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Beginning of the Reckoning (Feral Steel MC Book 3)

Page 51

by Vera Quinn

  “Baby Girl, is that you? Please tell me it’s you. I am so sorry.” I hear the desperation in his voice and the tears I have been holding back start to fall. Just his voice soothes me and I know I should have talked to him before I took off.

  “Yes, dad, it’s me.” I don’t know how he can understand me I am crying so hard. I take a deep breath and try to control the tears again. “Dad I am fine. I miss you and I know I should have talked to you before I took off, but to do that I would have had to see Devil and that is not a safe thing right now. I know everything and I am not amused or happy.” I finally pause to take a breath and let him say something.

  “You don’t know the whole story, but you know enough, and baby, I’m sorry for hiding stuff from you. Now where are you so I can come get you?” I can almost feel dad’s rising anxiety. He just wants me home. “I will keep Devil away, I promise. We will do this together.” That’s all he had to say.

  “Dad I love you and we will take care of it, but right now I have to rest. I think I pushed myself too hard and I need to take care of your grandchild. There are some men here that need to talk to you. I am going to go and nap for a little while. Dad, I promise I am fine, just tired. Mrs. Clark is taking good care of me. I just wanted some peace for a little while. Everything happened at once. I didn’t mean to hurt you, dad. Now I’m going to let Hawser talk to you. Love you, dad.” I know he will still worry, but I am just too tired right now. I hand my phone to Dra and then Mrs. Clark leads me to her guest room to sleep.


  Dra I watch this little waif of a woman make her way behind my Gram. She looks small and lost and she pulls at my protective side. Something about her seems so strong, but then she has moments that her vulnerable side shows. If she were mine, I would lock her down. Where the hell did that come from? I’ve never wanted one woman to warm my bed. Our club women are all that I need. I fuck them hard and I move them along. I’ve never even slept with a woman all night before. I know whatever this feeling is, it is not good, and I need to keep my distance. I give the phone to my dad and get up and start to pace the floor.

  “Yes, t his is Hawser. Your girl is here in Colorado. There was some trouble and she did us a solid, but then she passed smooth out. She has been using a fake ID and she checked into my mother-inlaw’s place last night. Yeah.” I watch my dad close as he talks to Chief. One of the only times I was out of town when I was a teenager, I had gone on a ride with Scout and Bandy to do some toy drives for some children’s homes. It seems like forever ago. If Chief and Tommy had not left such an impression on me, it would have slipped my mind. I remember Whiskey, but Chief was who I followed around. It’s like people were drawn to him. “I’m going to put this on speaker phone so Dra can hear everything. Dra is my SAA and my son. Ok, you’re on speaker, go ahead and tell us.”

  “I am trusting you here and I trust no one, especially with my daughter. I don’t have much of a choice though. My daughter has man troubles. Not from one, but two men. My daughter has had it rough. Her boyfriend of many years cheated on her, and then her husband gave her the short end of a deal. He offered her the man that helped kill her brother in exchange for marriage, and then he didn’t claim her and used her. He already had an ol’ lady. The woman confronted Callie while we were gone in the middle of my damn club. By the time we got back, Callie was gone, and let me tell you when she wants to disappear, she does. It’s one big ass cluster fuck. There’s things I need to explain to her. Is she safe there? I will give you a marker from us or whatever you want. Just keep her safe until I can get there. She doesn’t understand Diamondback could be on her trail. Another long story.” My dad is considering what Chief has told him. Dad is a fair man but he doesn’t like getting involved with other people’s drama. We keep ourselves contained to our territory for just that reason. Dad and Scout and a few of the other older members formed the Troubled Fathoms MC when they came out of military service. A lot of times it is like we are part of the military. We don’t do drugs, or let people run drugs through our territory. We don’t run guns and we try to stay on the right side of the law, but in our territory, we are the law. Some call us vigilantes, but we just try to right the injustices of today’s justice system. Men don’t beat their wives here. We don’t allow child abuse. The punishment is dealt out according to the crime. Sure, we can get loud and some don’t like us, but we protect what’s ours. We have legitimate businesses. We own a strip club and a bar, but we also own a restaurant and a grocery store. We donate to the school and children’s causes. We are what we are, a brotherhood.

