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Fallen Fourth Down (Fallen Crest #4)

Page 8

by Tijan

  Logan had gone ahead. I was the only one in the parking lot and I couldn’t stop watching them. Even after he was out of eyesight and turned to follow the sidewalk around the other side of the school, I still stood there.

  It hit me. My dad really was back.




  Grinning, I turned. Matteo had left the table and was in the doorway of the lobby, pounding his chest. With a wide smirk, he pounded his chest again and grabbed his pectoral, jiggling it. He winked. “Like that? There’s more to come.”

  I shook my head. He’d already had too much sake. “My girl called.”

  He grunted. “She’s still coming this weekend, right?”

  “Should be here before the game.”

  “Good. I want to meet her. Georgie and I will be at her place all weekend.” He puckered his lips out and lifted a hand, pretending to make out with himself. “You two can get it on. All. Weekend. Long.”

  He stopped, waited for a reaction from me, and I gave him a smirk of my own. I had every intention of enjoying Sam this weekend. Even the thought of feeling her again was getting me hard.

  Matteo burst out laughing. “You’re a too-cool type of guy, Kade.”

  I shrugged. “Why don’t we stop talking about my girl and head back to the festivities.” I clapped a hand on his shoulder. “It’s your birthday, brotha. How crazy are you getting tonight?”

  He sighed. “Not as crazy as I’d like.”

  “That’s why you’re going out tomorrow night after the game too.”

  “Yeah.” He pursed his lips together. “Why aren’t you coming again?”

  Because Nate’s fraternity was having another party, and he wanted Logan and Sam to go. Knowing the history with my roommate and Nate’s fraternity, I only shrugged. “We’ll do a stop-over. I told Sam she’d meet you since you didn’t get to when they helped me move.”

  “Yeah. True.” He nodded as we started back to the main room. “I intend to spend the rest of my birthday weekend between Georgie’s legs. That girl is like paradise. One touch and I’m salivating like I’m in a damn desert.”

  “Ah,” a voice spoke from behind us, and we turned. Park Sebastian had come into the waiting room of the restaurant, dressed in a tuxedo. A girl wearing a red, slinky dress was perched on his arm, and he hustled her inside, towards us. As he did, she lifted a hand and caught a tendril of hair in her finger. Twisting it around, she gave me a seductive smile. Her lipstick matched her red dress. Park didn’t seem to care about his date as he scanned Matteo and me up and down. As the room filled with more of his fraternity brothers, he said, “Enjoying a quiet dinner before the big game tomorrow?”

  Matteo grunted, showed him his teeth, and lumbered back into the main room. As he walked by me, he said, “Sorry, brotha. I’m out. I want to keep my birthday buzz.”

  “Understandable.” I clapped him again on the arm before he left.

  Park tilted his head to the side, and his eyes narrowed. “He’s never going to not-hate me, is he?”

  Glancing through the room, trying to find Nate, I murmured, “Well, you did screw over his best friend.” As I said those words, my best friend finally came into the room. Nate’s eyes widened and he began to push his way to us. As he did, I murmured, “Speaking of best friends…” When he moved around the last of the crowd, Nate’s date came with him, and my tone trailed off. Marissa was with Nate. Seeing my attention, her cheeks pinked and her head turned to the floor. The hand she was holding onto Nate’s arm with tightened, her fingers digging into his tuxedo jacket. Her other hand readjusted a strap from her dress as it slipped off her shoulder.

  “Hey.” Nate flashed me a grin. He pulled Marissa forward a step. “I totally forgot Marissa was coming to Cain U. Did you remember?”

  “Yeah.” Marissa still wasn’t looking at me. “We ran into each other the other day, and she’s in a class with me.”

  “That’s awesome.” Park moved forward too. His date was behind him, closed out because Nate had adjusted so he was slightly in front of her. It was a small circle of Nate, Park, myself, and Marissa who was looking at the wall. Park seemed eager. “Another high school friend.” His eyes fixed on her with a keen look in them. “I’ll have to get to know you better.”

  Nate shared a look with me. I was fighting from rolling my eyes, and Marissa looked ready to disappear into the floor.

