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Rockstar Intern (Infinity Prism, #5)

Page 8

by Walker, Kylie

  At first, Lucas wrapped her arms around his waist, and he tried to support her so that she could walk, but it was really no use. She just wasn’t in the condition to walk at the moment, so he had to go for plan B. With a frown, he swung her up into his arms and cradled her against his chest. The door wasn’t even locked. A woman wearing a black dress was sleeping on the couch. Her eyeshadow was smeared, and her mouth was hanging open as she snored. There was an open bottle of pills lying beside her.

  Lucas just shook his head. None of this was his problem, and it wasn’t his job to fix Christy or this stranger sleeping on a ragged, tired couch that was sagging in the middle. The television was on. It was flashing a news station, but the sound was muted.

  Lucas wasn’t exactly sure where to put Christy, so he decided to lay her across the smaller couch pushed up against a back wall. She sighed with contentment and spread herself out as Lucas set her down. He glanced around the dirty room. It was cluttered with litter from fast food bags and plastic drink containers. He wished there was a way he could get through to Christy, but until she was ready to help herself, it was a lost cause.

  He grabbed a throw blanket off the back of the couch that contained the other sleeping girl. He draped it over Christy and stared at her for a few moments, wondering how he was ever turned on by her. At this point in his life, he didn’t want to have anything to do with her, but at least his conscience was clear tonight that he got her home safely.

  “Good riddance,” he whispered through the shadows as he slipped out the front door and back into the night.

  He hoped that this time, it would be forever. He would never be able to heal with her still actively participating in his life, or with her clinging onto him for dear life and refusing to let go. He wasn’t the type to get entrapped, and he certainly wasn’t going to start now.

  He peeled out of the driveway, and he never looked back. He couldn’t wait to go home so he could go to sleep and shut off his mind. He didn’t want to deal with this day any longer. It had started out so perfectly with Abigail, but Christy had ruined it.

  This had better be the end of it. For real this time.

  Chapter Nine

  THE NEXT DAY, LUCAS found himself at Abigail’s apartment. It was Sunday, and they were thinking about getting brunch somewhere downtown, but Abigail needed a shower first.

  “Do you want to get in with me?” She asked with a suggestive smile that drove him crazy.

  “Get in the shower with you, or get in you?” His heart pounded.

  “Both.” Her voice was eager.

  “You’re a very bad girl,” he said and roped his hands around her waist. He kissed her lips.

  “So, is that a yes?” She was toying with him, and he loved it.

  “I’m going to fuck you so hard; you’ll need another shower when I’m done.”

  “Good answer,” she said with a wink and sauntered off down the hallway, looking over her shoulder to see if he was following her.

  He couldn’t wait to see what she did from moment to moment. She was exhilarating. She was a breath of fresh air, and he was thrilled by how spontaneous she was.

  “Sorry,” she said. “My bathroom is a little more cramped than yours.” She eyed him playfully. “I don’t live in a penthouse mansion.”

  “I won’t complain.” His breathing picked up as they undressed each other.

  She spun around to turn the shower on. “It’s going to be cramped in here. Good thing I do yoga.”

  He folded his jeans and t-shirt and placed them on the counter, and then took her hips in his hands. “I get the sweet deal in this situation.”

  “What’s that?” She asked as she climbed into the shower.

  “I get to take a shower with a hot, naked, soapy girl,” he said.

  Her eyes were sizzling with lust. “I hope you like it steamy.”

  “Always,” he whispered and grabbed a bar of soap off the container. “I’m going to lather you up. Give me the soap.”

  Abigail let out a soft sigh and leaned up against the back of the shower as if she couldn’t wait for him to explore her body using his hands and a bar of soap. The simplicity of their intimacy in the moment made it even more enjoyable. Abigail’s features were relaxed as she yielded to allow him to touch her all over.

  He slowly skirted his hands down between her legs. He felt her swollen clitoris as he pushed through her engorged pussy lips. He groaned in satisfaction. She was so warm and ripe and soft, glistening with moisture. Always so ready for him as if it’s all she thought about. All she waited for. She was his perfect little sex kitten.

