Wings of Vengeance (Hidden Wings Series Book Five)

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Wings of Vengeance (Hidden Wings Series Book Five) Page 3

by Cameo Renae

  “Where’d you go?” I asked.

  “South Africa, Tibet, and Siberia, just to name a few. When I finally arrived in Siberia, I knew it was something personal.” His eyes narrowed. “The next time I see Ephraim.” Dom cracked his knuckles. “That old dude’s gonna get it.”

  There was a shuffle outside so Dom took a step backward and peeked around the corner. “Come on, man. Don’t be shy. They don’t bite. Well, maybe the female does.”

  “Dom,” I scolded.

  He chuckled as another figure stepped around the corner into our view.

  I froze, gazing at a familiar face.

  But how?

  My legs felt weak and my insides twisted in complete bewilderment.

  “Surprise!” Dom cheered.

  “Malachi?” My voice trembled.

  “Emma,” Dom exasperated, shaking his head. “Malachi died. It was pretty tragic. Don’t you remember? This is Mark, his twin.”

  It took me a few moments to process his words. “Twins?”

  “Isn’t it crazy? This is some first level déjà vu!” Dom laughed, slapping Mark on the shoulder.

  I studied Mark’s face, and it was uncanny how identical he was to Malachi, aside from a small birthmark on his right cheek, and the fact that he was clean shaven. “Malachi never mentioned a twin brother.”

  “If you remember, Malachi wasn’t much of a conversationalist. He kept his personal life private,” Dom answered.

  He was right. I didn’t know anything about Malachi’s family.

  I stepped closer to Mark and held out my hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m so sorry about the loss of your brother. I knew him for a short while, and he was a good friend.”

  Mark took hold of my hand, raised it to his lips, and gave it a kiss. “The pleasure is mine. He didn’t have many friends, but you all were important to him.”

  His voice was warm and much more pleasant than Malachi’s. “My brother told me a lot about all of you. He sent word home a few times and especially had good things to say about you, Emma. His death was honorable. It was how he wanted it to be…giving his life for his friends.”

  His words broke my heart all over again. “He will never be forgotten,” I said.

  Mark tipped his head. “Thank you.”

  “Our brother Malachi will never be forgotten,” Dom added, “especially with his face plastered to this dude. Am I right?”

  “Dom,” Kade scolded. “Way to be sympathetic.”

  “Man, I loved that guy, and he knew it. Having Mark here is kind of like he’s back with us.” He took in a deep breath. “Damn. I smell Miss Lily’s food,” he said pushing past us. “Miss Lily! Miss Lily, I’m here,” he hollered down the hall.

  “Dominic!” Her voice sounded happy to hear his. “The food is waiting for you back here.”

  “God, I missed this place,” he mumbled to himself. “Come on, Mark. The grub here is to die for.”

  “Welcome,” Kade said, extending his hand to Mark. “It’s nice to have you here.”

  “Thank you,” he replied, shaking his hand. “I was surprised they chose me for this assignment.”

  “Let’s go eat and get you introduced to the rest of the family,” Kade said, closing the door and leading us to the dining room.

  After introductions were given, we made our plates of food and joined the group. Throughout breakfast, I couldn’t help but glance at Mark, realizing he might think I was being creepy. But I wasn’t the only one. I caught Courtney and Caleb staring as well. The resemblance was uncanny. It was as if Malachi were still here...until he opened his mouth, and his cheery disposition reminded us it was definitely not Malachi.

  “So tell us exactly why we’ve been sent?” Dom questioned, his eyes narrowing on me. “You stirring up trouble again, Emma?”

  I smirked, biting a piece of bacon. “It’s trouble that seems to find me.”

  Alaine daintily dabbed her lips with a napkin. “You were sent because we’ve received a warning for a real threat,” she explained. “It appears Lucian had a daughter; a Nephilim kept secret all these years. She caught word of her father’s death and blames Emma.”

  Dom rolled his eyes. “This massive threat is being led by a hormonal teenage Nephilim?”

  “Seems that way,” Caleb puffed, with his eyes still on his plate.

  “Maybe she’s PMSing,” Courtney suggested.

