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A Man's World 2: Detective Shea (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 14

by Becca Van

  Loris screamed as best she could, but it wasn’t very loud since she had no air left in her lungs. She drew her head forward and slammed it back but he must have seen that coming and she ended up hurting her neck muscles as they wrenched instead of hitting him. She kicked and flailed all the while trying to get her arms free, but he was in peak condition for his age and packed full of muscles, and nothing she did lessened his hold on her. She couldn’t even reach for either of her weapons.

  Her muscles started to go lax and even though she kept fighting she knew she was getting weaker and weaker. She just hoped that Scott wondered what was taking her so long and came to investigate.

  Darkness started to wrap around her and she knew she was losing consciousness and she wondered if she would ever get the chance to tell Ward, Scott, and Colby how much she loved them. Would they realize who their killer was? Would he escape without them seeing him? She couldn’t see how that was possible, but it didn’t matter right now. All the mattered was she get away from him before he raped and killed her.

  She was vaguely aware of someone knocking on the women’s restroom door, but then she passed out and knew no more.

  * * * *

  Scott glanced at his watch and frowned at the amount of time Lori was taking in the rest room. He’d give her another minute and if she didn’t come out he was going in.

  He turned to the side when he saw Ward and Colby striding toward them and Ward was looking worried.

  “What’s up?”

  “I’m not sure, but something is off. I heard water running and then a bang as if a cubicle door had been slammed open or shut. Who washes their hands before they go to the bathroom?”

  “Shit.” Scott pushed on the bathroom door but it wouldn’t budge. It was locked from the inside. “Fucking bastard.”

  Scott stepped back a couple of feet and then rushed forward, slamming his shoulder into the door, but when he connected with the thick wood he knew that he wouldn’t be able to break through.

  “We need to get the hinges off,” Colby said and rushed over to the middle of the squad room. “I need a screwdriver. Now.”

  Scott saw one of the officers rummaging in a drawer and then he hurried over and handed a flat-head screwdriver to Colby.

  Colby shoved the tip of the screwdriver underneath the hinge pin and pried it up bit by bit. Scott put his ear to the bathroom door, but he couldn’t hear anything.

  “Can you hear her?” he asked Ward.


  “Hurry the fuck up, Colby,” Scott snarled.

  Colby ignored him and Scott shifted on his feet when the first pin lifted and then set to work on the second one. Scott’s heart slammed against his ribs with each second that passed, but he tried to keep his fear at bay. Lori needed him and his brothers and he wasn’t about to let his emotions rule. He needed to keep calm and hopefully save her before the fucker killed her.

  Colby finally got the last pin out and shoved the door aside as he barreled through the opening.

  * * * *

  As Lori came to, she realized her wrists were taped together and her lips were also taped over, but she kept her muscles slack so that he wouldn’t know she was awake. She opened her eyes to mere slits and saw him looking down at her chest. When she felt cool air waft over her body she realized he’d ripped or cut her T-shirt open and her bra as well. Her shoulder holster was gone and her jeans and panties were down around her knees.

  She heard a noise near the closed bathroom door and realized Regent must have heard it too because he turned his head. That was all Lori needed. She swung her arms up, her hands clenched into fists and connected with the side of his jaw. His head spun back and he didn’t even look like he’d felt her hit. As she stared into the emotionless eyes of a killer she wondered why she’d never noticed how cold his gaze was before.

  The smile he gave her as she bucked and wiggled as she tried to knock him off of her body sent chills right down into her soul, but she wasn’t about to give up until she’d breathed her last breath.

  When he raised his right arm and the light overhead caught the tip of the blade, she knew that if she got out of this it wouldn’t be unscathed. That didn’t matter. What mattered was that she survived to live another day. As his arm came down fast she twisted at the last moment and screamed in agony as the blade slid into the outside of her hip. When he pulled the knife out of her flesh, blessed numbness washed over her and she breathed in deeply through her nose. He leaned forward, placing the tip of the knife against her throat. Lori didn’t even stop to think about that blade cutting her as she slammed her head forward into his nose.

