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To Tell The Truth Series 03 Togetherness

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by Melanie

  "Dartin VIII has a lot to offer recreationally. The beaches are supposed to be quite nice. I can tell you from my own trip down there yesterday that the capital is breathtaking. A lot of the crew have been visiting the museums there.

  They are fascinating."


  He grimaced. He knew full well that if Tom Paris took him up on his next suggestion the odds were he would be seeing a lot of him in the near future and not as his assistant but as his patient. "There are some bars down there that you might like."

  Still nothing.

  "Whatever you decide to do, go do something," the Doc demanded impatiently. "You've been limiting yourself to your shift on the Bridge -- or 'shifts' all too frequently -- then shifts down here. As nice as it is to see you interested in your studies for a change, I'm getting sick of seeing your face. You need to have some fun." He smiled his best smile and attempted to make a joke. "I never thought I'd have to tell Tom Paris that."

  The joke fell flat due to audience non-participation.

  He sobered. "Yes, well, until you have had shoreleave you're to consider yourself banned from Sickbay. I'll inform Commander Chakotay of the need to cover your shift on the Bridge."

  Still saying nothing, Tom turned on his heel and exited Sickbay.

  Sighing, the EMH started for his office to talk to the Commander and report to the Captain on his lack of progress in drawing Tom back out of his shell. The entrance of a crewman cradling his bloodied hand forestalled him.

  "So, where have you been sticking your hand that you should not have been?"


  She stopped dead and very nearly turned around in defeat. 'This latest flash of memory proved this could not be him,' she declared. 'Didn't it? Of course it did. They had said he was good and kind and gentle and sweet. This one was cruel and vicious and sadistic and horrible. He couldn't be the one, he just couldn't.'

  'So it was decided,' she thought. 'It could not be him so I'll go back to my people and....'

  The thought of returning to her people with bad news yet again delayed her.

  'Perhaps there was an explanation. Perhaps he *was* the right man yet she had seen an instance in which he was pushed too far? Maybe his actions were justified somehow?'

  The desperation for their search to be over held her where she was. She would go no closer until she was sure. Until then, she would watch and wait.


  Far off in a corner of the Universe, a certain young Q stopped reversing the law of gravity on an unfortunate planet. Chubby little face screwed up in puzzlement, he looked first towards a small starship orbiting a planet far distant from his position then to another point many planes away.

  Abandoning his mischief, he wandered away.

  His bickering parents never even noticed his absence.


  Tom ignored every greeting tossed his way as he made a beeline for his quarters. He was not slighting them intentionally. He simply did not register they were there. His senses were filled with the memories of his heinous crime. The only sounds he heard were from the chorus of victims screaming in his mind.

  He entered his quarters and resisted the urge to go straight to his safe-spot in the corner of his sleeping area. So often over the past few months he had passed a restless, Camet-taunt-filled night in the foetal position in this corner. Right now he wanted to curl himself up into as small a ball as possible and clap his hands over his ears to block out the noise in his head.

  But he knew there were two reasons why he could not do it. One, he knew it was futile to try to block out the screams, cries, and his own hate-filled words from so long ago. The harder he tried to block the memories the more insistent they became to be given audience. And two, if he did not get off of Voyager and down to the planet right away for shoreleave, he could be assured of Chakotay showing up on his doorstep wanting to have another of their "sessions." Given his current lowered defenses, he might just blurt out something and then he really would be in trouble.

  Sitting down at his desk, he called up the information on the planet and began looking for something to do.


  The chirp and call from the combadge so close to her cheek reminded Kathryn of her position before she could fall completely asleep. Blinking owlishly, she lifted her head to look at the softly smiling man holding her. Returning the smile, she pushed herself upright and reluctantly reassumed her Captain's façade.

  "Go ahead, Doctor," Chakotay invited.

  "Commander, I'm notifying you that sixteen minutes ago I ordered Mr. Paris to take immediate shoreleave."

  "What happened?"

