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Beginning of the Reckoning (Feral Steel MC Book 3)

Page 44

by Vera Quinn

  “Devil, ri ght now I have to work with you for both of our sakes, but do not take this as me approving of the way you have slighted my daughter by not claiming her as your ol’ lady. Marriage is legal. Claiming is respect in any club and you didn’t give that to Callie. Mason will protect Callie with his own life. Now this is done for now. When we get back everything can be settled. Now let’s get this done and get on the road. We have a two-day ride there and a two-day ride back, then however long it takes to deal with Diamondback so let’s get on the road.” Chief is worried about dealing with Diamondback, and to be honest so am I.

  “Sounds like a plan to me Chief. Let’s roll.” Dad is anxious too. We turn to walk out but I stop and look at Mason one last time, “Keep your distance.” Then I turn to Stone, “Keep your eyes on him. He gets too close or tries anything with Callie, shoot him. This is an order from your VP. Are we clear Stone?” Stone looks at Mason and then back to me, “I will do just that.” I keep walking and don’t stop until I get to my bike. This is going to be one long trip.

  Chapter 60

  Callie This is the second morning I woke up without Kylar. I don’t know how I could get so used to having him with me so fast, but I feel like I’m missing part of me. Yesterday I did get a kiss goodbye but I wish now I had gotten up with him. We didn’t get much sleep the night before. Next time I’ll know to make myself get up. He called last night to tell me goodnight. He was so sweet he put an alarm on my phone to remind me of my vitamins. He texted me a couple of times yesterday when they would stop. I know Kylar is worried about Mason being around but he has no reason to worry. I avoided going to the club house yesterday because of it. Today I am doing my car and that should keep me and Ty busy. I put a roast on in the crock pot last night and made up some rolls. I am putting vegetables in now so we have dinner tonight. Stone had to make a quick trip back to Oklahoma today. Kat had a pipe burst and he had to go help with that he is going to be gone a couple of days. Kylar was not happy about it, but family is family. Felix will be here soon and he is going to talk to Ty and me while we work and then spend the night. We’ll have buddy time. I hear the door bell and when I open the door Felix is standing there just a smiling but when I see who he is smiling at I catch my breath. There beside him is Mason. It seems like so long since I have seen him. My first instinct I to rush to him but I catch myself.

  “Well are you going to stand there and gawk all day or let us in?” As always Felix knows just what to say to snap me out of it. I step back and let them in. Mason has not taken his eyes off me. Then I snap out of my fog.

  “Well Felix I know what you’re doing here, but Mason what are you doing here?” I try to make myself sound normal and not like my heart is beating ninety miles an hour.

  “I came to help you and Ty today. I just relieved the other prospect. I wanted to see how you were doing? See if you need anything? I wanted to say face to face how sorry I am. I am not trying to use Devil’s absence to my advantage. I was ordered not to, but I am saying I still love you and when you realize you still love me I will be right here. I don’t care that your married or you’re pregnant. But I am not using this to my advantage.” Mason smiles and gives me his signature wink that used to make me weak in the knees. Ok, maybe it still does. He knows it too, and smiles again and I see that dimple I used to love so much.

  “Ok, now we have that all c leared up. I mean the part you are not using this to your advantage. Come in and have a seat. Would anyone like something to drink?” I am trying to be polite but I really need distance from Mason. Felix is the first to speak, “Is that a roast I smell cooking?”

  “Yes, I knew you were spending the night so I made your favorite. I also made some of those rolls you like and I am making a chocolate cake for dessert.” I know how Felix likes my food.

  “Wow, can I eat with you, too? I am on duty all night. I love your food.” Mason was not making this easy but if he was going to be here I would feed him. “Of course. Everyone gets fed.” I’m trying to keep it friendly but I know Devil is not going to be happy.

  “Does that go for us too?” Ty comes walking in from the kitch en with Jeb. Ty gives Mason a look but then tries to hide it. Don’t know what that was about but I’m glad more people are here.

  “Of course. I made enough for a small army, and now I know to make the cake even bigger.” I smile at Ty. He knows I am uncomfortable with Mason here. Jeb makes his way over to me and gives me a hug. “Hey beautiful, I have missed you. I heard you’re pregnant.” I know Jeb is just concerned but my eyes go to Mason and his eyes are on the floor.

