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Bride of the Demon King

Page 4

by Viola Grace

“Great. Now that I have your attention, get up, remove your clothing, and get on the table. I will examine you and work at lowering the pain level.” Taking the pain entirely away would be inappropriate. The ogres judged their children by how much pain they caused.

  Yosh helped Min disrobe, and when she was settled on the table, Emrie covered her with a clean sheet.

  A knock at the door made Yosh whirl with a snarl. Emrie let out a light hiss and asked, “Who is it?”

  “Private Jamis. I am here to assist you, my lady.”

  She looked to Yosh. “Invite him in and have him wash his hands. I will begin the exam. Min, hold still, I am going to check the plate.”

  An ogress’s birth plate slid down from the abdomen to lock the child in the womb. When the child was ready to be born, the plate returned to its position for protecting the internal organs in battle.

  Min’s birth plate was nearly completely retracted. The feet of the little one were already on their way through the opening.

  Jamis came to her side. “What do you need me to do?”

  “Have you attended births before?”

  “Yes, my lady. My mother is a midwife.”

  “Good. I want you to get warm water, receiving cloths, a clean robe for the mother, hammer, chisel, and the cleanest, sharpest shears you can find. You have ten minutes.”

  “I already have the warm water, so I will do the rest in five.”

  She didn’t see him leave, but he was back when she let Min feel all her pain and she started pulling the child free.

  The bone plate stopped retracting too early, and the chisel came in handy to chip the half inch of it off in order to pull the little girl free.

  Yosh was holding Min’s hands and looking at the child. “Is she scarred?”

  Emrie took her thumbnail and cut three radiating lines in the girl’s forehead. She bit her thumb and rubbed the blood into the cuts.

  “Yes, she has been marked by the birth.” Emrie handed the pale grey and squalling baby over to her father.

  He smiled gratefully. “Thank the gods. Min, Min, our daughter is scarred.”

  Min looked at him with bleary eyes and then down at her daughter. “She’s perfect.”

  It was then that Emrie realized that Min had no facial scars. It was a sign of triumphant struggle to have facial scars at birth.

  “Min, you were born on the day your mother died?”

  Min nodded, and Yosh helped her sit up.

  A quick peek told Emrie what she needed to know. Min was healing fine, her body was absorbing all traces of the birth and restoring itself to fighting form.

  The little one was waving her fists and demanding her first meal. Yosh steered, and Min winced as the little one clamped down.

  Emrie straightened from her crouch and took the soiled linens to a basket on the floor. The assistant that she had sent for was busying himself arranging the shelves.


  “Yes, my lady.”

  “Well done. You got what was required and didn’t panic when confronted with the unusual.” She washed her hands in the basin of clean water.

  “Thank you, my lady, but all I did was run some errands.”

  She looked at him and burst out laughing. One night earlier, he had been demanding to see her features, and now, he was threading every curved needle she had and folding them in clean linen.

  “You brought me everything that was necessary.”

  “What were the shears for?”

  Emrie glanced over her shoulder at the family that was grunting and snuffling together, their lower teeth jutting out happily.

  “The shears were in case the plate didn’t retract. I would have had to go in above it, and that is more than an average blade can stand. The fibres of her womb are like taut bowstrings, they have to be clipped to allow passage.”

  “Wouldn’t that render her unable to conceive?”

  “Yes, but if she lived, she would have one child who was healthy and strong.”

  He leaned in close. “Why did you mark the babe?”

  “It is a sign of the fight to be born that every ogre baby experiences. It is also why they adopt or steal humans at every opportunity. A human woman can bear four ogre children before she loses all energy to her offspring. Anyway, the scarring of the face, like the one Yosh has on his left side, is an automatic elevation in rank. He must have been strong to wed Min.”

  “Because she isn’t marked.”


  Dawning understanding crossed his face as he looked at the couple, and then, he turned his gaze back to Emrie. “My lady, I am at your beck and call for all your medical emergencies. It seems I have a lot to learn.”

  She chuckled. “That is the first step. Never fight the knowledge as it comes in. I will ask Harrow to assign you to my service.”

  He bowed low. “Thank you, my lady.”

  Harrow entered the space, and his nose wrinkled. Ogress in agony gave off a pheromone that smothered anything a human could produce.

  “Lord Yosh, Lady Min, congratulations. Are you able to continue your recuperation in your quarters?” Harrow asked politely.

  “Yes, Lord Harrow. I will carry them there, and if you could arrange a meal to be sent to us, we will all recover together.”

  Harrow inclined his head. “I have already ordered it. Congratulations on your daughter and her splendid markings.”

  “Thank you for having such a talented mate. She knows what she is doing.”

  Harrow looked at her, and she knew that she looked horrific. He slowly smiled. “She has talents I haven’t even delved into yet.”

  She licked her lips and smiled in return. The sooner the delving could commence, the happier she would be.

  Chapter Six

  “I will take you back to your quarters so we can have dinner.” Harrow offered her his arm.

  She stepped toward him and wrapped her hand around his wrist. “Lead the way. I am lost in this place.”