  As the EMH outlined the "death" of Tom's "patient" and the resultant one-sided conversation, the Ready Room door chimed. Keeping on ear on the conversation, Kathryn rose and descended to the main level of the room.

  "Come," she invited.

  Her Security Chief entered and remained silent at seeing the finger raised to her lips. They both listened as Chakotay thanked the Doctor for informing him of his actions then ended the conversation telling him he would tell the Captain.

  "Coincidentally, Captain, that is why I am here," the Vulcan told her as Chakotay joined them at the desk. "Mr. Paris has requisitioned equipment suitable for mountain climbing and filed a transport order for a site in a mountain range on the largest continent."

  "I don't want him going climbing alone," Kathryn insisted. "Especially, not in his state of mind. Anything could go wrong under the ideal circumstances, but with him in his current state of mind...." She shook her head.

  "I assumed that would be your response, Captain."

  "If he leaves Voyager it'll be difficult to follow him," Chakotay predicted. "Here the internal sensors can keep track of him and his activities. Down there-"

  "Someone will have to watch him," Kathryn nodded.

  Tuvok agreed. "With his chosen activity, that could be difficult, Captain. In a crowd it is relatively easy to conceal surveillance. On a mountain top, it is near impossible."

  "Then it can't be covert surveillance."



  Naomi Wildman launched herself off of the transporter platform and at her favorite playmate with the innate confidence of a child who knew she would be caught. Tom Paris did not disappoint. He easily caught her in mid-air as her mother, Sam, and godfather, Neelix, descended the steps in the more conventional manner with their overnight cases.

  As the two performed their usual routine of kisses, hugs, and pet names, Sam's sharp eyes darted from Neelix to the man at whom the Talaxian was looking awkwardly. She did not know Lieutenant Paris nearly as well as her daughter did. Mostly she only saw him when their duty shifts crossed paths or when he came to collect Naomi for or drop off Naomi from one of their play-dates. Neelix, however, she did know very well. This strange combination of ill-ease, eagerness, and -- what? It almost looked like guilt. That was hard for her to reconcile with the Neelix she knew.

  "Are you going down to the planet, Tommy?"

  "Yes, Cucumber."

  "You should have come with us yesterday. We had so much fun."

  "Yes, Tom," Neelix quickly interjected, "you would have enjoyed it."

  Sam's gaze slid back to the pilot in time to see the smile on his face change as he glanced at the cook/morale officer. He still was smiling, that much was true, except now the smile failed to reach his eyes as it did when he was talking with her daughter. The icy blue depths were bereft of all emotion.

  "Yeah," Naomi chattered. "Yesterday we went to a park and they had toys to play with and a lake to swim in and these funny hairy, orangey brown animals that were sorta tame and everyone fed them special food. And we stayed overnight in rooms that had these funny shaped beds and-"

  Tom turned his gaze back to the little girl and smiled a genuine smile. "You did have a fun day, huh?" he interrupted when she was forced to take a breath.

  She pouted a little. "Not as much fun as it would
be if you were there though, Tommy." Twisting in his arms, she looked pleadingly at her mother. "Can I go back down with Tommy, Mommy?"

  Sam sputtered a little. "Naomi, you only just got back here."

  "Please, Mommy?"

  Ensign Wildman gestured to Tom's grey climbing jumpsuit and the backpack at his feet. "Honey, Lieutenant Paris is going climbing by the looks of it. You're too young for that. It's not a safe activity for you. Besides, you spent all yesterday and part of this morning down there."

  "But I want to show Tommy the park."

  "You have to listen to your mother, Naomi," Tom reminded her softly.

  As always, his use of her proper name got her attention. "Yes, Tommy," she dutifully responded as he set her on her feet.

  "Maybe you can draw a picture of the park for him," Sam suggested.

  "But it's not -" A look from Tom silenced the objection. "Okay," she pouted.

  As Sam herded her daughter towards the exit, Neelix tentatively reached a hand out to touch Tom's arm. Pretending he did not see the gesture, Tom bent to retrieve his pack from the floor and shrugged into it. Sadly, Neelix lowered the hand and walked towards the exit, eyes down.