  “Yes handsome I am. How are you? Everyon e here tonight is eating so when it gets time you know to bring yourself in here?” Jeb and I have always been close. It’s not like Cru and I, who I only tolerated. How two men who look almost identical could be so different is beyond me.

  “Yes, I sure will. It smells great in here. Don’t know if that husband of yours will appreciate you calling me handsome though.” I hadn’t thought of that but Jeb and I have been friends forever.

  “You let me worry about Kylar. You and I have been friends for so long it just comes natural. We are still friends, right?” With everything between Mason and myself I don’t really know where I stand with Jeb. Cru I know won’t have anything to do with me but Jeb is different.

  “Of course darling. We will always be friends and I hope yo u know you can depend on me if you need anything.” I reach up on my tippy toes and give him a big hug. I feel much better when I know where I stand.

  “I hope you know we are friends too, Callie. We can be anything you want.” Mason lets me know, and it does make me feel better. Mason and I have been in each other’s lives for a long time. I would like to remain friends.

  “Ok. That’s good with me. Now it is time to work on my baby. Are you guys ready?” It’s been a while since I have gotten in the shop and I can’t wait to get started.

  “There’s a problem with that sis. Devil gave me instructions a little while ago that you were not to be doing anything in the shop. I’m to do it. Of course you know I don’t take orders from Devil, but I thought I would let you know.” Ty is baiting me. He wants me to go off on Devil. Not happening. I pick up my phone and send off a text. I know he won’t get it until later when they stop to eat. “Ok, that should do it. Let’s get to the shop. Ty anything to do with gasoline you will do. I can’t lift anything to heavy and if I get tired I will leave. I will run the exhaust fan to blow the fumes out and if that don’t ventilate it enough I will stop, but this is my car and I will help. Now do you have something else to say Ty?”

  “Nope. Sound s like everything is just fine. Baby girl does everything her way. You never change.” He smirks and knows his little ploy to get me to go off on Kylar didn’t work. I toss him some attitude. “Why mess with perfection?” The rest of the day we work on my car and get it finished up. Mason flirts with me every chance he gets and his eyes follow me everywhere. We stop for lunch and I warm up some left overs and make my cake before we go back. Felix was bored, playing on his phone. Then the day is done and I am tired. I put dinner on the table and then I finish up dessert and serve it and everyone gets full. Jeb and Mason take turns keeping an eye outside. Ty leaves to do some things at the club and takes Jeb with him. I had a long talk with Kylar on the phone, and no he’s not happy with Mason being here, but he’ll be ok. They had problems with one of the bikes today so they are still a few hours from where they are going. Felix is in the shower when I hear a knock on the door and I look out and it’s Mason. I open the door and he takes my hand. I try to jerk it back but he holds it.

  “What do you want Mason?” I am too tired for this.

  “I just want a conversation alone.” I know this is not a good idea. I’m too tired but I guess we need closure. “Mason, I am tired but i f you need to do this ok. Just remember, I am a married woman and you will respect that.” I look to make sure he is taking me serious I see his acceptance so I go and sit with him on the
swing that we used sit on long ago. When I was his and he was mine.

  “Are feeling ok, Callie? I don’t know anything about being pregnant. Are you ok?” He looks like my old Mason. So concerned.

  “I’m fine. I just get tired easier. I have had it easy. No morning sickness or anything.” I like being pregnant. I guess I’m a lucky one.

  “Cal, I miss you. I miss us. I don’t know how to be without you.” He should have been me two months ago when I found out he cheated on me. “Look Mason, I am just going to come out and say this. I’ve never been one to beat around the bush. You destroyed me when you cheated on me.” He starts to say something but I raise my hand and he quiets. “You blindsided me. I put all my trust in you. Mason, you were everything to me. You say you waited on me, well I waited on you, too. I would have never cheated on you. Do you think no one ever tried something with me? If you do, you’re wrong. I turned them down. I never wanted love. I never wanted a relationship for just that reason, but you made me believe. You made me want it. Now I would no more cheat on Kylar than I would have you.” I keep it honest and to the point so there can be no mixed communications.

