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Wings of Vengeance (Hidden Wings Series Book Five)

Page 17

by Cameo Renae

  I knew he would try. “You know she will kill everyone in here if I don’t.”

  “She will kill everyone regardless.”

  “Not if I can kill her first.”

  “Emma, you’re injured,” he said, rubbing his hand gently down my shoulder.

  “I have scars from an injury, and can fight just as well as I ever have.”

  He sighed. “You don’t always have to be strong,” he breathed, pressing his lips to my cheek. “But just know, we will all be behind you.”

  “That’s why I have the advantage over her,” I said. “I’ll be fighting for all of you, and that’s all the motivation I need to win.”

  He smiled and whisked me up into his strong arms. “I love you, Emma. I don’t think you will ever know how much.”

  “If it’s anything close to the way I feel about you, then I do.”

  He chuckled and carried me up the stairs. I rested my head on his shoulder savoring the short moment wrapped in his arms.

  Inside the bedroom, he placed me down and closed the door.

  “We don’t have much time,” he said pressing his lips against mine.

  “Don’t you believe in me?” I asked.

  “You know I do. I’m just worried.”

  “It’s Lilith you should be worried about,” I grinned.

  He smiled and kissed me quick before gathering his clothes and weapons and heading into the bathroom. “I’ll be right out.”

  He stripped his shirt off and threw it at me. I caught it and placed it to my nose, smelling his sweet scent as he shut the door.

  Ambling over to the window, I glanced outside. The labyrinth looked especially lonely today as gray clouds spread across the sky, covering the sun. Black wings dotted the sky, filling me with a sense of dread.

  A loud knock at the door startled me. I walked over and opened it. It was Mark.

  “Alaine is gone.”

  “What do you mean gone? She was just here a few minutes ago. Have you looked in the safe room?”

  “We’ve checked everywhere. One minute she was here, and the next, she was gone. Samuel’s called her phone, but she cannot be reached. We fear she’s been taken.”

  “No,” I breathed, my insides crying out. It couldn’t be. Not Alaine. She was the last person I thought would fall prey to Lilith or her schemes.

  My world was spiraling out of control again. Nothing was going to hold me back now. She had Alaine and there was no way I would let her suffer anymore.

  What made it unbearable was Miss Lily had been sent home, so there was no way for me to find Alaine’s location under hypnosis. The only way was to confront Lilith.

  While Kade was in the bathroom, I quickly slipped out the door and ran down the stairs.

  “Emma!” Dom’s voice made me stop and turn around. He looked like he’d just woken up. His hair was a mess and his eyes were red. The bandage around his leg was spotted with blood. “Where are you going in such a hurry?”

  I broke down. “Alaine is gone. They’ve taken her,” I cried. Tears of anger cascaded down my cheeks.

  “Hey,” his eyes saddened, “we’ll find her. Maybe she went to Midway to ruffle up Ephraim’s feathers.”

  I shook my head. “Alaine was the third one in my dream. I have to put an end to this. Tell everyone to get ready.”

  I ran for the door.

  “Emma, wait!” I could hear his voice, but was unable to stop. When I reached the front door, I opened it and stepped outside, directly into hell’s front yard.

  The sky around the barrier was littered with Fallen. The air outside was overwhelmingly tainted with the foul scent of Darkling. Although I couldn’t see them, I knew they were there; and by the air’s pungency, there were a lot of them.

  I steeled my nerves and walked further into the front of the yard. I could feel my wings buzzing to be set free, but I didn’t want to make any sudden moves. Not yet.

  As soon as Lilith’s eyes spotted me, the corners of her lips turned up, almost as if she was happy to see me. She took flight and hovered just inside the barrier. My wings spread to my sides and carried me into the air.

  “I’m shocked they let their Miss Perfect go.” She snickered. “I seriously thought this would end in an all-out war.”

  I glared at her.

  “Where is Alaine?” That was the only thing I had to know.

  Her eyes narrowed, and it looked as if she didn’t know. Then they widened, along with a sly grin. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

  “Where is she?” I snapped.

