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In the Arms of the Beast

Page 26

by K. A. Merikan

  Laurent frowned. “Huh? What are you trying to say?”

  “Since Marcel was in me, maybe there is a part of me in him after all.”

  Laurent glared to the back seat in shock, instantly assessing Magpie’s blue eyes, his darker skin, his symmetric face. Was it possible that Magpie had influenced Marcel somehow? How were they to know?

  Beast cleared his throat. “I mean... I don’t know how this works, but aren’t you more like a surrogate than an egg donor?”

  Magpie shrugged. “There are no certainties in this matter, but I chose to believe he is mine too, and even if you choose not to include me in his life, I will still deeply care for him.”

  Laurent took his time processing that, unwilling to offend Magpie when the demon had in fact been gracious with them, and had proved his bravery today. If Magpie really did crave closeness with others in ways he’d never before suggested, who was Laurent to deny him a substitute family of sorts?

  Laurent chose his words carefully. “As long as it’s understood that Marcel is mine and Beast’s, I would not wish to exclude you. I believe you said you cannot sire children yourself?”

  “Yes, that doesn’t seem to be a possibility. To be honest, in all the years I’ve lived, I hadn’t wanted to anyway, but I do love the idea of having… another me.”

  Laurent frowned, wanting to say that it wasn’t how children worked but once more bit his tongue. “The only thing I worry about is the kind of energy you and Baal operate on affecting the baby.”

  Magpie scowled. “Shadow operates on the same energy, and you accept him as your own.”

  Beast smirked as he drove down the highway toward the shopping center. “Whatever genes he’s born with, you will be his father, Laurent. I’m sure he’ll be a well-behaved boy with the best grades at school.”

  Just thinking about it filled Laurent with pride. “I do wonder what he will be like. But I would hate to force his path. I will intend to gently guide him nevertheless.”

  Beast snorted. “ ‘Gently guide’ him? With you it’ll probably be more like a boot camp,” he said, softening the blow with a squeeze to Laurent’s shoulder.

  Magpie sighed. “I do wish for him to have all the freedom he can. A child should not be restricted in any way, or he won’t develop his full potential.”

  That Laurent could not agree with, but it wasn’t like they needed to discuss those details yet. “You can give him all the freedom when he visits you. Other than that, I find structure necessary. Jasper, may I ask you about your powers? You often say you don’t know how everything works, but you certainly engage in particular activities or encourage them in your vicinity to gather your power, is that right?”

  Magpie shrugged. “Of course. Baal and I don’t differ much on that level.”

  Beast remained silent, listening, and Laurent felt a surge of need to prove to him his theory about the deadly sins had merit.

  “Would you say there are also things that diminish your power or block it? I have an inclination to believe the sources of your energy align with the concept of seven deadly sins, like gluttony, greed, pride. If that is the case, one might venture to deduct the seven virtues might in turn be their opposite. Chastity, kindness, humility, charity, patience, diligence, and temperance. Have you ever felt them affect your powers?”

  Magpie looked out of the window with a small frown. “I did once have a PA who went on a diet. It gave me sweats, so I fired her. And I do despise charity events.”

  Beast drove into the vast parking lot when having this serious conversation. “Chastity?”

  Magpie scowled. “Oh, no. A monk once convinced me it would open up my chakras, but I was ill for days until I decided I needed someone to suck my cock. Worked like a charm.”

  Beast met Laurent’s gaze before backing the car into a parking space. “So now we know.”

  Laurent’s heart soared, and he grabbed Beast’s hand, wary of the tiny burns. “You do agree I am onto something?”

  “Maybe that’s what we should try next. We just need to come up with a way to do it, because I can’t stop having parties at the clubhouse,” Beast said, leaning back in the seat with a deep frown marring his forehead.

  “I’ve been thinking about this already,” Laurent said excitedly. “To check the effects, we could throw a charity event around one of the trees. Maybe a fete that promotes some of the virtues. I know you still need to keep to your side of the bargain on the club premises, but we can plan a counterstrike elsewhere.”