  “Chief, we will keep her safe until you can get here. What about this Devil? Is he coming and where do you stand on that? Because he did disrespect her by not claiming her, but they are married? It’s not our business, I usually don’t stand between a husband and wife, but if she was my daughter, I would be pulling her away from him.” Dad does not stand for disrespecting women. In our club you can have an ol’ lady without having a wife but once you make someone your wife that property patch better be on her back. None of our members cheat on their wives openly. I’m sure there has been some who have stepped outside those vows, but not in front of the club and not flagrantly. Our women are held in utmost respect by everyone. Even the club women are not outright disrespected. They serve their purpose, but not with the married members.

  “I appreciate that. I have been going out of my mind with worry. Devil is to be kept away from her. I knew some of what was going on but not all of it. He doesn’t deserve Callie and if I know my Baby Girl she’s already taking care of him. He’s got his hands full right now. Seems as if he was played as much as Callie by his ol’ lady. I will be there this week. I need to make sure I’m not followed first. I will set up my arrangements. Can you text me the details of your location?” Chief sounds relieved but still like he doesn’t know if he can trust us.

  “Chief, this is Dra, who all will be coming? That way we can make arrangements here.” All we need is someone spotting them coming in to our small community and think we are trying to beef up reinforcements to expand. “The smaller the better. Don’t want to give anyone up here ideas.”

  “Sure. Just me and my boy Ty and maybe one more. Is that small enough?” That shouldn’t raise eyebrows. People in a small town don’t miss anything. “That sounds good.” Nothing more to say really. “Chief we’ll keep her safe for you. See you soon.” That was it. Dad disconnected. He’s just shaking his head. Then I notice Gram coming back into the room and she sits in her chair close to dad.

  “What is it Jaspen? Is trouble coming for that sweet girl? We have to keep her safe. She never even thought before she saved me today. She just reacted. She is a good person.” Gram doesn’t know Dad has already made his mind up to help Callie, and so have I.

  “Betsy don’t worry. We’re going to help her, not that she needs help. Looks like she can take care of herself just fine. We’re just going to keep an eye on her until Chief can get here for her.” I can tell dad had been impressed by her resourcefulness.

  “Well she can use that gun of hers just fine, that’s for sure.” Gram will never forget that. My mom was not a gun person. She was very frilly and all pink and shit. She loved to bake and take care of her boys, as she used to say. Our house always smelled so good and she had fresh cut flowers every day. I couldn’t have had a better mom.

  “Calli e has had a hard time recently, and we will make it as easy on her as we can while she is here. Dra get Bandy to get a full report on Callie, Chief, The BlackPath MC, and this Devil. He must be one ignorant bastard treating that little girl the way he has. He needs to be taught a good lesson on life.” I can tell Dad is thinking about mom now, but he always is. She was his everything for so long and she’s only been gone for two years.

  “Ok dad, will do. I’ll put two prospects on the motel.” With the way this girl can get away, it may not be enough if she really wants to leave.


  Callie My stomach wakes me wit
h a big rumble. I open my eyes slowly and let myself get accustomed to the bright light streaming through the bedroom. I am unfamiliar with the room, but I remember I’m at Mrs. Clark’s. I also remember talking to dad and I know everything will be just fine. I must have slept all afternoon and night because it is bright outside, which means it’s morning. My stomach is registering empty. I rub my flat stomach and remember I need to feed my baby. I get up out of bed slowly so as not to get light headed again, and realize I need to find a bathroom soon. I see a door and open it, and sure enough there is a very small bathroom. I go in and take care of my pressing issues and wash my hands and face. I come back out and see my suitcases. I dig through and find my tooth brush, brush and a pair of my cut offs and a tank and then some undies. I go back and grab a quick shower and brush my teeth and I feel so much better. Now just to feed my rumbling stomach. My hair is short enough I just my brush through it. This red hair is definitely going to have to go. Not my thing. I leave the room and tip toe bare footed through the small apartment. I follow the smell and I find the kitchen and some yummy oatmeal with cinnamon sprinkled on top. My grandma used to fix this for me when I was little. I open the fridge and find some milk and butter and put a little in my bowl and microwave it long enough to melt the butter. I wolf it down so fast, I barely taste it. Then I hear someone clear their throat behind me and I turn slowly and I see Dra standing there smiling at me.