  She closed her eyes and instinctively parted her legs further for him to have better access. She was spread open for him, and he relished in every single second.

  “Does that feel good?” He whispered in her ear as he continued to lather her. There were suds on her breasts from where he had been cupping and fondling them. He played with her slick nipples, reveling as they hardened into peaks beneath his fingers.

  “So good,” she breathed out. Her cheeks were red and flushed in reaction to the thrust in and out of his fingers.

  “I like to make you moan,” he whispered, continuing to tease her as he swirled his thumb and index finger around on her swollen clit.

  Lucas pushed one finger inside of her, and she gasped with amazement. She grinned and sagged her back against the shower. Her facial expression was dreamy as if she was in absolute heaven.

  Lucas loved to be the cause of her enjoyment. Her pleasure practically got him off alone. He could cum just hearing her get off. Abigail’s moans began to get hotter and hotter. She was so sexy when she made noises like that.

  She wiggled around with his hands between her legs. He continued to stroke her sensitive clitoris until her cries of ecstasy became shouts.

  “I’m going to make you cum,” he said.

  “Yes,” she breathed. “Do it.”

  A few seconds later, Abigail’s legs began to quiver. Then, more violently, she began shaking all over. She gripped the sides of the shower and let out a primal moan, leaning her head back as she poured her ecstasy all over his fingers.

  He slid them out and held them up to her. “Taste yourself,” he whispered tantrically to her.

  Abigail’s eyes glazed over and she gave him a sensual smile. She opened her mouth so sexily that he thought he might die of desire.

  She plucked his fingers into her mouth and began to suck on them. “You’re delicious, aren’t you?”

  She grinned at him. “Mmmm-hmmm.” Her cheeks were still flushed, and she looked like an erotic goddess. Then, she glanced at his swollen prick, pointing up to the sky with lust. Suddenly, her warm, firm hand gripped his cock and stroked his erection.

  “We should do something about this,” she said with a smile.

  “I don’t have a condom,” he said regretfully.

  “You can cum on me,” she told him.

  “Oh, really? I like the sound of that.”

  “Yes,” she purred and took his hard shaft into her slender fingers and maneuvered it up between her legs. “Besides, I’m on the pill. And I’m clean.”

  Lucas nuzzled her neck with his lips. “You won’t catch anything from me.”

  She propped herself up on the side of the tub to give him more leverage. He grunted and pushed inside of her while grabbing her around the waist for support. Then, he started grinding on her as the steamy water hit his back. It was one of the most erotic moments of his life.

  Lucas was filled with pleasure. He couldn’t wait to erupt his hot load all over her flat stomach. It was like a perfect target for his cum. He groaned as he thrust in and out, harder and faster.

  Abigail continued to moan softly in his ear, driving him wild. He was spinning into the oblivion of pleasure. With one loud groan, he pulled out of her at just the right time before any of his little swimmers had a chance to leap inside of her.

  He aimed and fired, shooting his all over the flat expanse of he
r abdomen. It felt so good to release his sexual tension. He breathed hard, trying to get a grip on himself. His mind seemed to close down, sinking into itself from the pleasure. Then her hands were roving all over him, soaping him up. They washed each other’s bodies. Lucas was still a little shaky, and Abigail appeared to be a little wobbly but elated by their shower playtime.

  A few minutes later, they climbed out of the shower together and dried off. Abigail was gliding lotion onto her skin. Lucas stared at her. She was tantalizing and intoxicatingly beautiful.

  She got dressed and glanced at her phone. Lucas watched her reaction to a text that she had received while they were in the shower. She frowned and then her demeanor completely shifted. She grew quiet after that, distracted. Lucas didn’t know who had texted her, or what they had said. He only knew that her mood had changed completely.

  “Everything alright?” He asked as she stood in front of the mirror, staring blankly at her own reflection as she brushed through her wet hair with a comb.

