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I Like That About Her 2

Page 4

by Aleks Mitchell

  “We should get a dog,” Faith suggested.

  “Um, one step at a time, babe,” Chandler giggled.


  After dropping off Ky, Faith went to the gym to see Craig.

  “It’s over,” Faith said dramatically as she entered Craig’s office. “Our daughter is officially a preschooler.”

  “You make it sound like you just sent her off to war,” Craig joked. “It’s just preschool.”

  “Shut up,” Faith said as she sat down.

  “Bad word,” Craig laughed. “How did Chandler take it?”

  “Perfectly fine! She acted like it was no big deal.”

  “Because it is no big deal,” Craig said. “I’m sure Ky was thrilled.”

  “She was,” Faith sighed. “She barely said goodbye.”

  “This is a good thing, Faith. You’ve helped her to become an outgoing carefree little girl. Plus now you can shift your focus to dating.”

  “She’ll only be in preschool twice a week, Craig.”

  “I want you to meet Jackson’s sister.”

  “Why?” Faith asked clueless.

  “Because she’s a hot single lesbian,” Craig answered. “You’d love her.”

  “I never said I was dating, Craig.”

  “Come on, Peyton is great. She just moved here from LA. She was a model but she’s going into fashion design, hence the move to New York.”

  “Then I don’t really have a chance anyway. I highly doubt a model would want to date me.”

  Craig looked at Faith like she had two heads. It was crazy how oblivious Faith was to how hot she was. He wasn’t sure if her modesty was a good thing or a bad thing.

  “You are aware that you’re a hot actress that has been in movies and a television show right?”

  “I’m more of a character actress,” Faith said, still trying to remain modest.

  “Okay, time for the famous Faith catch phrase; shut up.”

  “I’m not ready to date,” Faith responded.

  “You don’t have to date her. Just meet her at least.”

  “What’s the point of meeting her if I’m not planning to date her?”

  “You could always use more friends,” Craig answered. “What do you have to lose in meeting her?”

  Faith knew that Craig was right. There was no harm in meeting this woman. Worse came to worse she’d gain a new friend.

  “Fine,” Faith sighed. “I’ll meet her.”

  “Excellent!” Craig exclaimed. “Peyton, could you come in here?”

  “What?” Faith asked wide eyed. She looked at Craig sternly. “She’s here now? Craig!”

  Peyton walked into the office and smiled at Faith. Faith stopped talking the second she made eye contact with Peyton. It was no wonder the woman was a model. Peyton had long brown hair and the bluest eyes Faith had ever seen.

  “Peyton, this is Faith,” Craig said. “Faith, this is Peyton.”

  “It’s nice to meet you Faith,” Peyton said as she extended her hand in greeting. “Craig has told me a lot about you.”

  “And what exactly did he say?” Faith asked in an accusatory tone.

  “Just that you’re looking to meet new people,” Peyton said. “And that you have an adorable little girl named Ky.”

  “She is pretty adorable,” Faith smiled proudly. “I have pictures!”

  “She’s seen pictures of Ky already,” Craig interrupted. “You two should go get coffee. Get to know each other.”

  Faith glared at the man as Peyton rolled her eyes. Peyton was already used to Craig’s pushy attitude. She wasn’t sure how her brother dealt with it all of the time.

  “I could go for some coffee if you want,” Peyton offered. “It’ll be my treat.”

  “Sure,” Faith shrugged. “I have about three hours to kill anyway.”

  “Wow, thanks,” Peyton laughed.

  “I didn’t mean it that way,” Faith blushed.

  Peyton was making Faith’s stomach do somersaults. She hadn’t felt that way since she first met Chandler in high school.

  “I know,” Peyton smiled. “So, do you know of any good cafés nearby?”

  “There’s a Starbucks a block away,” Faith suggested.


  I hope so.

  Chapter 7

  “Chandler this is ridiculous,” Faith cried.