  “I understand Cal but are you telling me you love Devil?” I look in his eyes and I see pain but it is pain of his own making. “Yes Mason, I have fallen in love with Kylar. It didn’t start like that. But I love him now and I want our little family. I’m going to be a mom. My dreams were always with you. My laughter, my tears, and I thought my happily ever after. Everything. But I have let it go. One night and one mistake took it all away. I have to see where this ride with Kylar will take me. I think it’s all that keeps me sane right now.” I don’t want to hurt Mason but I have to be honest. It’s what is right for everyone.

  “I did this to you and I will hate myself for it the rest of my life. I understand your loyalty. It’s one of the things I love about you. I will always be waiting and hoping you come back to me. No matter how long it takes. If you need me, I’m here. It doesn’t matter your carrying his child. That child is part of you and I can love him or her. When Devil gets back from the run they’re on some heavy stuff is going to go down. I will be here if you need me. That’s all I can say. Club business. Just remember I am here and I still love you.” Then before I know it Mason has me in his arms and he kisses me. At first it scares me, but then I feel like I am betraying Kylar and I pull out of his arms and push him away.

  “Mason don’t ever do that again. You have no claims on me anymore.” How will I explain this to Kylar? He is going to hit the roof. “You’re right but have you asked yourself why Kylar hasn’t put a property patch on you yet or why you’re not wearing his tattoo yet?” with that Mason gets up and runs off into the night. I have wondered, why but why would Mason bring it up and what does Mason know about this run? Tomorrow I will be visiting the club house to see if I can dig up anything. Then I see Felix sticking his head in the curtains. I walk back in the house and I laugh at Felix, “What are you doing Fe?”

  “I started to come out but I didn’t want to interrupt. I heard you two on the porch and didn’t want to barge out there.” Fe always wanted me with Mason but I know he was just being considerate.

  “Come on Fe. I am tired. I am going to lock up the house. Set the alarm and get a snack and go upstairs and we can veg out in front of the TV.” I am just exhausted. “Can I have more cake? You can veg out if you want.” Fe and his sweet tooth. “Sure thing sweets.” We go to the kitchen after I set the alarm a nd check all the locks. Don’t take us long for Fe’s milk and cake and my veggies, ranch, and water. While Fe is looking for a movie to watch, I pilfer my closet. I took a lot with me but I left a lot, too. I start packing a suitcase to take back with me of some winter clothes and I come across my to go bag I always kept in the bottom of my closet. I open it and everything is still in there. A copy of all my important papers. A couple of fake ID’s and an envelope with ten thousand dollars in it. Dad always made me keep it in case we were hit by a rival club and I needed to be on the run. We all kept one and we had a designated place to meet up once we got away. I guess when dad gets back I can give it back to him, but I need to remember to set up something like that at home. I finish packing stuff I want to take with me and then I join Fe. He’s still hasn’t found anything so I pick. Our favorite action movie of course. Vin never gets old. I don’t remember anything but previews until I hear my phone ring. Fe hands it to me. A text from Kylar, telling me goodnight and he loves me. I hooked my phone to the charger and I am back out. I know nothing until the next morning. My phone is ringing and I reach over and answer it, “Hello. Is someone there?” then the line goes dead. Oh well, I look at the time and it is after ten. I look at my call log and it was a blocked call. Probably a wrong number. I look over and Fe is still asleep, but I know he has to be at work by eleven thirty so I shake him. Then I go take care of my morning usual’s. When I come out Fe is dressed.

  “You want breakfast? I can fix you something.” Fe is not much of a morning person. “No thanks. I need to scoot. Besides I am still full from last night.” With that we walk to the kitchen together where Ty and Jeb are drinking coffee. I guess Mason has been relieved.

  “Mason is at the club.” Well I didn’t ask. “As soon as you take your vitamin, Devil’s orders, and get ready we are taking you to the club. Mason needs some sleep. He was up all night. Jeb and I have to be in town soon, so you need to be at the club so he can keep an eye on you. Kelsey is going to be there with you. Sound good? You can eat there and you’ll need to drive. Devil said no rides on the bikes.” I smile at how much Devil thinks of everything.