  “Huh?” She glanced at him as if suddenly remembering that he was there. “” She attempted a smile, but it was artificial. “But I’m fine.”

  “Are you sure?” Lucas was less than convinced.

  “Yes.” Abigail gave him another forced smile.

  “If something is bothering you, you can tell me.” He came up behind her and began rubbing her shoulders to pacify her.

  She looked at him in the reflection. Her face looked melancholy, and she appeared to be contemplating whether to spill the reason for the mental affliction.

  “I have a problem with someone at work,” she finally blurted out.

  “Someone at work?” Lucas frowned. “At the coffee shop or at the record label?”

  “At the record label...” she trailed off as if she was reluctant to say more.

  “Abigail,” Lucas told her. “You can trust me. I promise.”

  She looked torn, but in the end, she relented. “It’s with Burt’s assistant.”

  “Jaime?” Lucas asked, instantly knowing who Abigail must be referring to.

  “Yeah...” Abigail trailed off again, more sheepish this time and cast her eyes at her brush that she had placed onto the counter.

  “What is it?” He frowned and shifted his weight. He gently pulled her around to face him. “If there is a problem that you want addressed, I can tell Burt—”

  “No,” Abigail immediately exclaimed. “I don’t want to get him involved.”

  “What do you want to do?” Lucas asked.

  Abigail’s lips twisted into a mischevious grin. “Jaime tries to bother me, but I try to convince myself that she is just a sad woman with no friends and no boyfriend to keep her company. That’s probably why she gets on my case all the time. The poor woman needs a real hobby.”

  “You’re thinking revenge, aren’t you?” Lucas asked. His heart raced as he realized that Abigail’s sense of adventure might not only be reserved for just the bedroom or with him somewhere in private.

  “I don’t know,” she said, but he noticed the naughty expression on her face, and he knew that she was probably up to no good. He loved it.

  “Oh, come on,” he said. “I can read it all over your face. You want to get back at that bitch.”

  Abigail laughed. “Did you seriously just call your manager’s assistant a bitch?”

  Lucas shrugged casually. “So, what? Burt works for me. I can do whatever the fuck I want.”

  Abigail sighed. “You sound so assertive.”

  “Why wouldn’t I be?” Lucas replied. “Tell me what you’re thinking. What do you want to do?”

  Abigail made a face like she was seriously considering wreaking havoc to the woman who had wronged her. Lucas surely didn’t want to get on Abigail’s bad side.

  “Are we going to do something wild?” He asked.

  She smiled. “You mean wilder than having sex in the shower on our second date?”

  “Does this count as an official second date?” He asked.

  “I don’t know,” she said. “I think we have to actually go somewhere for that to count.”

  “Well let’s go then,” he said.

  “Where?” She gave him a peculiar smile.

  “To Jaime’s office.” His eyebrows rose.

  The idea of Jaime bothering Abigail pissed him off. The older woman had a reputation around the studio, and not a good one. The idea of Abigail having to walk on glass at work didn’t sit well with him, and if she was up to flexing her muscle in her own defense, he’d be behind her the whole way. That or he’d take matters into his own hands.

  “You can’t be serious,” she rolled her eyes.

  “I’m very serious.”

  “They probably have security cameras all over the entire office,” Abigail said, sounding a little more defeated than a few seconds ago.

  Lucas wasn’t ready to give up just yet. He was just getting started. “I can get around that.”

  “Okay,” Abigail said and leaned closer to him. Her eyes were twinkling.

  “What are you thinking?” He whispered, drawn to her fiery eyes like a magnet.

  “Well...” she began. “I was kind of thinking that it might be a good prank to take Jaime’s flash drive that has all of the appointments for Burt on it. That way when she gets into the office on Monday, she’ll be looking all over for it and won’t be able to find it. Then when Burt asks her about his calendar, she’ll be shit out of luck.”

  “I love it,” Lucas said. His heart began to race with enthusiasm.