  Chandler had spent the last half hour staring at the envelope from Columbia Medical School. Inside was what Chandler described as her ‘entire future’.

  “No, it’s not,” Chandler said. “This is…”

  “Your entire future,” Faith rolled her eyes.

  “Don’t make fun of me,” Chandler said seriously. “This is really important to me.”

  “I know which is why I think you should just open the envelope so that we can celebrate and you can stop stressing so much! I’d like my girlfriend back.”

  “What if I didn’t get in? It would change everything. There’s no other medical school in New York that I applied for, which would completely ruin our plans to move in together in the city.”

  “You are going to get in,” Faith exclaimed. “So, just stop with the what-if’s and open the envelope. You’re worrying for nothing.”

  “Maybe we should wait until after the movie,” Chandler suggested. “Why ruin the evening?”

  Faith sighed as she jumped forward and grabbed the envelope from the table. She rushed away from Chandler while she attempted to open the envelope.

  “What are you doing?” Chandler asked in bewilderment. “Faith, I’m warning you! Give it back!”

  Chandler jumped up from the couch and started after her girlfriend.

  “Not until this letter is opened and read!”

  “Faith Cahill, I will hurt you and not in a way that you like!”

  “Dear Miss Chandler Reynolds,” Faith started, “we are pleased to inform you!”

  “I got in!?”

  “You got in!”

  Chandler screamed and jumped into Faith’s arms, hugging her girlfriend tightly.

  “I knew you would!”

  Chandler kissed Faith quickly before grabbing the letter and reading it for herself.

  “I can’t believe it. I can’t believe I really got in.”

  “Well, believe it,” Faith smiled. “Because it’s real.”

  Chandler grinned as she hugged Faith. Their lives were turning out just the way she had hoped they would.


  “I loved you in that movie where you played the werewolf,” Peyton said.

  Faith almost choked on her coffee as she looked up at Peyton in shock. “You saw that?”

  “Of course!”

  “Ugh,” Faith sighed. “That role was completely embarrassing.”

  “I happened to love it! I think you did a great job.”

  “I can’t believe you saw that movie. It was way low budget.”

  “Sometimes those are the best movies,” Peyton said. “In my opinion those movies have some of best actors. They just haven’t been discovered yet.”

  “That’s a good way of looking at it I suppose.”

  “Are you working on any new projects?” Peyton asked.

  “No. After Ky was born I stopped working so much. I’ve been teaching a class at an acting studio.”

  “I think it’s great that you took time off to raise your daughter.”

  “Or career suicide,” Faith joked. “The longer I don’t work the more irrelevant I become. Unfortunately in this industry it’s kind of hard to take a break for too long.”

  “I completely know what you mean. Now that I’m not modeling anymore I’m pretty sure I’m going to fall off of the face of the Earth.”

  “Why did you stop modeling, if you don’t mind me asking?”

  “I never really wanted to be a model. I wanted to be a fashion designer. This is just the best way that I could get my foot in the door and meet people.”

  “It’s not what you know, it’s who you kn
ow,” Faith rolled her eyes.

  “Exactly,” Peyton smiled.

  “Did you already find a job in fashion design?”

  “Yeah. Fortunately one of the designers I modeled for was looking for an assistant. I’m literally getting coffee and getting models fitted, but you have to start somewhere right?”

  Faith was more than familiar with having to start somewhere. She was still at the point in her career where she’d take just about any role as long as it paid.

  “Right,” Faith agreed.

  Faith definitely liked the brunette. She made her feel something she hadn’t felt for a long time. Even when things were okay between her and Chandler, they seemed to be lacking the passion they had when they first started dating.

  Peyton looked at her with this look that made Faith go weak at the knees. Like she wanted her. It was nice to feel so wanted again.

  “What are you thinking about?” Peyton asked, smiling at the blonde.

  “Nothing,” Faith said quickly.

  “Yes, you are,” Peyton insisted. “Come on, you can tell me.”

  “I really can’t,” Faith blushed.

