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Taken Hard (The Hard Boys Book 2)

Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  At that moment, Caleb was thankful for his brothers. “The only person I want to marry is you, Lilly. Not your dress, not anything else. Do you think you can make it to the altar with me?”

  Tears filled her eyes, and she quickly wafted them away, putting her hands up and shaking them back and forth repeatedly. “I’ve got this. I want to marry you.”

  He took her hand in his, and they walked to where her father and the rest of his family were waiting.

  “We’re ready.” He kissed Lilly’s cheek.

  His mother and Aunt Betty shooed him away. With his brothers at his back, he took his position back at the altar and waited for his wife.

  The music started, and he counted to ten, turning around to see his woman, the love of his life, as she walked toward him.

  For him, everything stopped. Edward brought her closer.

  The church faded away, as did all the guests as he took her hand. She slid it into his, and he moved her toward the priest, who started to talk. Caleb ignored him as he stared at her.


  His woman.

  They spoke their vows, and when it came the time for anyone to protest, the church remained silent.

  Sliding his ring onto her finger would stay with him for the rest of his life. Within a few minutes, it was time to kiss his wife.

  Cupping her cheek, he stared into her eyes, and then before their family and friends, he kissed her. Sinking his fingers into her hair as he finally got a chance to kiss her as his wife.

  “I love you,” he said.

  “I love you.”

  The guests cheered for them.

  “I really hate my dress,” she said.

  “Can I be honest?” he asked.


  “I really hate your dress, but I love you, and it means when I’m ready, you’re going to be more than happy for me to tear it off you.”

  “Do you think you can get it off me before the reception?”

  “Nope. You’re going to have to get through pictures, speeches, and everything else before I can take it off you.” He pressed a kiss to her head. “Let’s go.”

  He took the lead, getting her to the photographer. The dress was hideous, and she deserved to be a virginal bride, but he was married to her. This day, no matter how much it was messed up, they had gotten through it. He loved her. She belonged to him, and there was no way he was letting her go. They had a three-week honeymoon, and he’d planned to get her pregnant, but now, he just got to enjoy her, like he intended to for the rest of his life.


  Rome had never envied his brothers their reputation, certainly not Caleb. Watching him now with Lilly, he saw the couple was meant to be together. When he’d first heard his brother was dating, he didn’t think for a second it would last. He’d been like everyone else, judging.

  Now as he looked at Caleb, he did envy him.

  Not the woman.

  Rome had never had any feelings for Lilly.

  Glancing past the newly married couple, he caught sight of the sweet woman who had captured his heart when he was a fifteen-year-old boy. Andy Evergreen. He couldn’t take his gaze away from her.

  Still, after ten years, she was so beautiful.

  She wore a floor-length red dress that molded to her curves. One of the reasons he’d had a crush on her all those years ago was because of her big tits and voluptuous ass. He often put his hand up so she’d come to him to ask a question. She’d lean down and he’d ask her such idiot things that probably made her think he was an idiot. He wasn’t. He was just a kid in love.

  Now he handled her accounts.

  As he looked at her, he felt this need to know her.

  Running fingers through his hair, he tried to build up the courage to go to this woman.

  Nothing helped.

  He couldn’t think of what to say to her or how to ask her out on a date. Wherever she went, he was drawn to her. She held a flute of champagne, and she turned several men away, her sweet smile dulling the blow of rejection.

  Lilly came toward him, grabbing his hands. “It’s time for you to dance with me.”

  He wanted to fight her.

  Didn’t she see he was trying to build up the courage to ask his old teacher out?

  She put her hands on his shoulders as he rested his hands on her waist.

  “Congratulations, sister,” he said.

  She rolled her eyes. “I can’t believe we’re finally at the big day.”

  “And you’re going to be a mommy.”

  Lilly winced. “You heard that one?”

  “It wasn’t exactly hard. I stood there with James. I can’t wait to be an uncle again. You’re going to be a great mom.”

  “I hope so.”

  He didn’t know what to say to encourage her. The thought of her being sad bothered him. “I have no doubt.”

  Lilly glanced past his shoulder, and he didn’t need to ask who she was looking at.

  “You should just ask her out.”

  “What if she rejects me?” Rome asked.

  “You won’t know until you ask. I thought you Hard boys didn’t let fear hold you back.”

  He rolled his eyes. “It took Caleb long enough to tell you he loved you and to ask you to marry him.”

  “But he did. Don’t regret missing your opportunity, Rome. You’ll regret it and you’d hate it if you waited too long and she married someone else.” Lilly kissed his cheek. “I’m rooting for you.”

  “I want to take my wife for a spin around the dance floor,” Caleb said.

  “You keep saying that,” Lilly said, giggling as Caleb pressed his face against her neck.

  “I’m never going to be bored with it.” Caleb winked at him and nodded his head in Andy’s direction.

