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Beginning of the Reckoning (Feral Steel MC Book 3)

Page 47

by Vera Quinn

  “That’s her pimp.” I yell it out. I can’t help myself. She’s been getting her drug money on her back for the last three years and I don’t trust those scum around my baby sister.

  “Mr. Monroe calm yourself and lower your voice. Do you have any proof of this? By my records, Mr. Bonesville owns apartment buildings.” This is not going well for us I know. I have no proof. I know it’s true, but I have nothing I can show a judge.

  “No your honor. I have nothing to show. I just know it the same way I know if Karen gets her hands on Callie again she will hurt her. Hurt her worse than she already has.” Why can’t they just look at the medical records? I don’t know what else to do.

  “Ok, Mr. Monroe this is what I am going to do. I am going to go with the ruling, but I am amending it to be paid for by insurance of private pay. It will still be a lock down facility, but not a state funded. Mrs. Monroe must stay at least ninety days. Then she must seek follow up services. Take mandatory parenting classes, monitored for drug use, and have adequate housing and employment before she can petition for contact with minor child. I am signing off on it now. Everyone can go.” This is outrageous.

  “Can I speak to my son alone for a second? It will only be a minute.” This the first Karen has spoken. I’m surprised she’s kept her mouth shut.

  “Mr. Timmons will stay and Mr. Timmons you are responsible for your client’s actions.” Judge Wilson says as he walks out the door. “Do you want me to stay Mr. Monroe? I can if you want me to.” Mr. Hankins looks like he really wants to stay but I know Karen and she has something to say and will only say it if he is gone, but I don’t want to be left here for long. I may just kill her with my bare hands.

  “Mr. Hankins, if you’ll just stand right outside. I’ll be right out.” This way I know I’ll get out fast.

  “What’s wrong Tommy? Scared of your mom?” This came from Karen. She must be in rare form today. Taunting me in front of my attorney. “Mr. Timmons, you need to remind your client that Mr. Monroe doesn’t have to talk to her at all.” Mr. Hankins doesn’t trust Karen. Smart man. Then he gets up to leave the room but turns right before he shuts the door, “I’ll be right outside Mr. Monroe.” I give him a quick head nod.

  As soon as the door shuts Karen goes into a little fit, “What the hell Tommy? You treating your mom like a criminal. Haven’t I been good to you?” This is Karen’s typical complaint. How she treats me so damn good, in reality she just hasn’t abused me. After my dad died I was neglected and the things I’ve had to hear come out of my mom’s mouth is shameful. The men she’s traipsed through our house. The house my dad paid for, but now has been sold to pay off some of her drug debts.

  “Mrs. Monroe, I am going to step over there to give you some privacy so you need to keep your voice down.” Mr. Timmons is giving her a warning that he can’t hear what she is going to say. Nice.

  “What’s wrong Mr. Timmons, do you need deniability?” I’m pissed and now we’re alone I might as well let the suit know I’m not a pushover.

  “Ok Karen, just spit it out. What do you have to say? What’s so important you just have to say it now?” I just want to get it over with so I can get to Baby Girl. Karen lowers her voice, “I’m putting you and that little bitch on notice. When I get out of here I am coming for her. She is my ticket and she is damn sure going to pay up. Are we clear Tommy? When I am out she is coming home. I have plans and you and your friends can’t stop me. I gave birth to that brat and she is getting me a better life. Are we clear Tommy? Whoever tries to stand in my way, T-Bone will take care of. I don’t want to see you hurt, but to get what I want it will happen. You look after that brat until I’m out. Chaz and Grit will be keeping an eye out so you can’t run. That motorcycle club, the BlackPaths, can’t help you either. Not that Whiskey would try to help anyway.” She is full of spite and hate. The woman I am looking at now doesn’t even resemble the woman she was when I was young and dad was alive.

  “Mr. Timmons, just so you know you can hear again. I do not accept what you’re saying. I will fight you for Baby Girl. She is going nowhere. You tell T-Bone, Chaz and Grit to stay away. Karen Monroe you are not our mom anymore. Stay out of our lives.” With that I can take no more. I get up without looking back and walk out.