  The only thing whirling through my mind was my last nightmare: of Alaine’s charred body, and the flesh melting off her bones. I wanted nothing more than to hurt Lilith, and she knew it. She was reveling in my pain.

  “You know, you’re a lucky girl, Emma. You’ve got a sexy guardian with a hot body, who is an amazing kisser.” She lingered on the word amazing and bit her lip. “His tongue is like fine silk. I almost got satisfied by him once, but we were rudely interrupted by your irritating little sister. It’s such a shame he thought I was you.”

  My hands balled up into fists so tight they ached. I was furious beyond speech.

  Did she think her words would weaken me? They only added fuel to the raging inferno inside. Bitch was about to get burned.

  Her wicked grin awakened an even deeper rage. She’d touched my Kade, and now, she would pay.

  MY WINGS RESPONDED TO MY emotions and took off toward her. With a flap of her wings, she barreled at me, full speed.

  When we collided, it was as if a bomb exploded. Our bodies were thrust in opposite directions, and I almost blacked out.

  Lilith unsheathed the sword from her back and attacked again. She swung with everything she had, but just before her blade hit, my wings wrapped around me, protecting my body from her strike. As they unfolded, my right wing swung around and sliced her arm.

  She gasped, looking at her wound.

  “Emma,” Kade yelled.

  As I turned, I noticed all the Guardians were outside standing in a line, ready to fight. Samuel and Dom were even with them. Each of their eyes had turned completely onyx, ready for battle.

  At lease a hundred Fallen were in the air behind Lilith, but they didn’t frighten me. The only thing I was afraid of was my last nightmare coming true.

  Kade called his wings and flew upward, coming to my aide. I held up my hand to stop him. His eyes were black as night, his wings outspread. I could see the worry and frustration in the lines of his brow. I smiled, attempting to reassure him.

  This battle was between Lilith and me.

  For that split second my back was turned, Lilith flew at me. She gripped my arm and with all of her might, thrust me outside the barrier. I tumbled through the air, my wings stopping the momentum a little too late, and I found myself surrounded by massive Fallen warriors.

  One raised his sword to strike me, but a dagger whizzed past my arm, hitting him directly in the middle of his chest. His breath hitched, the sword in his hand dropped, and his eyes turned ash white. He’d taken his last breath, as his lifeless body fell from the sky.

  With another blink, two more Fallen had daggers lodged in their chests. The others around them kept their distance as they watched the next two drop from the sky.

  I quickly glanced around and spotted Gwyn standing below me with another set of daggers in her hands. She’d thrown them with deadly accuracy, from at least a hundred yards away. When Gwyn saw me, she winked.

  “Holy shit! She’s freaking amazing,” Dom cheered, breaking the silence.

  Lilith’s rage and frustration burned deep in her eyes. “Darkling, attack!” she screamed.

  Hundreds of the Darkling emerged from the woods. Their hideous forms and deep growls reverberated through the air as they charged the house. Although they were cruelly outnumbered, I watched the Guardians give a battle cry and charge forward without fear.

  One of the Fallen moved toward me, but Lilith raised her sword to his chest and roar
ed, “She’s mine!”

  I grabbed my dagger and held it tight. Her dark eyes snapped back to me as she charged, weapon raised. I blocked her, immediately feeling the dagger warm in my hand. As I glanced down, I watched it lengthen into a sword.

  She swung again as I raised my new weapon. Our blades clashed, sending sparks raining down toward the earth. She was fast and apparently trained by skilled warriors. It took everything within me just to block her strikes and keep up with her techniques.

  My wings acted as both a shield and weapon, while also trying to keep me in the air.

  It would only take one simple mistake, by either of us, and it would end.

  Below us was utter chaos. Darkling bodies and blood littered the landscape. The sea of vile creatures was endless.

  Gwyn was standing in the middle of at least a dozen Darkling. She had a large sword on her back, but she was using her daggers, dropping the creatures before they reached her. Her brothers Garet and Gale were near her, each skillful and proficient with their long swords. Their bodies twisted and turned in a deadly dance, slaying whatever came at them.

