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Educate Me

Page 9

by Lexi Buchanan

  Prologue ~ Jarrod

  “Gia,” I shout, unable to keep the distress out of my voice as I barge into the foyer of my home.

  Leaving the front door open, and without any regard to where I drop my belongings, I take the stairs two at a time in one hell of a rush to get to my daughter’s bedroom.

  I’d usually walk into my home and spend a few seconds standing at the door, taking in the grandeur of the foyer, which anyone only has to look at to realize I’m worth more than a few peanuts. It’s the one thing that I do every day. Not because I’m vain but because it’s a reminder of what I have today—how far I’ve come from the child I used to be. The child that was lucky to receive one hot meal a week.

  But today a call on my private line in my judge’s chambers has sent me running home to check on Gia, who isn’t answering her cell. I’ve no idea if she’s being stubborn after we had a few choice words before I left for work five hours before or if she can’t. The thought of which causes the air I breathe to freeze in my lungs at what could be happening to my Gia.

  The caller was very specific about what he intended to do to Gia when he got his hands on her. There was no if’s—just when.

  “Gia, goddammit.”

  Still no answer.

  As I rush down the landing toward Gia’s room, one thing that I haven’t realized on my mad dash is how quiet the house is. The house is never quiet. There is always someone here. My housekeeper never misses anyone coming up the drive and will always be at the door by the time they arrive—but not today.

  The hairs on the back of my neck prickle with unease as I stand facing my daughter’s bedroom door while I break out in a cold sweat. I should have called the police as soon as the call ended, but I’d just wanted to get home to make sure Gia was okay.

  About to face my fear, the samurai swords that I have on display on the wall catch my eye. Without making a sound, I manage to retrieve one from the grip holding it to the wall and unsheathed the blade. Any weapon will be better than none at all.

  Taking hold of the doorknob, I push the door open.

  For a split second I freeze at the scene before me. My daughter isn’t slaughtered, but she’s sitting on her bedroom floor, bound and gagged with a piece of paper attached to the front of the rope—until next time…

  Chapter One ~ Hunter

  “Hunter, I really need this favor and you’re the only one I trust to do this.” Colin paces back and forth in his office as I watch him while trying to figure out why he’s called me into the office at three in the morning. He keeps trying to explain to me why he needs me to do the protection gig he’s trying to set up. But in the past thirty minutes that he’s been talking he hasn’t once told me the real reason that he wants me specifically. I’m more used to undercover work than that of bodyguard and Colin knows this. As well as he knows my right eye twitches when I’m pissed, which is what it’s doing right now.

  “I still don’t get why me? You trust any of us out there to have your back so why only trust me with this assignment? You’re not making any sense. And I’m not going in somewhere without knowing everything that’s going on. I don’t work on the fly when there’s no need.”

  As I listen to my boss go on and on about the favor he needs from me the unease in my stomach has started to get worse. Colin has been avoiding the issue and has circled around the truth about this assignment. It isn’t like him, he is usually upfront about the details, but this time, he’s trying to tell me as little as possible. This is going to stop. There is no way I’m going to say yes until I feel as though I know everything Colin does. I’ve never known him to be so fuckin’ evasive.

  “Fuck,” Colin says dropping his ass into the chair behind him. “The protection is for a friend’s daughter.” He runs his hands through his hair before he finally meets my stare. “He’s a Judge. Jarrod Carrington.” He sighs. “I’ve known him since college. He’s a good man and the only person I’d consider asking a personal favor for.” He pauses until the importance of that hits me. “The only family he has is his twenty-two year old daughter, Gia. He found her bound and gagged in her bedroom yesterday with a note pinned to her chest saying “until next time.” As you can imagine, she was pretty badly shaken and so was Jarrod. He isn’t working any big cases right now so he has no idea where this threat is coming from. But he’s terrified that they’re going to come back for Gia, and that’s where you come in.”

  A babysitting gig.

  I’m not sure I want to be sent to babysit someone’s daughter, but I know I won’t be able to refuse. And so does Colin. He worked with me out in the field for years before a bullet to his leg put him behind the desk where he’s currently sitting as he waits for me to agree to help his old friend out.

  “When do I leave?” I sigh with patience I don’t really have. We both know I don’t have a choice in this. Colin wouldn’t have asked me if he thought the cops could handle it without any interference from us.

  “Now.” He smirks and I curse him silently for knowing me too well. “Your ticket is in there,” he says, passing me a file. “I’ve added some brief notes about Jarrod and his daughter as well as an address. Her father has managed to convince her it was a random act, although he doesn’t believe that. Jarrod felt this was very personal.”