  "Pardon me," he muttered as he collided with someone in the corridor. His eyes traveled up the tight grey clothing, over the gold stripe horizontally across the chest and upper arms, and to Tuvok's brown eyes. It took only a split second for the Talaxian to realize the purpose for the Vulcan's attire. "Good luck, Mr. Vulcan," he bade him and hurried away.

  Repositioning his pack, Tuvok entered the transporter room in time to hear Tom asking why he had to wait before beaming down.

  "You have the co-ordinates, Ensign?" Tuvok asked.

  The young woman nodded to the Lieutenant Commander. Her confusion was clear on her face. Here were two people, who, according to the transport order, both were going to the same place, clearly for the same purpose, yet only one of them knew the other was coming? Very strange.

  Their next words explained everything for her.

  "The itinerary you filed for your shoreleave indicates your intention to go rock climbing, Lieutenant."

  Taking in Tuvok's mode of dress, Tom resisted the urge to glare insubordinately at the senior officer. "I take it you're planning on inviting yourself along?" he said in a monotone.

  Tuvok mounted the stairs to the pad. "Starfleet regulations prohibit such dangerous activities being undertaken in a solitary fashion. As I wish to improve my climbing skills and you claim to be the best climber on the ship, it is logical that I accompany you." He addressed the Ensign. "Energize."

  After the two officers had disappeared, the ensign smiled to herself. 'Well, what do you make of that?' she asked herself. The ship's grapevine had it that the Senior Staff recently had done something that had Tom Paris ticked off at them. No one knew what the "something" was, but it was clear there was something wrong. Practically everyone on board was watching the signs of tension between the Senior Officers and trying to puzzle out the explanation.

  Of course it did not take a genius to notice Tom Paris and B'Elanna Torres were on the outs again as well. Not once in the past two weeks had the pair been seen together off duty. The poor Engineering Staff were tiptoeing around her and treating her like the volatile landmine that she was. Every one of them had been overjoyed at the announcement they had reached a planet suitable for shoreleave. Whether each hoped it would provide them with an opportunity of a few hours out from under the Chief's harsh gaze or perhaps provide Tom and B'Elanna a chance to make up, depended upon the person you asked.

  She personally had hoped for both. She herself had enjoyed Leave two days ago, but the lover's reconciliation looked in doubt.

  Well, she conceded, at least now, they were both on the planet. Two hours ago B'Elanna Torres had beamed down to the planet with Harry Kim. Now Tom Paris had left the ship with Tuvok of all people. There were a few people she could see helping Kim engineer a truce between those two lovebirds -- the entire Engineering department for one -- but Tuvok's name was not once which came to mind.

  She could hardly wait until her lunch break so she could discuss this latest development with the others in the Mess Hall.


  "So, Lieutenant, which climb were you planning on attempting?"

  Tom stared at his uninvited guest with deliberately ill-concealed anger. "Why are you here, Tuvok?"

  "I told you-"

  "Yeah, regs et cetera. What's the real reason? I don't believe that line about wanting to improve your climbing skills."

  "Are you suggesting I am lying as to my purpose for being here?"

  "The Captain sent you. Why?"

  "Mr. Paris, I remind you that I am a Vulcan. Vulcans do not lie."

  "No, but they can justify half truths at times."

  "And you believe this is what I am doing at this time?"


  "And upon what proof do you base this assertion."

  "My gut instinct."

  "Your *gut instinct* cannot be considered proof, Lieutenant."

  "No, but it often is correct. So tell me, why did the Captain send you?"

  "No one *sent* me, Lieutenant. I came of my own accord. Now, are we going to climb?"

  Tom continued to stare for a moment then inclined his head once. "Whatever."

  "Good. Which mountain?"

