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Changing Fate (Endgame #5)

Page 7

by Leigh Ann Lunsford

  This has to work— there isn’t another option for me. Or her.

  I grab my phone when it rings. “Hello.”

  Abigail is laughing. “She’s here and ornery as ever.” I shake my head. While my girl is sweet and selfless— she has a feisty streak. “Her dad is currently chasing her through the parking garage because he refuses to believe she’s an adult.”

  “Oh lord. What is she doing to him?” I dread the answer.

  “She lit a cigarette in front of him. He tossed it. She mouthed off. And lit another one.” I can hear the humor in her tone.

  I growl. “He should have tanned her hide.” She will quit that habit.

  “Caden, she’s an adult. I don’t particularly love the smoking for health reasons but you, her dad, her friends, nor I can make this decision for her.”

  I sigh. “Okay.” And it’s that easy. I don’t love her smoking but if she’s determined I’ll roll with it. I’m her partner, not her dictator.

  “I’ll talk to her. I think it gives her something to focus on other than her pain.”

  “How is she?” I need to know.

  “As I said— ornery. But she’s lost too much weight. She isn’t sleeping if the purple rings are any indication.”

  “A few more days.” I promise her mom.

  “I know. We’ve got flights for everyone and I think your dad forwarded you the itinerary. You’ll be busy with airport runs.” She informs me.

  “I got them. The guys arrive a few hours after the girls. And the rest of y’all get in Saturday evening.”

  “If y’all need to shadow the girls for the party we can pitch in and keep the kids.” She offers.

  “I’ll let them know. Thanks.”

  “Anything. See you in a few days.” We end the call. Nobody asks me what I’m doing for a grand gesture and I wouldn’t tell them. This is for her. From me. I’ve enlisted help but not from our friends. They just have to get her ass there. The rest is up to me.

  I turn and look at the piece of wall I cut from my closet. It’s hanging over the fireplace with an empty frame under it. I have plans regarding which photo will go in there but I’ll make that decision with her. It’s dependent on her response and how good my begging is.

  Can the time go any slower? Tonight is the girls’ night in Kansas— they’re staying in with the kids. Tomorrow they’re shopping and hitting the spa and going to a local bar with the guys where Avery will get the phone call that will rock her world. She’ll be summoned to Nashville under the guise of her contract at The Factory being up. She forgot that year contingency. Little does she know, it’s been handled and it is hers with a four-year lease with an option to extend. It’s my gift to her— made quite a dent in my trust fund but nobody argued with me when I made the decision. I’d drain every penny I had to give her the world.

  I need to show here we’re a team. While she’s here supporting my dream, I’m supporting hers. I’ll never take that for granted again. And I have an appointment in an hour to prove to her I’ll never forget her again. I don’t care what accident gets thrown at my head . . . she’ll be permanent.

  I call Breck. “Did you send it?”

  “Yes, freak. It should be there by three today. I have to say it turned out great.” I sent her a few images for her to set in a collage and frame with words surrounding it that meant something to us. Picasso. Ruthian. Mr.&Mrs. Dr.&Wife. Breck’s the photographer in the bunch and can work magic with images. Some weren’t for anyone’s eyes but mine but I trust Breck and I know she respects Avery. “I have to say. . . the one in the blue lingerie— I’ve never seen love look so pure and sultry at the same time.”

  “Thanks.” I inhale. “I’m nervous as fuck.”

  “Don’t. I hated lying to Aves these last weeks but I understand the reasoning. I’ll try to keep everyone under control.”

  “Bullshit. You’ll be the ringleader. And I want y’all to have fun.” I shake my head at the antics they’ll get into.

  “See you Sunday.” She hangs up and I know she has a flight to catch. I pace the floors waiting for the photos to be delivered so I can get to my appointment. I’m placing those images in my study room and nobody will see them. But I want to be able to look at her all day if I want to— I need a solid reminder with me at all times. These last weeks have been hell and have played with my psyche.

  “Hello.” My phone is non-stop ringing.

  “Hey honey.” My mom greets me. “Your MCAT scores came along with the letter for Vanderbilt.”