  Dom and Gideon were at the barrier, trying to eliminate as much as they could before they flooded in. But they were coming in from all sides. Gideon’s massive frame stood out, and any Darkling that came within a six-foot radius were killed.

  I could hear Dom’s voice. “Shit! Freaking stinker just splattered blood in my mouth.” He spat, then let out a loud cry, slaying the Darkling with even more vigor.

  Thomas and Alex were fighting back to back and were a deadly pair.

  Kade and Mark stood on either side of Samuel, all three fighting like a well-oiled machine. I prayed none of them would get injured, or worse. I heard screams, but as much as I wanted to make sure they were all right, I was still in a fight for my life.

  Lilith hovered back a bit and sneered. “I wanted to keep you alive so you could watch everything you love disappear right in front of your eyes. But now, I just want you dead.” Her lips curled back.

  Her threat unlocked a power inside me I couldn’t control.

  She shot forward, swinging her blade at my face. My wings flipped me over, missing the strike by an inch.

  Now behind me, she wrapped her arm around my neck and squeezed with all her might, cutting off my air. I snapped my head backward, slamming it into her face, and heard a cracking sound. Reaching back, I grabbed hold of her hair and threw her over me with ease. Her body jettisoned through the air. She was like a rag doll, slamming into one of her Fallen.

  She was stunned, and shook from his arms. Her nose was bleeding, her face hard-set and enraged.

  “You bitch!” she cursed, before shifting her appearance.

  Kade now hovered in front of me. She was a perfect replica and it unnerved me.

  Kicking off of the Fallen, she shot toward me like a bullet, the sword held out in front, aimed directly at my chest.

  It happened so fast.

  Without thinking, I grabbed the sharp blade with my bare hand and pushed it away from my heart, but it penetrated my injured shoulder.

  Kade’s face glared at me. It made me lose focus, and I had to remind myself it wasn’t him.

  “It’s Lilith,” I whispered to myself.

  Grabbing hold of her arm, I pushed the blade deeper into my shoulder, effectively pulling her closer. In the same movement, I raised my sword and pushed it into her chest.

  Each of us impaled by the other’s weapon.

  Her eyes widened, and her breath seized. She looked down, examining the blade in her chest. Her appearance blinked, then slowly shifted back into her normal form.

  “Emma!” A familiar voice snapped me from my mental fog.

  I looked down to see Alaine running through the forest, with someone following closely behind her. The Fallen took notice, and a dozen flew in her direction.

  “Alaine!” I screamed, attempting to pull myself from Lilith’s blade.

  Lilith was gasping for air, clawing at my arms.

  Kade took to the air. He grabbed Samuel by the arms and dropped him next to Alaine, then took off toward the oncoming Fallen.

  I pulled myself back further, watching in horror as Kade bravely headed toward danger. Toward death. There were way too many for him, but he wasn’t slowing down. He was trying to keep them away from Samuel and Alaine.

  “No!” I screamed.

  The other Guardians were battling the wave of Darkling below and were unable to help.

  Finally, pushing back far enough, I released the blade from my shoulder, but Lilith grabbed onto my arm, her eyes desperate.

  “Help me,” she begged. She was dying, but so would Kade.

  Before she slipped away from me, I took hold of her arms and lowered her to the ground, gently laying her down.

  Swords clashed above. Kade was surrounded, and I knew no matter how hard he fought, there was no way he could win.

  Terror, despair, and panic flooded my veins. I called my wings and flew to help him.

  “Kade,” I wailed, my wings flapping fiercely trying to get to him in time. I couldn’t lose him. Not again. It would kill me.

  A brilliant, white light flashed across the sky, blinding me.

  My heart almost stopped as I watched a hundred warrior angels descend, all dressed in gold and white. White wings extended from their backs, each armed with shields and sharp swords. They were entrancing. The most beautiful celestial beings, radiating strength and purity. And it looked like they had come straight from Grandia.

  The leader of the angelic army spoke. His words thundered across the sky.

  “Leave now, or die.”

  With their leader down and a promise of death lingering over their heads, the Fallen wasted no time in making a hasty retreat; the Darkling scurrying off into the cover of trees.