  Tom's mind reluctantly switched gears. Blue eyes scanned the two choices -- one small mountain to the Northwest and one to the Southeast. Both were near equally good climbs. The Northwest one was slightly more dangerous towards the top because of an overhang. Naturally this had been the one Tom had planned to attempt.

  Tuvok appeared to have guessed this as well going by his quirked brow at Tom indicating the Southeast mountain. He made no comment. He followed Tom on the quarter kilometer hike to the base.


  "Tuvok? You okay?"

  Tom glanced down at his fellow climber. The Vulcan was two meters below and to the left of his position and appeared to be having some trouble.

  "I have something in my right eye, Lieutenant."

  The pilot hardly was surprised. The rock of the mountain was great for climbing but hurt like Hell when a speck of it got in one's eye. He knew his own eyes had to be reddened and blood shot from numerous such invaders who somehow had made it behind his own protective eyewear.

  "There's a plateau three meters above me. I'll climb up then guide you up. Stay put."

  Twenty long minutes later Tom was helping his temporarily half-blinded climbing partner onto the deep ledge beside


  "It still in there?"

  "I believe so."

  "Sit down over there," Tom instructed, unhooking Tuvok's harness from the ropes, "and I'll get out my medkit."

  "You came prepared," Tuvok remarked walking away to do as ordered.

  Tom did not answer. 'I am a field medic and the Doctor's assistant,' he thought. 'Naturally I would come prepared.'

  "Remove your eye-"

  He did not get a chance to finish the command. The section of plateau beneath Tuvok's feet suddenly caved inwards. Tom dove for the falling Vulcan, frantically trying to catch one of the flailing arms. He did not succeed. Down into the darkness, Tuvok tumbled out of sight along with huge chunks of rock as Tom hit the ground hard next to the hole.

  An ominous creek sounded beneath the pilot. Seconds later he too fell into the abyss along with his foundation. The last thing he remembered before the blackness literally and metaphorically swallowed him was searing pains all over his body and B'Elanna's face before his eyes.


  "All I am saying is you ought to think about it, B'Elanna."

  The half-Klingon glared at Harry Kim. Everything had been fine until five minutes ago. When he had arrived at her quarters earlier that morning, her friend had laid on the guilt trip about how he wanted to go on shoreleave but did not want to go alone. Then Chakotay had appeared just as she was trying to convince Harry
she had too much to do to go traipsing off with him. The Commander had informed her it was her turn to go on shoreleave and she was going or else. She had not liked it, but she had gone.

  'And it hadn't been so bad,' she begrudged as they walked through a small park. 'She always had fun with Harry. Nothing like the wild adventures she had with -' She shoved that idea out of her head the second it entered. 'Today she was going to concentrate on what she and Harry were doing and not on a certain infuriating pilot. Already they had fun exploring the market place and two of the museums everyone had been raving about and were on their way to the third and she only had thought of Tom Paris two times. As far as she was concerned, that was two times too many and vowed not to think about him for the remainder of the day.'

  She was firm in her resolve until she saw the couple.

  Like all Dartins, they were dressed in lightweight clothing of colors so bright Neelix felt right at home amongst them. It was their coloring and their actions that broke the cheerful mood Harry's gentle prodding had fostered in B'Elanna. The male was very tall and pale in coloring. The female was shorter and darker. There was no doubt they were in love.

  B'Elanna had seen them coming towards them, hand in hand, laughing and smiling at one another. There was no one else in the entire Universe for the couple.

  The male said something that made them both laugh.

  The female slipped around in front of him and they both stopped. Smiling up into his face, she wrapped her arms around his neck.

  He smiled down at his much shorter mate and permitted her to pull his head half way down to hers before he resisted. Arms sliding around her back, he whispered something to her as he drew her to his long frame.

  She pretended to be taken aback by his comment.

  Grinning lasciviously, he lowered his head the rest of the way towards hers.

  They were still passionately kissing one another when Harry and B'Elanna passed. The young ensign had seen the look on her face and threaded an arm through hers to pull her along with him. He too had thought how much like B'Elanna and Tom the couple were.


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