  I see Mr. Hankins is right outside the door just like he said he’d be, along with Blake and Cam. I look at Mr. Hankins, “You have to find a way for me to keep Callie. She has plans for her and they can’t be good. She said they included her pimp. Please, Mr. Hankins find a way.” I feel helpless but at least I know we have a little time. By the time Karen can get released and get all her things set up Callie will start pre-k. I hope then the court can see I am a better option.

  “Mr . Monroe, I promise you I will do my best. That woman is a piece of work and she’s manipulating the court. Just keep yourself out of trouble, keep your employment, and stay in the same residence. I will try to set up counseling sessions. Also, try to get her into some sporting activities or dance. Something of that sort and stay active in it. It helps when you show your interaction with the child and activities in group settings. That way other people see how you interact with Callie. My secretary will be in touch with names of different activities and such. We will do our best. Also stay on top of her medical situations. All her check-ups especially. Ok Mr. Monroe, you have your work cut out for you. I’ll be in touch.” Sports and dance. We can do that. Maybe she will come out of that shell. She’s so quiet.

  “Thank you Mr. Hankins.” I shake his hand as does Cam and Blake. Chapter 2 Tommy

  We walk in to Callie’s hospital room and we see she is still sound asleep. She must have been exhausted. Grandma Sue is sitting beside her and watching over our angel. She looks so small in that baby bed. She will not be happy when she wakes up. She will let us know she is not a baby. She’s quiet but when she gets wound up about something she is a little chatterbox. We have had her potty trained since she was eighteen months old and now she lets us know if she thinks we are treating her like a baby. It’s hard to believe she will start school next school year. It will be easier, but I can’t imagine taking her and leaving her.

  Since Callie is still asleep I back out of the room to update Cam and Blake about Karen. I give them the gist of it and neither are happy. They both know how bad Karen can get. Cam was there when Karen tried to throw herself down a flight of stairs trying to miscarry Callie. If it hadn’t been for me she would have aborted her. I begged her not to. By the time she changed her mind it was too late so she threw herself down a flight of stairs and was almost successful.

  “Tommy, I talked to Whiskey, Trent and I are both joining the club. We both have sponsors. Once we are patched in, you and Callie will be protected as our family. He also said once we have our patch we can sponsor you and Blake if you want to join.” That is a little help. No one messes with the BlackPath MC, not even T-Bone. Maybe that means they will back off Callie. I’ll consider joining. Of course, I would have to buy a bike. All I have is my old truck. Cam and Trent have been riding bikes for as long as they have been driving. Whiskey, their dad made sure of that. He even taught Blake and me on some old dirt bikes.

  “Maybe that will help with the threat of T -Bone. I’ll consider joining, just depends on Callie. She is my number one priority.” I know I sounds like a broken record but she always has to come first.

  “We know man. I won’t be around as much, but you know I will do as much as I can. I’m glad you’ll be around the house with Cheryl and Ty. Ty and Baby Girl are already like brother and sister, and this will make them even closer.” We’ve always wanted them to be close. Ty is only two years older than Callie.

  “I’ll be there, too. Don’t worry, Cam. We always have it handled.” Blake is the most closed off of us, but he is still all in when it comes to Ty and Callie. Sue sticks her head out of the door to let me know Callie was awake. We all three walk back in. Callie’s poor bruised face and the little sling tied close to her chest is almost more than I can t
ake. Even with everything she has been through she is smiling at us.

  “Hey sweetheart, how is my big girl doing?” I try to keep my emotions under control. I look at my friends and they both are taking Callie’s condition in. “Out Bubba. I no baby. I want out.” She is raising her one good arm out to me. I knew she wouldn’t like the baby bed thing. “I need panties. Home bubba.” The hospital had put her in pull ups and she does not like it. Then she reaches for Cam. It never fails. If I don’t give her what she wants she goes to Cam. He’s a sucker for her ploys. Of course Cam takes her from me.

  “Baby Girl we have to wait on the doctor. He said maybe today. Mom, did the doc come by?” Cam is trying to soothe Callie.

  “He said this afternoon, if all the other test come back ok and she’ll eat.” Sue looks tired “Grandma Sue why don’t you go home and get som e rest. I will be here until the morning at six. If we go home, I will see you there.” I walk over to her and kiss her head and hug her. I love this woman. She means the world to us all.

