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What Makes A Father (HQR Special Edition)

Page 15

by Teresa Southwick

  In the corner by the tall glass windows there was a grouping of pumpkins, pots of rust-colored mums and a scarecrow announcing that fall was in full swing.

  “This will be the twins’ first Halloween,” she said. “Should we take them trick-or-treating?”

  “Affirmative.” He glanced at the decorations and let his gaze wander over the whole lobby. “The little kids in costume are the best.”

  “I know. And it will be really different for me this year.”

  “Really?” He gave her a wry look. “You think? With two babies?”

  “And a house. There aren’t a lot of kids in my apartment building, but now I live in an actual neighborhood.” She grinned. “It’s going to be fun giving out candy and seeing all the costumes on the little ones.”

  “Logistics,” he said thoughtfully.


  “Tactical operations center.”

  “You’re going to have to translate that into nonmilitary terms for us civilians.”

  “One of us will have to stay home—tactical operations center or TOC—and give out that candy, while the other takes the twins around.”

  “Divide and conquer,” she said, nodding.


  She sighed happily. “From my perspective that is a quality problem to have.”

  “I completely agree.” He looked down at her, more carefree than the solemn, serious guy who’d knocked on her door to take a DNA test. “But the night is young and I’m starving. We can talk about this at dinner.”

  After walking outside into the cool, crisp evening air, she said, “My car is over there. I’ll meet you at the restaurant. Where are we going?”

  “Nope. It’s top secret. I’ll drive. We can get your car later.” He pointed. “Mine is right there in the first row.”

  “Okay.” At that moment she was ready, willing and able to go with him wherever he wanted to take her.

  They strolled over to his SUV and he opened the door for her, handing her inside. For a split second, their faces were millimeters apart. She could feel his breath on her cheek and thought he was going to kiss her. And she wanted him to so very much. The streetlight illuminated his features and there was a hungry intensity there that had nothing to do with food. So when he didn’t touch his mouth to hers, it wasn’t a soul-wrenching blow. As he’d said, the night was young and they were going to dinner. As surprises went, this one was moving its way into her top five.

  He got into the driver’s seat and turned on the SUV, then guided it out of the lot to merge with street traffic. It was a little congested right now as a majority of people left work and headed home. She actually had no idea of their final destination.

  “So, where are you taking me?”

  “Like I said, it’s a surprise.”

  “I thought you showing up unexpectedly at my place of employment was the surprise.”

  “Part of it,” he confirmed.

  “But I can’t change your mind about keeping the dinner location a top secret?”

  “Nope. Although, you’ll figure it out soon enough. Short of blindfolding you, I can’t keep it clandestine all the way there.”

  But how sweet was it that he was doing it at all? Annie pinched herself, just to make sure she wasn’t dreaming. The tweak on her wrist told her she wasn’t.

  As he drove, making left and right turns, the area became more open, less dense with single-family homes and zones where there were businesses and strip mall shopping. Finally, when he turned onto Summit Highway, she knew.

  “Le Chêne,” she whispered reverently.


  It was one of Huntington Hills’ most highly rated and exclusive restaurants. Upscale, cozy, romantic, historic. She’d only been there once. It was a spontaneous decision Dwayne the Douche had made without a reservation for the busiest place in town. They’d been turned away. So she knew the restaurant was located on a country estate and vineyards. When they slowly drove closer, she recognized the ivy-covered stone exterior that was reminiscent of a French château.

  “This place is hard to get into,” she said.

  “I made a reservation.”

  Planning ahead, she thought. It was a very sexy quality.

  He parked in the lot, then got out and came around to open her door. When she slid to the ground, he put his hand to the small of her back as they walked inside. The interior was dimly lit and had elegant oak wood beams and recessed lighting. The hostess confirmed a reservation for Dr. Mason Blackburne and showed them to a table for two in a secluded corner. There were candles on the table and that made Annie smile.

  Tables were covered with pristine white tablecloths and the chairs were oak. It was country elegance with a wall full of wine bottles and lots of wood-framed mirrors.

  The server came right over. “My name is Shelly. Can I get you something to drink?”

  Mason asked for a wine list and picked out a bottle. Shelly left menus and promised to be back in a few minutes. It didn’t take long and she opened the red blend then poured a small amount in a long-stemmed glass for him to approve. He did and she filled both of their glasses before promising to return to take their orders.

  “Let’s drink to good surprises always,” he said.

  Annie touched her elegant crystal glass to his and heard a bell-like tinkling sound. “I can get behind that in a big way.”

  She took a sip of the dark red liquid and savored the perfect blend of flavors. “This is nice. Thank you for all of this, Mason.”

  “I have to apologize.”

  “For bringing me here to this beautiful place?”

  “No. For not bringing you sooner,” he said.

  “You have nothing to be sorry for,” she insisted.

  “I disagree.” He met her gaze across the small, intimate table and the flame in his eyes burned as brightly as the candles between them. “Everything was rushed and clumsy. The house. The wedding. Our first night. It was fast—”

  “Is this your way of saying you’re having second thoughts?” A familiar knot of apprehension tightened in her stomach. “Do you regret everything?”