  “Hungry much? If you take time to chew, it may taste better.” I see the smile behind his eyes and I figure it is better to be nice than rude. “Sorry, this was mine right? I should have asked but I was hungry and my grandma used to fix this for me when I was little. If it was yours, I’ll fix you some more.” He’s still standing there just staring at me. I feel his eyes taking me in. I feel heat covering my face and I know my face is red.

  “No worries, sweets. Gram left it for you. I was just coming in to check on you. You have been sleeping a long time and we were beginning to worry.” I look at the clock and it has 8:45. I didn’t sleep that late, but I guess I did sleep about twenty hours. The last time I looked at the clock yesterday it was around twelve thirty, right after lunch.

  “I guess I did sleep about twenty hours. I was more tired than I thought.” At least I should be well rested while I wait for dad. “Try more like forty -four hours. You slept all day yesterday. Gram woke you enough to get your vitamin down you with some water. You ran yourself ragged, and then you were out.” Dra is amused and can barely keep from laughing.

  “Flying pigs. No way. What is today? No wonder I’m starving.” With that Dra breaks out laughing. I mean bent over laughing. Mrs. Clark comes into the room with another man on her heels. “What is wrong with you Dra? Laughing like some hyena?” Mrs. Clark asks him.

  “This girl is hilarious. Flying pigs, really?” Well, now I’m embarrassed. I can’t believe I slept so long. “Chief has been blowing up our phones wanting talk to you again.” I turn to Mrs. Clark, ignoring the laughing man.

  “I ate all the oatmeal. I hope that was ok. I was starving and it was just like my grandma used to make me.” I know this kind lady won’t mind. For some reason I feel like I have known this woman forever. I guess because she does remind me so much of my grandma.

  “Don’t worry, sweetie. I left it for you. I knew after that long sleep you would be hungry. Have to feed that baby.” She comes over to me and pats my arm, walks to the refrigerator and takes the juice out, pours me a small glass and hands to me. I drink it straight down. “You’ll be staying here with me until your dad gets here. I think he’ll be here early next week. Is that ok with you?” Mrs. Clark states it as a question, but I’m guessing I have no choice with the way the two bikers are looking at me.

  “Yes ma’am. That’s fine, if it is ok with you. Can I fix dinner tonight to help? Or if there is anything else I can do to help while I’m here just let me know.” It’s the least I can do, since I’m going to be here. I don’t want to be a burden to anyone.

  “You’re just regrouping, sweetie. You need rest. You can help though. Jaspen , Dra, and River will be here to eat with us. They’re here most nights. I mean Hawser, Dra, and Krill. I forget about the names they are known by at the club. They’re just my boys to me.” Mrs. Clark seems a little bothered by the road names.

  “I’m fine, thank you. I can cook just about anything. I’m used to cooking for a large bunch. Who is Krill?” Mrs. Clark goes over to the other biker beside Dra and gives him a hug.

  “This is my River. He’s the baby.” Mrs. Clark loves this man a lot and you can tell the feelings are reciprocated. “They gave him that ugly name Krill. Don’t understand those names. He’s always been my pretty boy. Don’t you think?”

  Well, he was definitely a pretty boy. He has sandy blonde hair with hazel eyes and dimples when he smiles. He stands a little over six foot I would guess, with long strong looking arms. He has more of a swimmer’s body than the stocky muscled body of his brother Dra. Not that I should be noticing.

  “Well he is definitely a pretty boy, but I would love to hear the story behind that name. I’m sure it is interesting, most are.” I smile at him. Maybe flirting a little. “Ok, pretty boy, we need to get to the clubhouse. Later Gram.” Dra turns to walk out with a huff. Don’t know what got him in such a snit. “Hello Callie. It’s very nice to meet you and I look forward to talking to you more this evening.” Krill winks at me with a smirky grin. Yes, he’s definitely a handful, but I like him. I watch as they leave the kitchen and Mrs. Clark has a knowing smile on her face. That woman is up to something.