  “Are you picturing me naked?” Peyton whispered loudly.

  “What?” Faith asked in shock. “No!”

  “It’s okay if you are,” Peyton assured Faith. “I was.”

  “You were?” Faith asked, smiling shyly.

  “Aww, am I embarrassing you? Sorry, I’m a bit outspoken. But, most people like that about me.”

  “You’re certainly forward, that’s for sure.”

  “So, do you like that about me?”

  Faith quirked her head to the side as she looked into icy blue eyes. She was intrigued by the woman. There was only one thing that scared Faith. Peyton reminded her of Chandler. She wasn’t sure if she should be dating someone that reminded her of her ex. She felt like she was just replacing Chandler with a replica of her.

  “Yeah,” Faith answered. “I like that about you.”

  “I knew you would,” Peyton joked. “I like that about me too.”

  “You are so…”

  “Confident?” Peyton interrupted.

  “Not what I’d call it,” Faith nodded. “Were you always like this or is this something you picked up as a model?”

  “Always,” Peyton answered. “I was born this way!”

  Faith laughed at the woman’s response. She was having fun getting to know the brunette. She wondered if Peyton felt the same way. There was only one way for Faith to find out.

  “Can I see you again sometime?” Faith asked.

  Peyton just smiled at Faith, leaving Faith waiting for an answer.

  “Or not,” Faith smiled awkwardly.

  “No, I want to see you again,” Peyton said. “It’s just that I wanted to be the one to ask you out.”

  “You can now if you want,” Faith offered, biting her lip as she smiled at Peyton.

  “I don’t know,” Peyton joked. “You totally ruined the moment.”


  “No, would you like to go out to dinner with me?”

  “I’d love to.”

  “How’s Friday night?”

  “Friday’s perfect,” Faith said.

  “Great,” Peyton grinned. “I can’t wait.”

  “Me either.”


  Faith’s eyes went wide at the sound of the familiar voice.

  “Chandler?” Faith asked. She turned to see Chandler standing over her and Peyton. Faith looked like a deer caught in headlights. Faith wasn’t sure why but she felt like she was caught doing something wrong, which was ridiculous. She and Chandler weren’t together anymore. Chandler was dating someone. Faith was allowed to do the same.

  “Hey,” Chandler said, looking at Peyton and then back at Faith.

  “What are you doing here?” Faith asked.

  “Just doing a coffee run for myself and some of the other residents,” Chandler answered. “What are you doing here?”

  Chandler looked over at Peyton again, this time with a look that Faith couldn’t quite place.

  “Oh, sorry,” Faith apologized. “This is Jackson’s sister, Peyton. Peyton this is Chandler.”

  “Ky’s other mom!” Peyton exclaimed as she extended her hand out to Chandler. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  “You too,” Chandler replied quietly.

  Guilt washed over Faith as she was finally able to recognize the look on Chandler’s face. It was hurt. The last thing she wanted to do was hurt Chandler. But did Chandler really have the right to be hurt. She must have had the same look that morning when she met Megan.

  “So, you’re Jackson’s sister,” Chandler said, trying to fill the awkward silence that washed over them. “He’s really sweet.”

  “Yeah, he is. He’s the good sibling.”

  “Kind of like you and Andy, Faith,” Chandler commented.

  “Oh you have a brother?” Peyton asked.

  “Yeah, a twin brother,” Chandler answered for Faith.

  Faith could sense a bit of an edge to Chandler’s tone. It was clear that Chandler was mad about finding Faith with Peyton. Faith wasn’t sure if she should be happy or angry that Chandler seemed jealous. On one side it meant that Chandler still cared. But on the other side it seemed a little hypocritical for Chandler to be jealous. She moved on. Shouldn’t Faith have the same opportunity?

  Chapter 8

  “You are completely wrong,” Faith said as she and Chandler sat down at the table in the middle of the restaurant.

  “No, I’m not,” Chandler said. “But, it’s cute that you don’t see it.”

