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A Man's World 2: Detective Shea (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 5

by Becca Van

  Chapter Five

  Lori came back to consciousness slowly and felt someone touching her. And that’s when the fear struck. She bolted upright and grabbed for her gun, but it wasn’t there. She opened her eyes and her face flamed with heat when she saw a stranger squatting right next to her, but movement behind him caught her attention and she looked up over his head to see three very pissed off males standing with their feet apart and their arms crossed over their chests. Her gaze skittered away from them and met Darius’s concerned one.

  “Lori? I’m Doctor John Higgins. I work for the department. How are you feeling?”

  Lori sat up, swung her legs over the edge of the sofa, and placed her feet on the floor. She pushed the throw aside and would have stood up but Dr. Higgins placed a hand on her shoulder and stopped her.

  “It would be better if you stayed sitting down. I don’t want you passing out again.”


  “I need to ask you a few questions, Lori. Do you want the other men to leave the room?”

  Lori nodded and lowered her gaze to the floor. She heard four sighs but refused to meet their eyes. There was no way she was answering anything with her four watchdogs so close.

  “We’ll wait in the kitchen,” Darius said. “But don’t for one minute think that this is over, young lady.”

  Lori knew that tone and knew she wasn’t going to get away with hedging or lying. Darius knew her better than anyone since he’d helped to raise her in the last of her teenage years, but if she could redirect the questions to distract him she would.

  “Lori.” Dr. Higgins gained her attention again. “When was the last time you had decent meal?”

  “Last night.”

  “Have you eaten anything today?”

  She shook her head.

  “How are you expected to get through a day if you don’t fuel up? Is there a reason why you haven’t been eating properly?”

  “Just too tired, I guess.”

  “Did you sleep last night?”

  Again, Lori shook her head.

  “Not even for a couple of hours?”


  “What about the night before that? How much sleep did you get then?”

  Lori cringed and shrugged her shoulders, before looking at the floor again.

  Dr. Higgins nudged her chin up so she was looking him in the eye. “How long since you’ve had more than a couple hours’ sleep?”

  “Six months.”

  “When’s the last time you took vacation time?”


  “And sick leave?”


  “Lori, you’re so exhausted you’re on the verge of collapse. I’m going to recommend complete downtime for a month. If you keep going on this way, you’re going to end up in the hospital.”

  “A month? I can’t take a month off.” Lori raised her voice angrily. “There is some sick fuck out there raping, torturing, and killing women. If I don’t find him, he is going to kill again and then he’s going to come after me.”

  Lori heard a growl come from near her kitchen door and when she looked over her boss, her partner and Scott and Colby were crowded in the doorway and they were all scowling at her. She knew they had heard every word because she hadn’t been quiet.

  The doctor rose to his feet and looked at Darius. “You heard?”


  “Good, I can’t be sued for breaching patient confidentiality, but if she doesn’t get the rest she needs she’s going to end up one very sick young woman.”

  Lori covered her face and tried to calm her racing heart and panicked breathing. She couldn’t afford to take time off. She had a killer to catch before he got to her. She was only vaguely aware of the low voices off near her front door and then she heard the door close. The cushions on either side of her sank and by the Old Spice cologne she knew that Darius was on her left, and the citrusy cologne she inhaled told her that Ward was on her right.

  Her hands were pulled away from her face, but she kept her eyes closed. She knew she was in deep shit with them all. She’d withheld information and evidence regarding the case and that just wasn’t done. She could even be charged for what she’d done.

  “Lori, open your eyes, honey,” Darius said in a gentle voice.

  She shook her head.

  “Open your damn eyes, now,” Ward said through clenched teeth.

  “What the hell were you thinking, Lori?” Darius asked.

  “I just—”

  “You know what?” Darius asked but continued speaking before she could ask her question. “From this moment, you are off this case. You are on sick leave for the next month and I don’t want to see you anywhere near the station.”

  “Goddamn it, Darius, I have a killer to catch.” Lori shoved to her feet and started pacing.

