Wings of Vengeance (Hidden Wings Series Book Five)

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Wings of Vengeance (Hidden Wings Series Book Five) Page 2

by Cameo Renae

  “Do you think we’re in danger?”

  “No, but danger is inevitable, especially with Lucifer’s army still out there. If we were ever attacked, I’m not sure if I would be able to take them on alone. I’d never forgive myself if you were injured and we were too far from help.”

  I sighed and reached across the table. “Do you think we’ll ever be able to live quietly, and not have to worry about being in danger?”

  He took my hand in his. “We could if we lived in Grandia.”

  “You know I’d love to live there, but my family and friends are here.”

  “We could visit often.” Kade always looked out for my best interests, but his main priority was keeping me safe. It had been that way since the beginning.

  “I know, but we can’t run away, especially with the nightmares I’ve been having. I need to make sure they’re all safe. I don’t know what it is, but I have a sinking feeling something is coming, and I want to be sure we are here if anything should happen.”

  We caught a strong scent in the room. A familiar smoky smell. Kade’s hazel eyes turned onyx, as a boisterous, low voice could be heard near the front, trying to reason with the waitress. The figure stepped into the dining room, scanning the area. When his eyes landed on us, he paused. A hood obscured his face, but he was tall and very muscular.

  Kade stood and moved in front of me as the man headed our way. The waitress was right behind him, giving him a warning that she was about to call security. But her pleas fell on deaf ears.

  As the man neared us, he lowered his hood, and I gasped. His eyes softened when he spotted me.

  I looked at the waitress and raised my hand. “It’s okay. We know him.”

  She nodded and placed her hand over her heart, then slipped back into the kitchen area.

  “Emma,” Ethon’s old guard addressed me, bowing his head.

  “Bane,” I nodded in greeting. “What are you doing here?” I stepped to the side of Kade.

  “I’ve come to give warning.”

  “About what?”

  His eyes shifted to the window. “You’re being hunted.”

  “By whom?” I followed his gaze outside. The only thing out there was the gorgeous view of the mountains and trees.

  “Lucian’s Nephilim daughter has recently transformed. Lilith is very strong and cunning like her father. She’s coming for you,” he said with great conviction.

  “He had a daughter? Why would she be after us?” Kade questioned.

  “When she heard about her father’s death, she sought answers, and Lucifer’s followers pointed to Emma as his murderer. She’s been gathering an army ever since and Lucifer has given his leaders orders to join forces with her. He now has a way to seek revenge without lifting a finger. He’s found the perfect pawn.”

  “Lucifer was the one who killed Lucian, not us,” I breathed.

  Bane’s eyes and attention kept skimming toward the window, and then he took in a deep breath and narrowed his eyes on me. “I have to go, but I had to warn you first.” His eyes shifted to Kade. “You must leave immediately and take Emma back to the barrier. Lilith is watching, even now. She’s been stalking Emma.” His dark eyes returned to mine. “She’s extremely jealous and has a burning hatred for you that can only be quenched by killing you and everyone you love.”

  “Why?” I asked.

  “Because you possess everything she wants. Power, beauty, having a bond…but her greatest envy comes from the unconditional love and loyalty between you and your family and friends. She craves it, and will try and strip it all away from you. She will need to be taken out.”

  A shiver ran down my spine as I glanced out the window. Kade wrapped his arm around me and whispered in my ear, “She cannot take anything you don’t give freely. She may have an army, but you have all of us.”

  “I don’t understand. I don’t even know her, and she’s doing this because of something Lucifer told her?”

  “It’s become much more than that. You’re an unhealthy obsession. She’s been quietly stalking you and has made it clear to everyone around her that her goal is to strip you of everything. It’s no longer about revenge. It’s about power.”

  “Why hasn’t she attacked yet?” I asked. “I’m sure she’s had plenty of chances.”

  “To toy with you. When she assembles the warriors she needs, she will strike. She doesn’t want it to be quick. She wants to instill fear, then she’ll make you suffer.” He sighed. “Apparently, Lucian was a very loving, endearing father. He spent a great deal of time raising her. Her mother died while giving birth. Although word is, Lucian murdered her. Only a select few even knew about Lilith. Lucian kept her secret all these years.”