  “You kidding me?” I laugh. “Of course it’s a very personal act. You don’t get much more personal than leaving a message through the one thing the guy loves the most.” I shake my head wondering what the hell I’ve just gotten myself into.

  My gut is telling me that there’s something more to this case, but what is anyone’s guess. I know Colin and I know he’s told me as much as he knows, which is basically nothing.

  All kinds of thoughts are running through my head as I flit through the file Colin has given me. What if the attack has nothing to do with Jarrod and everything to do with his daughter? Sometimes these things weren’t always as they first appear, and even though I haven’t met Jarrod and Gia Carrington something doesn’t sit right with me. Call it a gut feeling but something just doesn’t add up.

  Hopefully by the time I arrive there will be more to go on. Maybe one of them will feel like talking and give me something more to go on than just a note.

  “What about her mother? There’s no mention of her in here,” I suddenly ask, looking up at Colin.

  “She died giving birth to Gia. And before you ask Jarrod and Lucia dated briefly in college and had broken up when he discovered she was carrying his child. Even though we were only kids he wanted to do the right thing so he moved Lucia in with us. We shared an apartment, and I shouldn’t speak ill of the dead but she was a raving bitch and made both our lives a living hell while she was there.” He reclines in his seat before he continues, “Jarrod, I think was close to finding her somewhere else to live when she went into premature labor. We managed to get her to the hospital but they couldn’t stop the bleeding. Jarrod lived with a lot of guilt over her death because he didn’t love her, although he loved Gia from the minute he saw her. We both did. I’m her godfather and she has us both wrapped around her finger.” Colin smiles and clears his throat before his eyes narrow. “So that being said just remember you’re there as her bodyguard and although this is off record as a favor to me the same rules apply—you hearing me?”

  For once I’m not quick enough to hide my shock and Colin’s smile turns smug. Never in my years as a US Marshal have I broken the rules. At least the ones that state any kind of relationship between a Marshal and anyone involved in a case are strictly prohibited. Other rules maybe—but what the fuck!

  “I’m hearing you. But did I need to?”

  “You don’t know Gia, but in all honesty you’re the only one I know who won’t take advantage of her. She’s a beauty and she doesn’t have a problem using that to get what she wants. Just remember to use the brain in your head and you’ll survive. You better get a move on.”

  And with that I’m dismissed as Colin starts to shuffle the paperwork aro
und on his desk. I hesitate, wanting more information but there isn’t any point, I’ll learn more when I get there.

  As I walk out of the office, and then the building the unease I was feeling while I listened to my boss has stayed. My gut has saved my life on more than one occasion and this time it’s telling me that something is off.

  Settling into the back of the cab, I start to read the file on Jacob Carrington and his daughter more thoroughly than I did back at the office. And this time, I open the flap with their photographs pinned to the back.

  I whistle. Gia Carrington is one gorgeous babe with her dark curls resting over her shoulders leading down to her breasts. Back up and her blue eyes sparkle with a hint of defiance. Breathtaking is an understatement but it’s that sparkle in her eyes that has, not only my gut feeling going off in all directions but a twitch in my jeans. Both of the feelings are making me damn uncomfortable.

  Even without Colin’s warning, I’ll be keeping my zipper fastened. Never in my ten years with the Marshal’s office have I broken the no touch rule. I’ve broken other rules—some more times than I care to admit—but the no touch one I’ve stuck to. I also know I’ve found it easier sticking to that rule because my usual assignments tend to veer toward the drug and human trafficking trade more than anything else.

  Pulling myself out of my dark thoughts, I glance at the picture of Jarrod and come up short. Flicking back through the file for Jarrod’s details, I realize he is only seven years older than me, which makes him forty-two years old. I should have realized he’d be young, but when I’d heard Jarrod was a judge, I automatically presumed he would be someone older. I’m obviously wrong and I just hope he agrees to how I think his daughter needs protecting. I never do anything by half and if I’m going to be protecting Gia then any changes I make will be happening, and it will be a lot easier on my part if I have free reign.

  After paying the cab driver, I climb out at the airport while palming my phone. It might be wise to have some back up with me. Dialing, I hope Julian is still state side.

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  About the Author

  I was born in Bolton, Lancashire within the United Kingdom, where I lived, and worked at the University of Bolton. In 2010, I moved to Ireland with my husband, four kids and pack of animals.

  I'm a NY Times and USA Today Bestselling Author of Devour, and International Bestselling Author of Seduce and Sizzle.

  My time is spent writing when I can get away from Facebook, and chasing after the kids and animals.

  One of my all time ambitions is to visit Mount Everest base camp in the Himalayas.

  Thank you to each and every one of you for your continued support.

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