  “Of course I don’t see it, because it’s not true.”

  “Yes, it is.”

  “No, it’s not.”

  “Faith, honey you flirt with everyone.”

  “I do not!”

  “Yes, you do,” Chandler laughed. “You just don’t realize you’re doing it.”

  “I really feel like you’re wrong this time.”

  “Faith, you were just doing it with the host,” Chandler said seriously.

  “That host was a guy!” Faith exclaimed. “If you haven’t noticed he’s not exactly my type.”

  “Which is why I said you don’t realize that you’re doing it.”

  “I was being friendly. Being friendly is not flirting.”

  “Faith, you bat your eyelashes.”

  “I did not,” Faith said incredulously.

  “Sure, of course you didn’t,” Chandler mocked.

  “Well I’m sorry if you really think that I’m flirting with other people.”

  “Faith, I know you’re not intentionally doing it. You’re just a naturally flirtatious person. There’s no meaning behind it, it’s just your personality. It is weird though considering how bitchy you can be.”

  “I promise I won’t talk to any people in a flirtatious way again. Going forward it will be total bitch mode from me.”

  “Don’t do that. I like it. It kind of turns me on.”

  Faith looked surprised at the admission. “It turns you on to watch me flirt with other people?”

  “You don’t know you’re doing it, which I find adorable. I find a lot of things about you adorable.”

  “I know,” Faith blushed.

  “Besides, I trust you completely. I know you love me and you would never cheat on me.”

  “Never,” Faith professed. “I couldn’t imagine being with anyone but you.”

  Chandler tilted her head as a thought came to her mind. “You didn’t date anyone when we were broken up at college?”

  “Not really,” Faith said. “I went on a few dates, but not with anyone I really clicked with. I kept comparing them to you so it kind of doomed their chances from the start.”

  “I did the same thing,” Chandler admitted. “There’s no one quite like Faith Cahill.”

  “I could say the same for you, Chandler Reynolds,” Faith smirked.

  Their waiter interrupted the go
ogly eyes they were making at each other.

  “Can I get you guys started with something to drink?” the man asked.

  “Yes,” Faith smiled sweetly at the man. “I’ll take a club soda with a lime.” She batted her eyes sweetly at the man.

  Chandler giggled as she watched her girlfriend unknowingly flirt with their waiter.


  Faith hadn’t seen Chandler since she ran into her at Starbucks with Peyton. She knew she was going to have questions for her. It wasn’t like she and Peyton were serious. Chandler had caught them in what was basically a blind date. It was barely even a date. It was two people getting coffee. That was it.

  Though, she kind of wanted to make it seem like more than that. It was nice seeing that Chandler still cared what she did and who she was seeing. She thought for sure that the brunette had moved on. She seemed genuinely happy with what’s her face.

  Faith didn’t want to jinx anything with Peyton though. She really liked the model. Obviously she was good looking, but there was more to it than that. She had a great time talking to the woman. She hadn’t clicked like that with anyone since Chandler. She’d dated during their time apart at college, but never anyone she truly fell head over heels for.

  Faith was waiting for Chandler to arrive with Ky. She was dropping her off earlier than usual today. Typically she dropped her off in the evenings, but Faith’s mom was coming by for a visit for the day. They knew Vanessa would want to spend the day with her granddaughter more than anyone else.

  “Is she going to be here soon?” Vanessa asked impatiently.

  “Yes, Mom,” Faith sighed. “She’s on her way.”

  “I don’t see why you two have to live in separate places. You two are still friends. You could at least stay in the same house while Kylie is still so young.”

  “We can’t live together if we’re seeing different people Mom,” Faith said.

  “Maybe you shouldn’t be seeing different people.”

  Faith sighed. This was a constant argument she had with her mother. Her mother had come a long way since she first came out in high school. She truly loved Chandler as a daughter now. She was very upset to learn that the two had split.

  “Mom, we’ve been over this.”


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