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Wings of Vengeance (Hidden Wings Series Book Five)

Page 4

by Cameo Renae

  “Good idea. They would both freak if they knew,” I exhaled. “Do you happen to know who their Guardians are?”

  “No, I’m sorry. Midway made the arrangements. We won’t know who they are until they arrive.”

  Samuel stood from his seat and leaned over to Alaine, giving her a kiss.

  “We should get moving.”

  “Be safe,” she whispered.

  “We will.” He grinned. They melted my heart.

  The rest of the group prepared to leave while Kade and I went to retrieve our weapons. Michael’s dagger was still in my possession, and I placed the amulet Alaine gave me around my neck. I wanted to be doubly sure I would know if evil was near.

  We all met in the entryway, and Samuel handed Kade a walkie.

  “Emma you and Kade should be invisible before you leave the house, for safety purposes.”

  “Good idea,” Kade agreed. As we walked toward the door, he stopped me. His brow rose. “So, what do you say? I’ll do the flying and you do the scouting?”

  “Agreed. I’m totally getting the better end of the deal.”

  “Good. I was wondering if you preferred flying.”

  “Are you kidding? And miss the chance of being wrapped in your arms the entire trip?”

  I made us invisible as his lips crashed down against mine. Then, we were bumped from behind.

  “What the hell?” Dom blurted. “Emma, is that you? What the heck are you doing standing in the middle of the hallway, invisible?”

  I sighed and became visible. Kade’s arms were still wrapped around me.

  “Are you kidding me?” Dom rolled his eyes walking past us. “It’s like you two were freaking bonded or something.”

  Kade laughed, lowering his arm to fit around my waist. “You ready?”

  “With you…always,” I answered, making us invisible again.

  As we walked out the door, he swooped me into his arms, pressing me firmly against his chest and shot into the sky.

  Wrapped securely in his arms, I pulled the walkie from my pocket and held it tightly in my hand. Below, were the two black Land Rovers. Dom was in front and Samuel was following close behind, as planned. I scanned the vast area around us, trying to catch any noxious or smoky scents on the breeze. At the moment, it was clear.

  ONCE WE WERE INSIDE THE airport lobby, I let go of Kade, making us visible again. As soon as we released, everything around me spun out of control. My legs felt hollow, and the corners of my eyes darkened.

  “Hey, are you all right?” Kade asked, putting his arm around me.

  “I feel a little lightheaded. It’s probably the length I held the invisibility. In the past few days I’ve held it longer than I ever have, and I think the strain is getting to me.”

  “Do you want me to get you something to drink?” he asked.

  “No, I’m fine,” I breathed, leaning on him for support. “I just need to rest.”

  Kade tightened his arm around me, leading me to a nearby bench.

  “I’ll let Samuel know you’ll need to ride back in the vehicle. We need you healthy.”

  I knew he was right. There was no way I could hold the invisibility on the way back. I could barely walk as it was, and knew it would weaken me to the point of passing out.

  “You’re looking paler than usual.”

  “I’ll be fine,” I said reassuringly. “I just need to rest.”

  He sat down next to me and patted his lap. “Why don’t you take a short nap? I’ll keep an eye out and wake you if anything happens.”

  I gladly accepted the offer. I was too weak to disagree. Resting my head on his lap, a cold sweat blanketed my body, sending a shiver down my spine. I hadn’t felt this way since I was human. I felt weak and vulnerable, like I was coming down with a cold.

  Kade ran his hand over the top of my head. Tingles pricked my skin, as he leaned over and whispered softly in my ear, “Sleep, my Emma.”

  I gave in and within a few seconds, faded into darkness.

  THE PLANE HAD LANDED AND we were waiting at the exit gate. I felt better after my nap but still wasn’t a hundred percent. A hoard of people headed our way, and my stomach fluttered with butterflies. It was always great to see my best friends, and I hoped their arrival would be safe this time.

  “There,” Kade said pointing.

  Around the corner came a young man, short hair neatly combed back with no glasses and wearing a bright orange and brown aloha shirt, khaki shorts, and long orange tube socks with loafers.

  “Jeremy!” I called.