  “I don’t give a shit!” Darius yelled and that was when she knew there was no way in hell he was going to back down. Darius never yelled at her. Ever.

  “Start talking, Lori,” Colby demanded.

  “I don’t—”

  “Do you want me to fire you?” Darius asked. “I could, you know, for concealing evidence and obstructing the course of justice.”

  Lori felt all the blood drain from her face and she felt lightheaded when she spun around to pace back across the floor. Scott wrapped an arm around her waist and lifted her into his arms. He strode angrily back over to the sofa but instead of lowering her on it, he sat down and plunked her on his lap and then his arms came around her, holding her firmly. She pushed at them but gave up after a few tries when he didn’t budge.

  “What the hell did you mean that the fucker was going to come after you?” Ward snarled his question.

  Lori sighed with tired resignation and then started explaining. When she’d finished, the four men sat staring at her and the silence was uncomfortable and deafening.

  “Your judgment on this case is impaired because you’re exhausted. I’m going to overlook what you’ve done, but if you ever do anything like this again I’ll have to follow protocol. Do you understand?” Darius asked in a near roar which had her flinching, but she nodded her head.

  “Where’s the evidence?” Ward asked.

  “In my bedroom closet.”

  “Did you search for prints or take any pictures?” Scott asked.


  “Thank God for that,” Colby muttered and then headed for her bedroom.

  Lori tried to get up, but Scott wouldn’t let her.

  Darius took the evidence bag and then scrolled through the pictures on her digital camera. When he was done he met her gaze and stared at her.

  “What the hell is wrong with you, Lori? This guy was in your apartment. Do you have a death wish?” Darius’s voice escalated in pitch and volume with every word he spoke.

  “No!” she yelled, and then took a deep breath to get her rioting emotions under control before releasing it again. “No, I don’t have a death wish. I just wanted to repay you for everything you’ve done for me and be the best detective I could be so you could be—ˮ She had to stop to gather herself when her voice cracked.

  “What, Lori?” Darius asked.

  “P–Proud of me.” Lori felt ashamed when tears burned her eyes and then spilled over and down her cheeks.

  Darius thrust the evidence back at Colby and then he rushed over to her, pulled her to her feet and into his arms. “Oh, honey. I’ve always been proud of you. Don’t you know that I think of you like the daughter I never had?”

  Lori clung to him and cried. “I–I’ve never had…a–anyone p–proud of me. I–I just…”

  “Shh, honey.” Darius kissed the top of her head and hugged her tight. “I was proud of you the first moment I saw you trying to fight that mugger off. You fought so damn hard and you never gave up. I knew then that you were special.”

  Darius moved his arms from around her shoulders and then cupped her face between the palms of his hands and wiped the tears from
her cheeks with his thumbs. “I love you, Lori.”

  “I l–love you, t–too.”

  “Good.” Darius kissed her forehead and then released her.

  He looked over at Ward, Scott and Colby. “You three are going to be working on this case and you’ll be protecting our girl. We’ll get a tap on her phone and cell and we’ll place cameras outside her apartment and inside. This fucking asshole knows who she is and where she is, but she isn’t to stay here. I want her living with y’all until we have him behind bars.”

  “I don’t think—” Lori began, but Darius cut her off.

  “From now on, you can work from home. If you need anything I’ll get someone to bring it over. We all know the moment she steps into the precinct she will want to work.”

  “Lori thinks this bastard is a cop,” Scott said.

  Darius turned to face her again and gave her a look before turning back to face the other three men. “I suspected as much, but I was waiting for Miss Independence over there to come to me. Do you think it’s one of ours?”

  “We’re not sure,” Ward answered. “But it’s highly likely. Our perp has to have local knowledge of where those dead women were working. Of course it wouldn’t be hard for anyone to find them, but I have to agree with Lori about this prick gaining the women’s trust. There has been no sign of narcotics in their blood or of any struggles. Plus, I trust Lori’s instincts.”

  Darius nodded and then headed toward the door. He paused, walked back over to Colby, took the evidence, and then moved to the door again. “I’ll get the sick leave forms sent over so you can sign them.”