  “Then why was he killing Nephilim if his daughter was one?”

  “Everyone believed it was because he was seeking revenge, but that wasn’t the entire truth. The real reason behind it was because of a demon oracle’s prophecy. She prophesied his daughter would be taken out by one of her own. After hearing this, he sent out his army to kill all Nephilim, while keeping Lilith safe and secret.”

  “He deserved to die,” Kade bit out.

  “Yes. But daddy’s little girl has now stepped into his position and received a lot of back-up. I’ve witnessed the army gathering. You’ll need to call for help.”

  “And this is all because of a lie?” I asked.

  He nodded. “You’ve been at the top of Lucifer’s wanted list since Ethon’s death. This is his chance to take you out, from behind the barriers designed to keep him in hell.”

  “This has to end.” Kade growled. “How many Fallen are we looking at?”

  “Hundreds,” Bane answered. “I’m sorry, Emma. I wish you the best and hope you remain free from harm.” Our gargantuan Fallen friend stepped forward and kissed my cheek, then turned toward Kade. “Keep her safe.” He turned on his heel and walked out of the restaurant.

  “Bane,” I called after him.

  He paused without turning around.

  “Thank you. I know you didn’t have to come.”

  He gave a slight bow of his head and turned with a sad grin. “Be safe, Emma. Until we meet again…in this life or the next.” Then he walked out.

  Kade and I gathered our things as the waitress brought our food.

  “I’m so sorry but we have to leave. There’s a family emergency,” I said.

  She stood with our plates in her hand. “Would you like me to pack these for you?”

  “No, thank you,” I said, feeling bad.

  Kade placed a couple of one-hundred dollar bills on the table. “We’re sorry. Keep the change.”

  She stood there with her mouth gaping wide open as we made our way out the door.

  “Thank you,” she called after us.

  As we stepped outside, I saw Bane call his wings and take off toward the back of the restaurant. I ran around the corner with Kade next to me. As Bane headed toward the trees, three Fallen appeared behind him, giving him chase.

  “No!” I automatically ran after him, but Kade caught my arm and held me back.

  “We can’t,” he whispered in my ear.

  “He’ll die,” I cried.

  “Bane came here to warn us. He did it knowing they would kill him. If we go after him now, his sacrifice will be for nothing.”

  I watched in horror as one of the Fallen grabbed Bane’s leg, stopping him mid-air. A second Fallen pulled his sword and lifted it above his head. Bane didn’t fight back. Instead, he lowered his head, allowing his comrade to drop his weapon down upon him. Tears poured from my eyes as I watched Bane’s head fall from his shoulders; his body burning to ash as it dropped from the sky.

  In a blink, it was over, and the Fallen disappeared back into the thick trees.

  “We have to leave,” Kade urged.

  I nodded, not able to speak.

  We left everything behind—the car, the room, our belongings—knowing we could settle everything when we arrived back home. Nothing was of great value an

  I held tightly to Kade’s hand, weaving my fingers through his, making us invisible. We called our wings and took to the sky.

  My heart was breaking. Bane gave his life to warn me. Why did he do it? I’d done nothing for him. Maybe he was tired of hiding, and telling me was his way of trying to atone for the years he’d served Lucifer. It must have been a horrible life, and I didn’t blame him for wanting to end it. But I knew one thing. He would never be forgotten. Not as long as I lived.

  Reaching home, we breathed a sigh of relief once we were inside the safety of the barrier. Upon landing, we went directly to Alaine and Samuel and told them everything.

  “You’re safe now. The barrier will keep the Fallen out,” Alaine assured us, turning toward Samuel with a look of concern.

  “But what about Lia and Jeremy? Bane said she was targeting everyone I loved.”

  “I’ll contact Midway at once. I’ll also make arrangements for your friends to come here where we can assure their safety. They are on vacation so I will cross my fingers they’ll want to come, especially if arrangements are taken care of.”

  “Thank you.” I breathed a sigh of relief. “You don’t know how much it means to me.”