  “No,” he said quickly. “Good God, no.”

  “Then what?”

  “I’m trying to make it up to you.”

  “And I’ll try to communicate my feelings,” she said. “You can’t read my mind.”

  “No, but I can read your face. There’s been tension between us and it’s my fault. I hope this is a new beginning.”

  Their server, Shelly, returned and took their orders. White sea bass for her and red snapper meunière for him. “Are you celebrating anything special?”

  “No,” Annie said.

  “Yes,” he said at the same time. “We just got married. No time for a honeymoon and we have twins. But this is a special occasion for us.”

  “Congratulations,” Shelly said. “The twins. Boys or girls?”

  “One of each,” he said proudly. “This dinner is to celebrate the beginning of our life as a family.”

  “That’s so sweet,” the server said. “I’m a sucker for romantic gestures.”

  Me, too, Annie thought.

  When they were alone she cleared the emotion from her throat and said, “So, Halloween logistics.”

  “Right, it occurs to me that my folks could help. Give out candy at the house while we take the twins out. They won’t last long anyway, and it’s not like they can eat candy.”

  She nodded. “Just a symbolic gesture, for pictures and the promise of future family traditions.”

  “I like the sound of that.”

  They chatted, laughed and teased until the food came. Everything was delicious and she knew that because he shared his with her and she did the same with him. The service was impeccable and Shelly brought them a piece of cheesecake
topped with strawberries, on the house, to memorialize this dinner for them. He paid the bill and they walked outside, complaining about how full they were.

  At the SUV Annie hesitated before getting in. She looked up at him and had no idea what he saw in her eyes, but on the inside she was brimming with joy. She couldn’t ever remember being this happy.

  “Thank you, Mason. I had a wonderful time. I feel like Cinderella and my coach will turn into a pumpkin if I don’t leave the ball before midnight.”

  “This night doesn’t have to end,” he said softly.

  “It does. We have to pick up the twins.”

  “My folks offered to keep them tonight. I made an executive decision and took them up on it.”

  Annie knew what he was saying and smiled. “For the record, I’m not tired at all.”

  “Yeah.” He looked sheepish and so darn cute. “That was definitely not my smoothest moment.”

  “Past history.” Annie threw herself into his arms and hugged him then turned her face up to his. He kissed her until she was breathless and finally she said, “I like your executive decisions. Now take me home.”

  * * *

  “Can’t this thing go any faster?” Annie was in the passenger seat of Mason’s SUV. She was only half kidding but the lights from the dashboard illuminated Mason’s grin.

  “It can go faster actually, but I’d be breaking speed-limit laws. I don’t know about you, but getting stopped by a cop right now isn’t high on my to-do list.”

  “Mine, either, darn it.” She looked at his profile, outlined by passing lights, and admired the straight nose, strong jaw. He was a handsome man, but beauty was only skin-deep. A pretty face didn’t reveal character, but what he’d done tonight definitely did. “Mason?”

  “Hmm?” He glanced over then returned his attention to the road.

  “In case I forget to tell you later, tonight was the nicest surprise I’ve ever had. No one has ever done something so special for me.”

  “I’m full of the unexpected,” he declared proudly.

  Something in his tone caught her attention. It was mischievous, playful. “What?”

  “Just stating a fact.” Same roguish tone.

  “You have something else up your sleeve,” she said. “Give it up.”

  “You are so impatient.”

  “If I agree, will you tell me?”


  “That’s just mean,” she said.

  He smiled, completely unmoved by her words. “You’ll thank me later.”

  “I guess I’ll just have to trust you on that.”

  “And that’s okay,” he said softly. “You can.”

  Trust was the very hardest thing for her to do. Everyone in her world had let her down. Everyone but Jess. Except, in the end, she’d left, too. Not by choice, by fate. Mason was a good man and Annie wanted to have sex with him. She was going to give him her body by choice, but that didn’t mean her heart went along. She wouldn’t give that up.

  “I’m feeling a serious vibe from your side of the car,” he said. “You okay?”

  “Better than okay.” She was in control.

  “We’re almost home.” His voice was edgy and deep with the subtext of what home would be for them tonight.

  A wave of anticipation rolled through her and every nerve ending in her body started to throb. She’d been waiting for this possibly since the first time she’d seen him. Maybe not exactly then because she’d been very tired and pretty crabby. But soon after when he’d kept showing up. That was okay. Falling in love was not.

  “Here we are.” He drove into the driveway. “Home sweet home.”

  There was a light on in the living room and the babies weren’t there. “Do you think maybe we should call your mom and check on Sarah and Charlie?”

  “Yeah.” He pulled his cell out of his jeans’ pocket and looked at the screen. “There’s a text from her.”

  “What is it?”

  “She says, ‘Babies fine. Don’t call me. I’ll call you.’”

  “Okay, then. Wow.” Annie looked at him. “It’s a little scary that she can read minds.”

