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Fallen Fourth Down (Fallen Crest #4)

Page 12

by Tijan

  “He did. Hey, Nate.” His voice lifted. “Logan called. He’s up for brunch. Do you want to come?” Another pause. “Sounds good. I was thinking the diner on campus.” He laughed. “Yeah, okay. See you.”

  I waited as I assumed he was texting Logan where to go. When he tossed the phone to the nightstand, I asked, “When do we have to leave?”

  His grin turned predatory and his eyes darkened. One of his hands slid under my back as the other went up my leg, under the covers, until it found my core. One touch, that was all it took and I was already panting. Moving so he was positioned above me, holding himself upright so his weight wasn’t on me, Mason gazed down at me.

  The corner of my mouth tugged up. I loved when he was in this position. Sliding my hands up over his shoulders, his neck, the sides of his face, and into his hair, I whispered, “I love you.”

  The lust darkened even more in his gaze. His head tilted to the side as my hand fell to his cheek. He moved into my touch, closing his eyes, then lowered himself so he was just lightly resting on me. The other side of my mouth lifted up. This was another position I loved as well. My leg curved up around his waist and I pressed him into me. Enough foreplay. I was already wet. Sensing my urgency, he moved up again, but grabbed my leg and clamped it there, still wound around his waist. As he readjusted, my body adjusted with his. Pressing a kiss to my throat, he moved even further up and I shoved down his pants.

  He was in me within seconds. As he pushed inside, I gasped from the sensations. He whispered against my throat, “I love you too.”

  He began moving and our hands found each other. He held them above my head, against the headboard as he kept thrusting. I ceased thinking. I never wanted this to stop.


  The plan was to head back with Logan and Kris after brunch, which turned into lunch, so Mason had my bag on his shoulder as we cut through campus. When I asked why he picked that diner, his reasoning was to show Logan and me as much of the campus as possible. I grinned at that. “You mean the front lawn of a frat house and Cliché nightclub wasn’t academic enough? We didn’t get the whole experience?”

  Mason laughed, then shrugged. “The frat stuff probably is. I don’t know about the club, but,” he gestured to the tall buildings around us as we headed through a quad, “this is what college is like. I walk through here every day.” We were coming up to a large black glass building. As we drew closer, I saw faint shadows from inside, where people were, but the place looked like a nightclub as well.

  I raised an eyebrow. “This is the diner?”

  “Yeah.” He reached for the door. I went first and his hand settled on the small of my back. “The team eats here during the day; it’s got a buffet, including a salad bar, so you can get whatever you like.”

  “You had me at buffet.” But the salad bar sounded good too.

  Mason paid for both of us right away. “Yo.” Logan waved from a corner booth. It curved into the wall and could sit eight people comfortably. Kris was sitting right next to Logan, squished beside him. His hand was under the table, as were hers. Her shoulders were also hunched forward and pinched together, like she was trying to appear as small as she could get. There were bags under her eyes, and she seemed pale. Her hair had been pulled back into a messy ponytail.

  I grinned. She was hung-over. Logan, on the other hand, was beaming. He continued to wave until we scooted in with him. Mason slid next to Logan, and I took the end. There was enough room so we didn’t have to move all the way in, and remained at the edge of the booth.

  Logan asked, “Nate coming…” His question faded as his gaze went over our shoulders. His eyes widened, and his mouth moved into a silent O.

  Mason looked first. The exhaustion from Kris was contagious. Some of my own seeped in and I was too lazy to turn all the way around. I felt Mason tense—he wouldn’t have tensed if it was only Nate—so I turned to look, and I saw her. She was tiny. She had her brown hair pulled up in a high ponytail. Unlike Kris’, which looked cute and messy, this girl’s was sleek and pristine. Her hair was long too, falling past her shoulders. Two things caught my attention more than anything. One, she was holding Nate’s hand. No, correction, she had a death grip on his hand with both of hers, and two, her gaze was glued to Mason’s, like she feared his reaction.

  Logan muttered, “As far as twists come, this one sucks balls.” He shot a glare at Nate and muttered, “I thought the mantra was no dumb shits allowed?”


