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Strictly Business (Mixing Business With Pleasure Series Book 1)

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by Ace Gray

  Copyright © 2015 Ace Gray

  ISBN (Print) 978-1-68222-703-9 (Ebook) 978-1-68222-704-6

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either a product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locations, or persons—living or dead—is entirely coincidental.

  For all of you who listened

  over and over and over again

  for years now actually

  this wouldn’t exist without each and everyone of you

  I owe you a drink…




































  I thought long and hard about who to thank first. There are so very many amazing people who helped make this book a reality. I couldn’t put you in order if I tried, but since printed words are read from top to bottom, I had to try.

  In all fairness I think top billing has to go to my husband for tolerating the hunched figure furiously plinking at keys every. single. night. Not only has he understood when I’ve forgone all chores to furiously write, rewrite and edit pages, but he’s had unwavering faith that I’ll end up with more Google results than him. Fingers crossed he’s right. We’re going on one hell of a vacation if so.

  It was a very close toss up between the hubster and my parents. I wouldn’t be anywhere without them. This book wouldn’t be anywhere without them, either. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for fostering my imagination and allowing me to follow my dreams. For that—and a billion other things—I am truly grateful and exceptionally blessed.

  The real Laura, my booboo, I don’t know what I would do without you. The first draft of this entire series was written on your old-as-dirt laptop that’s missing the S key. (Do you know how hard it is to write an erotic scene without an S?) You are truly an inspiration, and not just for a character in a book. Thank you for showing me that soulmates come in all shapes and sizes, and have a variety of different purposes.

  Corinne, you are my guardian angel (and not just when it comes to this book). I don’t know how I got lucky enough for you to fall into my lap. You were the first person that I told what I was writing beside Laura. I blushed furiously. But you always encouraged, always asked, always cared. Hopefully my horoscope comes true—if you told the universe it’s happening, I’m quite sure it will.

  Jamie for believing in me and this book. You are one hell of a cheerleader and for that I’m incredibly grateful—I need it more than most. Both myself and my readers will always be grateful you advised cutting those 5,000 words, taught me how to use em dashes and answered the endless barrage of formatting questions. I can’t wait to return the favor for your beautiful book.

  Dana for reading it first and telling me I wasn’t crazy. Well not when it comes to writing anyway…

  Joanna for editing my work and wanting to edit more. One of these days we’ll eat at Shake Shack to toast such a perfect partnership.

  Kathryn for having the patience of a saint. On second thought, for having patience that would shame a saint.

  And the rest of you—like Kellogg, Stephanie, Briggs, Deanna, Lauren, Tom, Drew, Nicole, Shelby and most of the staff at a certain Portland brewpub—for not only listening to me yammer on about writing books, but asking the questions that get me talking. You guys are the ones that ALWAYS introduce me as an author. I’m one lucky SOB for having each and every one of you.

  Last but certainly not least, my readers. You guys are the bees! There’s really no other way to put it. I’d love to sit down, buy you a drink and chat—we’d be great friends, I already know it!!

  “Business is a combination of war and sport.”

  ~André Maurois


  Goddamn, Mondays really do suck.

  I’d worked all weekend and was able to accomplish more than I had hoped. But the workday today, with all my employees back in the office, had been a clusterfuck. Now I was on my way to a charity auction for inner city kids at my only friend’s request, and couldn’t work late to fix the mess. Other people made things complicated.

  “Rough day at the office?”

  Laura’s voice pulled me from my thoughts and back to the plush leather seats of the limo.

  “Today was a real son of a bitch,” I said as I sighed and slumped back.

  “Kate, language,” she scolded. “I thought you were working on that?”

  “You’re going to have to lay off the swearing and temper shit until my tech problems get resolved. I can’t take your nagging.”

  I loved her dearly. She was the only family I had left, but I was too busy and too preoccupied tonight to tolerate another lecture from Laura on charm or being a diminutive CEO.

  “Ah,” she nodded. “Nothing moving forward with your new device?”

  “No.” Not a single goddamnedfuckingshitty thing. I didn’t want to talk about it.

  “OK.” She shrugged as her hand ran aimlessly up and down her boyfriend’s thigh. Both Malik and Laura had heard enough about the development of my high tech line to last a lifetime. She gladly let it go.

  After a moment, even in the dim light of the backseat, Laura’s face noticeably brightened.

  “Hey, I got a chance to track down that profile they did on you in Forbes. The one I missed while I was in St. Barts. It was amazing, Kate.”

  I relaxed a tiny bit when she changed the subject. I was damn proud of that article.

  “Named your company the Manhattan business to watch.” Her smile widened. “At least they finally figured out how exceptional Vesper Fitness and Apparel is. You’ve been working far too hard, for far too long without any recognition.”

  “Being the number four athletic brand globally and breaking a billion in sales hardly qualifies as lack of recognition. Besides, I’ve only been at it for nine years.” A genuine, broad smile spread across my face as I thought about my growing empire, my achievements.

