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If Love Dares Enough

Page 21

by Anna Markland

  Fromage cremeux Fr. Cream cheese

  Fy Nuw W. My God

  Garderobe Fr. Latrines

  Gottes segen G. Godspeed

  Gott sei Dank G. Thanks be to God

  Grandmaman Fr. Grandma

  Gut! G. Good!

  Ich liebe dich G. I love you

  Ja G. Yes

  Jardin Fr. Garden

  Je t’aime Fr. I love you

  Kommen G. Come!

  Là Fr. There

  Liebling G. Sweetheart, darling

  Llys W. (plural Llysoed) A building that served as a royal court for a commote in Wales.

  Ma chère Fr. My dear

  Majesté Fr. Majesty

  Maman Fr. Mother (affectionate)

  Méchant Fr. Naughty

  Mein Gott G. My God!

  Mein Schatz G. My darling, my sweetheart

  Merci Fr. Thank you

  Mère Fr. Mother

  Milord Fr. My lord

  Mon petit Fr. little one

  Nein G. No

  Oes W. Yes

  Oncle Fr. Uncle

  Oubliette Fr. a small cell where prisoners were forgotten Fr. Oublier=to forget

  Oui Fr. Yes

  Pauvre Fr. Poor

  Père Fr. Father

  Petit baiser Fr. a little kiss

  Prie-Dieu Fr. Kneeler, prayer stool

  Regarde Fr. Look!

  Rute G. Shaft, manhood

  Rwy’n dy garu di W. I love you

  Schwarze ritter G. Black Knight

  Seigneur Fr. Lord

  Sieg G. Victory

  Siwrne dda W. Good journey

  Sûrement Fr. surely.

  Tais-toi Fr. Be quiet, silence.

  Ty bach W. Latrines

  Verch W. Daughter of

  Vous parlez francais? Fr. Do you speak French?

  Walhaz- derogatory Saxon term meaning foreign; the word Welsh derived from it

  Yr Arglwydd W. My lord


  Anna Markland is a Canadian author who writes medieval romance about family honour, ancestry and roots. Her novels are intimate love stories full of passion and adventure. Following a successful career in teaching, Anna transformed her love of writing and history into engaging works of fiction. One of the things she enjoys most about writing historical romance is the in-depth research required to provide the reader with an authentic medieval experience.

  Born in England, Anna has lived most of her life in Canada. Besides creating intimate stories about the lives and loves of her characters, her other passion is genealogy, and she has written histories of many of the families she has researched. This has had a big influence on her fiction writing.

  The mother of four grown children, she spends her time enjoying the beauty of Vancouver Island and the incredible beaches of Panama.

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  All Rights Reserved

  Copyright © Anna Markland 2011

  ISBN 978-0-9878673-7-7

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  All fictional characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author and all incidents are pure invention.




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