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Beginning of the Reckoning (Feral Steel MC Book 3)

Page 58

by Vera Quinn

  “You know it has to be voted on by the club. Dad will have to put it to a vote. Chief wants a part of him and so does Tazer. Your Uncle Blake isn’t far behind and Dad texted me Diamondback is here. You and I are going to talk about you doing stuff behind my back. That’s a no go for me. We discuss it all from now on. Why didn’t you tell me your Uncle Blake was a Marshall?” I only have to think about it a few minutes. I know I will do what I have to, to keep Callie. I will leave it to the club vote. “I will go with the club vote. How’s that?” I can tell she’s not done yet.

  “You’ll explain it the way I explained it to you?” I can’t deny her anythin g. “I will do my best.” That’s all I can do.

  “That’s all I can ask. Thank you.” Then she takes my breat h away with a beautiful smile. I reach over her and I push the drip button. While she sleeps I can keep my promise to her. I am just happy she is mine. I know I can never break her trust or I will lose her and I am no fool.


  Callie I wake up and I see Ty sitting by the window playing on his phone. My headache is more of a dull thud, but my shoulder and forehead hurt. I look around for Dra, trying to move my eyes and not my head. I don’t want that pain back like I had last night or maybe just earlier. I’ve lost track of time. By the light shining in the window, I would expect it to be midday but who knows?

  “So, Tazer is it? Why that name?” Ty gives me a full smile and I feel at home. “I hit a man that jumped Woody, it stunned him, an d it went from there. First it was Stunman. Glad that didn’t stick. Driller turned it to Tazer and I kind of like that.” I knew Ty’s name would be given by Driller. It is a time honored tradition. Chief received his name from one of his uncles as did Driller.

  “It fits, and I like it too, but you’ll always be Ty or bubba to me. So deal with it.” Ty comes to the side of my bed and stoops down to kiss my cheek. “And you’ll always be sis or baby girl to me. I love you, girl, but you sure do know how to stir up a hornet’s nest. Uncle Blake and Diamondback at one time. You stepping in front of a bullet. Dad is fit to be tied and I think he had a head full of gray hair this morning. What do you have up your sleeve next? Dad is going to be a grandpa and me an uncle. Out with the old in with the new. Are you sure about Dra? Sis have you really thought about it? I’m not usually Mr. Responsible, but it’s not just you anymore.” This is not my happy go lucky brother. I must have really scared him and I’m sorry for that. I consider my words carefully because I know it won’t be the last time I have to reassure someone. “I have considered it. The heart wants what the heart wants. I know what I did with Devil going into that situation was wrong. I can’t live with dishonesty. It’s a deal breaker with me. Call it baggage or whatever, but Dra has promised me brutal honesty and I think he will keep his word. I love him. We can make it work with honesty. Look at the two of us having such a grown up conversation. Four months and we have changed so much.” I know if anyone understands the importance of honesty, it is Ty with everything he has been through with his mom and our dad.

  “Ok, but this winter when you are knee deep in snow, I will email you pictures of me fishing in Texas. You know Felix is driving Dad crazy with phone calls. You have seriously got to call him before dad goes crazy. Sarah is back home. Hanna has a steady job and has moved out of her mom’s place.” I knew I could depend on Ty to keep tabs on my friends, but there is something he isn’t saying. I can read between the lines, too.

  “Ok. Spill it Ty. What are you leaving out?” I stare at him and he is fidgeting. “Well, Hanna is dating Jeb now, and Woody and Felix might be a thing. Sarah and I might have hooked up a time or ten.” I knew it. I leave town and all hell breaks out. “Wow, I don’t know where to begin. I didn’t know Woody was gay, but I have to say I like it. They make a handsome couple. Fe must be over the moon. Hanna and Jeb are step cousins. I bet that went over well.” I’m trying to throw Ty off balance for my next question. “What the heck do you mean you hooked up with one of my best friends?”

  “Get over it sis. It happened, it’s over, end of story. You have bigger things to think about.” Just as that came out of his mouth the door opens and my dad, Dra, Hawser, and Gram walk in.