  “Did you open them?” God, what if I bombed? No way— I knew this stuff.

  “No. Do you want me to? I didn’t know if it was something you wanted to do with Avery.” Holy shit, this woman is brilliant.

  “Perfect. Bring them with you.” If I’m still accepted for fall, we’ll begin that journey together— if I get wait listed or denied, I’ll figure out what to do while I work my ass off to get accepted and in the meantime, she can spread her wings and grow her gallery. There’s always going to be bumps and unknowns in the crazy thing we call life but with Avery by my side, I’ll be able to handle whatever curveballs are thrown at me and I’ll be there to support her when life gives her a twirl.

  Leaving the shop, I can’t keep the grin off my face. Mason stayed on the phone with me the entire time for moral support— but I didn’t need him. I’ve got this. “Don’t forget the ring.” I remind him before I start my car. We’ll have to get Avery’s here but we’ll figure it out later. That’s a drive I’m not eager to repeat anytime in the near future.

  “I’ve got it. Breck distracted her with sorting some shit and I swiped it. I hope to hell she doesn’t notice.” I laugh at the fear in his voice.

  “Let’s hope.” I chuckle.

  “Fuck you. You’re safe in another state— it’ll be my dick she chops off.” He gripes.

  “At least it will be an easy job.”

  “Fuck you.” He hangs up— still such a sensitive topic with him.

  Fuck. I have two days to wait . . . worry . . . wonder. I grab my blanket and pillow settling down to watch some movies. I refuse to sleep in our new bed until she’s next to me but my back is revolting. The couch she circled in one of the magazines we had may look good but it’s shit for comfort.

  Funny how easy it was to put the house together once I remembered. We had everything picked and a lot purchased just waiting for us to set up delivery. Hell, we were weeks from starting this life— but I went ahead with our plans. When she comes home it will be the home she created.

  Chapter Nine

  “For fuck’s sake, are you kidding?” I stare at Mason pouting.

  “No. I want cupcakes. I have ten days and I can cheat for seven of them. The last three I’ll be enjoying my short honeymoon and working off the calories.” He’s dead serious. Sitting here, pleading with me to bake cupcakes.

  “Do we have pans here for this?” I shake my head. Breck and Mason arrived an hour ago, we’re waiting for Saylor and Emberlee to arrive and he’ll be kicked to the curb. My parents have packed eighty percent of the house, preparing it for sale. Guess I don’t have a choice but to move.

  I mentioned Prague to my parents and they scoffed. My dad forbade it and I lit a cigarette while pacing his prized patio with the thousand dollar grill. I may have flicked my ashes over it for spite but I’ll never tell him it wasn’t an accident. I don’t know why I got so worked up— he can’t stop me from going. It isn’t like I’m twelve.

  I’ll mention it to the girls tonight and get their take. I sure as hell won’t be moving back in with my parents. “Here they are.” Breck calls from the kitchen as she lifts the pans over her head.

  I go to make Mason’s cupcakes while they snuggle on the couch— the things I do for friendship. As I put the tin in the oven, Breck comes in. “You okay?”

  “Great.” I lie. She shakes her head and laughs at me. “I’m doing shitty. I had to force myself to avert my eyes when I got here last night. I couldn’t bear to
see his house empty. I won’t go to my parents because I have to drive by his parents’ house to get there. I’m terrified to leave this here because what if we run into him while we celebrate this weekend. Then I feel like a bitch because it’s like y’all have joint custody of us. Me on odd days and him on even. I know sometime I’m gonna have to be in the same room with him. He’s got to think it’s odd I’m avoiding him.”

  “He does.” She admits. “We were able to avoid conflict because his parents were taking him to visit family this weekend but next weekend is the wedding. You’ve got to get it together.”

  “I’ll try.” I look at her and know how important this day is to her. “I will. No trying. Shit, I shouldn’t have told my mom to give me three days to quit smoking. I’ll need them next weekend.”

  She rolls her eyes. “So, Saturday is your last day smoking.”

  “At noon. Per my mom.” Fuck, wrong time to quit. “If the timer beeps grab the cupcakes. I’m gonna go smoke. Maybe if I build up enough stock of nicotine in my system I won’t be a basket case next weekend.”