  Nate said quickly, “Hey, so, Logan and Sam are coming tomorrow night, right?”

  Marissa’s head jerked back around. Both her and Park focused on me.

  I nodded. “Yeah. You going to the game?”

  “Yeah, I’m going—”

  Park interrupted, “A bunch of our brothers are going. Who’s Logan and Sam?”

  I had no intention of telling him and started to tell him that when Nate forced out a laugh. “Uh, yeah. I guess Park and some others are going with me. I’ll send Logan a text. We can meet up at the end or something.”

  I nodded. That sounded fine with me, but Park asked again, “No way. These are more friends of yours? They can sit with us. We have a private box. Lots of food and booze.” He winked at me. “If your friends are into that. I know you’re not a big drinker yourself.” He swung his head to Marissa. “How about you…”

  My irritation level had been on a good, slow burn with the conversation, but seeing that Park didn’t know Marissa’s name switched the level to slightly amused. Marissa shot him a glare, and Nate seemed to be holding back his own laughter. Park forced out a small laugh. “I’m sorry. I must’ve forgotten your name.”

  “We were never introduced.”

  At her soft retort, Nate and I shared a grin. Some of the old Marissa was still there. She could be feisty at times.

  “That’s right. We were all in such a hurry to get to the restaurant.” Unfazed, Park drew his date closer to his side, bringing her into the circle. She lifted her head and looked down her nose at Marissa, whose shoulders pinched together. Her size seemed to shrink, and she took a step backwards. Park ran his hand up and down his date’s arm. He said to me, “I don’t know how long your group will stick around, but head over to our table at the end. We’re all going to a formal banquet for the fraternity after this. This is our dinner. It’s an exclusive thing, just for the brothers and their dates, but you’re welcome to join. Just you, though.” He glanced over my shoulder. His fraternity brothers started to move around us and into the restaurant, but I knew he was focused on Matteo’s table. “We can find you a date, if you’d like. That’ll be no problem for a guy like you.”

  My grin chilled.

  “You can call me, if you decide to join us.” Nate lifted his eyebrows, giving me the unspoken message to hold back. I rolled my eyes and leaned back on my heels. Fine. I’d play silent for now, but the asshole needed to stop insulting me. Offering up a girl for me when I had Sam—I took that as a big fucking insult. Nate propelled Marissa forward. “Park, they have our table ready for us. We should go. Mase,” he halted, seeing the glare I had fixed on Park. He cleared his throat. “Uh, call me later.”

  He moved forward, but Park held back. I turned. I wasn’t going to wait around for a private chat with the douche. As I began to follow the end of his group, waiting until I could veer off to my table, someone brushed against my arm, giving me a good graze of a breast. Glancing to the side, I saw Park’s date. She shot me a secretive smile before she turned to follow Park, who was always watching me. When he saw my look, he shot his eyebrow up in question, and I had a feeling he wouldn’t have minded if I wanted his date. He winked at me, but turned and ducked into a private room before he saw my real reaction.

  When I got to Matteo and took my seat again, he asked, “What’d Park Sebasstian want?”

  I grunted and took a good swig of my sake. “The guy’s going to be a pain in the ass, isn’t he?”

  “He’s got a man boner for you. Big time.”

  I sighed. I had hoped not to make enemies so soon,
but that time was coming faster than I thought. I shrugged. I’d have to deal with him sooner than later.



  The next morning, I headed across the street with my backpack on and a big paper cup filled with coffee. Malinda had it ready for me when I came up from the basement. She gestured to it on the counter and said, “I know your night sucked.” A wave of thanks rolled over me and I grinned at her, heading to grab the coffee, but she intercepted me. “Hold up there, honey.” She wrapped her arms around me and rocked back and forth. As she did, she murmured against my ear, “I am so sorry about last night. You must’ve felt ambushed.” Giving me another tight squeeze, she pulled back, but gazed at me as she kept her hands on my shoulders. “Your father doesn’t think and when he does, he’s got Analise still in his mind, chirping away, and he freezes sometimes. It’s not an excuse. He should’ve dealt with Garrett way before last night. I’m sorry you went through that.”