  Tate’s voice came back to me. “Has he told you that Marissa’s going to Cain University too?” It clicked, and it felt like an anchor dropped inside me. This was Marissa, and no, Mason never told me. I snuck a glance at him from the corner of my eye. He wasn’t looking at me. His jaw was clenched, and his eyebrows furrowed together.

  I barely remembered her from the one time I almost met her. Mason had kept her away from everyone, myself included, but things were different now. I was closer to him. She was not anymore. As they stopped at the end of the table and stood there, their hesitation was obvious. I couldn’t ignore the flicker of jealousy in me.

  Marissa was here. She could be in the same room as him whenever she wanted, within a few minutes. I could not. That alone had my teeth grinding, and I shot Mason another look. He hadn’t told me she was here.

  He was studying me this time. The jealousy morphed into anger, and my eyes narrowed at him. We would talk. That was a promise from me to him, and I caught a wary look flash over his face. Oh yes, he got the message loud and clear. Leaning back in the seat, I decided I wasn't going to say a damned thing. This was Mason’s rodeo. I was going to sit back, watch the fireworks, and set off some of my own when I got him alone later.

  Marissa was watching me, biting her lip. One of her hands released her grip on Nate’s wrist and tugged down the bottom of her shirt. She was overdressed, wearing a pink sweater, a lacy, white camisole underneath, and a jean miniskirt. I had on a pair of jeans and Mason’s black shirt. It engulfed me, but it was comfortable and smelled like him.

  I won. Hands down.

  Kris was studying her too. She looked her up and down and glanced down at her own outfit, a hooded sweatshirt and pink sweatpants with a big sequined heart stitched onto one of her pant legs. A soft curse left her and she tucked some of her hair behind her ear, then tried to smooth out the rest. When she realized Logan was still staring, heatedly, across the table, her hand fell back to her lap and her shoulders lifted in a shrug. She settled back like I had and glanced at me. A faint grin was shared between us, and at that moment, we were allies.

  I laughed to myself. I hadn’t seen that one coming. We turned, as one, and regarded Marissa again. Her eyes got even bigger at the new attention, and she moved back a step, still holding onto Nate’s wrist. He pulled her forward, gesturing to the booth. “I brought a friend.”

  “Really?” Logan grunted.

  Nate paused and turned to me since I was on the edge. I wasn’t moving. Seeing that, he guided Marissa to the other side and she scooted in beside Kris. The two girls glanced at each other again. Kris pressed her lips together and gave her a brief smile. Marissa’s hand flicked back up to her face. A strand of her hair was already behind her ear. She untucked it, then tucked it back in place as she bit her lip. Finally, she lifted her head and turned towards us.

  She was openly staring at Mason.

  Everyone was quiet. It was a matter of seconds before Logan jerked forward. The bomb was about to be detonated.

  He waved a finger between Nate and Marissa and smirked. “When’d you two start to bone?” Marissa shrunk down and Nate straightened. He opened his mouth, but Logan held his finger back up, silencing him. A wicked grin came over him and he slowly turned his finger until it was pointing right at Mason. “Because if this is the beginning of a budding romance, you’re already losing, Nate. Her doe eyes are trying to drink Mason up. If she was a dog, she’d be humping his leg by now.” He grinned at her. “No slipping under the table, Marissa.”

  “Logan!” Nate glared at him. “Shut the fuck up.” He said to Mason, “Marissa’s your friend. I thought she’d be welcomed. You going to let him bully her?”

  Mason was quiet. I felt his attention more on me, but I refused to look at him.

  Logan was, though. He laughed. “I’m serious, Nate. Are you two dating? That’d make more sense as to why she’s here. If so, I’ll shut my trap, but if you’re not, what are you thinking? No offense, Marissa,” he warned, which meant he was about to offend her, “but you’re a psycho. Mason told you to take a hike last year, and you’re still emailing him. If you’re a student here, I don’t believe for a second that’s a coincidence. I know you’re tight with Tate. She did the whole redemption tour when she left Fallen Crest. She knew. She would’ve told you.”