  Magpie rolled his eyes as he stepped out of the car first. “Forgive me, but I’m not going to attend.”

  “Fine. Attend an orgy instead. I can make sure there are plenty of men and women around on the day,” Beast said, entwining his fingers with Laurent’s on the way to the store.

  Laurent looked up at Beast with so much tenderness he feared his heart wouldn’t be able to hold it. “Beast… I love you. Thank you for this vote of confidence. I won’t let you down. I was afraid you wouldn’t care for this idea.”

  Beast walked past the automatic doors Laurent still considered a wonder akin to magic. “Our idea didn’t work out. Sorry I didn’t want to listen. Maybe it’s just too… woo-woo for me. I found out so many strange things about the world since we met, but my brain is still resistant.”

  “There’s far beyond what human eyes can see,” Magpie said with pride, walking on Laurent’s other flank. He was too close for comfort, penetrating Laurent’s personal space with ease, but it would have been unkind to point it out, so Laurent said nothing.

  The aisles full of products for babies opened up to them, and Laurent confidently strode over to the selection of high chairs. The multitude of options was making his head spin. And that device that allowed parents to eavesdrop on their children? Madness and yet so useful.

  Magpie glared at the models presented on a low stage between two aisles and nudged one with his index finger. “Are you absolutely certain this is where you want to shop? I could contact a craftsman who’d make one exactly to our specifications.”

  Beast’s hand squeezed around Laurent’s, but he was smiling. “I don’t think babies care much about the design side of things. They just need to be comfortable.”

  “And stable,” Laurent added, gently shaking one of the chairs. “We’ve also decided that with the size of the egg, and not knowing what stage of development the child will be at, we will get two chair sizes and return one once everything is clear.”

  Magpie pouted like a baby, not a three-hundred year old being. “I just… I wish he could have only the best money can offer. I can rarely justify spending on others, but when it comes to Marcel, I wish to extend my wealth to him.”

  Beast snorted. “As in spoil him?”

  Magpie raised his chin proudly. “Absolutely not. But a prince deserves princely things. It is only proper that way. Who knows what the future holds for him?”

  Beast frowned. “There’s no point in dwelling on that. Let’s just deal with the issue at hand, organize the charity event and keep our eyes open to find out who betrayed us.”

  Magpie picked up a tiny copy of a leather chair and looked at it with a scowl of distaste. “If we know it must be a hangaround, why don’t we get rid of them all? I could make sure it is officially declared an accident if I put forth enough money.”

  Laurent stared at Magpie in disbelief, squeezing Beast’s hand. “Are you suggesting to kill everyone associated with the club?” he whispered.

  Magpie sighed. “Sometimes, sacrifices must be made. I am not a violent man, but when I think about this despicable… person endangering the part of me that lives in Marcel, it makes me yearn for bloodshed,” he said, spitting in anger in a very ungentlemanly way.

  Laurent was choking on air. “That is categorically out of the question. Beast, please tell him.”

  Beast petted Laurent’s head as he met Magpie’s gaze. “I’m sure he’s only joking,” he said in a stern tone that had Magpie averting his eyes.

sp; “All I’m saying is that I’d be ready for drastic measures. Just say the word.”

  Beast shook his head. “I won’t, but if you care for Marcel this much, how about you do something that’ll really matter to him?”

  “You could help us prepare the charity event. Even if you cannot attend, I’m sure you have experience in planning such things,” Laurent said. “If we don’t stop those trees from growing, Marcel will have no future.”

  Magpie stared at the little chair, and while Laurent found it hard to judge Magpie’s emotions sometimes, the man looked… saddened.

  Beast patted Magpie’s shoulder. “How would you like to become Marcel’s godfather?”

  Magpie’s face brightened up with such an honest smile Laurent ventured to consider they’d never seen him smile before this moment.

  “I will the best godfather who has ever walked this earth.”

  Laurent smiled back and stroked Beast’s hand, once more unable to contain the love he felt for his husband. Beast remembered Laurent requesting that. They truly were moving forward in terms of communication and compromise.