  Her embrace had been warm and welcoming. As she continued to hold me, a tear came to her eye. This was going into the territory of loving motherhood. It was foreign to me. I gave her a small smile. “I’ll be fine. I have to deal.” I eased out of her hold and grabbed the coffee. Lifting it, I added, “Thanks for this.”

  She nodded, heading back to the sink where she’d been doing dishes. “You go and have a good time. I know you’ve been missing Mason like crazy.”

  I had turned, headed for the front door, but glanced back at her words. She gave me a small wave, looking over her shoulder at me. “Have fun, Samantha.” It was said softly, but she meant it. There was something else in her tone. Sadness? It sent alarms off in me. I was uncomfortable. She was sad for me. I nodded again at her. I felt stupid. What was I supposed to say here?


  Hearing Logan yell from the street, I laughed. Some of the awkwardness left me. “I’ll call you later?”

  At the warmth that surged in her eyes, I assumed that’d been the right thing to say. Another tear slipped from her and she brushed it aside. “You do that.”

  “SAM! You butt-munch, get out here.”

  I started to laugh, but Malinda rolled her eyes and yelled back at him, “BUTT-MUNCH? YOU YELL AT MY DAUGHTER AGAIN, I’LL SHOW YOU A REAL BUTT-MUNCH! I’ll take one big-ass bite out of your ass, and it won’t be the feel-good type of bite, you hear me?”

  My eyes went wide and there was a beat of silence before we heard Logan laughing. “Oh god. I have nothing to come back with.” He raised his voice, “You WON, Malinda. You hear that? This one time. The butt-munching mother has won.”

  She grumbled, but she was still grinning. She said, “Go, Sam. I’m good. And yes, please call tonight.”

  I nodded. When I went outside, Mark had slowed his car next to Logan’s. Cass was next to him, a smug, satisfied smirk on her lips. The sight of her should’ve made my smile dim, but it didn’t. Malinda’s daughter. Hearing her call me her daughter hadn’t sent panic racing through me. I had liked it, a lot.

  Mark was closest to me. Cass had her window rolled up, but as I rounded their car to Logan’s, Mark stuck his head out of his window. “I forgot you were going to see Mason this weekend.”

  “Yeah.” Tossing my bag into the backseat, I went to the passenger door and opened it, but I didn’t get in. I rested my arms on the top of his car. “Where are you going?”

  Mark pointed to the house. “Mom said she was cooking breakfast.” He cursed. “Your dad’s at a football conference today. Now you’re gone. She planned this thing.”

  “Planned what?”

  He grimaced, glanced at Cass, but turned before she caught his look. “Mom asked me to bring her.”

  Logan pealed with laughter.

  “What are you…” It clicked. Malinda wanted to see Cass with only Mark around. I laughed. “Sucks to be you.”

  He glowered. “Crap. I should turn around before she sees me. I can make up some excuse—”

  “Mark.” Malinda had opened the front door. A towel was in her hand and she waved it at him. “I see you. No running away. Get your butt in here.” When Cass looked at her, Malinda’s smile turned sweet. “You too, Cassandra.”

  Logan choked on a laugh. “Run, Mark. Run for your lives. She just threatened to take a bite out of my ass, and she likes me.” He lifted an eyebrow, taunting him further, “Guess what she’ll do to her.” He leaned down, a smirk on his face. “And she doesn’t even like you, Cass.”

  Cass scowled, but she caught herself before she said anything. Logan was Logan Fucking Kade. She knew better.

  Logan’s smirk grew, and he stepped back from the car, leaned against his, and folded his arms over his chest. “Yeah. Malinda’s going to eat you alive.”

  Mark looked worried. He cursed again and hit the steering wheel. “Whatever. Let’s get this over with.” He jerked his head to us. “Have fun guys. I am officially envious of your road trip.” He sighed. “All right. Here we go.”

  As his car eased forward and turned into the driveway, Logan turned around and opened his door. He stopped, his gaze met mine, and we both stood for a moment. The cockiness fled and he gave me a tentative smile. “Her daughter, huh?”

  I bobbed my head up and down with a giddy smile. “She said it.” I didn’t have to tell him I liked it. He could tell.

  He murmured, “That’s good.”

