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Beginning of the Reckoning (Feral Steel MC Book 3)

Page 27

by Vera Quinn

  “Why the hell do you have a gun?” Devil ask looking incredulous. “We have to move and get out of here. We are too vulnerable here.” He looks over to Tito, “Go get your vehicle,” then I see it. He knows Tito and I feel a realization that we could be in big trouble. When Tito goes to get his car I do the only thing I know to do. I aim the gun at Devil and his dad, it’s now or never, “Sarah, Felix are you ok?” they are just now getting to their feet.

  “Yeah, we’re ok. What are you doing Callie?” Felix looks confused. “Callie what are you doing?” The Steel asks me as Devil is trying to move around to the side of me.

  “Stop right there, Devil. Both of you move in front of me!” I aim carefully but keep my eyes on both the men. “Felix keep an eye out for Tito.” I tell Felix calmly enough he pays attention instantly. “Sarah, call dad tell him where we are, to get here now and to bring back up and a car, and then explain why. Do it calmly and don’t leave anything out. Tell who we are with.” Sarah has her phone out and is talking to dad before I have a chance to rethink it. I know this is the way it has to be, even though I will have to pay the consequences of my actions. Dad is going to be pissed.

  “That was the right thing to do, Callie. You’re in trouble and you know things are out of control and you get help.” Steel tells me.

  “Glad you approve,” I say a little sarcastically. “What is your name?” I ask him to make sure I have the right name.

  “Just call me Steel.” He says without much emotion “Well Steel, I ha ve made a real mess of things tonight and when things are serious I know who to turn to.” I know I have messed up tonight and I will have to face his wrath but I need to fix this. “How long has Tito been working for you and how long have you been watching us?” Both Devil and Steel’s eyes narrow on me and they are trying to see just how much I have been able to see through them.

  “Tito’s coming” Felix informs me. Sarah pushes her phone to me and I hear my dad yelling. “Dad!” I yell into the phone and I hear it go quiet. “Get to the Starlight club, now please. Devil and Steel are here with me they have a guy Tito who has been hanging with Sarah and he’s here. Two vehicles went by shooting as we came out of the club. I have my gun on Devil and Steel right now and Tito is almost here in his black 2015 Dodge Challenger. I can’t make out the plate. Did you get all that?” as soon as the last words were out of my mouth the phone went dead. Yep he was on his way.

  “Ok, my dad is on his way. We are going back in the club.” I push Felix and Sarah ahead of me and as we step back into the club I put my gun away and make my way over to the bar. Everything is winding down inside and they are getting ready to close. I find the bouncer and let him know who my dad is and he would be very happy if he would help us out until he can get here. Thankfully the man knows who my dad is and agrees. He escorts us to an office to wait for my dad’s arrival.

  Chapter 13

  Devil I know what is coming now, but I’m just glad everyone on our side is ok. It could have been worse, a lot worse. Apparently Chief has taught his daughter a hell of a lot better than any of us have been lead to believe.

  “We are going to be in deep with Chief. Are you ready for that?” As my dad takes in our surroundings. “We need to find out if that was meant for us, or if that was meant for Callie. I’ve let you take the lead in this, so take care of it or I will. I know we need that girl in there, but I will not see her hurt. We could be waiting on Chief to come get his dead daughter. Are you listening to me Devil?” he wipes his hand down his face the way he does when he has had enough shit for one day. “At least we know that girl has some sense about her. Who would have thought she would have a gun? And the way she turned it on us when she saw right through Tito’s connection with us. Maybe that had nothing to do with us and we just saved them.” Dad has a real admiration for Callie now. That could be dangerous for my future plans.