  His head snapped up, and his face brightened as he waved back. From behind him, Lia jumped up and down trying to see past the people ahead of her.

  “Emma!” she squealed.

  Lia jogged toward us, dragging her luggage behind her. A few feet away, she dropped her bag and crashed into me, smothering me with a hug.

  “Oh my God, look at you. And look at him,” she whispered. “You two look like magazine models. You sicken me.”

  “Hey, Lia,” Kade grinned.

  “Hi, Kade,” she blushed, breathless.

  I giggled as I watched her swoon over my man.

  “And look at you!” I said. “You cut your hair. I love it.” It was short and ended right above her shoulders.

  “You think so? I wanted to try something new. Do you like the color?”

  “I love it,” I said, grabbing the ends. It was an ombré, from her natural dark brown to a deep purple.

  Jeremy stood in front of us, his eyes narrowed on Lia, while his arms crossed in front of his chest. “Excuse me, miss. You dropped your bag in the middle of the walkway and people are trying to exit,” he said, exasperated.

  “Oh, crap,” she exhaled, quickly retrieving her bag and dragging it to the side.

  “Jeremy, look at you,” I said wrapping him in a hug. He held out his hand to Kade and shook it. “You look so different.”

  He thumbed toward Lia. “Yeah, Miss Priss over here thought I should try something new before I went to college.”

  “Doesn’t he look so much better?” Lia chimed. “Well, his hair does at least. I’m still trying to work on his wardrobe.”

  “There is nothing wrong with my wardrobe.”

  “Not if you’re a tourist in Hawaii, or on a safari. That outfit is screaming ‘help me!’”

  I laughed at their banter.

  “God, I’m glad you’re both back,” I said throwing my arms around their shoulders. “Let’s get moving.”

  Jeremy’s eyes flitted around us. “Did Courtney and Caleb come?”

  “Not this time, sorry. They’re waiting at the house for you though and are very excited.”

  “Well, then…what are we waiting for?” Lia grabbed her bag and wheeled it around me.

  “Emma, Kade!” A voice called out from behind us.

  When we turned, two familiar faces were headed toward us, smiling ear-to-ear.

  I gasped. “Thomas, Alex!” I called back, waving to them. They each had duffels thrown over their shoulders and were headed our way.

  “Were you guys on our flight?” Lia asked.

  “Yeah, we were in the back of the plane,” Thomas said. “We’re here on business.”

  “Oh my God, how awesome is that?” Lia puffed. “We’re visiting for a while.”

  “It’ll be like one huge reunion,” I added, throwing my arms out to the sides.

  Kade greeted them and took them off to the side to brief them on what was going on.

  “So, are there any more beautiful surprises out there?” Lia asked.

  “Dom.” I wiggled my brow.

  “Oh my God,” Lia exhaled, fanning herself. “My secret immortal crush. That guy is God-like. His body and face make me want to faint.” She looked behind her. “Well, Kade’s face is just as gorgeous, but he’s already taken.”

  “Yeah, so keep your hands to yourself.” She rolled her eyes at my lame warning. “Are you two ready to ditch this joint?” I asked.

  “Wait, we
have luggage,” Lia said, turning toward Jeremy.

  Thomas stepped right behind us. “We’ll grab your bags since we’re headed that way. Do you have your claim tickets?”

  “I do,” Lia said, digging through her matching purple purse. Jeremy reached into his pocket and handed his ticket to Thomas.

  “Both of our suitcases have bright pink ribbons tied to the handles,” Lia said, handing Thomas her ticket.

  “It was all her idea.” Jeremy thumbed.

  “Sure, dude,” Thomas said patting him on the shoulder. “It’s all good.”

  Jeremy sighed, giving into his defeat.

  “Alright, let’s get you loaded into the car,” I said. “Follow me.”

  SAMUEL DISCREETLY STOOD NEAR THE exit and gave a nod before he disappeared outside. He would be driving Thomas and Alex back to the house.

  As we made our way out, Lia gasped, “Is that…”

  I smiled, knowing what she was thinking. “That’s Mark, Malachi’s twin brother.”