  “Ok, if you’re sure. I’ll either be back here or your house at six in the morning.” She gives everyone hugs good-bye, kisses Callie and she is gone. Maybe she can rest. “Home.” This is heartbreaking. I hate when I can’t give Callie what she wants. I am just about to take Callie from Cam when the door swings open and Whiskey walks in with his brother Rye. Cam’s dad and uncle don’t come around much and I am surprised.

  “So Baby Girl, you keeping my boy from working again?” Whiskey walks right over to Cam and Callie all but jumps in his arms. Whiskey is as surprised as we are but he catches her. Whiskey and Cam look a lot alike so maybe that is why she feels safe. Callie makes him smile anyway. “You like bikers already do you?”

  Then Callie reaches up and kisses Whiskey’s cheek. “She is a little angel isn’t she? Trying to wrap me around her little finger.” He kisses the top of her head and hands her back to Cam. “Can’t say it didn’t work. Damn kid. Your mom do this to her Tommy?”

  “Karen did it. She always does it.” I shake my head. I can’t believe everything Karen has done to her. “You’re both under the club’s protection now. Damn cute kid. I put the word on the street. Any one fucks with you, let us know.” Straight and to the point. That’s Whiskey.

  “Language son.” I see Grandma Sue has come back in. “I just forgot my bag. Small ears hear everything and repeat it.” She gets her bag and kisses Callie again then she is gone.

  “Thank you Whiskey. I appreciate all your help.” I know words cannot repay his kindness, but right now it is all I have. One day I will repay my debt. Just like that, Whiskey is done and him and Rye leave. Rye never says a word.

  It seems like only minutes later Callie’s doctor comes in and says she can go home as soon as her release papers are done. One more time I have Callie safe. Now I just have to take care of the bill. I know I will be making payments on it forever, but I will get it paid eventually. It’s why I am so happy my new job has insurance. The doctor is gone and I know someone will be coming in soon to set up payment arrangements. I’m used to this. I’ve been paying on medical bills for Callie since she was born, so I know it is coming.

  An hour later the nurse comes in to discharge Callie. Cam and Blake have left and no one has come in for me to sign financials yet, so I ask the nurse. “Do I need to go set up payments in the office. No one has come in.”

  “I’ll call and have someone come down while you dress her. That way she doesn’t have to sit and wait in the office.” The cute little nurse is very helpful. I notice she is not wearing a ring and she’s definitely flirty. She has a nice size rack and her ass has a nice curve to it, but I do not have time for relationships. If it’s not a onetime hook- up, I’m not interested.

  I sign all the release papers and we go over all the doctor’s release orders. By the time we are done, I have this cute nurse’s number in my pocket, and a financial counselor is here. She looks a little perplexed as she is looking at my papers.

  “I’m sorry Mr. Monroe, I don’t understand where the problem is. All your medical bills have been paid in full. Even your outstanding balances have been taken care of.” There has to be a mistake. I owed thousands of dollars in hospital bills.

  “There has to be a mistake. I haven’t made any payments.” She is looking over the papers. “No sir. Paid in full and any bills that may come in for tests done are to be forwarded to a Mr. Whiskey Black. He just made payment about four hours ago. So you are good to go.” She is cheerful and doesn’t even know the relief I feel. I will have to make payment arrangements with Whiskey. I can’t let another person pay for my responsibilities.

  “Thank you. Could I have the paper with the total, please?” This is too much. I won’t be beholden to anyone. Callie and I walk out of the hospital and for a little while I can actually breathe. No worries about Karen, paying the big hospital payment this month and we have a good place to live. Things are looking up for once. Now to get my sister home. Maybe I can get her some school clothes bought in a couple of weeks and get her in some kind of activity.


  We get home, and once I feed Callie we are laying down for a short nap. It seems like I never get enough sleep these days. We are laying in the middle of the queen size bed Grandma Sue gave me. Callie is still and I think she may have fallen asleep. The next thing I know she turns over and is half way laying across me as she takes her little hand and cups my face. She has tears in her eyes. She’s breaking my heart here. She looks so sad.

