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Beginning of the Reckoning (Feral Steel MC Book 3)

Page 64

by Vera Quinn

  “Is it all done, Sis? We saw smoke even at the graveyard. Did you take care of it all? Anything left for us?” I don’t feel better at all. All I feel is hollow. “It’s done Krill. It’s your job to keep them gone. They got a taste of hell today.” Krill takes me in his arms and hugs me and I cry. I cry for the man I loved with all my heart. I cry for the woman I had come to love as my Gram. I cry for a man I respected because he loved his family as hard as he fought. I cry for the family I wanted with Dra. This world lost a man with a giant heart. I cried for it all with no shame.


  6 months later… It’s hard to believe it has been six months since Dra’s burial. I went and visited Dra’s grave before we left, but it was hard. I make sure flowers are sent every week. I send them for all three sites. I talk to Krill at least once a week. He’s coming to visit soon. I worry about him. When I am strong enough I will go back and visit. I know one day I will get comfort from it the way I do visiting Tommy. Uncle Blake retired before we went to Colorado for Dra’s funeral. He road with us that day in Colorado. Now he is taking his place with Dad at the BlackPath MC. He has joined ZMan in the enforcer position. Dad and Kim had their baby. That is their story to tell, though. I moved back to Oklahoma with Devil. At first it was because it was what Dra wanted, but Devil has proven himself to me. He always puts me and Kellan first. He is very thoughtful of my feelings of Dra. I still keep that one pregnancy picture of Dra and myself in my room. Yes, I have my own room. I haven’t moved past Dra that fast. He’s still in my heart, but I know he wants me safe and happy. Today I went to visit Tommy. Dad is on Grandpa duty. He loves that position. I brought Tommy his single flower and I have told him everything new about his namesake. I also told him about Dra. It helps to talk to my brother. He’s a good listener. I let him know all my fears. I know Devil wants us to be a real family. I want it too, but I just can’t have any more loss or hurt. I’m sitting beside the grave and I am deep in thought but I hear a whisper in the air. I know. They want me happy. I know what I have to do. I pick my son up and call Kat. She is going to do some babysitting for me tonight. She’s always happy to. She says I need to leave Kellan more. Thank goodness for grandmas. I make it home and take the baby to Kat. She said Devil and Stone are at the club. I rush home and shower and get dressed. I dress in a pair of cut offs and tank top. I blow dry my hair and leave it in a disheveled look. My hair has grown out to the top of my backside now and it is hard to do much with it in a hurry. I put on some makeup, which I rarely do. Just a little mascara and some shadow to give me smoky eyes and then some gloss on my lips. I put on some lotion and my chucks. I have a mission and I won’t be sidetracked. I make to the club and walk in. Devil and Stone’s backs are to me and there aren’t many people here. I see Stone has his arm around one of the club girls. I believe her name is Tallulah. She is a nice girl. But the one slinking up to Devil is only doing it because she saw me come in. She is one of those that wants to be an ol’ lady any way she can get it. Devil has sent her packing many times but this time he isn’t pushing her away. Not fast enough for my liking any way.

  “Damn Devil, why not just your dick sucked if that bitch is not going to put out for you? She has always had a stick stuck up her ass. You’ve had her in your house for six fucking months and your hand is the only kind of action you get.” Stone is laying it on thick. Did my husband not just get killed? Ok. Calm down. Devil has done nothing wrong.

  “That’s right, honey. That bitch is never going to be yours. Why don’t you take me back to your room like the other day?” That’s it. Had enough. Then Devil pushes her off.

  “Don’t call Callie a bitch. I haven’t touched you bitch, or anyone. Even if I never touch her again, she is better than you and Stone shut your fucking mouth, brother. She’s the mother of my child and don’t disrespect her.” My heart just exploded with love for Devil. He does love me. I walk over to Stone and get up in his face. “You have a problem with me say it. Don’t be nice to me to my face and talk about me behind my back.” Stone looks like he could swallow his tongue but he recovers soon enough. Then I walk over to Prissy and pick her up by the front of her shirt. “Bitch that is my man you’re talking to and if you approach him again I will throat punch you to hell and crawl in behind you and then whip your ass. Do we have that clear? I’m claiming him here and now for everyone to hear before his club.” I look at the few members here and I see Steel come in the back door. Didn’t think he would leave the house but guess he knew something was up.