  “Oh wow. He’s just as beefy and beautiful. Do any more of them have twins?”

  “No,” I laughed. “We didn’t even know Malachi had a twin until this morning when he showed up at the door.”

  “It was sweet of Alaine to invite us up here, although short notice. She said there was some awesome flight deal, and there was no way I was passing that up. I’m totally going to enjoy this vacation.” She leaned forward and whispered in my ear. “Will all the hot guys be staying at the house?”

  “Yep. They’re having a business meeting.” I was trying to keep the conversation vague, as not to scare them.

  “Business meeting?” Jeremy asked. It was just like him to want answers.

  “Yeah, some top-secret immortal thing.”

  He nodded his head slowly. “Sure. Whatever you say.”

  I patted him on the back. “The main thing is, we’re together and we’ll have fun. Right?”

  “Right!” Lia chimed.

  We all climbed into the vehicle.

  Kade and I took the back seat while Lia and Jeremy slid into the middle.

  “Hey, Lia. It’s good to see you again.” Dom broke out his sultry voice just for her.

  Lia turned and squeezed my arm. She was speechless until Jeremy elbowed her.

  “Ouch, you douche,” she blurted, then looked to Dom. “I mean, it’s nice to see you too. You’re looking very dashing.” She swallowed hard, and her cheeks blushed bright red.

  “Just breathe,” I whispered from behind her.

  “This feels like déjà vu,” Dom said.

  Kade glanced over to me and mouthed, “How are you?”

  “Good,” I whispered.

  He took hold of my hand and kissed it. He never failed to melt my insides. He was so caring and always looking out for my best interests. I found myself automatically moving closer to him; I couldn’t help it. Tight enclosures seemed to tug us together.

  “Ahem,” Jeremy cleared his throat.

  “Hey. What’s up?” I asked.

  “Do you have anything planned for the next few weeks?”

  “I’m not sure,” I said. “Alaine thought it would be fun to have you both up, and she likes to keep things a surprise.”

  “Oh, that masquerade ball was incredible. I don’t know how she threw that together so quickly.”

  “She should be a party planner, it’s true,” I said. “So tell me about what you’ve been up to. I feel completely out of the loop.” That simple question was enough to keep Lia talking through most of the trip.

  About five miles away from home, we slowed to a stop. There was a roadblock ahead. A tree was down in the middle of the road.

  “What the hell?” Dom huffed.

  I turned to Kade, concerned because it looked like it had been pushed right over with the roots still attached.

  “Be ready,” he whispered.

  An odd feeling pricked at my skin, and the amulet around my neck glowed bright red.

  “Something’s wrong,” I said a little too loud.

  “What's going on?” Lia questioned, turning around. Her eyes locked onto my brightly glowing amulet. “Whoa, where’d you get that? It’s so cool.”

  “It was a gift,” I said, trying to remain calm.

  Inside, my heart was racing because I knew danger was close by.

  “Emma, your friends are looking pretty sleepy back there,” Dom said.

  “What?” Jeremy looked at me with a furrowed brow. “I’m not tired.”

  Kade took my hand and squeezed. My heart ached. I wanted to tell Lia and Jeremy the truth, and he knew it. I glanced at him and he shook his head.

  “Hey, what’s going on?” Lia asked, looking at me with wide eyes.

  “They’re looking mighty sleepy,” Dom said even louder.

  Jeremy turned back to me. “Why is he saying that?”

  I closed my eyes wishing I could disappear.

  “Emma, are we in danger?” Lia asked.

  “No,” I lied, trying to think of something, while Dom was on the radio talking to Samuel. Soon, the other vehicle pulled up on the right side of us and all three of them jumped out.

  “Emma.” Lia was shaking, obviously at the beginning of having a panic attack.

  Jeremy turned to me and pointed to her. “Put her out.”

  “What? What the hell are you talking about?” Lia snapped.

  “I’m sorry, Lia,” I said.

  At the same time, Kade leaned over and whispered in her ear, “Sleep.”

  Her eyes rolled back and she fell onto Jeremy’s lap, snoring.

  Kade moved toward him, but Jeremy held up his hands and backed away.