  We both got inside and I looked down at my lap. It was two words—her daughter—but those were two words that would’ve sent me running for hours six months ago. “She didn’t even think about it, Logan. She just said it.”

  “She’s good for you.”

  Yeah. For my father too.

  We didn’t talk, even when Logan stopped at Quickie’s to get gas. He got out, filled the tank, and we both went inside. I wanted more coffee. Grabbing water and soda, Logan took my coffee from me to the register and paid for everything. I didn’t fight it. I’d pay the next time. Once we were back in the car, we went to pick up Kris.

  When we got to Mason’s campus, there wasn’t enough time to find him before the game. When Logan headed inside to help Kris with her bags, I stayed in the car, but heard raised voices. A battle between Logan and her sister set us back four hours. Her sister didn’t want Kris to go. Logan did and he won, of course, but we were supposed to have been there before noon. Mason said the team ate and went to the locker room a couple hours before the game. As it was, we were late getting into the game. Cain University wasn’t a small college. Their stadium was massive and just getting to our seats was a workout. A lot of people stood in the aisles and in the stairways. We sat down just as the second quarter started. After the third touchdown by the Wolves, the crowd no longer sat in their seats. Everyone remained on their feet, and the adrenalin from the team swept through the stands.

  The fans were invigorated.

  Everyone’s voice was hoarse as they cheered on the team, but not mine. Since we arrived, I had barely paid attention to the game. I was riveted by the sight of Mason. Watching him jog back to the sidelines, my throat went dry. The need for him grew and an ache started between my legs.

  I needed his touch. It had become like oxygen to me.

  “You think Logan loves me?”

  It was the question and nightmare that had been haunting me for three months. I closed my eyes. My glow from earlier had faded long ago. It wasn’t the time to think of this. Mason was within touching distance. This was about him. That question had been pushed to the back of my mind.

  “Or is it too soon?”

  “What?” I glanced over at Logan’s girlfriend. Kris. She had asked that question. It hadn’t been in my mind. Relief swept through me, but I realized her second question and looked to the seat on her other side. It was empty. “Where’d Logan go?”

  She sighed and bit down on her bottom lip before her head jerked down. She was twisting her hands together. “He went to find Nate. I guess he finally texted him, but do you think he loves me?” Her head bounced back up. A
hopeful look was in her gaze. “It’s too soon. I know it is. I’m stupid for asking.”

  “Uh…” I had no idea what to say. “It’s been two months?”

  “Yeah.” Her thin shoulders lifted up and down. “We’ve been official for two months, but we hooked up a month before that.” She paused as she began biting the inside of her cheek. “When did Mason tell you?”

  My eyes got even bigger. I didn’t talk about Mason. I barely talked about him to Logan and Heather. “Um.” What did I say? Kris was pretty with wheat-blonde hair and striking green eyes, but she was nice. She was genuinely nice, which is why I knew so many guys had been after her. “We…um…”

  She let out a hurt sigh. “He should’ve said it by now. That’s what you’re saying, isn’t it?”

  “No, not at all.”

  She shook her head. “No, I got it. I bet you and Mason knew right away. Logan hasn’t said a word like that. He hasn’t even said he likes me. Since the beginning, it’s been about needing me, wanting me, having me. I know he feels lust for me.” She pretended to shiver. “The chemistry was amazing, but it’s died down over the last few weeks.”

  She continued, “He’s amazing. I’ve heard all the girls talking, you know. They all want him, and I know I’ve been so lucky. I was talking to some of the girls from the team. They said Logan’s never had a girlfriend, except for that one girl. Candy said Tate was trash anyway. He only had one-night stands, but they think he loves me.” She paused and added, “Jessica and Lydia said the same thing too.”

  “Jessica and Lydia?” I hadn’t known she was friends with my two ex-best friends.

  “Yeah. I went to Cass’ party last week. I talked with them for a bit. I’ve heard nasty things about Jessica, but she’s been nice to me.”

  “You went with Logan?”

  How had I not known about this? If Logan had gone to an Elite party, especially hers, I would’ve heard about it.

  “No.” She grinned. “Not at all. I didn’t even bring it up to him, but I heard he dated Miranda too.”


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