of the old parchment page tickles at my brain, and I remember Anarchy and Chaos. “Has anyone seen my little gargoyles?” I look around the room.

  Eryn shakes her head. “No, but I’m sure someone can send for them and bring them to you.”

  I pull at the lint on the bedspread. “Yeah, I hope so.”

  “Who are Anarchy and Chaos?” Arela asks.

  I smile and tap the end of her pert little nose. “Let me tell you all about them.”


  A few hours later we’re all laughing uncontrollably at something and clutching our stomachs with tears rolling down our faces when Dax, Dagan, and Dare walk in. Their faces range from frowns on both Dagan and Dare and twitching lips on Dax, which only has us laughing harder. Finally quieting down, I ask the question that’s on all of our minds.

  “Something we can help you with?” For good measure, I throw in a quirk of my eyebrow, knowing it’ll probably irk Dare. Bonus.

  Before he can answer, a squeaking sound comes from Dagan and he drops his jaw. He slowly peers over his shoulder. “The little devils.” He reaches an arm back, trying to grab at something.

  Dax is trying valiantly to hold back his laughter, both hands clapped over his mouth and mirth dancing in his eyes.

agan spins around as he tries to reach something on his back. He twists, and I see what he’s trying to catch. Two sets of eyes blink at me innocently, one purple, the other green.

  “Anarchy! Chaos!” I squeal and jump from the bed. I rush toward them, arms held wide. As soon as I’m within reach they spread their tiny wings and jump, gliding to the sleeves of my black zip up hoodie. Chittering and clicking at me, they continue to make their way to each of my shoulders, nuzzling their pointed snouts to my cheeks when they reach them. Our reunion is short lived at the sound of Dagan’s colorful cursing.

  “Did you see the little bastards?” He fumes, pointing an accusing finger at them with a glower on his angular face. “They were fucking with me. I knew we were being followed, but you two wouldn’t listen to me!” he rants, his face taking on a reddish tinge as he points at each of his brothers.

  “Pssh, please they’re harmless.” I scratch Anarchy under the chin and make noises at them both, happy to be back with my little winged babies.

  “Harmless? Harmless!” Dagan sputters before turning and storming from the room, still muttering angrily under his breath.

  Arela approaches with a wide smile, her eyes bright. “May I play with them?”

  Shrugging, I look to Dare. “Will they react negatively in any way to her?”

  “I don’t think so. She’s a child, so they should accept her. If she were another adult, you might have issues.”

  “Let’s give it a try, then.” I head back to the bed and grip each of them around their tiny bellies. Their claws cling to me but don’t dig in as I deposit them on the bed. I notice markings on their chests that weren’t there previously. I turn to Dare. “What is that? On their chests. It wasn’t there before.” I rub my finger down Chaos’s chest and check for any bumps while I fret.

  The symbol is of a sun, with bent tendrils coming from most of the design. Little glyphs in between each of the tendrils complete the mark.

  “Do you know your house sigil?” he asks.

  “My mother’s is a sun, I think. I’m not quite sure. I’ve never seen anything like this though.” I shrug.

  “That could be your sigil on their chests since you gifted them with your blood and completed the bond.” He bends closer for a better look.

  Dare wiggles his fingers above them. They each balance on their hind legs, their short front legs trying to bat at his moving fingers just out of their reach.

  “I didn’t know I would get one. I’m only leath cine. When you said my sigil would appear on them and it didn’t appear immediately, I assumed I didn’t have one or that it wouldn’t work for them with me.”

  Shrugging, he gestures Arela toward the bed where Anarchy and Chaos sit.

  They bounce around the bed like a bunch of nut jobs. They flap their little wings and hop over each other.

  As soon as Arela puts a hand on the bed, they stop dead in their tracks and scrutinize her. They slowly creep towards her, their little nostrils flaring. A forked tongue darts out, and I prepare to snatch Chaos back, but he isn’t after blood, he’s just feeling her out. At her peal of laughter, they both climb her arms, making chirping noises and including her in their play.

  The sound of a throat clearing diverts my attention to Dare, who’s standing a bit closer than normal.

  “Oh, yeah, yeah, what is it you want again?” I step back and lean against the bed, crossing my feet in front of me.

  “A word?” he asks with mock formality, inclining his head toward the open door before sweeping his arm in a grand gesture.

  I follow him into the hallway.

  “I have informed the King of Arela’s situation.” Dare pauses for a moment. “He has assured me he will find her another family that will care for her as their own if you are regretting your decision to take her in.”

  I’m already shaking my head before he finishes speaking. “No way in hell is she going with anyone else but me. I gave her my word, and I’ll keep it or die trying.”

  “You barely know her.”

  “I know enough to know that she doesn’t deserve anything life has handed her, and if I can make a difference I will. And anyone who has an issue with that can take it up with me.” I shift from foot to foot in impatience. “Are we done here?”

  He grips my arm and pushes me back against the stone wall. He crowds me with his body and lowers his head to mine. “Trying to get rid of me, little álainn?”