  “I’d like to stay coherent, please,” he begged.

  I shook my head. “Jeremy, I don’t think—”

  “Please, Emma. I can help.”

  “As long as he doesn’t freak out, he should be fine,” Dom said, then turned around to face Jeremy. “First sign of human weakness, and I’ll put you out like a light.”


  “Watch Lia,” I breathed.

  “I will, even though she’s a pain in the ass,” he said.

  “Please stay here. We’ll be right back,” I urged.

  “Okay,” he promised, crossing his heart.

  Kade and I exited the vehicle and met the others. We all walked off the road toward the fallen tree.

  “What do you think did this?” Mark asked.

  Thomas sniffed around the tree. “I don’t smell any Fallen.”

  “Something’s out there,” I said. My amulet was still glowing.

  Alex pointed. “They’re downwind. They have to be.”

  Samuel turned to the group. “Emma, I need you and Kade to take your friends home. We’ll follow behind, in the air, but I need you to keep them invisible. If they attack, they’ll hit the weakest ones.”

  He was right. They must know my friends were here, or they wouldn’t have set up this roadblock.

  “I think I can do it.” Kade shot me a look, so I reached out and squeezed his hand whispering, “I have to give it a try.” I wanted to remain positive. I did feel better, just not one hundred percent. We were only around five miles away, so I was pretty sure the odds were in our favor.

  Dom pointed at Thomas and Alex. “Did you guys—”

  Before he finished his sentence, they both called their wings.

  “We’re even more badass than before,” Alex pumped his fist in the air.

  “I guess I’m the only wingless one, besides the humans over there,” Mark said.

  “Don’t worry, man,” Dom replied. “I’ve got you covered.”

  Mark didn’t seem too happy about it, but it was the only way he was getting back to the house.

  “What about the vehicles?” he asked.

  “We’ll pull them off to the side and come back for them later,” Samuel replied, handing him the keys. “First, let’s push the tree out of the road to remove the obstacle.”

  As the bre
eze picked up, it carried a putrid scent with it.

  “Darkling,” he whispered. “Be vigilant.”

  Kade placed his hands on my shoulders, his eyes searching mine. “Are you sure you’re up for this?”

  “You know I’ll do anything to save my friends.”

  “I know you would,” he sighed with a concerned smile. “And I’ll do anything to keep you safe. I just need to know you’re strong enough.”

  “I will be,” I said wishfully.

  “I’ll be right next to you. If you need me—”

  “I know. I’ll be fine,” I said.

  Dom, Mark, Thomas, and Alex got busy pushing the tree out of the road, so they could pull the vehicles off to the side, hiding them in the trees.

  “Why haven’t they attacked yet?” Mark asked.

  “Should we attack them first?” Dom blurted, readying his daggers.

  “No. We don’t fight unless we have to,” Samuel said. “We’re close to home. We need to make sure everyone gets inside the barrier safely.”

  “The barrier doesn’t work for the stinkers,” Dom said.

  “We can take care of them once we get inside,” Thomas said. “Oh, and it’s been a while since my blade’s been cleaned.” He looked to Dom for a challenge.

  Dom’s smile widened.

  Kade arrived at the vehicle and took Jeremy to the side, giving him a quick explanation of what was going on, and what was expected of him. Jeremy seemed unbelievably calm and collected, nodding along and agreeing to everything he said.

  I folded Lia over my shoulder as Jeremy awkwardly climbed on Kade’s back. I glanced at him and felt emotionally overwhelmed.

  “I’m so sorry,” I whispered.

  “It’s always an adventure with you.” He smiled.

  “Ready?” Kade asked, holding out his hand to me.

  “Ready.” I laced my fingers through his, and all four of us disappeared.

  We called our wings and took to the sky, the rest following closely behind.

  We flew as fast as we could, and nearly a mile away from home, I felt a tremor run through my body. And then another one. The corners of my eyes clouded over, and a cold sweat blanketed my skin.

  No, no, no. I had to hold myself together. I had to get my friends inside of the barrier.

  But using my gift on all four of us was more than I could handle in my already weakened state, and I felt Lia slipping from my grasp.


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