  His bellow of pain and rage fed her the rage she needed to keep fighting. And then he smiled benevolently at her as he once more raised his arm and this time she knew she wouldn’t survive. She could see her own death in his eyes.

  She closed her eyes and waited for the death blow. Something banged in the distance and then a loud report echoed through the room. But the blow never came.

  Regent fell forward on top of her and she felt the sticky warmth of his blood as it seeped over her skin. Her eyes flew open when his weight was removed and she collapsed back on the floor when she saw Colby standing above her. And then he was kneeling at her side.

  “Oh God, darlin’.” Colby reached out and removed the tape from her mouth as gently as he could and then he covered her bare breasts with the remains of her shirt.

  “I’ve called an ambulance,” Ward got down on his knees beside her and then he removed his T-shirt and covered her bare pussy before tugging the tape from around her wrists.

  Scott squatted on her other side, whipped his T-shirt off over his head, folded it into a pad, and then pressed it against her hip, firmly.

  “Fuck.” Lori heard Darius’s voice and hoped he wouldn’t come any closer and see her half-exposed body.

  She gasped as Scott pushed against her hip hard and white hot, searing agony shot down her leg and up the side of her torso. Her eyes grew too heavy to keep open and she let them slide closed.

  “Stay with us, Lori.” She heard Scott’s voice. “Open your eyes, honey. Come on, please? Open your eyes damn it.”

  Lori managed to lift her heavy eyelids and was astonished when she saw that Scott had tears in his eyes and running down his cheeks. He wiped the moisture from his face, but then leaned forward to whisper in her ear. “I love you, honey.”

  She smiled, but then grimaced as another sharp pain pierced her hip and just as she was about to reciprocate, the paramedics entered the room and hurried over to her. One of the men checked her injuries while the other filled a syringe full of some type of painkiller and after swabbing her thigh injected it into her.

  Lori floated on a cloud for what felt like hours and then she drifted off to sleep into a blissful, pain-free world.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Lori spent the next two weeks recuperating in the Stanford men’s condo. They wouldn’t let her do a thing besides the menial tasks like going to the bathroom or making an occasional cup of coffee.

  Regent Prentiss had been killed by Colby with one shot and after Darius had looked deeper into his life, he’d found out that Regent had changed his name when he was in his early twenties. Apparently he’d witnessed his father raping and killing his mother and after the media had sensationalized the crime nearly thirty years ago and the story had come out about the abuse he suffered as a child, he faded into the background and no one had ever heard about him again.

  Lori wondered if the abuse he’d suffered had tipped him over the edge, but she didn’t think that was the case. He was probably just as psychotic as his father had been. After discussing it with Ward, Colby, and Scott, they had agreed with her that the sick bastard had got off on his father’s abuse to his mother and the killing. But she didn’t have to ever worry about him again.

  The three men had applied for leave since apparently they had accrued a shitload of vacation time at their last precinct, and luckily for all
of them, no matter where they worked, they never lost out on accrued leave.

  But Lori was fine now and totally healed, and was itching to get back to work and a normal routine. Still, Darius had laid down the law and told her that she wasn’t to come back for a full six weeks, as per doctor’s orders. It didn’t matter to her that she had more than enough sick cover owing to her. She was just getting antsy at being idle. Although she had to admit the rest had done her good. Besides the occasional nightmare, she was sleeping and eating better than ever and the dark smudges which had been prevalent for almost six months were nearly gone.

  She rose from the couch and winced when her hip muscle cramped and she walked it off as she moved over to the balcony. Opening the door, she stepped out and breathed in the fresh summer air. Even though it was hot, she loved having the sunshine beat down on her after being sequestered inside for so long.