  “No way,” Kade added. “Bane found out and warned us, putting his life in peril. We watched as they beheaded him. They are out there gathering an army, and we know Lucifer is in on it. He plans to ride this out from behind his walls in Hell.”

  “And Midway only sent us?” Mark questioned pointing between him and Dominic.

  “Dude, they recognize the skills,” Dom answered flexing his bicep. “It’s about time.”

  “It’s probably more like Ephraim’s hoping you won’t return,” I laughed.

  Dom sighed. “I wouldn’t doubt it.” His mood switched and his face brightened. “Before I forget, I have something to show you that will blow you all away.”

  He took a swig of his drink and slammed it on the table. Then, he walked to the side so everyone could see him.

  “Well?” Kade asked.

  “Girls, you might want to turn away. This could make your relationship’s falter.”

  “Whatever.” I giggled.

  Miss Lily peaked in from the kitchen with a beaming smile. “I’m not missing this.”

  Dom lifted his shirt over his head, slower than necessary, revealing his six-pack abs and perfect chest. I couldn’t help but feel a little pitter-patter in my chest. He was gorgeous and perfectly formed, but he also knew this and flaunted it.

  He lifted his arms and closed his eyes. “Behold.”

  White wings unfolded and spread to his sides. They were majestic and looked as soft as velvet.

  Miss Lily clapped her hands in excitement. “Wow, that’s amazing.”

  “Oh, my!” I gasped.

  “Right?” he puffed, un-ruffling them. “I guess the creator saw fit.”

  “They are well deserved,” Alaine said with a warm smile.

  “Yeah, man. They’re pretty awesome,” Kade said. “I’m kind of swooning over you right now.” He gave Dom a wink and an air kiss.

  “Emma, do something. I’m not that kind of guy,” Dom said with a lowered voice.

  “You don’t have to worry about him. I’ll be sure to keep him straight,” I said.

  “You’re freaking lucky, dude. I hope you know that,” Dom said.

  “Every minute of every day,” Kade answered.

  “They are stunning,” Samuel added. “Congratulations. Every one of you who fought deserved wings.”

  “I wonder if Thomas and Alex received theirs?” Dom asked. “I haven’t seen them since we left here. We’ve all been sent on separate assignments.” He turned to Mark. “I know Malachi would have wings if he were still here.”

  “Thanks,” Mark answered. “Your wings are awesome.”

  Dom folded them behind his back making them disappear.

  Caleb reached and picked up Dom’s shirt and threw it to him. “Here. Before I start to get a complex.”

  “All it takes is a lot of hard work and discipline, little man.” Dom popped his chest, making his pecs bounce. “You probably won’t ever look this good, but you could look somewhat decent.” He threw his shirt back on.

  “Not to change the subject,” Mark said. “But who told Lucian’s daughter Emma killed him? Wasn’t Lucifer the one who dealt the deadly blow?”

  Dom scoffed. “Lucifer pounded Lucian’s face into the concrete with his fist until he was unrecognizable, cut off his wings, then decapitated him. I’d say he’s guilty.”

  “Yes,” Samuel added. “But when it comes down to it, Lucifer’s burning revenge, along with the Nephilim’s hatred, has seemingly caused a perfect storm.”

  “Pfft,” Dom huffed. “The perfect storm is right here.” He made a fist and held it o
ut to Mark, whose eyes narrowed on him. “Pound it, bro.”

  Mark shrugged. “Okay.” He cocked back his arm, then slammed his fist against Dom’s.

  Dom paused with an unreadable look on his face.

  “Dude, you’ve got some serious power packed in that punch.”

  Mark gave a crooked grin. “A gift that runs in our family.”

  “You’re not freaking kidding.” Dom shook out his hand. “I’m never fist-bumping you again. My hand is numb.” He turned his knuckles up to his lips and kissed them. “You’ll be okay,” he whispered. “But that was pretty freaking amazing. Malachi packed a punch too, but not nearly as powerful as yours.”

  “He must have been holding back because his was much harder than mine.”

  “Wow,” Dom whispered to himself. “I guess he did love me.”

  “Does anyone know Lucian’s daughters name?” Caleb asked.