  “Logan.” Mason shifted forward. At his movement, Logan quieted and everyone waited. “Stop.” He said to Nate next, “This is a little awkward. You know that.”

  Nate rolled his eyes. “Like insulting one of my fraternity brothers and friends? That’s awkward too.”

  Oh—what? I reared back; everyone jerked at that. Logan let out a surprised sound. “That’s a better twist. Let’s duke this shit out.” He leaned forward, his elbows rested on the table, and he swung his head, looking from one end of the table to the other. Mason and Nate were involved in a heated stare.

  Mason’s eyes narrowed. “That’s what this is about?” His tone was soft, too soft. A shiver went down my back.


  Nate wasn’t backing down. Mason shook his head and gestured to her. “This wasn’t the right move for that.”

  “Why?” Nate clipped out, jerking his hand at me. “Because you haven’t told Sam about Marissa? Because you should’ve by now, you know. You afraid your moment of dishonesty will affect your precious twosome?”

  Logan held up a hand. “I’d like to interject.” He gestured from Mason, me, and himself. “We’re better known as the Threesome Fearsome.”

  “Logan,” Mason said, shooting him a look.

  Logan moved his finger in a circling motion, going down, whistling as he made the motion. He grinned. “That’s the sound of the Fearsome Foursome going down the drain.”


  He held his hands up. “I’m done,” he said to Mason. “Carry on, my brotha.”

  A cry came from Marissa and she turned, trying to shove out of the booth, but Nate was blocking her. He didn’t register what she wanted, he was still glaring across the table, so another whimper left her and she began pounding on his arm harder.

  Logan cleared his throat. Nate looked over and Logan pointed to Marissa. “Heads-up.”

  “Oh.” He stood up and Marissa shot out of the booth. She took off. She didn’t wave or say anything. She didn’t look at anyone, even Mason. Pressing a sleeved hand to her face, she ran, and we watched as she went through the doors and down the sidewalk.

  “That was a good exit. I haven’t seen one like that in a while.”


  “What?” He lifted his shoulders. He said to Mason, “I was speaking the truth. I don’t like her. I’ve never liked her.”

  Nate made an exasperated sound. “You guys don’t change. Nothing changes.”

  Logan’s eyebrows raised. “What are you talking about? That was a douche move on your end and you know it. You should think about what you’re actually mad about. You’re mad at Mason because he doesn’t like someone you like? When’s that a rule for us? We don’t like people all the time, and we’ve never forced anyone down someone else’s throat. And this is Mason. You know how he is. Don’t twist that stick up your ass and name it Mason when it should be named Sebastian Dickstick.”

  Nate had quieted, but he sighed. “You didn’t have to be so aggressive with her.”

  “Maybe.” Logan rolled his eyes. “I’ll give that to you, but maybe not. She’s still weird, Nate. You can’t deny that. She always had some weird fascination with Mason, and it’s still there. It took me two seconds to see it, but why haven’t you? Or you don’t give a fuck? That’s a better question. Who are you friends with because you’re not acting like ours.”

  Nate had no response. He stood there as his shoulders drooped down.

  Mason asked, “You done?”

  Logan held his hands up. “I’m done. For real.” He gestured to Nate. “He’s all yours.”

  “Mason,” Nate started, but he stopped.

  Mason nudged my leg and I stood. He stood behind me and like that, Logan and Kris did the same. Those two started for the door. As they went by, Logan said, “We’ll be in the parking lot on the left.”

  I nodded and held back. Mason waited until they were out of earshot. Nate looked ready to fight, but he didn’t. Growling, he opened his mouth, closed it, opened it again, and closed it once more. Lifting a fisted hand, he pressed it against his cheek, softly, before shaking his head. He turned to Mason. “I’m sorry. Fuck. Logan’s right. I’m sorry, Mase.”

  “Yeah.” His hand came to rest on my back again. “We can talk later.”

  It was time to go, and it was time for my own fireworks show. Walking in front of Mason, I glanced up over my shoulder at him. He met my look, but didn’t say anything. Neither did I, but I was going to. I wasn’t the only one with a secret.