  He smiled. “I am sure that you will get the hang of it.”

  Emrie nodded. “Eventually. Directions are my true failing.”

  He glanced down at her. “I doubt that you have a failing.”

  “Oh, I have many. You just have to look closely.”

  He sighed. “I was attempting flattery.”

  “I know. I am just a little fatigued from staring into the birth canal of an ogress for the last hour.”

  Harrow winced. “That is killing the mood.”

  She chuckled. “Apologies, but it is an occupational hazard. Why didn’t you call one of the healers from the academy?”

  “You are here, and you expressed an interest in continuing your work.”


  He walked with her up the steps and in a direction she was unfamiliar with. “Where are we going?”

  “I thought you had a bad sense of direction?” He smiled.

  “I do, but I can smell water. Is the ogre scent that bad?”

  “I would not call it a deal breaker, but yes.”

  She laughed. “Take me to my bath then, my lord. If you behave, I might let you wash my back.”

  “I rarely behave.”

  “I rarely let anyone behind my back.” Emrie chuckled.

  “You are bizarrely at ease for someone that I want to fuck raw.”

  She was startled into laughter. “You are not telling me something I didn’t know. I have been warned about your sexual appetites for the last decade.”

  He blinked. “You have?”

  “The humans think that to fall into your clutches is the worst, most degrading fate imaginable.” She fought her wide grin. “I, however, have a different view of the situation.”

  They walked into the baths, and when the occupants noticed them, they left immediately. In less than a minute, the pools were empty.

  She left her mate and walked to the edge of one pool, gathering some drying sheets before removing her clothing.

  Harrow cleared his thr
oat. “What is your view?”

  She loosened the skirt and let it drop to the ground. “Well, I am the demon queen, but I have no property without my lord. I need him because no one else can give me what I need.”

  She lifted the tunic and left it on top of the skirt. “So, the exchange will be balanced on both sides. When I take you inside me, we both get what we need.”

  Emrie looked at him with a challenging expression. “So, are you going to wash my back?”

  She wandered over to the shower and rinsed herself from head to toe. When she turned to look at him, he was naked under the shower to her right, and he slowly turned to face her.

  “Our destiny is not romantic or the stuff of legends, but we have found each other against considerable odds, and we will guard our people and bring an era of prosperity and health to our lands.” He stepped forward and bent his head toward her. “It starts here.”

  She met his kiss and greeted his tongue with her own. She leaned back in his arms and looked him up and down. “Huh, so your horns aren’t the only thing that has grown since I arrived.”

  He grinned and lifted her in his arms. “All attributed to you, my Queen.”

  He took a few long strides and stepped into a pool that was so deep, his wings were completely immersed. He held her above the water, and it was a lovely gesture until he dropped her.

  She splashed into the water and held her breath while she tried to appear calm. Her heart was pounding, and she struggled to get to the surface again, but it looked so far away.

  Emrie burst upward and gasped, moving quickly to the side of the pool.

  “Emrie? Emrie?”

  She was shaking uncontrollably. With deliberate motions, she tried over and over to get out of the water, but her arms wouldn’t cooperate. Harrow gripped her shoulders and turned her around. “Emrie!”

  She looked at him, and the gold flames in his eyes were banked. He was concerned and confused. “Emrie, what’s wrong?”

  She blinked slowly and whispered, “I can’t swim.”

  She waited for the laughter. There was always laughter. Her body was just too dense to swim.

  His eyes widened, and he pulled her to him. “I am sorry. I didn’t know.”

  She nodded. He had been trying to be playful but struggling for her life had definitely killed the mood.

  Emrie held onto him as he lifted her out of the pool, heaved himself out, and pulled her onto his lap once again.

  The moment that she could feel his skin under hers, her galloping pulse calmed into a less frenzied beat.

  She leaned her head against him, and she chuckled. “So, now you know my weakness.”

  “It isn’t a weakness, it is as much a part of you as your eyes.”

  He stroked his hand over her hip in a soothing caress.

  They remained there while she returned to her snarky self, and his senses must have let him know when it was permissible for him to change his approach.

  “Since I have you here, I plan on doing a bit of exploring.” His horns glinted in the misty lights of the baths.

  “I think that it might be a little awkward to try and do anything in here.” Her stomach growled.

  Harrow grinned. “It is comforting to know that you have a good appetite.”

  She blushed slightly and hid her face against his chest. “Not funny.”

  “No, it is definitely not funny, but I am still amused. Come on, let’s satisfy your hunger.”

  He stood up, and fire ran from the top of his horns and across both their bodies. She was surprised. She knew she had cleansing fire but had no idea that he did as well.

  “As your clothing still smells mightily of ogress, I believe that we should take the private entrance to your quarters.”

  “There is a private entrance?”

  He chuckled. “I designed this stronghold to be a warren of pathways known only to me. There is a door out of every room.”

  She watched carefully as he walked deeper into the baths and pressed his hand to the wall. There was a click, and the wall slid open, exposing a stairway beyond.

  Harrow entered, and the tunnel was barely big enough for his shoulders and wings.