  “Okay.” Lori sighed.

  “I’ll also send over a copy of all the work you have on the pin board and the files, but whatever you do, don’t let Lori anywhere near them.”

  “Understood,” Scott answered firmly.

  “Pack her up and move her in with you. I’ll send the surveillance techs over to wire her place up as soon as possible.”

  “Good,” Ward said.

  Darius left and then there was that awful silence again. Lori walked over to an armchair and was about to sink into it, but Colby’s voice stopped her. “Why don’t we go into your bedroom and you can tell me what you want packed?”

  “I can—”

  “Don’t argue with me right now, Lori, because you’ll come off second best,” Colby said angrily as he strode over to her, clasped her hand in his and then led her toward her bedroom.

  Lori sighed but didn’t bother to argue again and followed behind as meekly as a lamb.

  Colby turned to face her and pointed toward the bed. “Sit.”

  “I’m not a fucking dog.” She crossed her arms beneath her breasts and glared at him.

  “No, you’re not. You’re a sexy, desirable woman.”

  Lori’s mouth dropped open and she stared at him with surprise. He smirked at her, nudged her chin up with his hand, and then he leaned down and placed a light kiss on her lips. She gasped and would have pushed him away if he hadn’t straightened up and started opening her drawers. At least that’s what she told herself.

  Fifteen minutes later Colby had her bags packed. He didn’t even seem to notice her red face when he grabbed handfuls of her lacy lingerie and put them in the case. When he walked into her bathroom to get her toiletries, she was about to stand up and hurry in there after him, but he turned and glared at her over his shoulder before continuing on. He didn’t even seem to be embarrassed about handling her packets of feminine hygiene products, so she tried not to be, too.

  He shoved them into her bag, zipped it up, grasped the handle of her case, and then held his free hand out toward her. She took it and hoped he didn’t notice her shudder of awareness as their skin slid over each other’s and then he wrapped his large, warm, manly hand around her much smaller one and tugged her to her feet.

  “Wait.” Lori tugged her hand free and then walked over to her drawer and retrieved her e-reader before she took Colby’s proffered hand again.

  “Good.” Colby nodded. “I’m glad you’ve got something to keep you occupied and relaxed.”

  Lori smiled and nodded and hoped he didn’t see a gleam in her eyes. She sighed with relief when he led her out.

  Scott and Ward were nowhere to be seen and she figured they must be at their own place already. She pulled against Colby’s hold but he just held her tighter without hurting her and kept moving toward the door.

  “I need to clean my fridge out,” Lori explained.

  “Scott already did it. Any perishables you had are already at our place. Do you have your keys?”

  Lori dug into her pocket with her free hand and held them up. He nodded and then opened the front door, pausing to check if anyone was about and then led her through.

  “Where’s my gun?”

  “Ward has it. Don’t worry, honey, you’ll get it back. There is no way in hell we are leaving you defenseless.” He closed the door and then waited while she locked it and then led her down the hall to their place.

  He opened the door and ushered her in before closing it again. Their apartment looked nearly the same as hers but in mirror image, except for all the large chunky leather furniture and, of course, the occupants.

  Ward and Colby were standing in the middle of the living room and both of them were watching her intently. She met the gazes for a moment and then looked away.

  “Take a seat, baby,” Ward said, and pointed to the large leather sofa. “You need to rest. We’re going to make some dinner.”

  Lori nodded and sat on the couch, but watched them from beneath her lowered lashes. Ward nodded at Scott and then Scott headed toward the hall and the bedrooms. She wanted to ask them where she’d be sleeping but didn’t want to disturb them since Ward and Colby were already turning toward the kitchen. She closed her eyes for a moment and the next thing she knew, a finger was stroking over her face and then brushing the hair back from her face.

  “Wake up, darlin’,” Colby said quietly, and her eyes fluttered open to meet his. He placed a soft, gentle kiss on her mouth and then smiled at her as he drew back. “It’s time to eat, and after dinner you can have a soak in the spa bath and go straight to bed.”