  “Lilith,” I answered.

  “Eww,” Courtney moaned. “It’s like Miss Lily’s name.”

  Miss Lily popped her head back into the room. “No darling. Lily is the name of a spring flower, which symbolizes beauty and purity. The name Lilith is linked to a night monster. In Jewish mythology, Lilith is known as a female demon.”

  “How in the world did you know that?” Courtney gasped.

  Miss Lily grinned, “I read. Now, would anyone like something from the kitchen? I’ll be shutting down and getting ready for lunch soon.”

  “No, thank you,” Alaine answered. “We’re all finished here. Breakfast was amazing as usual.”

  “Thank you, Ms. Gray.” She tipped her head, then disappeared back into the kitchen.

  “I think Miss Lily is hiding some deep, dark secrets from us,” Dom said. “Are you sure she’s mortal?”

  Alaine laughed. “We’re lucky to have her.”

  “So when are Jeremy and Lia coming?” Caleb asked.

  “This afternoon,” Courtney answered. “Weren’t you paying attention?”

  “Yeah, but she didn’t give a time.”

  “They’ll be arriving at around five-thirty into Fairbanks,” Alaine supplied. “Two vehicles will be sent to pick them and their Guardians up.”

  “Can we go?” Caleb asked, his eyes wide with hope.

  “Not this time. I’m sorry, but it’s too much of a risk to have you out there.”

  “Are we housebound again?” Courtney’s head dropped to the table.

  “Yes. Just until we figure out a way to end this civilly, if that’s even possible. Unfortunately for us, the Fallen aren’t civilized,” Alaine answered. “But your friends will be here soon, so we’ll make the most of our time inside.”

  “Fine.” Caleb sighed.

  “She’s doing it for your protection,” I added. “And take this seriously, please. You can’t be outside unprotected from here on out. Anything can happen.”

  “Oh, I know,” Caleb replied. “Believe me. I don’t want a repeat of my Lucian/Darkling hostage incident. Being in that cave freaking sucked. Those creatures stunk so badly, my eyes watered and I thought my nose was going to fall off.”

  “Yeah, those stinkers are nasty,” Dom said grabbing another plate of food before the buffet shut down.

  “I haven’t seen any Darkling in a while,” I added.

  “That’s because no one’s been sending them,” Samuel said. “They won’t come unless they’re called upon.”

  “Do you think they’ll be back?” Courtney looked alarmed.

  “If Lucian’s Fallen are involved, which they are, then it’s almost sure the Darkling will be involved. Pawns. It’s all they are,” Kade replied, taking my emptied plate and putting it on his.

  “Can they still get through the barrier?” she questioned.

  “Yes, but we have a better security system,” Alaine said, trying to reassure her.

  “Is there any way to put bars on my windows?”

  “Darling, you won’t need them,” Alaine assured. “There will be two Guardians on constant guard, and the barrier is much bigger and stronger than before.”

  “How much bigger?” she questioned.

  “It covers the entire property. We also have an upgraded alarm system that will notify us if anything moves out there.”

  “Princess, we’re here now so you can rest easy,” Dom said. “I’ve missed the action with those stinkers. They may look terrifying but they’re easy kills.”

  “Easy for immortals,” Caleb groaned.

  “One day soon, you’ll be much bigger, and better able to protect yourself.” Kade laughed.

  “But you’ll still need these bad boys for protection.” Dom flexed his biceps. “They’ll always be available to you since we’re family now.”

  “Gee, thanks,” Caleb said, stabbing a breakfast potato with his fork.

  “Don’t be hatin’,” Dom said. “Remember, I wasn’t the one who made you mortal.”

  “Is there a way for us to become immortal?” Courtney asked.

  “No,” Alaine answered immediately. “It’s why we have Guardians.”

  Everyone remained quiet and it made me wonder. Was there a way to turn a mortal into an immortal? It’d worked for Kade. But then again, he was born an immortal and his parents were highly ranked. I’d ask him about it later.

  After breakfast, Dom and Mark had been taken to their rooms, Courtney and Caleb went back to their rooms, and Kade and I headed over to the cottage.