  Kade bowed his head to the leader of the angelic army. He, in turn, bowed back.

  In another brilliant flash, they were gone.

  Kade and I flew to each other, embracing in the air. I sobbed, thankful again that he was alive. We then set down next to Alaine, who ran to Lilith.

  Behind her was Selene. Her eyes were filled with tears as she looked at her daughter for the first time, dropping down to her side.

  Everyone gathered around them and remained silent.

  Alaine came to me, and wrapped me in a hug, her eyes examining my wound.

  “I thought she took you,” I breathed. “I was so afraid I wasn’t going to be able to save you.”

  “I’m so sorry, there wasn’t any time for me to explain. I thought going and talking to Selene as a mother might persuade her.”

  “It worked,” I whispered.

  She smiled. “Yes, it did.”

  Lilith’s eyes narrowed on Selene, confusion spread across her face. Her breath slowed, and I knew it was only a matter of time.

  Selene’s entire body was trembling, but she took hold of Lilith’s hands.

  “Lilith,” Selene sobbed. Tears flooded down her cheeks as she spoke her daughter’s name. “I’m your mother, Selene.”

  Lilith’s eyes moved between Alaine and me.

  “It’s true,” I said.

  She focused back on Selene, studying her face. “I look like you,” she exhaled.

  “Yes, you do,” Selene replied with a pained smile.

  “He said you were dead,” Lilith breathed.

  “I know,” Selene replied. “They stole you away from me and left me for dead. I didn’t know if I had a son or daughter, or that you even lived.”

  A single tear rolled from Lilith’s eye and trickled down her cheek. She flinched in pain, and in that moment, I felt sorry for her.

  Selene turned back to us, her face in complete anguish. “Can you save her?” she wept.

  “I’m sorry,” Alaine breathed. “She’s been stabbed with an immortal blade. There is nothing we can do.”

  “I thought you were dead,” Lilith repeated, her eyes glazed over.

  “I’m not dead.
I’m right here.” Selene brushed Lilith’s golden hair from her cheek. “I’m here now.”

  “How?” Lilith whispered.

  Selene’s head turned back to me. “Emma. She found me. She told me I had a daughter.” She rubbed her hand down Lilith’s arm. “She didn’t kill Lucian. Lucifer did.”

  Lilith’s head rolled toward me; tears ran down the sides of her face as we made eye contact. Her head turned back feebly.

  “Live in peace, mother,” she breathed. “Don’t think badly of me.” She gasped for air, until her eyes closed and her face relaxed. Death had finally brought her peace.

  “Never, dear child,” Selene sobbed. “Never.” She fell forward, weeping, and I placed my hand on her shoulder.

  “I’m so sorry.” I knew my words would offer little comfort.

  My heart was aching for her. In one single moment, she’d met and lost her daughter.

  She shook her head, stroking Lilith’s hair. “She would have killed you.” She turned back to me. “Now you will be at peace.”

  Alaine knelt to comfort Selene, so I stood and leaned back into Kade’s arms, finally breaking. We’d just survived another hellish nightmare.

  Kade raised me up, cradling my weak and injured body. I allowed him to carry me home, as I rested my head on his chest. The bond buzzed around us, tingling where our skin connected.

  LATER THAT EVENING, ALAINE AND Samuel escorted Selene back to her home with Lilith’s body in tow. She wanted to bury her daughter next to her house and live out the rest of her life in solitude. She’d been away from others so long it was hard for her to cope. She’d grown accustomed to the quiet and living alone with her dogs. Alaine extended an invitation to the Gray house, so she’d always have a place to visit. But I doubted we would ever see Selene again.

  AT DINNER, EVERYONE REMAINED SOMBER, and most notably quiet was Dom.

  For the first time since we’d heard Lilith’s name, I felt a bit of normalcy seep back into our day; if there was ever such a word in this household.

  Caleb, Courtney, Jeremy, and Lia had been spared from the final battle, and although Jeremy and Lia almost lost their lives multiple times over the past week, they were in good spirits. Their laughter helped dull the gloom and madness we’d all just experienced.


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