  “My goodness child, I’m locking you up tight in your room when you get out of here. You need mothering and I am going to do it up right. You poor child, how are you feeling?” Gram is in mothering mode and I love her for it, but it’s Dra I can’t take my eyes off of. He has that sexy smirk on his face I sometimes really hate. He comes over and climbs on the bed beside me boots and all and I love it. He takes my hand in his and kisses it. Can you say hot? Damn, he looks hot today. My hormones are in overdrive.

  “Yes, Gram.” I can’t argue with that. I feel safe there. I’ve had enough excitement for a while. “Betsy, what have you done with my daughter and could you possibly do it som e more? That is the easiest I have ever heard her agree to something. You work miracles.” Dad is being funny. I listen to him, sometimes. Ok, not that much. “Well, it is a woman’s touch.” Gram has a very happy look on her face.

  “No one is taking care o f my girl but me. Gram I hope you have room for one more because she won’t be getting out of my sight for some time. We are now together, where ever we go.” Dra is being territorial. It’s all new now, but sooner or later he will want his space.

  “Enough of the niceties. Tell me what happened. Where is Uncle Blake?” I don’t like being left out of the loop.

  “Sweetie, just don’t fret about it. You are supposed to rest.” I love Gram, but it’s not going to work.

  “Gram, I can’t leave everything to the men. They always have a way of screwing it up.” This is too important to let go. I won’t let them hurt Devil or his family. “There’s my impatient daughter. I knew she was still in there.” Dad is trying to be funny. I don’t have any patience left. “Blake, Diamondback, Devil, and Steel are all in the waiting room. This room is not big enough for us all. We have settled a few things, but we still don’t like that son of a bitch so they can wait.”

  “Which one don’t you like?” I know the answer but I ask anyway. “Take your pick.” Dad is having a hard time keeping his anger in check. Guess I don’t need to poke that bear anymore.

  “Callie, we are letting Devil and Steel go. When you see Devil you will see he did take a beating, but he’s lucky that’s all he is getting. Dra talked to the club and he will be able to come back, only for the baby. He knows the boundaries, but I am warning you, just like I did him and Steel, if he sneezes wrong in our territory, it will not end as well next time. Do you understand that little girl? You are now Troubled Fathom and no one fucks with us.” Hawser lets me know how lucky Devil is this time. I understand this and I accept it. It’s the way club life is. I nod my head yes.

  “Yes, sir. Thank you. I completely understand. Dad what about Bl ackPath MC? Are they going to retaliate?” I look at my dad. He has a scowl on his face but then all of a sudden he breaks out in a smile.

  “We are not, right now. I talked to Driller last night and we have been compensated.” That’s all he gives me. Now I’m completely confused. One battle at a time.

  “Son, that is our cue to go take our turn in the waiting room. Callie, glad to see you’re feeling better. We will talk as soon as all your pressing issues are done.” Hawser has me curious but there’s nothing I can say now. “Betsy, Dra.”

  “I just got here, but ok. Callie I will have your room waiting and some hot food on the table.” Gram is so sweet. She makes her way over and gives my cheek a kiss. Dra carefully pulls me in for a hug and a scorching kiss that has my body melting into him. Then I hear my dad and Ty both clear their throats almost synchronized, and I pull away. Dra catches my chin in his hand and then kisses my nose. “I’m right outside that door if you need me. Just raise your voice and I will be here. Do not let anyone intimidate you.” Then he backs up but I hear Ty laugh.

  “Have you met my sister? She will do the intimidating.” Ty is a great brother. “Ty, you g
o with them. Diamondback, Devil and Steel will be in here. We will need the room, but stay right outside the door with Dra.” Dad must want this settled fast, too. The sooner everyone is on their way out of town, the better. Everyone is going out the door and then it is filled again. Devil looks bad. He took a hell of a beat down. Steel doesn’t look much better. Devil starts to approach my bed but Dad steps in between him and me. I reach out to touch Dad’s arm and he looks at me. “It’s ok, dad. He’s not going to hurt me. Give him this, please.” Dad moves and Devil steps up to the bed. He takes my hand in his.

  “Are you ok? Really ok? I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you or our child.” Devil remorse shows in his eyes. I know he didn’t mean to hurt me. He’s just been pushed too far and I had to take responsibility for part of that.