  “Let’s not forget the big picture.” I try to redirect his thinking. “Let’s see if we can turn this around for us when Chief gets here.” One thing at a time. “You’re going to make a strong child with this girl, so you think about that and I will handle Chief. Just try to keep your mouth shut. He has a hate for you and anything that comes from you, he’s not going to like.” That much I figured out. That’s ok because I don’t care for his ass much either. He should have better protection on Callie. That can only mean she is his weakness, and now I know how to use it, but if I see it so can anyone else that wants to hurt him. I will have to get someone from our club here to watch her until we work things out. I hear bikes as they turn into the parking lot and Chief is front and center and not looking happy. Time to get this done. I need a bed to get a little sleep to face Callie tomorrow. Chief rides his bike right up to us. He gets off his bike and has me pushed back up against the wall before I know he is coming my way. He’s fast for a man his size.

  “Where is my damn daughter? What the hell are you doing anywhere near her? I told you to stay the fuck away!” Chief is raging and he has lost all control. Dad tries to move between us but I’m having none of it. I punch Chief before dad can catch my arm and then it’s a free for all between the big man and me. I take a good hit to my ribs but I come back with an upper cut to the side of his head.

  “You mother fucker I told you to stay away from my d aughter and I will put you to ground if you think you can come in and just take her.” Chief is growling out in between punches to my kidneys.


  We both stop and look toward the front door of the club where Callie is standing with her gun in the air.

  “Dad, please stop.” She pleads and looks at him with tears in her eyes. Chief turns towards his VP, Trent, and nods his head towards the front door. “Make sure no one calls the cops.” Then Callie moves to her dad and is checking his face out.

  “He didn’t do anything to me dad. There were two drive bys right here when we came out.” Callie informs her dad but he still looks skeptical. “He didn’t discuss anything with you?” Chief looks between the two of us. “Chief, I can explain if you’ll just listen.” Dad tells him.

  “Steel you can only trade on our friendship for so long and it is wearing thin. We need to get the hell out of here in case someone called the cops.” Just then Trent comes back out the door with Callie’s friends.

  “Callie, you and your friend s get in the car with Woody and Ty and if you give them any shit at all young lady, I swear I will give you the spanking you have been needing. Are we clear?” Chief stares his daughter down and there is no room for her to argue with him.

  “Yes sir, I understand.” She bends her head and looks at the ground but moves towards the car. “Steel meet me at the clubhouse. We are going to settle who is in charge around here.” I can see the determination in his eyes and I know I need to keep my mouth shut but only until we get to the club. Dad shakes his head and we head to our bikes and Tito to his car. The wind in my face and the feel of my bike will help me sort through all the shit that has gone down tonight and maybe I can find a way to approach this so we all can survive.

  “Son, we have to find out who was behind this tonight. We don’t need any loose ends.” He is deep in thought but I know this is wearing on his nerves. “I agree old man and we will.” That fact I know. Because if we don’t find them they will come calling again and if it was meant for Callie I may not be there to help next time.

  Chapter 14


  ***From somewhere in a war zone*** “Finally! Where have you been, Cru? I have been trying to get you for hours. Did you find her and explain?” Mason blurts out and all he gets is a silent Cru on the other end. “Come on man, I’m dying here. Give me something.”

  “Mase, man, I found her but she’s not listening. I think I made it worse. She and I had words and I should have just kept my mouth shut and stayed away.” I can hear the regret in his voice but I don’t understand. How could he argue with my girl? I’m in the wrong. All I wanted him to do is make her understand how sorry I

  “What are you talking about? Tell me what happened.” I know there has to be some kind of communication problem going on because I’m not getting what went on.

  “Look, I’m sorry. I was a little mad because of her attitude. She told me to come and pick your stuff up and she wanted nothing else to do with any of us. I let her know the pressures we’re under doing what we do, and how long you had to wait for her. I lost it on her. I’m sorry man. I know I made it worse.” I am seeing red by the time his words are out of his mouth. Damn, all I asked him to do was apologize for me again.