  “Sam, stop.”

  I was headed to the parking lot, but Mason tapped my arm and gestured to the coat room. It was abandoned and after I passed him, going in first, he shut the door behind us. He didn’t say anything for a while.

  I shook my head. I didn’t know what I felt. I wasn’t the jealous type, but he hadn’t told me about Marissa. He should’ve, and when he continued to frown at me, I figured he knew that as well.

  A headache was forming, so I lifted a hand to rub my forehead. “Are you going to talk?”

  “I have no idea what to say.”

  “Point taken.” I started past him again, but he caught my arm and swung me back around.

  “Sam, wait.” He touched the other side of my hip, gently, and continued to hold me in front of him. His eyes rolled upwards and I wanted to snort. He was looking for what to say. He said, “I should’ve told you.”

  I pulled away, but only moved back a step. “Yeah.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  Folding my arms over my chest, I waited. “Yeah?”

  He looked in pain. His eyebrows furrowed together and his mouth strained to one side. A hand lifted to scratch his chin. For once, Mason wasn’t in control. He seemed at a loss for words. He lifted his hands in a helpless motion. “I have no idea what to say. Shit. I’m a horrible boyfriend.”

  The tension began to lift inside me. He was being genuine.

  He added, “She emailed me last spring and told me she got in. I meant to tell you, but I forgot. It was during the whole Kate ordeal. I was more worried about you, and it slipped my mind. I’m sorry. I should’ve remembered and I should’ve told you.”

  “You knew she was here before today?” He hadn’t looked surprised to see her when she walked in.

  His eyes closed, his nose wrinkled, and he cursed. “Yes. I did.”

  I lifted an eyebrow, waiting.

  “It’s weird. This whole thing is just weird. I don’t know how to explain it.”

  “How many times have you seen her?”

  “A few,” he admitted.

  “A few?”

  “Yeah.” He grimaced. “The first time was outside the stadium. I was going home after practice, and she was in the parking lot. It was…odd. I honestly don’t know what to say. She used to like me—”

  “She still does.”

  He nodded, running a hand over his face. “—and I was going to deal with it. Right then and there. I really was, but she beat me to it. She told me she used to like me, but she doesn’t anymore. I apologized for not helping her when we were sophomores, when the girls were picking on her, and she took off.”

is was so confusing. Something wasn’t right and I opened my mouth to tell him.

  He beat me to it. Mason lifted a hand, halting my words. “There’s no friendship with Marissa. Honest to god. There’s not. I meant to tell her that, but she ran off. I don’t know if she could sense what I was going to tell her and didn’t want to hear it or what. I have no idea.” Okay. I started to say something again, but Mason touched my arm. “Hold on. Let me tell you all of it.”

  There was more?

  His eyes narrowed, watching me warily as he said, “She’s in one of my classes.”


  “I’ve never once talked to her in there. She sits with her friends. I sit with mine. There’s been no interaction at all. Then,” he hesitated, raking his gaze over my face, “Friday night, the guys and I went to a birthday thing for Matteo. Nate and his fraternity came in. Marissa was with Nate. She was his date.”

  “And she came with him today.”


  I shook my head. “What the hell is going on with Nate? Why didn’t you tell me any of this? I should’ve known.” My finger jabbed at his chest, poking him. “You should’ve told me.”

  “I know.” He caught my finger and held it there, pressing my whole hand against him. I felt his heart racing. “I’m so goddamn sorry. I really am. I should’ve told you the first night. I meant to. I’ve just been,” he shook his head, “things are different. I’m scrambling. I don’t have you and Logan. This year is just…”

  “…different.” I sighed. Things were changing. I went to him and slid my arms around him, pressing against his chest. He was stiff at first, then relaxed as his arms wrapped around me in return. He tightened his hold, and it wasn’t just me hugging him for comfort. He was hugging me back. The knots were back in me, stretching wider and wider inside me, but I didn’t think they would go away for a long time. We were in a different chapter of our lives.

  “Sam?” He tilted my head up and peered down at me. His thumb brushed a tear from my cheek. “You okay? I am sorry.”


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