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Bride of the Demon King

Page 7

by Viola Grace

  Emrie smiled. “I was raised by a series of folk who thought that another demon lord with a bride would be a disaster. They fed me, clothed me, but it was only the last couple who educated me.”

  “Hm. How dare they say that about my boy?” Murian was irritated by the thought.

  “How did you deal with raising a demon?”

  Murian shrugged. “It took some stern words on my part.”

  “Harrow was a handful?”

  “No, Akin was always a good boy. His father kept goading him to stronger and stronger acts. He gave him weapons, men who were willing to give their loyalty to him. When it came time to seek you out, my husband was waiting for you to come home with our son so that he could spend the next decade telling you that you were a lucky woman.”

  Emrie laughed. “I have no doubt, but since I was eleven at the time and being spirited away by the same organization who wanted to hide me, he would have had a fight on his hands.”

  “I am sure that the men with you would have surrendered you.”

  “Not that. I was never one to follow orders. If he had demanded that I come with him, I would have run, and I would have gotten away.” She smiled slightly.

  “How can you be so sure?”

  “I know myself, and I know that I was not keen on being stuffed in a cage at that time. If I were away from my caregivers, I would have run. I thought about it constantly. I wasn’t going to him until I was ready.”

  Murian had a smile in her voice. “So, you were ready?”

  “I was. I am. The magic in me has matured, and I can control it most of the time.”

  “Is that what happened to my son?”

  Ah, so that was where the questions were leading. “I have given your son something he was missing, the catalyst to the next phase of his power. He has gone from demon lord to demon king. It is something that many claim but few achieve.”

  “What about his other women? Did you destroy them?”

  Emrie snorted. “No. Harrow dismissed them. Once he had me, he didn’t need them anymore.”

  “That is rather arrogant.”

  “It sounds like it, doesn’t it? But that is why the gods paired us. We are matched in every way.” With every passing day, Emrie was convinced of it.

  “I suppose. I always thought that his bride would be petite and need protecting. It was an image in my mind.”

  They were approaching the infirmary. “Would it make you feel better if you knew I used to be four to six inches shorter than I am now, and I really did need him to care for me? His affection has helped me to grow in every way.”

  She led her mother-in-law into the infirmary and showed her around. The subject matter suddenly shifted, and Murian pelted her with questions about cleanliness and herbal freshness.

  Emrie answered her while the older woman was watching Jamis help the last of the men injured in the great hall battle walk up and down the aisle between the beds.

  “Who is that?”

  Emrie had a maternal smile, and she knew it. “Jamis, my apprentice. He has taken to the study of medicine with alacrity. He would have been a master healer if his family had been able to send him to the academy.”

  “Why didn’t they?”

  “Like most folk, he was born poor. It has a dramatic effect on your possible education opportunities.”

  “Is he a young demon? Is Akin fine with this?”

  “He is a lesser demon, he is my personal apprentice, Harrow has authorized me to have a total of six of them.”

  “Men? He has authorized you to have six men?”

  “Men, women. I also have an assistant who used to be in his harem. She asked to join my service, so I gave her the tools to do so. She is thriving as well. It is good to see.”

  “May I speak with Jamis?”

  “Of course. I will be here if you have any additional questions.”

  Emrie turned her back and let Murian ask Jamis about his life before the transformation and his life after. He spoke honestly about being nervous, but his confidence in his abilities was increasing when he watched the men get up and walk out after being healed.

  Murian asked if Emrie had ever used her demon wiles on him. Jamis laughed and informed her that while the energy to transform him was delivered with a kiss, there was only power and never lust in her eyes when she came near him. She wanted to give and give. He just didn’t know how much he could safely take before he went from lesser demon to demon lord.

  The rest of the conversation didn’t interest Emrie. She did an inventory to keep track of which herbs they needed to collect and which they needed to purchase. Jamis was taking to herbology with a strange intensity. He had lost a family member to a simple fever, and the loss was now driving his urge to learn. It wasn’t the worst reason to seek out an education that Emrie had ever heard. Many folks did it just because they could afford it.

  She spoke softly, “Tyda, could you please check with the gardeners to see if these plants are on hand? If not, I will need to take a trip to the market.”

  She folded the list and held it up between two fingers.

  Tyda took the page from her and whispered, “Yes, my lady.”

  The paper and the demoness disappeared in shadow.

  Emrie cocked her head. That was going to take some getting used to, but Tyda had asked for the ability to hide wherever she was. Shadow was the best bet.

  Emrie looked out the window at the open meadow, and she focused. If she looked at it in a certain way, she could almost make out a building that had yet to be created. That was foolish, who would build an academy so close to the city.

  * * * *

  “So, son, you have grown.” Lord Twell sat across the table from Harrow.

  Harrow laughed. “Yes, yes, I have.”

  “Did it hurt?”

  Harrow closed his eyes and remembered the rush of power running through him while he was buried to the balls in Emrie. “No, hurt was not the word for it.”

  His father smiled. “You look happy.”