  “It’s a mom thing. She’s one, you’re one.” He shrugged. “Let’s go inside.”

  “Yeah.” She opened her door. “I want to see what the surprise is.”

  Mason got out and came around to her side. He held out his hand and she put hers into his palm, their fingers intertwining as they walked to the front door and unlocked it.

  He pushed it wide and said, “Surprise.”

  Annie’s heart melted when she saw pink rose petals on the entryway floor. The trail continued through the family room and down the hall to the master bedroom. On the dresser was an ice bucket with a bottle of champagne and two flutes.

  He lifted the bottle and water rolled off. “The ice is almost melted, but it’s still cold.”

  “Oh, Mason—” She moved closer to him and thought surely he could actually hear her heart hammering. “This is incredibly thoughtful. I didn’t think you could top picking me up from work and that beautiful dinner, but I was wrong. You were right. I do thank you.”

  “Yeah?” He was studying her closely and the words seemed to reassure him. “I’m glad. This could so easily have gone seriously sideways.”

  “It so didn’t, believe me.” She put her palms on his chest and met his gaze. “I wasn’t tired before, but I’m really not tired now.”

  He grinned sheepishly as his hands settled on her waist and pulled her close. “You’re not going to forget that, are you?”

  “I think the rose petals and champagne bought you a memory lapse.”

  “In that case...”

  Mason lowered his mouth to hers, a soft kiss, but tension had been building all night. And probably even before that. The touch was like accelerant to a glowing spark, igniting it, turning it into a flame that burned out of control. She opened her mouth and his tongue moved inside, caressing everywhere before dueling with hers.

  Annie pushed his sports jacket off his shoulders and he dragged it the rest of the way, turning the sleeves inside out in his rush. She started to undo the buttons on his shirt but her fingers were shaking, her hands uncoordinated. He brushed them aside and dragged it over his head.

  Light trickled in from the hallway, enough for her to see the impressive width of his chest and the contour of muscle. It was begging to be touched and Annie couldn’t resist. The ever-so-male dusting of hair scraped her palms as she moved them over his skin and down his rib cage. She heard him suck in air and flinch as if it tickled—or turned him on.

  “You’re very forward,” he said.

  “I’ve been told I should take the initiative.”

  “Do I want to know who told you that?” He picked up her hand and softly caressed the palm with his thumb.

  “Probably not.”

  “Even if I wanted to thank them?” he said in a hoarse voice. “And, just so we’re clear, I’m definitely not complaining.”

  He brought her hand to his mouth and sucked on her index finger. Now it was her turn to gasp as the power of that small contact crackled over the nerve endings in every part of her body. She was breathless and feeling like taking more initiative.

  “You have too many clothes on,” he said.

  “What are you going to do about that?” She gave him a sassy look then unbuckled the belt at his waist.

  “I’m going to assist you in disrobing.” He turned her around so that her back was to him.

  She quickly shrugged off her sweater, making it easier for him to keep his promise. He didn’t hesitate, instantly lowering the zipper on the black dress. He did it slowly, and only to her waist, then he pushed the material open wider and kissed the exposed skin.

  This exquisite torture was making Annie squirm with need in the best possible way. He
must have read her body language because with one quick move he had the zipper all the way down. She let the silky black material slide down her body and pool at her feet before stepping out of it.

  She faced him in black panties, matching bra and high heels. He wasn’t the only one who could read body language. If the intensity in his eyes was anything to go by, he very much liked what he saw.

  “You are so beautiful.” His voice was hardly more than a strangled whisper.

  He put his hands on her waist, grazing his thumbs over the sensitive bare skin before sliding them higher to brush the undersides of her breasts.

  The need to feel his hands on her without any material in the way was so strong she couldn’t fight it even if she wanted to. She reached behind and unhooked her bra, letting it fall to the floor with the rest of her clothes. Then she took his hands and placed them on her breasts, holding them there. The touch felt so good, her eyes drifted closed, letting her just take in the sensations.

  Moments later she felt his mouth on her and the sensations multiplied exponentially. He kissed first one sensitive peak then the other and her legs went so weak she wasn’t sure they would hold her up.

  “I want you now,” she murmured.

  “Twist my arm.”

  He yanked the bedcovers down then removed the rest of his clothes. Annie stepped out of her heels and let him lead her to their bed. She sat then slid over and made room for him. He followed her, gathered her in his arms and slid his hand over her side to the waistband of her panties. He hooked a thumb then dragged them over her thighs and calves, where she kicked them off.

  He ran his hand down her hip and over her belly, resting his palm there as he slid one finger inside her. He brushed his thumb over the sensitive feminine bundle of nerves between her thighs and the intense feeling nearly made her jump off the bed.

  All the while he was kissing her—eyelids, nose, cheeks, mouth, neck. He kissed the underside of her jaw then blew softly on the moistness, making her shiver before taking her earlobe between his teeth, biting gently, tenderly. The assault on her senses pushed her to the edge.


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