  “It’s been a long nine years,” Laura said under her breath, not meaning for me to hear.

  My face fell. I could have shot something bitchy back—and I certainly wanted to—but she was right. I’d sacrificed a lot over the years. Every relationship had suffered and Laura was always left to pick up the pieces. Not to mention the trainwreck I’d been after my parents.

  The limo went silent, all three of us unsure what to say. I tried to focus on Vesper, but Laura’s comment wouldn’t let me. It didn’t help that she was stroking Malik’s thigh while he whispered tenderly in her ear.

  I wasn’t able to maintain many romantic relationships. The power struggle was always too much. Nothing emasculates the New York man like a woman who is more successful. Even if they could somehow get past that, my time committed to Vesper was a second and very effective nail in the relationship coffin. The incessant checking of a BlackBerry wasn’t generally appreciated. My temper never did me any favors, either. The long line of mostly meaningless one-night stands I’d settled for wer
e simply a way to ease the ache between my thighs.

  I clenched my jaw at the memories and my shoulders crept toward my ears as we slowed at the curb. Tinted windows did little to dim the shimmer of flash bulbs outside and I tensed further.

  “It’s OK,” Laura said from across the seat. “You don’t need to get so worked up.”

  Malik would think I was anxious about the press—which I was—but Laura would know it was compounded by something else entirely. Hell, she was such a good friend she’d probably figured out I was dwelling on my relationship issues. I rolled my eyes, more at myself than anything. I needed to let go of this wicked case of the Mondays and act like the strong, intelligent, independent woman I was.

  In an effort to calm my spiraling mind, I smoothed the golden feathers of my dress against my thighs. Laura had said my outfit wasn’t classy enough, but I waved her off. Golden filigree Marchesa was plenty classy. It just wasn’t floor length, which was her real complaint. I liked to show off my long legs, and my killer Louboutins accentuated their slender muscle tone. My sleek, dark ponytail popped against the shimmering fabric and the gold in my hazel eyes became liquid when I wore metallics.

  Whether I was ready or not, it was our turn. The door opened next to me and I took a deep breath before planting my feet onto black carpet and forcing myself to smile. Posing and press lines were exhausting but expected now. With another deep breath I moved to center on the Step and Repeat for the Charter Foundation Gala, letting the golden feathers flounce around my thighs. The intricate beadwork and beautiful designer fabric made me more confident. Laura truly happy behind me made my smile widen as well.

  Maybe tonight won’t be so bad.

  I reached for champagne from a passing tray as I climbed the grand staircase and waited for Laura at the top. After all these years I still considered her my date, while her guys, as nice as they always were, became a third wheel.

  No wonder you’re chronically single.

  My thoughts had me slugging back the bubbles far too quickly; it was completely unintentional that I polished off my first flute in a matter of moments. As soon as Laura joined me we linked arms and started chatting, leaving Malik to socialize and view silent auction items alone. He shook his head and smiled as we walked away.

  The longer we mingled the more I noticed a tingle drifting across my skin and a buzz in my ears. The sensation was utterly foreign and I blamed the anxious energy of the room. But when it settled in my bones, I knew it was something else entirely.

  The electricity emanated from one man, one I was inexplicably drawn to. He filled out his black, bespoke tuxedo perfectly. It hugged every muscle it should and complimented his stormy gray-blue eyes. His hair was longer on top and shorter on the sides. The fashionable cut was styled so it waved back off his face. He had a strong jaw and his lips were a shape I ached to have pressed against mine. I couldn’t help but picture them grazing my cheek, lingering behind my ear, moving lightly across my neck, and working their way down…

  That is until I realized those lips belonged to none other than Nicholas Bryant.

  Bryant was in the papers everyday, whether for his vast business holdings, obscene wealth, or his model-like good looks. From what I’d read I gathered he was hot-tempered, controlling, demanding, and incredibly private. He always came across cold in photographs, but attractive nonetheless. In person, however, he was stunningly gorgeous and the way his eyes shifted was observant rather than calculating. He oozed sophistication and sex. There was no other way to say it—Nicholas Bryant was hot.

  “Now that’s an interesting face,” Laura noticed as she held out another glass of champagne.

  “It’s nothing,” I said, trying to wipe the smirk off my face. “Nothing at all.”

  I snatched the glass of bubbles and put it back far too quickly. Again. I didn’t need her to know I was already scheming ways to meet him.

  Laura saw through my act and laughed. “I’ve known you long enough to know you’re up to something. Just tell me what it is so I can watch from the sidelines.”

  “There’s a gentleman here I’d like to meet. He could be an asset to Vesper going forward.”

  “I’m not a moron. You’ve got your sights set on this one. He’s caught your eye in more ways than one.”

  She arched her eyebrow and pursed her lips. I stayed silent but when her hands shifted to her hips, I pointed across the room and she gasped. Of course she recognized him.

  “Kate, really? Nicholas Bryant?” Her eyes bugged. She was shocked enough to forgo her reprimand on the dangers of mixing business with pleasure.