  “Well, it’s about damn time. Prissy find someone else or get out.” He then turns to Stone. “What’s your problem? Just because Kizzy was a bitch doesn’t mean every woman is.” I feel Devil’s strong arms around me. “Do you mean it? You’re mine again? Damn, I love you.” With that my air is cut off. Devil is giving me a kiss that takes my breath away. “I am claiming this woman before my club. She is my woman. She is my ol’ lady. She is mine.” I can see Devil is taking no chances this time.

  “I mean it. I love you Devil. I am yours. For as long as I live.” Devil spins me around. I think he is happy. “Done deal. You two have made the claim now. Devil, I expect to see that property patch tomorrow. You know you still have it.” Steel is taking no chances. He seems happy Devil made his claim and I’ve made mine. “Now we have Kellan tonight so go celebrate right.” That’s all it took. Devil scoops me up over his shoulder and swats my backside and I love every single second of it. He heads us back to his room and everyone cheers us on but Stone. He stares at the back wall.

  The End for Now……….

  Coming summer 2016 Holding Out For Forever. Chief & Kim’s story.


  PT. 2


  Callie Today is like any other summer day in Texas, hot and sticky. Even the mosquitoes are too hot to move. I wish I was in the middle of a lake. Instead, I am running laps training for track. Have to stay conditioned, but I think I have reached my limit. I have to get off the track soon anyway to make room for the football guys. This year the competition will be stiffer because I am going into high school. My running partner, Fe, has already stopped, so I start my cool down walk. I see the football players coming over to the track and I see three of them stop and talk to Fe. I make my way over to them to grab my t-shirt and my sports drink.

  “Hey Callie, this is Jeb and Cru. Hanna’s cousins.” I knew Hanna’s aunt just married a man with two boys, but I didn’t know they were twins. I see Mason Brumley is with them. He and my brother, Ty, have been friends for a few years, but I’ve not really paid much attention to him. He’s cute, but so what.

  “Hi. Fe are you ready? Someone will be out front waiting on us soon.” I don’t want to keep whoever my dad sends waiting.

  “You’re Ty’s little sister?” This came from Mason. “Yep.” I turn to head for the gate. Fe can catch up when he’s ready. I’m don’t have time for small talk. I want to find a way to the lake for my friends and I today. I need to get to making calls. “Hey, my friends and I are going to the lake this afternoon and I was wondering if you would be interested in going? All your friends can come, if we can all fit in my truck.” This could be an answer to my problem.

  “You know there are five of us. Ty would have to go also. My dad won’t let me out without him.” I want them to know up front so we have no misunderstandings. My dad would freak if he found out I was going to the lake with older boys without Ty.

  “We know. I know Ty. I know who your dad is. I’m Mase by the way.” It’s not like this is the first time we’ve met. No, dad would not like this, and I don't want to spend the rest of my summer grounded.

  “Thanks, but I guess we better not. The mention of my dad reminds me I don’t want to be grounded. Fe may want to go.” I look to Fe but I can tell he is not going without me.

  “Some other time then.” Mason is smiling at me. What’s up with that? He’s kinda cute but my mind is not boy crazy like a lot of our friends. I’ll be starting high school
this coming school year and I know I need to keep my head on school work. I want scholarships for when I graduate, so school work is my number one, the only exception is my car. I turn again to walk off and Fe is right behind me, but I hear the three behind us laughing. I take it they are laughing at us for not going, so I turn and stare them down. “Is there a problem?” It makes them laugh harder.

  “No problem. We’ll talk again.” Whatever. I hear the bikes out front and grab Fe’s arm and we run for the gate. Dad won’t like it if I keep our rides waiting.