  Harrow nodded. “I genuinely am. The search for her was just about to be moved into an earnest examination of my territory, but I am very glad that she simply popped up when she did.”

  “Ah, yes. What did you do with your other women?”

  Harrow shrugged. “They were paid off and escorted to their chosen destination.”

  His father leaned in. “Do you miss them?”

  Harrow chuckled and patted his father’s hand. “I do not. I do not miss the fighting, the sniping, or the attempts to lure me into marriage.” His smile was slow as he remembered that morning. “Emrie is an exceptional mate. She is not only independent, but she also has a large heart for helping folks achieve their dreams.”

  “But does she attend to you? I know you have always had... specific needs.”

  “Yes, Father. She is my match. Lust for lust, but she has no interest in anyone else, nor do I. Our magics and bodies have bonded, and we are right and truly mated.”

  His father leaned back and grinned. “Excellent. When can I expect grandchildren?”

  Harrow blinked. “Demons do not normally produce children.”

  “Demons do not normally have an equal mating. Your mate is no sobbing girl-child. She has a set to her shoulders that gives off an aura of competence.”

  “And her curves didn’t escape your notice either.” Harrow smiled and nodded as one of the servants brought them some weak beer.

  “She reminds me of your mother if your mother was two feet taller and built like an ancient shield maiden with ruby eyes.” Lord Twell grinned and drank the beer with memories in his gaze.

  Harrow knew that he had been exceptionally fortunate in his parents. Their love had been demonstrated as a means to a powerful future. He knew what love looked like at a glance.

  Love looked like Emrie.

  Chapter Eleven

  Emrie finally escaped Murian by heading into the gardens and looking over the collection of blooming flowers. Some herbs
got stronger in daylight.

  She walked down the paths, and her view kept going to the field just beyond the gardens. It was so close, but there was nothing cultivated there.

  Tyda followed her and read out some of the invitations and requests she had been getting.

  “Demon Lord Doryn is requesting your help in finding his mate when the time comes. He does not want her raised in his household, he wishes her to be raised in yours.”

  “Interesting. I will consider it when she appears.”

  “Very good. The witch kings wish to open a dialogue with you and would like you to accept their envoy.”

  “Not at present. I am still settling in. I will dictate a letter later.”

  “Excellent. Now, I have a letter of congratulations from the dragon emperor. He is amused that Lord Harrow has finally found his mate, and he wishes you felicity in your union.”

  “That sounds pleasant.”

  Tyda’s voice was tense. “Don’t be so sure. I was sold to the demon lords by my family. My father died, and my uncle sold me. It is customary for women to revert to their mother’s family, and if that family can get rid of an unwanted daughter, they do.”

  “That is horrible. I will wait on my reply to that one. I am going to have to take things slow. Nothing from the wizards?”

  “No, but the vampires are offering you a retainer to assist you.”

  An idea rushed through Emrie’s head. It was barely a thought, but she could see the potential in it. “Oh. This is good.”

  She whirled toward the stronghold and found Harrow. “Oh, excuse me, Tyda. I will be right back.”

  She ran into the stronghold and through the halls, past the servants, and up to the upper level where Harrow was looking over his domain with his parents.

  “Harrow, I found it!” She ran to him and collided heavily, sending him back a few feet. They weren’t near the edge, so that was nice.

  “What? What were you looking for?” He was amused by her expression.

  “I was looking for something to keep me out of trouble, and I found it.” She bit her lip as she smiled. “I need a school.”

  He wrapped his arms around her waist and widened his grip until it was sliding over her hips.

  “What kind of a school?”

  She smiled up at him. “A Bride School. A school where women of power can come to be trained to actually be whole people before they let their mates find them. I have enough basic skills to get things started, but I will need to hire teachers.”

  He leaned down and kissed her lips softly. “What kind of teachers?”

  “Magic, music, math, geography, cartography, ceramics, cooking, dance, flower arranging, and healing.” She gave him a soft kiss between each of the words.


  “It will be discussed, and they can ask anything they need, but I am not having sex with my students.” She nipped his lower lip with her teeth.

  He chuckled and tightened his grip. “Hold on.”

  He lifted her, took a few steps, and dropped off the top of the stronghold, beating his wings to keep them over the rooftops, but soon, they were gliding toward the meadow that she had in mind.

  He circled it slowly and brought them in for a surprisingly smooth landing.

  “I thought you couldn’t fly.” She chuckled.

  “I can’t, but I did mention that I could glide. Now, sex?”

  She laughed and reached down for the edge of his skirt. She slid it upward, and his cock sprang out of hiding. The darker skin of his erection was nearly black, and it throbbed when she gripped it. She used her free hand to pull the front of her long tunic and flick it aside. Emrie glanced up at Harrow, and he lifted her against him until the fat, weeping head was pressing into her. She shivered and clutched his shoulders.

  He supported her with one hand and peeled her tunic off her shoulders with the other. When her breasts were exposed to his gaze, he didn’t hesitate. He scored her nipples lightly in turn, and the rush of moisture that she produced at the hint of pleasurable pain was his indication to proceed.