  “Lo ok Cru, this is all on me. I did wrong. It was my idea for this relationship and me waiting on her. I love her. I screwed up and made a mistake but you don’t understand. Everything that has happened is her worst nightmare. I promised her it wouldn’t happen and it did. This is all on me.” I try my best to make him understand. “Look Cru, Callie had a rough time coming up when she was with her mom and she remembers it. Her mom used to sell herself and Callie remembers those women that used to come knocking on their door looking for their husbands and Callie swore that would never be her.” I hope Cru can understand the extent of the pain I have put on my girl. I wish I could take it back.

  “Damn, now I know I made it worse.” Cru cursed into the phone almost too soft for me to hear.

  “Why? What did you do Cru?” I had to know what he said to her so I can make it better for her. “I told her she was just like her mother.” Cru lets out, “I’m sorry man I didn’t know. I had heard her mom was a skank but I didn’t know the rest.” I hear the regret in his voice but the anger I feel towards him for saying such a thing is too much to contain.

  “Cru, you idiot, that is one of her worst fears, being like her mom.” I take in a deep breath trying to calm myself and then something doesn’t make sense and I have to ask. “Why would you say she is like her mom?”

  “There’s this biker guy who says Callie is his and he’s claiming her. Sorry man. I know its hard hearing that when you’re so far away but I knew you would want to know.” Cru is having a hard time with all this and I know I have put him in a bad situation.

  “Who is it, Cru? Someone from Chief’s club?” I run over the men in the club and I can’t believe it would be any of them. We are all friendly. They know she is mine. I know Callie would not cheat on me. It’s not in her. It goes against everything she believes in.

  “No man, I haven’t seen this guy before and he’s older. Probably in his thirties. I know most of Chief’s guys and this wasn’t one of them. He called himself Devil.” Cru is thinking and trying to figure out who this guy is.

  “Is that all Cru? Is there anything else you’re not telling me? I need to know it all. What did Callie say about this guy?” I need to hear it. I know there is something else. “She was having none of it, ma n. This guy was irritating the shit out of Callie and she was giving him hell but when Hanna and I were leaving, he kissed her and when I say kissed her, I mean he owned her in that kiss. Sorry, I just want you to be aware what is going on.” I know it took a lot for Cru to tell me that last part but I needed to hear it.

  “Thanks Cru. I appreciate you trying and telling me everything. And Cru, if you ever talk to my girl like that again I will break your face. Do we understand each other? I love Callie and she will be mine again…she always has been since I saw her when she wasn’t even fifteen.” I let that sink in. “You know, I have loved Callie since she was twelve years old. I had to wait for Chief to let her date. I was only fifteen and that girl has owned me since then.”

  “I got you Sarge, and I understand. Is Jeb ok?” he always asks about his twin as if he wouldn’t know if something was wrong with him They have that weird twin thing. “Yeah, he is fine. Get yourself back here and see for yourself.” I know this is where he wants to be anyway. This is the longest they have been separated in a while. “Ok, I will get on that tomorrow. Tell him I said hey. Sorry I let you down.” I hear my lifelong friend’s regret and I know I need to fix this. “You didn’t let me do wn. I let myself down, and I let Callie down. Now I have to be man enough to fix it. Later Cru.” I hope the truth helps and I hang up. I have to get my leave and soon. Very soon. I have to go home and claim the woman I love and put a ring on her finger, and as soon as I can, my baby in her belly. I will tie her to me by any means I have to. Wait for me baby, I am on my way. Callie, you are my everything. My heart only beats for you. We are an ocean apart. You are mine and I will reclaim you. I will fight the Devil for you.