  “She’s growing up nicely.” Jeb states the obvious. Callie is a pretty girl, but she doesn’t act silly like other girls her age. “She’s just a kid. We need older girls, not younger. No one will be getting in that girl’s pants. Her dad would kill anyone that tried. You know he is part of that biker club. Besides, her brother Ty is a good guy and he’s not letting anyone around her either.” Cru is right, too.

  “She starts high school this year, right? Isn’t she the same age as your cousin Hanna? They’re good friends, right?” I am just curious. It would be ok to get to know her. We can be friends. She’ll need someone to show her around the high school, besides her brother.

  “Now that’s what I call girlfriend material.” I see Cru has found the cheerleader practice squad. They come out three times a week to work through cheer routines. I have to say he is right.

  “On the field boys. Quit gawking at the girls and hit the dirt. Give me some sit ups.” Coach’s daughter is one of those cheerleaders and he doesn’t like it when we stare, but it is a nice picture. Coach puts us through it today. The heat finally gets the best of us and he calls it a day. We are dragging butt. Some of the cheerleaders are still straggling around, trying to get the chance to talk to us, and it isn’t long before Cru is talking a few of them up and Jeb joins in. I see Tamera standing over beside them. We have hooked up a couple of times, but I can’t take her mouth for too long. She may have bigger tits than most girls, but I need a gag for her.

  “Hey Mase. Cru says that ya’ ll are going to the lake, can I tag along? It sure is hot today and the cool water sounds like a great idea.” She’s trying to act all sexy, but it is coming off as desperate. What the heck? As long as I get what I want and then I can take her back home?

  “Sure Tamera. Who else is up for it? We’ll take two trucks and most will have to ride in back, unless someone has a car. We’ll go the backroads.” Less likely to get a ticket that way.

  “Can I ride up front with you? I’ll need to go get my suit.” It starts a lready. Maybe I should have thought this out better. Best bet, ignore her. She’ll shut up sooner or later.

  “We need to get moving. Have to be back for two a days.” We start to the parking lot. “You didn’t answer me. I need to get my suit. Can you take me ? I rode with Lisa and I don’t know if she is going.” I just keep walking. Jeb comes up beside me with a big smile on his face.

  “You know she’s still talking to you.” As if I could block it out.

  “I figure if I ignore it, it may go away.” I open my truck door and Tamera is up beside me getting in my space. “Are you taking me?” Well, I’ve come this far.

  “Get in Tamera. I’ll take you.” She looks like the cat that ate the canary.

  “Thank you, Mase. I’ll thank you later, I have some homemade ice cream at home. Do you like homemade ice cream?” Doubt that. This is already wearing on my nerves.

  Callie Dad surprised us and he had some of the club members going to the lake. A family thing. Picnic and all. My kind of day. All three of my best friends and family. We finally make it there it is pretty deserted for a summer day. More room for us and dad won’t keep as close an eye on me. I want to get to that bridge. Dad is always saying it is too far, but I know I can do it. We set up the volley ball net and the men have the horse shoes set up. We helped the ol’ ladies set up the food and now it is our time. I’ve been avoiding taking my tank top and cut offs off. My swim suit has gotten a bit small. My boobs won’t quit growing. One day I was flat as a board, then it’s like someone sprinkled magic boob dust on me and they started to grow and haven't stopped. If grandma was still here, she would have already made me go shopping, but I am just not a shopper. Maybe I’m just being self-conscious and dad won’t notice. When I started my period last year that was a conversation I don’t ever want to repeat. He wants me to stay a kid the rest of my life. Could be worse. He could just not care. I already had enough of that for a lifetime.

  “Hey, you wearing those clothes all day? Let’s hit the water.” That’s Fe, so anxious. I turn to look at dad and he is busy with something else. My tank and shorts are gone in a second and I’m running for the cool water. When I hit it, it feels glorious.