  Chapter 23 - Beast

  “Can’t believe that out of all things we’d forgotten the children’s games,” Beast complained, on the way to pick up a large box of playthings they intended to use for activities and contests at the charity event. They’d also put an additional package of fireworks into the back of their car already, in case the ones waiting at the party site weren’t enough. The turnout surprised everyone, so perhaps the club members weren’t the only ones experiencing the effects of Baal’s negative energy and in need of something more wholesome.

  The police chief had made clear his belief that their local biker club’s reason for organizing a big charity event was money laundering. But that was the kind of transgression he could turn a blind eye on once an anonymous donor had deposited a large sum of money to the college fund of the chief’s daughter. At the end of the day, what could possibly go wrong at an event that promoted family fun and healthy eating habits?

  A lot. A lot could go wrong when it was meant to hurt a malignant otherworldly entity, but the cops didn’t need to know that.

  “We’ll be back in no time,” Laurent said with a smile. He looked especially immaculate today, with his smooth, brown waves down and a violet tie that went so well with his skin color. Beast didn’t have the heart to tell him there was no need for business attire. But despite insisting on wearing a carefully ironed white shirt, Laurent wouldn’t give up on pairing it with the property vest he got from Beast. “If anything, it’s nice to get a small break from the crowds.”

  Beast hummed in agreement. “This whole thing doesn’t really go with our brand,” he said, snorting when he thought back to the healthy eating class he’d observed early in the morning. Laurent had suggested it as a part of promoting the virtue of temperance. At the clubhouse, it was all junk food and sandwiches, but perhaps Beast needed to think about the food they ate more carefully once Marcel hatched.

  Laurent snorted and poked Beast’s side with his elbow. “And what is the Kings of Hell ‘brand’? Sins of the flesh and lobster rolls?”

  Beast chuckled. “Pretty much. I don’t remember you being opposed to any of the two.”

  Seeing a flush spread over Laurent’s porcelain cheeks never got old. “There is no sin in marriage,” he said with a little smirk, even though they’d fucked long before the idea of marriage could have crossed Laurent’s mind.

  “No? You sure? Everything goes now that you got a ring on me?”

  “There are still things I would refuse you, but they are few and far between.” Laurent grinned at him, and in the face of such beauty, nothing could spoil Beast’s mood. Not the danger constantly lurking beneath their feet, not even the soot still covering the walls after a fire the club hadn’t yet picked itself up from. Laurent’s glinting eyes were like a beacon telling Beast that whatever happens, all would be fine in the end.

  “And what things are those?” Beast asked, longing to penetrate his husband’s mind by looking at his painfully handsome face.

  Laurent lowered his gaze to Beast’s zipper in an unusually lewd manner. “I wouldn’t participate in orgies even if I found someone attractive, because I believe once you’re married that side of you belongs to your husband.”

  Heat erupted down Beast’s chest when their eyes met again. “Is that what you think? That I belong to you now?”

  Laurent glowed with confidence. “I don’t even need to put a vest on you to know it is so.”

  How could anyone resist Laurent? Beast had no idea, because he was charmed to the core, and the invisible pull in his chest made him drop the box and back Laurent into the wall. “Is that so?” he whispered, pressing his forehead to Laurent’s as his hands made their way under the vest.

  Laurent gasped but wouldn’t even blink, staring at Beast and already sliding his hands up Beast’s arms. Laurent knew every inch of Beast’s skin. Knew which scars hurt when stimulated too hard, which tickled, and had managed to memorize all of that to touch him just right.

  “I would kill a man who dared put his hands on you, and you know I am capable of taking a life,” he said, but the smile never left his face.

  Laurent was no ruthless killer, but the playful lie still made Beast kiss him. Maybe it wasn’t right for him to find this declaration of jealousy hot, but solitude was still a fresh concept in Beast’s mind. He remembered how it felt to believe that nobody would ever be possessive of him again. That nobody would desire him enough to claim him for longer than a few moments of pleasure.

  How distant those thoughts were now!