  “Devil, I know you didn’t. I’ve known that since it happened. It was partially my fault, too. So you don’t blame me and I won’t blame you, deal?” I can see the relief in his eyes.

  “Well, I sure as hell blame you.” Dad yells out and the door opens and Ty and Dra are both standing there. I can see Dra does not like where Devil is, but I make eye contact with him and let him know it is ok, and he seems to relax.

  “Ty, I think you might better stay. Dad is not real calm and I don’t think with all these monitors I can jump in between anyone right now.” I try to laugh it off but there is nothing funny about it. Dra nods his head and steps back out, but Ty stays.

  “Ok. First we need to straighten things up between Feral Steel MC and BlackPath MC. What is it going to take? Come on guys, work on it.” I figure this is a more peaceful start than rehashing what happened.

  “No. First I want to know how you are and how our baby is?” I look at Devil and then to Dad and Ty. “You two didn’t let him know we are ok? Or as ok as can be? That is just mean.” Dad doesn’t seem affected at all, nor does he give an answer. Ty looks down but I know he was here with me. “We are fine, Devil. I have a bad concussion. The gunshot is ok. They took the bullet out and it’s nothing serious. Our baby is a fighter and is doing fine right now.” I reach over and turn the fetal monitor back up. The sound of our baby’s strong steady heart beat is heard in the room. I smile as I listen. Not a sweeter sound. I turn it back down a little, but we can still hear it.

  “Thank you. It sounds strong. Must be a boy.” I see the excitement in Devil’s eyes and it brings tears to mine for what might have been.

  “Well, definitely a miracle, but maybe a stubborn girl.” I really don’t care as long as it is healthy.

  “Stubborn like her mama.” Ty adds and I think everyone else grunted in agreement. At least they agree on something, even if it is at my expense. “Ok. Let’ s get this done and then I want to talk to Devil alone. This child is ours and we will discuss it between us. No interference from anyone else.” I want everyone to understand that up front. These bikers can have all the say on everything else, but not my child.

  “Well, we have to come to an agreement over which club the baby is going to be raised with.” Leave it to Steel to make the first mistake. I used to think he was wise. “No, we won’t! All decisions on our child will be between Devil and me. Our child will be involved in three clubs, Feral Steel MC, BlackPath MC, and Troubled Fathoms MC. Discussion over. If anyone has a problem with that, there’s the door. Don’t come back until you change your mind.” I look at each of them. “I am BlackPath MC, through and through. Not changing. Devil is Feral Steel MC. Dra is Troubled Fathom MC. I will be with Dra. He will not be making decisions for my child, but his feelings will be taken into consideration. What is mine, is his.” I won’t be bullied by anyone and they need to know that now.

  “Calm down. And it’s our child. I don’t like the Dra part, but we will discuss that when we are alone.” Devil picks my hand up in his and I don’t pull it away. “Ok. So are the clubs good? I don’t want a blood bath between people I love.” All eyes were once again on me. “BlackPath MC will let it go, but we won’t forget. You are my daughter and you are under our protection as long as you breathe, and so is that baby. Devil, if any Steel messes up again, it will be war. Nothing Callie says will stop it. We are in Texas and your club is in Oklahoma, keep it that way.” Dad has had his say and it will be BlackPath law. “I do warn you, if Kizzy is caught with Karen and Bri, it will end badly for her. The other two are as good as dead when found, if she is still Stone’s, you better get her out. Only warning. Diamondback won’t stop until he finds them. They double crossed him and the price of that is death.”

  “We could care less about Kizzy. We also have markers on their heads. Their fate will be no less with us.” Steel is solemn in his words.

  “Does that include Bri?’ I know I shouldn’t ask, or even care, but I can’t help myself. “Especially Bri. She cost me everything I love.” I look at Devil but I can’t keep my eyes there. They hold too much pain. Steel turns to my brother and I don’t know why he is piercing him with such a glare. “Stay away from Kimberly. I got a report this morning that she left Oklahoma and she showed up at the BlackPath clubhouse a little while ago. Would you happen to know anything about that Tazer? You will leave her the hell alone. She has had a bad time lately. Ask your sister.” Ty looks completely surprised, but my eyes go to dad and he has a shit eating grin on his face. What the hell?