  “Your dad is going to flip his shit over that swim suit. When did your boobs grow? Damn you look like a sixteen-yearold.” Fe is always stating the obvious. “Fe, do you kiss your mom with that mouth? Why do you cuss all the time now? It’s not attractive at all.” Sarah is always on Fe about his mouth. She should hear Ty or my dad. Ty is the object of her obsession. We play in the water trying to play drown each other. We all swim like fish and love it. Dad taught each of us to swim the same summer. It’s not too long before Ty joins us. His friend Brad is with him and we are playing drown the person with the ball when two trucks pull up not far from our spot. I see it is Mason and his friends. We go back to doing our thing, but it is not too long before Kelsey is yelling for everyone to come eat. We make our way out of the water and I’m trying to adjust my swim suit. Ty comes up behind me and slaps my backside. Before he can take his hand away I have him thrown over my hip. I smile. That never grows old. I can finally throw him. Even if he was surprised. I keep him pinned to the ground with my foot. Then I hear clapping and look up to see Mason is standing there with a goofy grin on his face and just clapping. Jeb joins in.

  “Callie let your brother up and get some damn clothes on.” Dad isn’t standing very far from us and he throws me a towel. Uncle Trent and ZMan are standing beside him.

  “When the hell did Baby Girl grow tits?” Uncle Trent asks. My face is three shades of red.

  “I don’t know, but I don’t like it.” Dad says with a grimace on his face. “Right after she got her period dad. Haven’t you been paying attention?” Ty is eating this up. He loves embarrassing me. I dry off but I have lost my appetite now that I’m the center of attention. I slip my tank and shorts back on. I go and sit at the table with my friends. Dad finally makes his way over by me and he wiggles his finger for me to go over to him so I do. Dread in my stomach, I walk up to him and he says softly, “Tomorrow you will be going shopping with Kelsey. Are we clear young lady? Do not take your shirt or shorts off the rest of the day.” Then he turns and walks away and I am left feeling like I did something wrong growing up. I go back and sit down. I look over where the truck is parked and Mason is standing there staring at me, with some girl glued to his side. Boys… That was the last time we saw each other that summer. I knew Mason was trouble for me, so I changed my running times so I wouldn’t happen to run into him. I did go shopping with Kelsey the next day. Dad gave us his credit card and we shopped until I couldn’t shop any more. I purchased a new swim suit, but the thing is, the old one covered more. I bought cover-ups though, and found another suit to wear in front of dad. He did learn to never give his credit card to Kelsey, and I learned to never go shopping with Kelsey. She taught me to have two wardrobes. One for in front of dad, one for when I’m not, and how not to get caught. She also took me by her beauty shop and trimmed my hair and taught me how to apply makeup. Not that I really wear it, but if I want to it’s nice to have and know how to use it. She also bought me some smexy underwear. She says I’m too young for sexy, and too old for sweet. Actually it’s just boy short cut panties that fit tight and ride up on my butt cheeks. Not sure I like them. What is wrong with some regular boy shorts? Oh well. Sarah and Hanna are jealous and I’ll probably never wear them. It was good to
have girl time. Not much of that around our house and as long as we don’t get found out, we’ll be ok.


  First day of school of my junior year. This past weekend was a blast. Pasture party with a keg. I’m not a big drinker, but it was fun for a change. We camped right there. No way do we drink and drive. Still haven’t been able to shake Tamera yet. She has been sticking to me like glue. I don’t want to just come out and hurt her feelings, but she is not my girlfriend and I have let her know this. I see Cru and Jeb’s trucks when I wheel into the parking lot. I park right in between them. Not long until we will be out of here. This year and next. Can’t wait. Life will be good. We get out of our trucks and Cru grabs Tiffany’s hand right off the bat. Jeb falls back with me. I see Ty’s motorcycle is already here, and there is a really hot blonde standing next to him. I can’t see her face, but she has on a blue jean skirt that will barely make the dress code, and a pair of cowboy boots on with it. Her legs are muscular and tan. Her hair is down the middle of her back and I can’t wait to see who she is. I have a thing for blue jean skirts with boots and this girl is rocking that look. Ty does that head nod thing he does and she turns to see who is behind her. The bluest of eyes look straight at me. Holy crap. That’s…


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