  She smiled. “Let me guess, you designed it when you were shorter?”

  He nodded. “About six inches shorter. How did you know?”

  “This just seems a little snug for a design. How large do demon kings get in this region?”

  He shrugged. “This demesne hasn’t had one for three hundred years. The portraits don’t have any scale to them.”

  She giggled. “Did you have your portrait painted?”

  “Twice. Once when my wings sprouted and again when the horns arched.” He chuckled. “I believe we should have our couple’s portrait painted.”

  She chuckled. “Can I put clothing on first?”

  He sighed. “If you wish. I am also going to commission one for our private quarters without clothing.”

  Emrie laughed. “I doubt you would be able to stand still for the amount of time it takes.”

  Harrow walked toward a wall and pressed his toes into the groove. Light spilled into the hall, making Emrie aware that they had been moving through darkness. She hadn’t noticed, she could see him as clear as day in the hall.

  “Wait, did you say our quarters?”

  “Yes, I was wondering if you were going to insist on a ceremony, but I have decided that you will move to my chambers the moment that the renovations have been completed. In the meantime, I will be staying with you.”

  She blinked. “What?”

  “Clothing and necessities for the next few days have been sent to your quarters.” He stepped through the portal, and it closed behind them.

  Tyda jumped up as they walked into the dressing room. “My lord, lady. I did not hear you come in.”

  Harrow nodded to her. “Has the meal been prepared?”

  “It is waiting in the bedchamber.” Tyda kept her gaze down.

  “Good. You are dismissed for the evening.” Harrow gave the order.

  Tyda looked up in surprise. “Mistress?”

  “Go to your sleeping quarters for the night. I will see you in the morning.” Emrie looked up at Harrow. “I can walk, you know.”

  He grinned, his gold eyes sparkling. “I know, but it is my pleasure to keep you in my arms.”

  Tyda watched their playful banter for a moment, and then, she left the room with a bewildered smile, shaking her head.

  The bedchamber was sparsely decorated, which suited Emrie just fine. There was a table set up in the corner with covered dishes on it and one chair.

  “I don’t think that is an invitation to company.” She chuckled.

  “I think that it is exactly what it is.”

  As they got closer, she saw the peculiar structure of the chair. The back was a narrow spine reinforced with steel. “Oh, so I am the one with a missing chair.”

  “As long as I am with you, you will always have a place.” Still naked, Harrow settled into his chair and helped her to sit up straight.

  His erection had not diminished in the slightest, and she had to mutter, “If your cock continues in that condition for another few hours, you are going to have to consult a healer.”

  He whispered in her ear as he leaned forward to uncover the dishes. “I know just where to find one.”

  Chapter Seven

  It started with something small. She was eating one of the desserts, and some cream escaped its confines and landed on her breast. Harrow tidied it up with his tongue, and then, she was being used to push the dishes aside.

  Emrie tried to touch him, but he was everywhere at once. The moist sound and feel of his mouth set her on fire. When he dragged his tongue over her breasts, she could feel the blaze of heat left behind. It felt like live flames were following in his wake.

  She whimpered as she fought to memorize the sensations. The wet heat that she had produced earlier was slicking her thighs. Harrow sniffed and then inhaled deeply before
he pried her thighs apart and burrowed into her sex with mindless enthusiasm.

  She yelped and then gasped when he delved into her with his tongue. With nothing else to hang onto, she gripped his horns and used them to steer him to the places that sent sparks through her soul.

  Emrie could feel the smile against her, the devilishly sharp teeth were in evidence, but he nipped, lapped, and sucked until release caused her body to buck wildly.

  She heard the hoarse screams and felt fire rip through her. By the time her body had stopped thrashing, he was over her and his cock pressed against her.

  He winked. “Keep a grip on the horns.”

  She looked up, and her hands were hanging onto him while he held her hips, and ever so slowly, he moved into her.

  His back was arched, and he leaned in to kiss her as he completed their joining.

  She stroked the side of his face and ran her fingers through his hair as his hips began to slide against hers. The delightful friction led to a swift rise in pleasure once again, and she screamed into his mouth, but he simply continued until the pulse was building again.

  If she had been human, this probably would have hurt, but fortunately, she was not.

  Their kiss involved a lot of biting and some snarling by the time her third release was thundering through her. He locked in place and began to buck and shudder as he held tight to her.

  “So, why didn’t you tell me that I had my own small bath?” She leaned back on the edge of the tub.

  Harrow was wearing a towel, and his hair was damp from his shower. “I didn’t tell you, because I can’t fit into this one. I had been looking forward to a slick and naked you in my arms.”

  Emrie chuckled and wrinkled her nose. “I just wish that gravy hadn’t been involved.”

  He grinned. “It made for fun cleanup, and I got you to scrub my back. Getting in between the wings can be tricky.”

  She snorted and touched her damp hair. “Are you sure that we got it all out of my hair?”

  “I am sure.” He sighed. “I have never enjoyed brushing a woman’s hair more than yours, my Queen.”

  Emrie wrinkled her nose. “You did not have to check for tangles with your wings.”


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