  “Okay. And I can’t have my maid of honor smoking.” I freeze.

  “Oh, God. He’s the best man, isn’t he?” I’m a selfish asshole. “And yes. I’d be honored. I love you.”

  “Love you. And yes, he’s the best man.” She grins and I wanna smack her. Instead I’m gonna go smoke.

  “Holy shit, what did you feed these kids while I was gone?” We’re sitting here and I can’t believe how much the girls have grown. Julie looks to be five, and she’s pouting because her Unca Mace got kicked to the curb and she couldn’t go with him. Kinsley and Darby are side by side, talking and playing and I swear they grew six inches.

  “It’s gonna suck, all of us being in different states.” Lee Lee sighs.

  “What?” I sit up.

  “Brody got a job offer with the Yankees as assistant trainer. So, we’re moving.” Saylor looks to the girls and sighs.

  “I may be in another country.” I decide to dive in.

  “Huh? You drunk?” Saylor glares at me.

  “No. Pasta offered me a spot whenever I want. I think I may take it.” But I’ll be alone. Lukas and Eva aren’t there.

  “I thought you were thinking of staying with me and Mason.” Breck whines.

  “Holy fuck.” Saylor glances to Julie and seems to be safe. “We’ll be the only ones here.”

  “Caden.” I remind her and everyone shuts up. I’m missing something but I don’t have the nerve to ask. They act like there’s something they can’t tell me and it clicks. “Excuse me.” I go to my room and sink to the bed.

  He’s got a girlfriend and they don’t know how to tell me. There’s no fucking way I can stay here and see that. God, do they have a witness protection program for broken hearts? This for sure earned me another day of sainthood. I go to my jewelry box— I need a quick peek. My ring is gone. I place it in the same spot every time I take it off and it isn’t there. I scream and Emberlee runs in. “What’s wrong?”

  “My ring is gone.” I’m hyperventilating and she leads me to sit down.

  “Maybe your mom packed it for safe keeping. We’ll call them in the morning. It’s late.” She rubs my back but I can’t breathe.

  “I need to call her now.” I’m irrational but I have to have that ring.

  “I’ll call her.” I watch her dial, hear her speak but it’s all noise. My eyes are fixed, staring at my jewelry box. She ends the call and snaps to get my attention. “She has it. Said if you need her to she’ll drive it over.”

  I sigh in relief. “No. I’m okay now that I know where it is.”

  “Okay.” She looks at me. “And please don’t go back to Prague. You can come to New York, move between Breck and my place. Open a gallery. Just don’t go to another country. I missed you.”

  “Missed you, too. I can’t promise but I’ll consider it.” I gather my courage. “How is he?”

  “Lost.” Is the only response I get as she leaves me by myself in my room. After I calm down I go join them. I’m present in body but absent in mind. I kiss Breck goodnight and promise myself I’ll be one hundred percent with her the rest of our time together.

  Her and Mason went through hell and clawed their way back together. She deserves more than what I’m giving as her friend.

  Fake it til’ you make it.

  I was relaxed. I’d been plucked, rubbed, pampered all day. I slam the phone down and scream. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. Who does that? Brian Michaels, that’s who.” I’m sputtering, sure my make-up is ruined, but I’m livid.

  “What the hell, Aves?” Deacon laughs as he drains his beer.

  “That was my sperm donor.” I seethe. “The contract I signed for my space in Nashville has to be handled by Sunday or I’m liable to pay for two years. He’s booked me a ticket, leaving tomorrow to handle it.”

  “That’s why you don’t do shit in secret.” Mason winks at me.