  “I’ll be ready in five.” I turn and go back in my room and grab my vitamins to take and my purse. I set them on the bed and then I find a pair of cut offs and a tank. My belly still isn’t poking out yet, so this will do. I slip my chucks on with them and I am ready. It doesn’t take long to get there and as soon as Ty has me inside he is gone. Kelsey is in the kitchen and we each have a bowl of cereal for breakfast. We get back into the bar area and sit on the big couch and settle in for a visit. She catches me up on all the club gossip. Just as I am about to start asking her questions about the guys run, two women walk in. One I think is Kizzy. Stone’s wife, but I’m not sure. I only seen her one time but Kelsey takes the lead “Can I help you? I don’t believe we know each other.” Kelsey is always nice.

  “We’re here to see this bitch about some business but none of it is yours so you need to leave.” Holy crap. This woman did not know who she was dealing with. Kelsey is all nice but she would bitch slap a smart mouth in a second. I pull my purse over next to me, casually. Kelsey has gotten on her feet and when she partially covers me I slip my gun in my back waist band and cover it with my shirt.

  “Look bitch. I’m an ol’ lady here and I will take you outside and we can talk about this.” Kelsey already has her hands going and she has her hip cocked sideways. She is definitely ready to give them attitude but I know they are here for me and I will give them my attention.

  “Say whatever it is you have to say and get out. I don’t have time for your crap mouth.” I am trying to be patient. The older of the two looks to the other, “Is that her?” Kizzy shakes her head yes. “I’m here to let you know you have served your purpose little girl, now I’m taking my man back.” I don’t know what she’s getting at but I see Kelsey texting on her phone.

  “What are you talking about? What man? I’m married to Kylar.” This woman is not making sense. “Yeah well, I’m Devil’s ol’ lady so we have a problem” then she turns around and I see on the back of her leather jacket she has a property patch with Devil on it. She lifts her hair and she has the emblem of the Feral Steel club on her with Devil underneath it. It is on her neck and down to the top of her shoulder. I feel sick. This is why he didn’t claim me in front of his club. I know men who have a wife and an ol’ lady and sometimes girlfriends too, but I didn’t think Kylar was this way. He said he loved me and then I remember.

  “You may have his
property patch and his club tattoo but I am going to have his child.” She just laughs. She’s laughing at me. “You think that makes a difference. I don’t want no yapping, crying brats. You and that brat was the way he thinks he freed me. See you were just a means to an end to him. He wants and loves me. He just took your virginity and used you like the fool you are. You can thank your mama and daddy for that one.” My mind is racing. How could I be such an idiot? I trusted the wrong man again. What is wrong with me? Wait what did she say? I take a breath. I square my shoulders. This is not me. I am strong and I will not let these people run over me.

  “What the hell do you mean my mama and daddy? Dad would never have anything to do with white trash like you.” They may be right about Kylar, but dad is my hero. This time Kizzy speaks up, “We’re not talking about Chief. We’re talking about Diamondback your DNA dad and Karen your mom.” I have no idea what they mean. I’ve never known my DNA dad and how do they know Karen?

  “You two need to leave. Ty is on his way with Hambone and they will not put up with your shit.” Kelsey puts in but I need answers. “You two have until they get here and then you’ll disappear.” Kizzy i s looking nervous but the other one still has that sarcastic look. “Speak or they will shut you down. You came here to blow my world up so do it. Or have you lost your nerve now?” I am as hateful as I can be and she knows I am daring her to tell me.

  “Well, you do have a backbone. Devil said you were a weak.” She thinks that will make me back down and fall to pieces but she has under estimated me. “Devil thinks Diamondback kidnapped me. Of course that was part of my plan. I’ve been shacked up, but Devil will never believe that. Diamondback had a thing with Karen and you were the result. All this time he didn’t know he had you. He thought all he had was his son. Well Diamondback is getting older and he is thinking down the road. His son is sterile due to an illness he had when he was younger. So he will get no more family line from him, so you were his answer. Karen showed up running from Chief and Diamondback has protected her because of you. To get me back Devil had to marry and impregnate you and then leave you, sign his rights away and divorce you. Perfect plan. Then daddy dearest shows up and claims your ass and he gets his heir. Perfect plan and your mom, Karen, came up with it. You see, she and my mom used to party together so we’ve known each other a long time. She’ll get Diamondback in time, a President of a MC.


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