  Rome grabbed a drink from a passing waiter, took a large gulp, and squared his shoulders. He was done waiting.

  Andy Evergreen was going to be his.


  Five years later

  “Congratulations, darling,” Caleb said, pressing a kiss to her head while also holding out her very first paperback book.

  She took it from him, and he handed her a pen.

  “Please sign, for your number one fan.”

  “Mommy, sign the book,” Robby said, clapping his hands. Their five-year-old son came and sat down beside her.

  Their daughter, Leigh, was in her lap. She kept on turning to talk to Lilly’s swollen stomach.

  On their honeymoon, Caleb had vowed to keep her happy and pregnant. So far, he’d done exactly that.

  “You didn’t need to bring this.”

  “I didn’t? Why wouldn’t I when I’m so proud of you?”

  Lilly opened the book and signed it.

  “Now I’ve got a signed copy of a book completely dedicated to me.” He rushed back into their house as Robby curled up against her leg and began to tug at the grass beneath him.

  She leaned back on her hands, and Leigh crawled close, resting her head against her stomach.

  “Can she hear me?” Leigh asked in her baby voice.

  Lilly could understand her daughter clearly. Others struggled, but she’d become adept at baby talk.

  “Yeah, our baby can hear you.”

  “I want a brother,” Bobby said.

  “We’ll get what we’ll get,” Caleb said, joining her on the grass. Tomorrow was their anniversary. Jane and Theodore would be stopping by to take their kids so she and Caleb could have some time to themselves. Edward would be taking them afterward.

  Her father, much to her surprise, had become a permanent fixture in her life. He still wasn’t great in social situations, but the Hard family refused to let him stay alone. He was part of her, and that made him family.

  Caleb picked Robby up and started to tickle him.

  Their son’s laughter filled the yard, and not liking that she wasn’t getting attention, Leigh joined in, jumping around, begging to be tickled.

  Lilly joined in, and that was how J
ane and Theodore found them.

  They couldn’t stay for dinner, and so Lilly kissed her babies goodbye, seeing how happy they were to go to their grandparents.

  “You’re going to cry,” Caleb said, kissing her neck.

  “I’m not going to cry.”

  “I won’t judge.”

  She glanced behind her. “I’m happy. They’re happy tears.”

  Caleb rubbed her neck, massaging out the kinks. He was the perfect husband in every single way. He’d helped her through her college courses, encouraged her writing. When she’d tried to quit, he refused to let her leave the laptop until she put down words. He wouldn’t let her give up on her dream.

  After multiple rejections, she’d gotten the golden letter of acceptance. Her book was now published, and it was selling and people were enjoying it. Caleb took her hand, leading her into their home. She watched as he closed the door, leaning back against it.

  Even with her large bump and the way he looked at her, she knew what he wanted. She kicked off her shoes and slowly began to make her way upstairs. As she did, she started to strip, very much aware of him following.

  By the time she got to their bedroom, she was completely naked and sat on the edge of the bed.

  He entered the room, his cock hard, and he wrapped his fingers around it.

  “You know, there is one scene in your book I couldn’t help but feel a sense of déjà vu.”

  “Oh, yeah? Which one was it?”

  Caleb went to his knees before her, pressing a kiss to her knees. “The scene where the hero finally proposes. I couldn’t help but think you got inspiration from someone.”

  Lilly chuckled. “It went with the story, and it helped that I’d experienced it as well.”

  “Mine was epic though, right? Making you mine in front of the entire town. I win book boyfriend of the year inspo?”

  He pressed his lips to her pussy, and she gasped. “Caleb, you win best husband in the world no matter what.”

  The End

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  Other Books by Sam Crescent:

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  Straight to Hell MC, 2

  Sam Crescent and Stacey Espino

  Copyright © 2021

  Sample Chapter

  Heat radiated off the asphalt, the late afternoon sun unrelenting for the fourth day in a row. Brick craved to take his Harley out for a long ride, to feel the cool breeze against his heated flesh. But no, he’d be taking the pick-up truck with no AC into town. Lord’s old lady wanted to start raising laying hens at the club, so he’d been assigned to get all the materials to build a coop. This was definitely the last thing he wanted to be doing today, but no one refused an order from the prez. He wasn’t sure why Lord hadn’t asked one of the prospects to do this shit. As VP of the Straight to Hell MC, he had better things to do with his time.

  He pulled the whiny door closed after climbing up into the driver’s seat. The building center was just on the outskirts of town, supplying lumber and other essentials to the area. He rolled down the windows, but even the air felt stale at these temperatures.

  The drive was uneventful. He couldn’t complain about much these days. There hadn’t been any club drama for months, and he hoped it would continue. He was still getting used to Ally being a permanent member of the club. The prez’s old lady made Lord a father. Things were changing. Brick wasn’t sure how he felt about it.