  “I think I have an idea.” She smiled. “You two go home and get some sleep. You’ve flown a long way. We’ve got it covered for now. I’ll fill you in on everything in the morning.”

  “Are you sure you don’t need our help?” I asked.

  “You know your mother,” Samuel added with a wink. “When she says she’s ‘got it covered,’ she really means it.” He looked at her with a gleam in his eye, and she returned a sweet smile.

  I hugged them both before we left, and thanked them again for always being such an amazing support system. I felt nothing less than unconditionally loved. They were there for me, and I knew they always would be. I was beyond blessed and after thinking about it, I didn’t blame Lilith for coveting what I had. My world was Kade, my family, and friends. And I did have the best.

  But the thought of her touching any one of them because she chose to believe in a lie, pissed me off. Hatred and revenge were the downfall of many. Look where Lucian and Lucifer ended up…one dead and one bound to Hell for all eternity.

  It had been a while since I’d felt this overwhelmed, and I knew I couldn’t let it get to me. I needed to be strong, for everyone’s sake. We were on a hit list and I wasn’t about to drop my guard. I’d die defending my loved ones, as they would for me.

  I spent the evening wrapped in Kade’s arms. His closeness always permeated my anxiety like a salve, making me feel rested and strong. I thanked God every day for giving him back to me. He gave me everything I needed to survive.

  “Thank you for loving me,” I whispered, my eyes weighing heavy.

  He chuckled and kissed the tip of my nose. “I never had a choice.”

  “I know you didn’t, but I’m glad the bond chose you.”

  His liquid hazel eyes, swimming with love, locked onto mine. “Loving you is like breathing. It takes no effort at all.” His fingers gently raised my chin; then he pressed his lips over mine. They fit perfectly as if they had been casted and made for me.

  I pulled back and his lingering gaze melted every part of me.

  “Destiny brought you to me because it knew what I’d be up against. It also knew exactly who and what I needed to make it through.”

  He folded me back into the security of his strong arms.

  “We will get through this. It’s what we do.”

  “It is,” I yawned, and snuggled closer to him. “I love you,” I breathed.

  “And I love you,” he whispered. “Sleep sweet, my Emma.”

  THE NEXT MORNING, ALAINE INVITED us to breakfast to discuss all the plans and arrangements she’d made. We entered from the back door and were greeted by Miss Lily.

  “Come in. Come in,” she sang, waving us in.

  As we stepped into the kitchen, the smell of fried breakfast meats and freshly baked biscuits wafted in the air, making our mouths water.

  “Miss Lily, the kitchen smells wonderful, as usual,” Kade greeted.

  “Why thank you, Mr. Anders.” She winked. “You both are looking bright and cheery this morning. Did you have a restful sleep?”

  “Yes, we did. Are we expecting guests?” I noticed the large buffet filled with enough food to feed an army.

  She shrugged. “In this house, you never know what the morning might drag in.” She chuckled to herself before heading back to the kitchen, whistling while she stirred a pot of steaming gravy.

  “Emma!” A voice squealed from the hallway.

  “Hey, Courtney!” I smiled, making my way to greet her with a hug.

  She had on some cute white shorts and a hot pink tank top. Her blonde hair was pulled up into a tight ponytail with the ends perfectly curled. Her pale face was accented with light makeup and pink blush. “You’re looking fresh and lovely this morning.”

  “Thanks,” she giggled, tossing her hair over her shoulder. “Hey, Kade,” she teased, wiggling her fingers at him.

  “Hey, Courtney,” he answered. “How’s the princess this morning?”

  “I’ll be much better after breakfast.”

  Caleb walked in behind her with bloodshot eyes and matted hair. His baggy T-shirt and long basketball shorts were wrinkled.

  “What’s up, everyone?” he asked.

  “Obviously, not you,” Kade replied.

  He rolled his eyes. “That’s for sure. I could have slept a few more hours.”

  “It’s nice to see you too, Caleb,” I chuckled. “Late night of video games?”

  “Yep,” he yawned, rubbing his eyes. “I beat one of the hardest levels.”

  “Looks and smells like someone’s winning at life.” Courtney waved a hand in front of her face.