  His rough voice scrapes over my nerves and sends shivers through my body. Each hair on my body stands on alert, and I wait for his next breath against my skin.

  “What gave me away?” I turn my face from his as much as I can, my eyes level with his thick wrist wrapped in black leather cords. His palm is flat against the wall near my head.

  He drags his nose down my jaw to my ear and breathes me in at my hairline. He shudders against me and my own body quakes. We’re so close his chest presses against mine with each inhale.

  “What is it you want from me?” I breathe the question on a sigh.

  He draws teasing little circles on my neck, driving me to distraction.

  He moves his hand from the wall to my waist, lingering for a moment before it lands at the base of my spine, his hold possessive. Clenching both of my hands at my sides, I’m determined to keep them off of his enticing body. The desire coursing through me wages a war between what my mind’s saying and what my body’s demanding. Every fiber of my being screams for more. More of his rough hands on my skin. More of his breath on my neck. More of his lips on mine. I can almost feel the pressure of his lips on my own. I shake my head and graze the stubble at his chin. The moment my lips touch him, he pulls back slightly, his fire-colored eyes locking with my own. He looks me over seductively, taking in every detail. I moisten my lips with my tongue. He drags his gaze back up my body. I arch my back and draw closer to him. Before I know what’s happening, he captures my mouth. He doesn’t just kiss me, he consumes me.

  He covers my mouth hungrily with his own, and I’m lost. His hand slips from the base of my spine to my ass. He squeezes, and a shot of desire arrows straight to my core. Raising his mouth from mine, he gazes into my eyes with a look of ownership. Before my kiss-numbed mind can process that look, he reclaims my lips and crushes my softer body to the harder planes of his own. With teasing nips, he drinks from my mouth like I’m his last drop of water in a desert. My heart pounds and breathy moans tumble from my lips. The sounds echo off the stone walls.

  With each teasing press of his lips against mine, I only want more from him. The feel of his hardness against my mound isn’t enough to sate my craving. As if he can read my thoughts, he trails his hand down to my thigh before he hikes it up around his hip. The new angle notches him between my thighs, exactly where I want him. I can feel his size through the layers of clothing separating us. For a fleeting moment, I wonder if he will even fit, but another thrust from him against my sensitive clit scatters any coherent thoughts.

  I break away from his mouth and suck in a much needed breath. Without stopping, he moves to my neck and plants taunting kisses along my skin. I shudder and feel his lips form a smile against my skin.

  I drop my own hand to his ass and I rock my pussy against the hard line of his cock. I bite my lip to hold in a moan of bliss. Grunting his own reaction, he grasps my chin roughly and brings my lips back to his. Dare thrusts against me rhythmically, mimicking the act both our bodies are screaming for. I want him inside me desperately. I want to feel his skin against my skin, feel his mouth over every part of my body.

  Kissing him deeply, I ignore the sound of a throat clearing and cling to Dare’s hard body. I rock my hips against him, demanding that he sate the need he’s created within me. A throat clears again and brings me back from the brink of insane desire. I tear my mouth from Dare’s and my eyes slowly focus on who stands behind us.

  The King of fucking Goblin. Dare’s father, and oh, you know, the King of fucking Goblin.

  Warming from the roots of my hair to the t
ips of my toes, I try to untangle from Dare, but he continues to paw at my ass and swirl his tongue at the hollow of my neck. I push at his shoulders and try to drop my leg from around his waist, but he holds firm. He growls a bit, the sound vibrating through me. I clear my throat.

  “Dare.” My voice croaks, a bit groggy from desire.

  He kisses his way up my neck. “Do not fight what is between us, little tine.”

  How someone so conscious of everything around him can be completely unaware of someone standing right behind him is beyond me. So I try again.

  “Dare,” I say again, my voice clearer.

  “Little tine, if you don’t stop talking, I will find something else to occupy your sweet mouth.”

  I clear my throat and point behind him. “We have company.”

  Tensing, he peers over his broad shoulder. He lets my leg drop and puts a bit of space between us. He rubs a hand over his face and turns slightly. “My King?” A hint of annoyance peppers his tone.

  I stomp on his much larger foot with my own. Grimacing, he cuts me menacing scowl before returning his attention to his father.

  Still mostly behind Dare’s body, I lean to the side a bit to catch the King’s reaction. Would it be disgust that his son was interested in me, a leath cine? Instead, a smug smile rests on his lips. Lines bracket his eyes, and his shoulders are relaxed. I attempt to step out from behind Dare’s body, but he blocks me with his arm.

  Dare gives the King another impatient look.

  The King responds with a chuckle and a slight shake of his head. “I was hoping to catch you both for a quick word, but not quite in this way.”

  I open my mouth to defend what we were doing but snap it closed just as quickly. I have no excuses. I had practically climbed him like a tree no more than two minutes ago.

  A very muscled and sexy tree. With a large trunk.

  They’re both looking at me with brows raised. “Nothing. Sorry.” I curse my fair skin for giving the direction of my inappropriate thoughts away as warmth floods my face. Expecting them to step away and talk, I start inching my way along the wall back towards the door to my room.


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