  He clashed his lips against Laurent’s, but before heat could have overcome them completely, he pulled back and hauled Laurent over his shoulder. His weight was a pleasure, and the warmth of his thighs against Beast so delicious he couldn’t wait longer and kneaded the flesh.

  Laurent snorted. “This is an outrage!” He wasn’t fighting the ‘outrage’ though, and instead reached down to push his hands under the back of Beast’s T-shirt.

  Beast gave his ass a little slap that would be enough to leave behind burn without being painful. “No. I think you need to learn a lesson, husband,” he said, making his way down the corridor, where they were less likely to be spotted in the act.

  “And what lesson would that be? Respecting one’s husband?” Laurent snorted, massaging the small of Beast’s back in a way that sent a tremble of excitement all the way down to his balls. “I feel that is a modern day conundrum when both married parties are men.”

  “Maybe. But I think you’re more mine than the other way around,” Beast said, and put Laurent back on the floor as soon as he entered an open room and kicked the door behind him shut. Someone’s clothes and things were scattered over the bed and desk, but it was his house, and he could do whatever he wanted. Even fuck in someone’s guest room.

  “Oh, is that so?” Laurent was already leaning into a hug. “Is that a challenge, my Beast?”

  Beast gave a breathless laugh, but his pants were starting to feel way too restrictive, and he had no patience left. Grabbing Laurent’s hand, he put it on his stiffening dick and dove his face under Laurent’s jaw, peppering it with hungry kisses as he savored the tempting aroma of clean skin.

  Beast had half-expected Laurent to protest the location, but his beautiful man only breathed faster, tightening his arms around Beast. He’d come a long way in terms of opening up sexually, and Beast loved to think he’s been the one to help Laurent flourish and become the man he deserved to be.

  The slim fingers quickly found their way to Beast’s zipper and opened it with increasing urgency as Beast indulged in the scent of Laurent’s cologne. He was so put together for the charity event, yet he couldn’t deny Beast even if it meant his clothes would wrinkle, and his hair fall out of place.

  “I wonder if anyone will notice what we did once we come back to the event. You’ll be flushed, with shining eyes and a plump mouth,” Be
ast whispered, trailing his tongue across Laurent’s ear. He didn’t want to wait any longer, and when he sensed warm touch through his underwear, he grabbed Laurent’s cock and balls through his jeans.

  Laurent moaned, and his fingers found their way down Beast’s underwear. He pulled Beast’s cock out, stroking it already, and looking down at the prize in his hand.

  “It is a warm day. No one needs to know,” he whispered, stabbing Beast’s chest with the heat of his gaze.

  “But they will. You’ll still be struggling for breath once I’m done with you,” Beast teased, unwrapping Laurent from the jeans and underwear. His focus had so completely shifted to his man that he barely remembered the purpose behind their presence at the clubhouse.

  When Beast wrapped his hand around Laurent’s dick, his husband let out a wanton groan that went all the way up Beast’s cock.

  “You truly are a beast,” Laurent said between one gasp and another, but didn’t seem to mind a ‘beast’ stroking him.

  “So I’ve been told,” Beast said, chuckling as he breathed in the warm air circling between their faces. They stood close, creating their own bubble of smiles, gasps, and gratification.

  It was a point of pride to see Laurent so out of breath he couldn’t even speak anymore. He sped up the movement of his soft hand over Beast’s cock, while gripping onto Beast’s arm with the other Needy and excited, he pumped his hips against Beast’s fist. Seeing him come undone while his tie was still so meticulously tied around his neck added a new layer of excitement to Beast’s own pleasure.

  The world must have slowed down, because Beast remembered every single detail, from the precise strength with which Laurent’s hand tightened on his dick to the way Laurent accidentally bit on a strand of his own hair. As soon as Laurent was breathing again, Beast captured him in a deep kiss and surrounded the graceful hand with his own, hurriedly fucking the sweaty fist to the tune of his heartbeat.

  Laurent pushed closer and pressed his forehead against Beast’s shoulder. “I love knowing… I’m your only… one…” He was still panting, but also eager to give Beast the quick satisfaction they both craved. It only took one more look at his satisfied smile for Beast to come.


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