  “Bubba I never ever want to go with Karen. Please Bubba never ever.” I hug her to me. I hold her so tight I’m afraid I will hurt her.

  “Never ever, Baby Girl. I promise never ever. I love you so much. I’ll protect you.” What do you say to that? A three-year-old calls her mom by her name. “Karen hurt me, Bubba. Never ever, please. I be good girl.” It’s hard to fight back the s because now my little sister is in tears begging to not have to go with her mom. I hear movement and I see the tears in Cam’s eyes and I know he’s been there long enough to hear it all. He backs out before Callie can see him.

  I hold my precious sister until she falls asleep and I hope she doesn’t dream of what she’s been through. When I know she’s sound asleep I sneak out from under her and go to speak to Cam.

  “That bitch needs to die for what she’s done to that baby.” I know how Cam feels. I feel the same way. “Cam, if I ever get permanent custody of Callie, I want to have the papers drawn up that you get her if something ever happens to me. Will you do that for us? She loves you, Blake, and Trent as much as me, but you are her someone special besides me. I know you can do it. You’re great with Ty. You’re settled and it would mean the world to me if you’d agree.” I need to have this settled so I know Callie has someone if something ever happens to me. Maybe I can get it done now.

  “Tommy, you don’t have to ask man. You know she means the world to me. I would be honored. Ask Mr. Hankins to fix up the papers and I will sign them. I love that little girl.” I knew Cam would but I need to get things taken care of. No one is promised tomorrow.

  “I’ll get on it. I’ll see if it can start now, even if I only have temporary custody.” I feel so old today. Things have begun to take their toll on me.

  “You planning on going somewhere? No rush.” Cam knows it is important but he is trying to lighten things up a little. He knows Callie’s words earlier really got to me. “Just want to get it done. I owe your dad a lot of money and I need to work out payment arrangements with him. He can’t pay my debts.” Cam doesn’t look surprised, he knows what I’m talking about, so Whiskey did tell him.

  “You can’t pay him back. Club did it. You’re under their protection now and it would insult them. You can thank them. Dad likes you and Callie has wrapped him around her fingers like she does everyone. He said the club is going to sponsor her in any activity she wants to be in like the lawyer suggested. So find her some. The ol’ ladies will help with transportation while you work. Word from Whiskey.”
I was one lucky person when I became friends with Cam and Trent. Couldn’t find better friends. Grandma Sue makes sure we’re ok and now Whiskey and the BlackPath MC. Maybe I can join.


  Today is Callie’s first day of pre -k. I don’t know who dreads it more, Tommy or me. It was bad enough when Ty started, but Baby Girl? Ty is all boy. He’s big for his age just like I was. He’s loud and rambunctious. Makes friends at a drop of a hat. Callie is small and quiet. She has a hard time with other kids.

  She wanted both Tommy and me here today. We are her security blankets. If the other little kids pick on her, I told Tommy to take care of it. We may never leave her today. It is so hard.

  We walk through the hall of the school and up to the classroom she is to be in. The teacher looks a little young. She doesn’t look old enough to be a teacher. We explained to Callie she would have to stay today. She didn’t understand why, but so far so good.

  As soon as Callie sticks her head in the class she jerks back to me and I don’t know what to do. Tommy looks just as lost. A little boy walks up to us with a little girl trailing behind him. He walks straight up to Callie and grabs her hand and smiles at her. At first Callie is standoffish. But the little girl does the same on the other side. Tommy and I are watching close waiting for them to be mean to Callie.

  “Hi. I’m Felix and this is Sarah. We’re friends. Will you be our friend?” Callie breaks out into a big smile. “Yes. Can we sit together?” Well that shocked both Tommy and me. “Yes, you three can sit together.” Miss Rose said.

  “Bubba and Cam did you hear that? I have two friends. You can go now.” Without so much as a look back she goes off with Felix and Sarah. She didn’t say bye, or give us a kiss, or anything. Tommy and I are both dumbfounded. We’ve been replaced and dismissed.

  “Can you believe that? She just left us. I don’t like it.” Tommy is shocked. He thought we would leave a crying little girl today. Actually I did, too.


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