  She didn’t need to turn around to know that Ward was standing close to her. She could smell his cologne and the wonderful aroma of clean, fresh man, with a hint of musk underlying the other smells.

  When he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her back against his front, she leaned back into him with a sigh of contentment. All three of the men cuddled, kissed and held her often and the thought of losing that caused pain to rip through her chest and she was barely able to hold the gasp back.

  He leaned down and began to nibble on her neck and without conscious thought, she tilted her head to the side, giving him unfettered access.

  “You smell so good, baby. I could just eat you right up.”


  “I think that’s a good idea, bro,” Scott said as he came to stand in front of her.

  “I’m all for it, as long as our darlin’ is,” Colby said as he stopped beside her.

  Scott kissed her lightly on the lips and then drew back to stare into her eyes. “Do you want that, honey? Do you want us to make love to you?”

  “God yes.” Lori reached up to grab hold of Scott’s neck and pull him closer so she could kiss him, but her hands never made it to her destination because Ward scooped her up into his arms and carried her back inside.

  When he lowered her to her feet in the bedroom, all three of the men stood back and perused her body up and down.

  “Take your clothes off, darlin’,” Colby demanded just before he pulled his own shirt up and off over his head.

  Lori’s areolae shrunk and her nipples hardened as she watched Colby’s pecs flex as he moved. Her pussy softened and moistened and cream gathered on her folds.

  Then Ward and Scott started to undress and so did she. None of them spoke as they divested themselves of their clothes and when she was naked she gave them a sassy smile, turned her back to them, and climbed onto the bed, wiggling her ass as she did so.

  She flopped over onto her back and gasped when she saw that they were all completely naked, and then laughed when Scott shoved Ward and Colby aside before he dove onto the bed and pushed her legs apart.

  “You smell so sweet, honey. I have to taste you.”

  Lori moaned when he suited action to his words, lowered his head, and licked her pussy from her engorged, throbbing clit down to her dripping hole.

  “Hmm,” his voice rumbled against her sensitive skin, eliciting a moan from her.

  Ward and Colby got onto the bed on either side of her. Ward cupped her cheek, turning her head toward him, and then he was kissing her. He kissed her, carnally, rapaciously, and she kissed him back just as hungrily. She groaned when Colby sucked a nipple into his mouth and began drawing on it firmly, sending shards of pleasure shooting down her body and straight to her clit.

  When Scott caged her aching pearl between his teeth and lapped the tip of his tongue over it, she cried out.

  Scott released her clit and sat up between her thighs just as Ward broke the kiss. She gulped in air and watched avidly as Scott suited up, and after placing a gentle kiss and lick on the pink scar on the side of her hip, he moved in close until the tip of his hard cock brushed against her pussy.

  Colby released her nipple and then moved up to kiss her. She lost herself in his and her own passion until she felt Scott breaching her cunt. Colby slowed the kiss and then lifted his mouth from hers and shifted as he looked down to where his brother’s cock slowly eased all the way inside her.

  Scott pumped his hips a few times, sliding his cock in and out of her pussy until she was moaning again. “You feel so damn good, honey. I will never get enough of making love to you, of this sexy little body. You’re perfect, Lori.”

  “No,” she gasped, knowing she was far from perfect.

  “You’re perfect to us, baby,” Ward said in a firm voice.

  “I can’t wait anymore,” Colby rasped. “Roll her over.”

  Scott covered her body with his and then he rolled them both over until he was on his back and she was lying on top of him. Colby stroked a hand down her back and tapped her lightly on the ass. “Move your knees up under you and beside Scott’s hips, darlin’.”

  Lori did as she was told and then she jerked when she felt Colby’s tongue on her pucker as he licked her ass. But it seemed he was too impatient to wait and when he touched her asshole again, it was with cool, lubed fingers.

  “I love this delectable ass, darlin’. I can’t wait to slide my hard dick into it.”

  “Me, too,” she moaned.