  “Callie why don’t you go sit outside in the sun and soak up some nice weather. If you want, you can fix dinner when it’s time. Gives me a night off. I don’t get that many. Be a nice change. Your dad will be here next week. He said he had to tie up some loose ends and make sure he isn’t followed, so we have some time to get acquainted.” Mrs. Clark is hovering over me like a mother hen, but I like it. The sun does sound good. Maybe I can finally sit down and think some things through. It’s not like I have really done that lately.

  “Ok Mrs. Clark, I’m going outside.” I just want some quiet, really. “Callie, you have to call me Betsy or Gram. Mrs. Clark is too formal for someone who saved my life.” She is trying to make me feel like family and for some reason that feels right.

  “Compromise, Gram Betsy. How’s that?” It feels right.

  “Great! I love it. Now scoot. Out in the sun.” Gram Betsy is too

  hard to argue with and I don’t want to.

  Callie I find some patio furniture outside the back door. It feels good out here. The air is fresh and I can see the park from here. There is a little girl playing with her mom there, and I wonder if that is how it will be with my child. I rub my hand over my flat belly and wonder if it will be a boy or a girl. Will it look like me or Devil? Then it dawns on me, for all intents and purposes, I will be a single mom. How did I get here? The last seven weeks of my life have been a blur. I went from being a happy teenager that had her life somewhat planned out, to hanging on by the seat of my pants. My mind drifts to my college plans and Mase. He was supposed to be my happily ever after man. The man I shared my life and family with, and now we are just, what? I have not taken the time to process this. I took Devil up on his deal and ran. Since when do I run from my problems? Am I still going to go to college? That part is easy to answer, yes. I have to have a good education to provide for my child and myself. I’ll be damned if I let Devil support us. So one thing solved. I am going to find a way to do online classes. That way I won’t have to leave the baby so much. Check that off my list. My scholarships will require so many hours in class time, but I can get a sitter for that. Next problem. Where to live? Where else would I go? Home. Texas, definitely. I will find something around dad. Not with dad. I am an adult and have to stand on my own two feet. He won’t like it, but he’ll accept it. I’ll get in touch with Hanna and Fe. Maybe we can roommate for a while. That’ll get them out, too. At least I have a plan
to put into action when I get back or after dad is here. Mase. I know I have been trying to conquer the easy ones first, because it’s easier when it’s not emotional. Mase will always have a special place in my heart. He was most of my firsts. He says he still loves me, but I can’t trust him. I just need to distance myself. It’s going to be hard when I get back, since he is in the BlackPath’s now, or at least a prospect. Devil on the other hand is easy for me. He deceived me and used me. I know we started out as a business deal, but I fell in love with him. I thought he loved me, but instead he was using me to get back the woman he actually already claimed in his club. I not only trusted Devil but Steel and Stone and all the Feral Steel MC. I wonder if Kat and Kim knew. Of course they had to know. They are part of the MC family. I feel like such a fool. I trust too easily. I thought I could trust my instincts, but apparently not. Once again something Karen had a hand in taking away from me. That woman is toxic. I will never be like her. I have to cut a wide path around them. Avoid at all costs. My next issue is two people. Diamondback and Karen, and after them eventually Bri. I don’t know Diamondback’s angle and I won’t until we at least meet and talk. I can do this. He wanted a damn heir? Well he can’t have me or my child. As soon as I am out of my first trimester and my baby is stronger it is time to meet my DNA dad head on. Hopefully I will have dad’s support, but if not, I will still do this. Karen, on the other hand, is a whole different matter. She has been a thorn in my side my whole life, but this is the last straw. I wonder if the BlackPath MC got her. She has a marker on her head and she was right in the clubhouse. I should have taken care of her then, but I have to choose my battles carefully now. With Kizzy and Bri there, then was not the time. Now they think I am on the run. Licking my wounds. If they only knew I am just gaining strength. They came into our house and brought crap down and I will repay that. Bri is just trash and I have to say her and Devil deserve each other. She will be dealt with. The only solace I find in the whole thing is when Devil found out he was being played, it had to devastate him. I wish I was a better person and could say I don’t want revenge, but I do. I just hope my hate doesn’t tarnish my child. I should be happy I got away. I should just be happy I have my baby, and I am, but that also means I have to deal with Devil for the next eighteen years. I will find my peace. I will find my happiness in my child and my family again like before all this began. Devil


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