  “It’s nothing to ruffle your feathers over. I just want to meet him. And don’t raise your voice at me.”

  I turned away before she could respond. To prove a point, she yelled, “Don’t do anything you’ll regret tomorrow!”

  Turning back with a smirk, I called, “Does Malik know you’re such a prude?” I wasn’t the least bit surprised when she flipped me off.

  I wove through the crowd, making small talk and shaking hands as I worked my way toward Mr. Bryant. There was a decent sized group surrounding him, but he was instantly aware of my presence. He twisted so his back sat firmly to the group and his gaze locked on mine. I couldn’t place the look on his face; I was too preoccupied with the brilliant blue swirling with dark gray in his eyes.

  Refusing to let his intensity unnerve me, I extended my hand. “Mr. Bryant, my name is Kate Elliott. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  “Ms. Elliott, the pleasure is all mine.”

  His voice was a gravely purr and his handshake firm. There were almost painful tingles radiating from where his skin touched mine and my nipples hardened under my dress. I couldn’t believe his immediate pull on me.

  Play it cool, play it cool, play it cool.

  “I’ve looked forward to meeting you,” I said with a smile.

  “I’m sure you have, he’s quite a catch.”

  A blonde appeared at his side, and I couldn’t help but arch my brow at her words.


  If I hadn’t been trying to impress Bryant I would have said as much. She raised her hand to adjust his bowtie, but in a single, firm gesture he grabbed her wrist and slid it back down to her side.

  “Ms. Elliott runs a very successful company in the city. I find myself with similar interests and have been looking forward to meeting her as well.”

  He was speaking to the blonde but his eyes hadn’t left mine. I tried not to show my surprise when he casually mentioned similar interests.

  “Well, fine! I’ll leave you two to talk about silly, boring work.”

  The blonde’s voice shot up a few octaves and she stormed off, no doubt hoping Bryant would follow. I was quite pleased when he didn’t. I smirked while Bryant grabbed a glass of champagne from a passing server. When he handed it to me, the slight brush of his hand set my skin on fire. Again. The reaction he could trigger in me was downright agitating.

  “What sort of interests are you referring to?” I tried to settle my body by reverting back to business.

  “We’re competitors, Ms. Elliott.”

  It took all I had not to spit the crisp champagne out at him. “Competitors, did you say? I wasn’t aware that Bryant Venture Group was interested in the fitness apparel business?”

  “We weren’t,” he sipped and smiled. “Until today. I finalized a deal to purchase Nectar Clothing around three this afternoon.”

  “I had a bid on that. You’re the one who stole it away.” My brow creased and I let my voice drop. “Suddenly, I’m not so pleased to meet you.”

  He leaned in close, too close for professional conversation. “Oh, but I think you are. I think you and I are going to be great friends.”

  His crooked smile pulled on his left cheek, and in that moment I found him painstakingly handsome. I had to clear my throat and take a sip of champagne to gather my thoughts.

  “I don’t make a habit of being friends with direct competition. Makes f
or strange bedfellows, if you ask me,” I said as I tried to step away.

  Somehow he’d snaked his arm around my body without me noticing. His palm pressed against the small of my back and kept me from stepping away. I broke. I couldn’t contain my body’s response any longer. I blushed crimson and his smirk expanded to a full-blown smile.

  He pulled me back in and whispered, “I’d like to be bedfellows. Very much.”

  His warm breath against my ear was enough to quicken my pulse. I completely forgot about the crowded room until a throat cleared behind him.

  “Bryant, do tell me where that delightful blonde you came in with ran off to. You must introduce me.”

  A portly, balding man who screamed money sidled up to us and effectively ended our exchange.

  “Barney,” Bryant growled, obviously displeased. “That was Mindy Fairchild and I’m not sure where she ran off to. Feel free to find her.”

  Barney was surprised at the obvious brush off. Bryant had angled himself protectively in front of me and only once Barney shifted and laid eyes on me did he redirect.

  “Ah, I see why I’m allowed to chase Mindy around. Who is this delectable morsel you’ve picked up? Trading up as usual?”

  He winked and moved to elbow Bryant, who sidestepped with perfect timing, causing the portly man to stumble slightly.

  “That is quite possibly the most vulgar thing to ever come out of your mouth, Barney.” Bryant’s voice was chilling. “This is Kate Elliott, owner and CEO of Vesper Fitness and Apparel. I think she deserves a bit more respect.”

  I blushed again when he came so vehemently to my defense.


  I wasn’t in control of my emotions around him and that scared me. And pissed me off. I managed to pull myself together long enough to scowl at this Barney character while he scampered for an apology and praised my reputation. He almost withered under Bryant’s glare. I decided it was best to remove myself from the situation all together before my arousal, temper, or something else got the better of me.

  “Mr. Bryant, if you’ll excuse me.”

  Bryant pried his icy glare from Barney long enough to look me over. If I wasn’t mistaken he appeared disappointed as he dropped his hand and let me go with a nod.


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