  “Stop worrying,” he said as we got home and closed the door.

  “I wish I could. I just don’t like waiting and wondering about their safety from LA to here.”

  “They have Guardians and Watchers who will be keeping an eye on them, just like they did for you.”

  I nodded, not wanting to bring up the Darkling incident in the bathroom. Hopefully, we would catch Jeremy and Lia before they used the restrooms in Fairbanks.

  “Will we be leaving early?”

  “Yes. We’ll be there way before their plane lands. Samuel is in charge, so I’m sure he’ll give us instructions before we leave.”

  I sighed and he ran his hands up and down my arms.

  “Don’t worry, we won’t let anything happen to your friends.”

  “I know. But the last time we picked them up from the airport, it didn’t turn out so good.”

  “They don’t remember a thing.”

  “Yeah, but I do.” I ran my hands down my face.

  “Hey,” he took my hands into his, “this time, you’ll be there to help. None of us can make any guarantees, but if something does happen, we’ll be there and we will be ready.”

  He pulled me into his arms.

  “I hope their Guardians are thorough,” I said into his chest.

  “All Guardians are.” He kissed my forehead and stood back to look at me. “It’s their duty and the only way they’re able to advance; completing their assignments to the best of their ability, even unto death.”

  Even unto death. The words felt like a dagger to my chest. Images played through my mind of Danyel, James, Malachi, Ethon, and now Bane. Each of them gave their lives to keep us safe. Their untimely deaths would live forever in my heart.

  “Does every mortal have a Guardian?” I asked.

  “Teams of angels who possess gifts of precognition are sent out to collect information. They determine which mortals need Guardians to intervene, then they contact Midway, who appoints Guardians for each particular assignment. Unfortunately, not everyone receives a Guardian. It’s not that they don’t deserve one, it’s fate who decides.”

  “It’s almost been a year and it’s becoming clear I still know little about my new life.”

  He laughed, his warm breath tickling my ear. “You have a lot of time to figure it out. It’s not that complicated.”

  “The only thing I’m sure about in my life is standing right in front of me.”

  He hugged me closer. “I was the lucky one. I still remember the day I met you like it was only moments ago.” He laced his fing
ers through mine. “The strange buzz in the air as I walked toward your hospital room. I saw so much pain and sadness when I looked into your eyes, and then…you zapped me. From that day on, my life has never been the same.”

  “Mine either, and I wouldn’t change a thing,” I said.

  “You complete me, Emma.” His full lips gently caressed mine, and the buzz that had been there from the beginning entwined its magic around us. Kade whisked me up in his arms and carried me into the bedroom.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Relieving some of your stress,” he smirked.

  I squealed as he tossed me on the bed.

  ALAINE CALLED EVERYONE TOGETHER AN hour before our departure. We sat around the dining table and waited for our instructions from Samuel.

  He sat at the table with a cup of coffee. “All right, we will be separating in case anything happens on our way. Kade and Emma, you will be flying. Emma, you’ll need to keep both of you invisible for the duration of the trip. Is that possible?” I nodded, squeezing Kade’s hand even tighter. “Dom, you will be driving the first vehicle with Mark, and I’ll be driving a second behind you. Everyone will have a walkie.” He turned toward Kade and me. “If either of you sees anything out of the ordinary, radio in.”

  “Got it,” Kade agreed.

  “Are you all ready?”

  “We were born ready,” Dom cheered. He placed his two carved blades on the table. They were freshly sharpened and gleaming. Mark took out his weapon and wiped the razor sharp blade with his napkin. We all recognized it immediately.

  “It was Malachi’s,” he said. “My father gave it to me. It’s the only thing I have of his. Having this will be like he’s here with me.”

  “He was a great warrior,” Alaine said. “As I’m sure you are as well.”

  “Thank you,” Mark replied. “I hope so.”

  “You’ve got this, bro,” Dom added, patting him on the back.

  “All right, everyone pack up. I’d like to arrive early, and make sure we’re in place before they disembark the plane.”

  “Will their Guardian’s be with them?” I asked.

  “Yes, but your friends don’t know they’re there,” Alaine answered.


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