  “Ha-ha. At least, I’m having fun,” he countered.

  “Everyone take a seat,” Miss Lily ordered, bringing a tray of drinks to the table.

  “Miss Lily, we can get our own drinks,” I said.

  “I know you can,” she answered. “But like I said before, serving all of you brings me joy. If I didn’t love you all as much as I do, then I’d let you get your own drinks.” She winked and exited.

  Alaine and Samuel ambled in shortly after, looking bright and beautiful. I hoped I’d look as good as she did at whatever age she was. Her auburn hair was pulled back into a low ponytail, and she was wearing a fitted black suit with a white, collared undershirt. Her face was luminous with very little makeup.

  Samuel was just as put together, only he wore blue jeans and a simple black T-shirt.

  How could they be so perfectly assembled in the mornings?

  They greeted everyone and then sat across from us. Alaine placed a folder on the table and opened it. In it were papers, neatly typed, with specific bullet points highlighted. I couldn’t wait. The suspense was killing me, so I asked, “Did you make contact with Midway?”

  “I did,” she answered with a smile. “This morning, I confirmed the Guardians were sent. And they assured me someone would be made available to watch over Jeremy and Lia. I have also made flight arrangements for them to arrive this afternoon.” She glanced down at her watch. “In approximately nine hours, twelve minutes, and thirty-six seconds.”

  I was blown away at her efficiency.

  “You’re a machine,” I exhaled. “Was it hard to get them to come?”

  Her smile lingered as she glanced down at her itinerary. “Not at all. All I had to do was ask. Lia wouldn’t let me finish explaining the details before she started packing. But Jeremy requested that I send an itinerary to his email so he could look it over. I sent it immediately. A car should be picking them up shortly and taking them to the airport.”

  Kade grabbed my hand. “See? Now you won’t have to worry about your friends.”

  “I don’t think I’ll stop worrying until they’re standing inside the barrier.”

  “Soon,” he whispered
in my ear, kissing me lightly on the cheek.

  Caleb moaned. “It’s too early for that. Get a room.”

  “Shut-up, Caleb,” Courtney snapped. “You’re just jealous.”

  “Whatever, wench. Leave me alone.”

  Her face twisted. “Maybe you should go back to your room, you sleep-deprived jerkwad. And brush your dang hair. You’re embarrassing.”

  Alaine held up her hand. “Okay, that’s enough,” she said. “How about we all get something to eat?”

  “Yes,” Caleb cheered, jumping up and heading toward the buffet.

  As we all slid our chairs back, the doorbell rang.

  “Are we expecting anyone?” Courtney asked.

  Miss Lily stuck her head in the room. “Would you like me to answer that?”

  “No, thank you,” Alaine answered.

  “Where’s Henry?” Caleb asked.

  “I gave Henry the week off to visit his sister,” Alaine replied. “Emma, would you and Kade be so kind as to answer the door?”

  “Sure,” I said.

  We headed down the hallway toward the front door and the doorbell rang again. Just as I twisted the knob and swung the door open, two muscular arms opened up to greet me.

  “Here I am to save the day,” he sang.

  I gasped, surprised to see his handsome, beaming face.

  “Emma! I see I’ve rendered you speechless.” Dom winked, scooping me up into a tight hug, only to swing me in a circle. “You missed me, didn’t you?”

  I squealed at the speed in which he swung me.

  “Yes, of course. We all have,” I answered.

  He gently placed me back on my feet and whispered in my ear, loud enough for Kade to hear. “Yes, but you missed me most, didn’t you?” He placed his finger to my lips. “You don’t have to say it out loud. I know you were thinking it.”

  “Dom, you ass,” Kade laughed, slapping him on the back.

  “My brother from another mother,” he chimed, turning to greet Kade with a huge bear hug, picking him up and setting him down. “Still alive and kicking, I see.”

  “For the moment,” Kade replied. “So, how have you been?”

  “Dude, they’ve kept me busy. You know how much Ephraim loves me. The butt-head sent me out on a few missions, to the most freaking remote areas on the planet. I swear he did it on purpose.”


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