  He missed the days when he’d run into hellfire by Lord’s side. Now his prez was taking the cautious approach because he had a family to think about, not just the club. Women made men weak—there was no way around that fact.

  The building center finally came into view up the road. Brick was sweating through his t-shirt and felt like shit. He couldn’t wait to get back to the club and take a long, cold shower.

  He parked in front of the main building and hopped out of the truck. Brick always wore his cut, but in weather like this, he’d gladly break his own rules. He tossed his cut on the passenger seat and tugged off his t-shirt, using it to wipe his brow.

  Brick grabbed the list Ally had given him and headed into the building. After entering the lobby, he closed his eyes for a moment and just breathed. The AC felt like fucking heaven.

  “Hot out there?”

  He opened his eyes. A girl behind the counter stared at him.

  “I can handle hot,” he said. “Whatever’s going on outside is next level.”

  She giggled in response, a sweet feminine sound. He noticed her gaze roving down his body. He immediately patted himself down in response, feeling for an exposed weapon, but realized it was just because he was shirtless.

  He was used to the club whores chasing after him, but this girl looked nothing like them.

  “It’s terrible. I don’t have AC at home, so I’ve actually looked forward to coming into work this week. And trust me, that says a lot,” she said.

  He stepped closer, leaning against the counter. People didn’t usually talk to him, especially local women. He was used to being feared. The chitchat was somehow refreshing. There was something about this chick and her classic girl-next-door looks that pulled down his walls. She wore her hair in a thick ponytail. It had to be a good two feet long.

  Brick shook his thoughts away.

  “Sorry, I’m rambling. How can I help you?”

  “I don’t mind,” he said. “What’s your name, anyway?”

  She pointed to the badge on her shirt.

  He ran a hand down his face. “See, the heat is really getting to me. Nice to meet you, Callie.”

  She bit her bottom lip, and it was sexy as fuck.

  “I don’t think I’ve seen you around before. Do you live close by?”

  “Not too far,” he said.

  It was at that moment he realized she didn’t know he belonged to an MC. In her eyes, he was just another civilian. And he had no desire to fill her in on the truth.

  She leaned over the counter on her elbows and slipped him a card. He glanced at it briefly but was more entranced by the intensity of her blue eyes. She even smelled sweet, a subtle vanilla.

  “Don’t tell anyone in the yard, but it’s a family discount. You may as well get some use out of it.”

  He took the offering. “No family?”

  She shrugged. “Just me, but the boss doesn’t need to know that.”

  “Thank you, Callie.”

  After a cleansing breath, she grabbed a notepad. “Let me get your order before I keep you here all day.”

  Honestly, he didn’t mind. For the first time in a long time, he felt human. Back at the club, he was feared, idolized, sometimes hated. And he was dangerous. Addicted to violence.

  He slipped her Ally’s list.

  “A chicken coop? I’d love to have chickens, but I think my apartment complex would frown upon that.” She winked.

  “I guess so,” he said. “Hey, if we’re successful, I’ll be sure to bring you some fresh eggs.”

  “We? Are you married?”

  “No, no woman. I was talking about my brothers.”

  “A big family sounds fun.” She spoke while punching codes into her computer.

  He didn’t answer. No sense creating a web of lies when he could keep his mouth shut instead.

  Another staff member came in from the back, glancing over at him. Brick raised his chin, an unspoken challenge. He was always ready for a fight. But the guy only set a stack of purchase orde
rs down beside Callie.

  “Thanks, Jeff.”

  “You okay in here?” he asked. Brick wanted to tell him to fuck off.

  “Actually, this is a pretty big order. Can you get a new skid of 2x4s down with the forklift?”

  “Yeah. Sure.” He left the way he came, looking over his shoulder at Brick one more time before closing the door. Did he recognize him as a biker? Would he tell Callie?

  And when did he start giving a shit about what other people thought?

  “I think I have everything on your list.” She handed him back the paper from Ally. “If you pull your truck around back, the boys will load you up as soon as they pull down that wood.”

  “Thanks for your help.”

  “My pleasure,” she said.

  He shoved the list into the pocket of his jeans and left the building center. The entire time he waited around back, he kept thinking about the things he should have done and should have said to Callie. It was all he could think about. He barely focused on his surroundings until there was a knock on the side of his truck.

  Brick jerked in his seat. He hadn’t even noticed the guy inches from his face.

  “You’re all loaded,” said one of the yard hands.


  He started up the truck and began to ride out of the building lot. Brick had gotten what he came for, and now he could head home. This was what he wanted—short and sweet. Only he couldn’t pull out onto the road. Instead, he did a hard right turn, bringing him back to the front office.

  For a good five minutes, he sat there in the truck, trying to convince himself to forget about this town girl and move on with his life. She was nobody. He had no time for socializing outside of the club, and never had any desire to do so. Relationships with outsiders were frowned upon. Besides, once a girl like Callie knew exactly what he was, she’d run the other way and never look back.


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