  Scott reached up, wrapped her braid around his wrist, and tugged her down so he could kiss her. She kissed him back, trying to tell him how much she cared for him, and tried to keep her ass muscles relaxed as Colby prepared her ass by stretching her out with his fingers. She moaned with frustration when he withdrew them and then gasped when he pressed the corona of his hard penis to her rosette and pushed in.

  “Jeezus,” Colby said in a growly voice. “So fucking hot, tight. Heaven, darlin’. That’s what you are. Pure heaven.”

  Lori shuddered and tried to keep from clenching her muscles around the two cocks deep inside her ass and pussy. Scott released her braid but then Ward grabbed hold of it and held it tightly against the base of her head.

  “Sit up, baby. I need you, too.”

  Lori levered up with her hands on Scott’s chest and when she looked to the side, Ward was waiting for her with his hand around the base of his cock with the tip close to her mouth. She moistened her lips with her tongue and then swirled it around the broad, spongy head and without further ado she sucked him in as far as she could.

  “Oh yeah, baby. So good.”

  Lori got into a rhythm of advance and retreat as she bobbed up and down over Ward’s yummy cock, hollowing her cheeks each time she slid back up over him and laving underneath before pushing back down.

  When Colby retreated from her ass, she moaned and then she groaned as he shoved back into her while Scott withdrew from her pussy. With each rock of their hips, they increased their speed incrementally as well as depth and the strength of their thrusts, causing her blood to heat and pleasure to assail her all over.

  She sucked, bobbed, and slurped Ward’s cock, and when she felt his penis twitch and heat even more, she knew he was about to come. He tugged on her hair but she dug her nails into his thigh and held on tight.

  “I’m gonna come, baby. If you’re not going to let me go then swallow me down,” Ward rasped.

  Lori took him down further and when the tip nudged the back of her throat she breathed through her nose, relaxed her throat muscles, and then swallowed around him when he slipped down a little more.

  “Fuck!” Ward roared just before cum shot out of his cock, over the back of her tongue, and down her throat. Lori gulped and swallowed his seed down until he finally eased out of her mouth and went down to his hands and knees beside her.

  She moaned and groaned with each slide of Colby’s cock in her ass and Scott’s cock in her pussy as the tension inside her grew to massive proportions and she knew she was about to tip over the edge.

  Colby withdrew from her ass and held
still for a moment as Scott did the same from her pussy. She hung on the edge of nirvana for a second or two and then they both slammed back into her at the same time and she screamed as she reached for the stars.

  Her pussy spasmed and released, clenched and let go in a continuous circle of contractions as they both continued to shuttle their cocks in and out of both her holes. White noise filled her ears as white lights flashed before her eyes. Cream gushed from her cunt and as Scott shoved forward he yelled and then he held still as he spilled his jism into the end of the condom. A stroke later and Colby groaned as he too reached his peak and they all collapsed in a pile of tangled limbs on top of Scott. A smile formed on her lips but she kept her eyes closed as she relished each aftershock wracking her body. After a few minutes, Colby gently drew his softening cock from her ass and Scott rolled them both over onto their sides. She kept her eyes closed and savored being taken care of as she was carried through to the bathroom where they bathed her and then dried her off and helped her to dress again.

  “Are you okay, baby?” Ward asked as he carried her out to the living room and sat down on the sofa with her on his lap.

  “Never better.” Lori finally opened her eyes and found Scott and Colby kneeling on the floor at her feet. “I love you, Scott.”

  He reached for her hand and brought it to his lips, kissing the back of it. “I love you, too, honey.”

  She cupped Colby’s face with her hand and looked deeply into his eyes. “I love you, Colby.”

  “That’s good, darlin’, because I love you, too.” Colby covered her hand with his and then leaned over and kissed her lightly, yet reverently, on the lips.

  Lori turned to look up at Ward. “I love you, Ward.”

  “I love you, too, baby.” He too kissed her on the lips and then nodded to his brothers.


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