  What a clusterfuck this night has become. How can I run a damn club when I can’t even control my own damn daughter? I should have kept her away from this club and found a woman to help raise her better. Ma did her best when she was still alive, but by that time Callie was already a tomboy and could do everything Ty did and do it better at times. She’s learned too much, too fast. Now she’ll have to pay the price of me not thinking ahead to this. It’s been a long night and I have come up with nothing to head off what is coming tomorrow. More like tonight. Might as well do this and then sleep. Maybe then an answer will come in my sleep. Ma always said our ancestors come to us in our dreams. What I wouldn’t give for her to slap me upside the head with her wisdom right about now. Callie and I will be having some words over the shit her and her friends pulled tonight. That girl needs to learn to stay put. When will she learn? I do have to say, she did me proud by calling when she thought she was over her head. She knew she would be in trouble but she called anyway. She had her protection on her, at least she learned that lesson. As I walk through the club I see the kids have taken over the couch. They look like they could use some sleep but that’ll have to wait. Looks like all the patch members are here. Not happy at this hour, but here. Time to get this started.

  “Church now!” I yell out and head towards the room at the end of the hall where we have made every important decision since my uncle was the President of the BlackPath MC. We enter that door and everything gets intense. Zman is at the door, as our SAA he takes all phones and weapons. I head to the front of the table but stop and look for Ty outside the room. He’s still a prospect and not allowed inside during church, he can be my eyes outside until we call everyone in.

  “Ty, keep an eye on Steel and Devil until we call them in. Keep them away from your sister. If you need help get Woody.” With that I return to the room and my place at the head of the table. Everyone is seated at the table and Zman closes the door and I look out at my brothers and get ready to put this big clusterfuck at their feet. All of them know what was coming tomorrow and we have voted on it but I hate having to do this at three o’clock in the morning.

  “Everyone quiet down and I will try to get this over with fast so you can get back to bed.” I hesitate and then proceed, “Callie has gotten herself into a bit of a mess tonight. Her and her friends snuck away from the prospects on guard and were shot at coming out of a club a little while ago.” I look to see who is grumbling and it is Trent, my VP and blood brother.

  “Told you to send her to boarding school. Kid always getting up to something.” Trent grouches out. “Shut up Trent, you spoil her worse than anyone.” I tell him and he can’t argue with me. He helped me raise her and she has had him wrapped around her little finger since she was born. Way before she ever lived with us.

  “Is it still a go ahead for tomorrow? Are you still laying it at Callie’s feet? I still think that is too much for such a young kid! Too much responsibility!” Hambone lets his opinion be known again.

  “Me too.” Sinner lets me know as well. “My daughter, we voted, and that’s final.” I let them know the subject is closed. “We are going to hear Steel and Devil out about what went down at club, as briefly as possible. Then the kids and everyone else can leave. Then Steel, Devil, Trent, and I will lay it out for Callie. After that, I am going to sleep for a while and let Callie take it all in. Today is Saturday, so Monday morning, first thing, we will sit down and hash it out and see where we go from th
ere.” I look around at all the concerned looks. I know they are all worried about baby girl. She is our princess with a warrior’s heart and when she hurts we all do. These hard ass bikers all have a soft spot for her and that is what family is all about. “Ok, let’s do this.” I motion for Zman to let the other two men in.


  Finally, we are summoned to go before all the patched members. This should be fun. We have nothing to hide, so it shouldn’t take long. Then we can get down to why we came here. We walk into the room and two chairs are set away from their table but close to Chief. Zman stands behind us, as if we would try anything here.

  “Ok, tell us what happened outside the club and we will come back to the rest afterwards. I want details. No run around bullshit.” Chief looks at me but he will get the answers from dad. Chief already has a hate for me and I am trying to show some patience. We’ll see how long that last.

  “We followed your girl and her friends out the front door. Callie stood over to the side of the door as she stepped out into the night, I’m guessing to let her eyes adjust, but it probably saved some of our lives. The van barreled down on us and we would have been in the open if she would have taken off into the parking lot. She threw herself over her friends and Devil threw himself over her. After the initial attack, a second vehicle with shooters approached, we shot back, your girl pulled her gun, and shot out the windshield. Don’t know if we got any of them. It was dark and some security lights were out. After that Callie saw the connection between Tito and Devil and it spooked her so she called for backup. The rest you know.” Dad finished the last part slowly letting them know he wasn’t exactly happy because we were caught by Callie.


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