  “Well, you see Steel, my son really has nothing to do with that. Kim is there to see me.” Oh crap. Dad is liking this too much. “What the hell Chief? We are friends and you are too damn old for my daughter, so leave her the hell alone or I will be shooting you.” Steel is pissed, but I can understand why, still I think I kinda like the idea.

  “Way to go Dad!” Ty just can’t leave it alone, but I have to admit I’m liking it.

  “No Steel. We used to be friends. Kim and I have been seeing each other since after the last time your family let Callie get shot. As far as age, Devil is just a little younger than me and Kim is a little older than Callie, so I think that makes it about the same as when your son came after my daughter. So now we are even, right?” Yeah, dad is enjoying this. He knew it was going to happen. “You don’t have to worry, Dad. We’re keeping it in the family. I can call you dad, right?”

  “Ok. This is kinda weird but I am liking the idea. So can everyone go so Devil and I can finish our talk? This has nothing to do with us, but keep me updated.” Dad and Steel are giving each other death glares, but Ty gets them to go out the door. Dra sticks his head in.

  “I’m right by the door if you need me.” I nod my head yes, I know he will be. Now for the hardest talk I have ever had. Time to lose another piece of my heart. CHAPTER 25

  Devil I know I am not going to like this conversation’s outcome, but it is time. I watch Callie and I can see her discomfort over the situation. I see the pain I have put in her eyes. I will do anything to take that pain away. I promised if she and my child were saved, I would set them free and I will.

  “Come sit beside me on the bed.” Yes, I have wanted to get closer since I first arrived. I go and sit beside her as carefully as I can. “It’s ok. I’m not going to break.” I get as close as I can. I just want to take her in my arms. My heart is so full of love for her, but it is too little, too late. She told me she had to have honesty but I ignored that. I thought I could do it my way, and now I have lost everything.

  “Is this good? I don’t want to take up all your room.” She shakes her head yes but scoots over to give me more room.

  “Devil.” I can’t take it.

  “No. I’m not Devil to you. Call me Kylar. Always call me Kylar. Only you and my mom and Kim. No one else.” She must hear my desperation. “Kylar. I know a little part of you had to love me. I won’t den y that, but it was not enough. But now we’ve made something amazing together. A small part of you and me.” She takes my hand and puts it on her belly. If she’s showing any at all, it’s only slightly, but I can see her stomach has started to curve. I rub gently and just the feel of her beneath my hand again is amazing. I thought I
would never get to touch her again. The thought of my baby inside her is overwhelming.

  “I do love you, Callie. I was going to get Bri released and come back and claim you. I know it’s too late, but I want you to know. The little time I had with you was the most amazing of my life. I want you back, but I know I ruined that. Now all I can hope for is you don’t hate me, and you’ll let my family be a part of our child’s life.” I know she’ll never trust me again, but I hope she knows I am sincere.

  “What do you mean your family? Are you walking away from our child? That’s not what I want.” Did I just hear her right? She doesn’t want me to walk away? She sounds down right pissed.

  “You don’t? I thought you wouldn’t want me anywhere near our child.” Can I even hope I understand her? “Listen to me Kylar.” She turns to me and takes my face in her hands. “I want you to be the most amazing father to our child. I didn’t have a mom and dad both to love me. I had dad but I want my child to have everyone that will love it. No child can have too much love. We won’t be conventional, but I hope we will come to be great. You will have to respect boundaries with Dra, and I will have to respect yours with whoever you fall in love with.” I know she was trying to say something good, but when she says love and Dra, I want to kill. “I also decided to get a divorce and not an annulment. I don’t want our child to think our relationship meant nothing. It’s how we created this miracle and I want the child to understand that.” Her hand is rubbing my hand over her stomach and I feel her excitement. She is happy to be carrying our child and she is going to be a terrific mother. I am so glad we will at least have something to bond us forever. I am lucky. This child of ours is going to be strong. I don’t know how I ever thought I could just walk away.


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