  “Are you shitting me? That’s the shit you’re gonna spew? Shall we rewind— ” I’m opening a can of worms but I couldn’t stop myself if I tried. The thought of being in that city, the one he made so many of my dreams happen— the memories are crushing me. “Secrets. Oh, Saylor and her fucking issues she kept a secret. Or let’s not forget Emberlee sabotaging shit with Adriane. Deacon gonna give up ball. Lee Lee’s sneaking around with Brody and hiding what he meant to her. Or her daddy issues. Then we had Mason— was he doing drugs in front of us? No— another secret.” I can’t stop ticking the transgressions off and I know I’m wrong. Like really wrong. “And Brecklynn hiding her love to save herself. But I’m the one you’re gonna fucking mention keeping secrets. I did this shit for y’all. If you knew, none of you would deal with your shit and would have hounded the fuck outta me and Caden.” I’m panting, feeling an ache in my chest because I decimated all of them with my hateful vitriol.

  “You done?” Mason tilts his head.

  “I think.” I admit.


  I meet each of their gazes. I’m shocked at the understanding I see. “I’m sorry.”

  “Breck, grab the computer. Book all of your flights to Nashville. Bachelorette party has been moved there for one night.” He tosses her his credit card and winks at me. “See, simple.”

  “Hell yes, they have a Coyote Ugly in Nashville.” Saylor is bouncing up and down, using Deacon’s leg as a racehorse, making his face look pained

  “Shortstop, you need to quit playing ride the pony against my thigh or we’re gonna disappear for a bit.” She rolls her eyes.

  “For keeping the girls and giving me this night, I’ll forego sleep and you can fuck me silly tonight.” She kisses his neck and stands. “Ten minutes to pack then we’re hitting the bar.”

  She’s like a drill sergeant but I have to sit down. My world is spinning and I’m helpless to stop it. “You good?” Deacon has taken residence by my side and Mason flanks the opposite side.

  “No. I can’t go back there.” I whisper. “I can’t. Why is my dad being a dick?” I refuse to allow the tears to fall.

  “He isn’t being a dick, Aves. It’s called growing up.” Mason adds.

  “Growing up? Who pays your bills?” I question.

  “I think my agent.” He has the fortitude to look sheepish.

  “Yeah.” I smile.

  “Saylor pays mine.” Deacon adds. “But I did sire two kids. I’m grown up.”

  “Yeah.” I lean my head against his shoulder. “And you stayed. You’re a great dad. Wanna give my dad some pointers?” I half-kid.

  “Aves.” Deacon kisses my temple.

  “I know. I’m not mad at him. In his defense, he said he’d been sending me the correspondence while I was in Prague and I ignored it. Anything to do with home and him I didn’t want to face.” A lone tear betrays me and courses down my cheek. “I can go to Nashville by myself, no reason to bust up the plans for this weekend.”

  “Nah. Breck deserves everything and s
he travels and adjusts her schedule to be there for me— let me do this.” Mason kisses my cheek.

  “Okay.” I give in to his plea.

  “But for the love of all that’s holy— watch Emberlee like a hawk.” Brody pleads. He knows she’ll be our ringleader in all chaos.

  “Dude, does this job pay?” I tease.

  “I don’t think there is a loan amount to cover the expense.” He admits.

  “Shut up— you get paid in anal.” Mason pouts.

  “Adler, shut the fuck up about anal— you’re with my sister.” Brody glares.

  “Not in that way. Y’all are assholes.” We can’t help but laugh and relax. I get up to pack and ready myself for a night that will include tequila shots and bad choices.

  “I’m starved.” We’re arriving at the hotel and I could eat the ass out of an elephant. But don’t Google that. It isn’t pretty.

  “Let’s head downtown, eat, and get partying.” Brecklynn sets her suitcase down on the bed. I take the other bed and Saylor and Lee Lee open the adjoining door to claim their sleeping spots.

  “Sounds good. We’ll change and leave in ten.” Changing consists of showering, fixing hair, smearing some make-up across faces, trying nine hundred and thirty-three outfits before wearing the first one they had. I’ve eaten three packs of Oreos from the mini bar, a candy bar and was heading to the vending machine to find something else when Emberlee finally announces she’s ready.

  I decided to wear my hair down in a mess of wild curls and allowed Saylor to pick out a flimsy cream top and paired it with my best black bra. Tight jeans, cute boots— that was all the effort I could muster. “Fuck, you look hot, Aves.”

  I roll my eyes. “Thanks, Lee Lee. But Breck is the bride. Let’s compliment her.”


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