  He thrust in, gripping her hips and pulling her downward. She held onto his arms and wrapped her legs around him while he continued to suck and pull at her breasts. Their coupling was fierce, intense, and she felt the delicate ache that preceded the roar of release.

  She whimpered for him to slow, but he took her over the edge and joined her with a roar.

  Her pulse thundered in her ears and between her thighs. Her body continued to clasp him with a strong milking motion that made him shudder as his body was coaxed to give its all.

  Harrow pressed his forehead against her neck, and she wrapped her arms around his head, running her fingers through his hair.

  He slowly raised his head. “How many students?”

  “I think that a maximum of sixty would be the target. To start, perhaps six. We would provide everything for them.”

  He nodded and slowly straightened back to full height. He was still hard inside her, but that was the curse of being a demon king, he was always hard. It made spontaneous sex easy, but his current uniform of a wrap rather awkward in a high wind.

  “I wish I could stay inside you for the rest of eternity.”

  She kissed him sweetly. “Twenty-five percent of your day can be spent within me but not when I am teaching classes or with patients.”

  “Deal. Yes, you can have your school. They can start on it as soon as I get the artisans together, and I may give it a little assistance.”

  He rocked his hips against her again, and he looked around. “My privacy screen is holding; shall we seal the deal?”

  She gasped and held on as he knelt and proceeded to kiss her neck, breasts, and the inside of her wrists. Harrow occasionally used his teeth but only when he wanted to make her jump.

  Inside her, his cock rubbed and shifted as he moved. He bent her back nearly double so that he would not lose his contact inside her, and when she was twisting and pulling at his horns, he pulled back and thrust deep.

  She hung on to him and rocked until her limbs were shaking and her clit was approaching agony. Her scream scared birds for miles, and her demon’s roar echoed her expression.

  They lay locked together, limbs tangled until Emrie heard a polite cough.

  “Yes, Tyda?” Her voice was hoarse. Harrow was giving her a very satisfied smile.

  “About the wizard contingent?”

  “Yes, Tyda?”

  Tyda coughed again. “They are here.”

  “Well, I hope they have had an eyeful.”

  “They cannot see you through this barrier, but you were very audible. I believe their apprentices are rather sheltered.”

  Emrie sighed. “I really want to just hit the baths right now.”

  “That is fine. They can join you there. They need to bathe, frankly.” Tyda’s disdain was apparent in her voice.

  Harrow smirked. “Would you like some help in rising?”

  “Yes, please.” False bravado wouldn’t change the fact that she had to be physically off Harrow for her body to properly recover.

  He rose to his feet, and to her embarrassment, he carried her.

  To her surprise, he wrapped her in his wings, concealing her from prying eyes. “Tyda, bring a change of clothing to the baths for me, please. Then, you can bring the wizards to the baths.”

  “Yes, my lady.”

  Tyda had seen them locked together before. After the first time, she just smiled.

  “This particular position lacks dignity.”

  “Yes, but it feels delightful.”

  She remembered something. “Did I take you away from your parents?”

  “I took us away. My parents have seen that particular behaviour before.”

  “Ah. Right. You have always been one for the ladies.” She was nestled comfortably against his chest.

  “I was only practicing for you, my Queen.”

  She felt relief when the moisture of the baths surrounded them. “Okay. Time
to get down.”

  He sighed. “Fine. I hope that there will be an entire day where we can just be together for twenty-four hours.”

  Emrie held onto him as she levered herself away from him and got her balance. She gave him a dark look. “That was Monday. You made Jamis get us snacks.”

  He grinned. “Yes, but that is the past, I am looking forward.”

  She laughed and ditched her clothing, easing into what had become her favourite pool. It was just deep enough for her to stand in and her head was still above water.

  “You didn’t tie your hair up.”

  She grimaced. “Damn it. Ah well, there is probably grass in it.”

  He grinned. “And I think there is a small turtle in it as well.”

  She snorted and went to loosen her braids. When the small turtle popped out, she caught it and set it on the edge of the pools.

  When Tyda came to her with the folded clothing, she got her to take the turtle to safety. It had seen more than enough for one day.

  Harrow entered the pool with a splash, and he crouched so that his head, wings, and horns were under the water for a moment.

  He stood up, and the water was at mid-chest. He was far more imposing than he had been at their first meeting. It was all of the magic that they shared.

  She dunked her own head and stood before moving to the edge and taking a seat. Harrow joined her, and they were sitting and cuddling when the wizards walked in.

  Emrie kept her mouth shut as the wizards nervously disrobed. They got even warier when the bath attendants came to take their clothing.

  Harrow smiled. “They are just going to wash them. If you are not comfortable sharing our bathing area, there are pools nearby. We may converse comfortably.”

  The eldest of the contingent had silver hair with emerald eyes, and the other two had a more watery green. All of them were constructed of shades of green and grey.

  The elder cleared his throat. “It would be an honour to share your bath, my lord.”

  He stepped into the pool, and his companions followed suit. They quickly swam over to the edge and sat.

  Emrie had to ask, “Dearest, how tall am I?”


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