  “I can go to her later and tell her that if she doesn’t leave me the fuck alone, then next time I’ll actually wipe the flash drive without even a second thought.”

  “That’s good.” Lucas agreed.

  Abigail stood up. “Great. So, what are we waiting for?”

  “I’m ready when you are,” he said.

  “I don’t think we will need to worry about the security cameras anymore since I plan to confront Jaime anyway,” Abigail said.

  “Well if anything happens, I’ll vouch for you,” Lucas said.

  Abigail gave him a radiant smile that he was coming to admire. “Thank you. I really appreciate that.”

  Half an hour later, they were sitting across the street staring at the office building. He’d never liked Jaime, always found her a little slimy, and he had witnessed first-hand that Burt had been giving Abigail an unnecessarily hard time from before thanks to Jaime. He hated to see her upset. He didn’t want her to have to quit her job on account of someone making her life harder than it had to be.

  He tried to put himself in her position, and it made it easier for him to go through with the prank. Besides, it was only Burt’s personal calendar on the flash drive. It wouldn’t affect him whatsoever. It was just aimed to give the brown-nosing assistant a little scare. If it wasn’t a big enough scare to get the older woman to leave Abigail alone, he’d step in. And no way in hell would Jaime think to blink too hard in Abigail’s direction when he was done with her.

  They walked into the office a few minutes later. All was quiet and dark. There were only a handful of automatic lights on in the office, and they were glowing in the hallways, but not enough to illuminate any of the rooms or cubicles.

  “It’s eerie being here after dark,” Abigail admitted with a whisper.

  He felt the same ominous vibe. It was a remnant of his past, that sinking yet thrilling feeling he’d get before doing something he really shouldn’t be doing. Both sides of his brain yelled at him. Do it. Don’t do it. Stop. Go.

  “Jaime’s desk is over here,” she whispered.

  She had insisted on wearing a hoodie, even though part of her plan was to confront Jaime to blackmail her into leaving her alone. If anything, she would just tell the powers that be that Jaime told her to get the flash drive.

  She had come up with all these scenarios in her head about what she would do if she were caught in the act of stealing the flash drive, but Lucas had assured her before they
had even gone inside the building that it would be fine. He insisted that no one would be there and that she wouldn’t have to worry about it. He had apparently been right in his assumption.

  “Okay,” Lucas whispered back and followed her to a cubicle where Jaime’s desk was.

  He noticed right away that everyone else’s cubicles had pictures of family members or pets up on their walls, pressed into thumbtacks. Not Jaime. Her cubicle was stark, devoid of life and completely bare.

  “Where is the flash drive?” He asked, looking at Abigail.

  “It’s usually right around her desk,” Abigail said and frowned as if she was confused and couldn’t see well in the dark.

  “Do you want me to turn on my phone flashlight?” Lucas asked.

  “No.” Abigail shook her head and glanced over the computer tower. “Here it is.” She plucked it from its little hole and shoved it into the pocket of her hoodie. “Got it.”

  Lucas grinned. He felt like he was on top of the world. Adrenaline pumped through his veins.

  “Good girl,” he said and high fived her.

  He knew he was immune to trouble because he was in the band, but deep down he wondered if Abigail was making a vital mistake. He would have to come to her defense if it came down to it, but he hoped that her plan would go off without a hitch. He was proud of her for standing up for herself, even if she was flexing a little street justice to get it done. Besides, that bitch Jaime really had it coming.

  “Let’s get out of here,” Abigail whispered. “This place gives me the creeps at night.”

  “I’ll second that,” Lucas said as they jogged back down the hallway together and ducked down the stairwell. After a few moments, they were back in the street.

  “That was crazy,” Abigail confessed. “I don’t even know what came over me. I was just in my element in there. I had a mission, and I aced it.”

  She was sitting up in the passenger seat, leaning against the resistance of her seatbelt. She used her hands to talk and discuss what they had just done with animation. He glanced over at her and found her irresistibly adorable. Maybe in another life, she’d had a penchant for crime.


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