  “Yeah, darlin’. Do you feel better after your nap?”

  “A little.”

  Colby sat down beside her and then to her surprise he lifted her by the waist and then lowered her onto his lap. “You really haven’t been taking very good care of yourself, have you, Lori?”

  Lori shrugged and went to lower her eyes but Colby wouldn’t let her. He grabbed hold of her chin and stared into her orbs. “You have no idea how pretty or sexy you are, do you?”

  “I’m not—”

  “Yes, you are. Why is it that women don’t see what men see when they look at themselves?” he asked, exasperation in his voice but the humor in his eyes belied his frustrated expression.

  Whenever she met his gaze, she always saw that gleam in his eyes and he nearly always looked like he was smiling even if his lips weren’t tilted up to show his humor. She’d already pegged Ward as the most Alpha male of the three brothers and although she suspected Scott could be just as bad, the tilt to half of his mouth made him look a little less arrogant than his older brother. But what frustrated her was the way she was always watching his mouth whenever he spoke. She loved that little idiosyncrasy and had a hard time pulling her gaze away from his lips. And she didn’t watch just him. She watched all of them when they weren’t taking any notice of her. They were so fucking sexy, handsome, and buff it was a struggle to keep her body’s reaction hidden from them, but from the way she had caught all three of them looking at her at different times she wasn’t sure she’d managed to hide the physical changes in her body at all.

  Lori answered his question when an answer finally popped into her head. “I guess if we all knew that then women wouldn’t worry about how they looked, would we?” Lori whispered.

  “I suppose not,” Colby nuzzl
ed his nose against her neck and then inhaled near her hair. “Women should just be thankful for the bodies that God gave them. Most men don’t want a skin-covered skeleton to cuddle up with. Waifs aren’t a big turn on to me or my brothers. We like a woman to have some meat on her bones. It gives us something to hold onto when we’re loving our girl.”


  “Come on, we need to get to the kitchen before the food goes cold.”

  Colby stood up, taking her with him, and after making sure she was steady on her feet, he held his hand out to her, and looked at her expectantly. She placed her hand in his and felt the now familiar warmth race through her blood as their skin connected. Whether she made a noise or the expression on her face changed she wasn’t sure, but Colby palmed her cheek and looked deeply into her eyes. “We feel it, too, darlin’. Don’t be scared about being the only one.”

  Lori tugged her hand, but he held it firmly. And when she looked away he lifted his free hand and cupped the back of her head to hold it in place. “Why does feeling attracted to us frighten you?”

  “I’m not—ˮ

  “Don’t deny it, Lori. It’s there for all of us to see every time we look into your eyes. Do you think we don’t see how your nipples harden or how your pulse races when we’re close to you? We know an aroused woman when we see one, darlin’.”

  “Come on. Let’s get some food into you before you keel over again.”

  Lori exhaled when he didn’t press her and changed the subject before he led her into the kitchen and dining room.

  “Take a seat, honey,” Scott said and pointed to the table.

  Colby released her hand and helped to bring the food over as she sat down. Lori purposely took the seat at the end of the table so none of them could sit right next to her, but when Ward and Colby sat on either side of her she knew that little bit of extra distance between them wasn’t going to make a difference.

  She watched as they loaded their plates with food, and when they passed her the bowls and platters she took a little of everything and put it on her plate. By the time she’d finished she had way too much but didn’t think they would let her put any of it back. When they started eating she did, too, and when she’d finished she’d eaten everything on her plate. Not that she’d eaten as much as they had, but it was the most she had eaten in one sitting since she’d started working on this case. And then she realized she was glad that Darius, Ward, Scott, and Colby knew about the threat to her and she actually felt less tense, since she had a partner and colleagues who actually worked alongside her. The whole time she’d been working with Geoff he had stood in front of her, giving her orders and telling her what to do. At first she’d obeyed him since she was so new to being a detective, but after the first twelve months she’d realized it made him feel important to order her around and then watch her do all the work.


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